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1、权力腐败的避免与制约腐败作为一种影响和制约社会发展的国际性问题,成为全世界都在破解的一种难题。目前,国内的改革进入了一种机制、制度建设的新时代,我们党正肩负着振兴中华民族,将中国特色社会主义事业推向迈进的伟大历史使命。国际和国内改革开放的实践证明,如果不下决心加强反腐倡廉建设,不下大力气坚决遏止权力腐败,不下工夫铲除滋生多种悲观腐败现象的土壤,而是任凭腐败的权力膨胀,任凭腐败现象蔓延,将导致国内改革开放的失败,发展的夭折。因此,目前反腐败的重要任务之一,就是要剖析权力腐败存在的本源,进而研究如何避免和制约权力腐败。一、产生权力腐败的本源 任何社会问题的产生、存在和演变均有其深刻的社会、政治、经

2、济、文化的成因。权力腐败作为一种复杂的社会现象,其形成的因素是多方面的,是相称复杂的。避免与制约权力腐败,就必须一方面进一步全面地分析考察权力腐败现象存在的逻辑起点、历史因素和时代背景。 1.权力自身具有腐败的诱因。权力的两重性决定权力不仅受掌握权力的人自身世界观、人生观、价值观、道德品质、学识、才干的影响,并且权力的自然属性自身所决定的支配力、强制力、影响力、扩张性,对掌握权力的人也会产生很大的影响。它是一把双刃剑,既对人有锤炼意志、品质,提高能力,增强责任感、使命感的作用,也容易使掌握权力的人傲慢自负,狂妄自大,目空一切,唯我独尊,这是由权力自身的自然属性,即权力支配她人,强制她人的特殊性




6、、对人民的忠诚,以此软约束来保证权力掌握在人民手中。但这远没有在社会上形成一种廉政文化,我们的教育内容、教育手段、教育氛围与反腐倡廉的内在规定相差甚远。而硬约束的建立又不协调、不完善,导致了权力乱用的空间,使监控缺失。清正廉洁,权为民所用,还没有真正成为各级干部的座右铭。 二、加大力度避免与制约权力腐败 1.不断加大反腐倡廉建设,形成良好社会风气。胡锦涛总书记在中纪委第七次会议上指出:“必须进一步抓好反腐倡廉工作体制机制创新。”这就要抓好权力腐败的避免。首要的是在思想上遏止贪腐的动机,使之明辨是非。根据北欧,如芬兰、瑞典等被国际透明组织誉为“最廉洁的国家”的反腐败经验,大力开展反腐倡廉教育,形

7、成良好的社会道德风尚、社会价值观和良好的教育环境是非常重要的。由于权力腐败的本源就是信奉动摇,道德滑坡,世界观扭曲。要坚持从小学抓起,在全社会系统开展反腐倡廉教育。坚持把各级领导干部作为教育的重点,教育各级干部坚定共产主义信念,树立对的的世界观、人生观、价值观、权力观、地位观、利益观,切实做到为民务实清廉,使之形成一种社会文化。 采用有效措施,加强对权力运作的制约和监督。加强制约与监督是避免权力腐败的重要关口。目前,导致权力腐败的一种重要因素是权力过度集中。这就规定:一是对权力进行分解,使决策权、执行权、监督权相对独立,做到配备科学、程序严密、制约有效。二是发展民主,保障人民的选举权、知情权、

8、参与权、体现权和监督权,以权利制约权力。三是实行阳光工程。这就要建立健全信息公开制度,广泛实行政务公开、厂务公开和公共事业公开制度。环绕信息公开,要抓好信息公开载体建设,改善公开服务方式,创新公开服务体制,摸索建立公开民主监督的长效机制。 3大力推动民主政治建设,从源头上避免权力腐败。加强政治体制改革,推动民主政治建设是从源头上防治权力腐败的重要途径。一方面是深化干部人事制度改革,扩大民主,加快形成广纳人才、能上能下、公平公正,布满生机与活力的用人机制。使其自身能有效避免选人失真、带病提拔的现象,并能及时发现纠正选人用人中存在的问题。另一方面是充足发挥人民群众的参与监督作用,使选任的干部能体现

9、党和人民群众的意志意愿,将真正的人民公仆选拔到重要岗位上来,保证人民的权力掌握在忠于党、忠于人民的真正的马克思主义者手里,真心实意地为人民服务。 4.制约权力腐败的重点,是解决好一把手权力过大的问题。这就要坚持完善民主集中制,在领导体制中合理按层级划分权力。一是在领导层中科学配备和细化各个成员的权力,在一种班子中要做到集体决策,系统负责,做到决策、执行、监督三个环节互相制约。二是权力要按层级划分。什么层级掌握什么权力,既不能谁大谁说了算,也不能谁大谁就上下一把抓,人财物听命于一种人,各级副职主管成为俯首听命的随从;而应当是大权管决策、管制度,中权管贯彻,小权管具体,上、下级层级分明,领域清晰。


11、in anretrict hepowr o corrpion Corrpton aan tenatinalpolema cnstrints fecting ocialdvelpn, become a problellover tewrd in e crc. At prsent,hins rfom haentre mechais, a era of itution ulg, ourt ae soulern therevtalzat f he hnese nan, willus te gea caseo socilism withChinee chracterstic,th hisoical mi

12、ssio orward.Praticeo iterational addoestirefom ad peni to pov,inoesvetostrenthe anti-orrupion, no es resute great eorts to curb he corruton ofpoe, doot ke a efort to eradicte couptn t beeda vaiet o negatvesoil,ut depe he xpanion f he crruton f power,desptethspread of crrupio ll resuin theailue ofChi

13、 reform nening up, te deveopent f rematudeath Therefoe, the currt anti-corrutio o of the imortn asksi to nalyze th ro cases o te cruptnof powe exist, nd en stuy howto ve adrstrct the power corrupn.Firs, th root cause ofth power of corruptinAny socal probem, hereare caes pofod social, pitica, economi

14、c, nd culta evolutn are. Thecorruption of powera a omleocial enomenn, the reasons for is foation i mutifaced, quit mlx Prevenion adstictthepwerofcorptio, mustfirst exame the pes-depth andcompehenive analysiso the xisence of crrption n te ogicl tting ont for hisrial easonand backron. Teauthrty iself

15、has corrupincntives. Th dualiy of owr t determinnot nyby its o pwer th old, ife, lues, oraly, nowlede, in orde to inluenc thos in oe,an the domine th naturlroperiesof thpowers f the deii islf, frce, ifluece, dilatd on ose i pwerwil hav a uge mat. Iis oule edged swor, bohpeple aeto tmper the wil, qua

16、lty, nhance th abit t enancetroe of rponibilty ad misin, butlso eaytoae hos in ower arrognt conceited, aroant,arognt,conceit, t is by thepowe o it naturalattites, nmly ower oer others, oringothers prtiularyof the cisin. Therefr, the we cnmake peopl becom grt, obe, everyo admre,but loca me peop beome

17、 corpt, gnrat, veyone dspised.On the ocia attribesf ower, te pwer f natur ut also hs strong ersonity.Because he pole who areinowerhave motions, raope, they not only houeth public intet, bto ha its own intests. In a pl arket economy, f no efectily constrained powr,epower is kel to lose oversigteingse

18、, aus of powerofcpitalintthe ower o crrupton.It is le the eiteen century FrencEnlighenmet tner Montequieu aid, alpeopl htheowr toeasily buseof powe. h individ subjectiveeasons.Chia sa onth a hiory of severalhousand eas of eda tat, fdalsityworhip powe, eev n thepowrof te upremc othe soial mact o th s

19、titutiol environmnt hanrenced.Thre deade of reform and opig up, the mpat ofmrket eoomithoht, the impat f foreign decdndas, he egatveffectsof thmarket econoy; individulisic puruit ofpwe; a rih erial lie, te huma irit andhyical stimulaton; viu val uma temptation, alinterfenc seinth people wholertdly b

20、leve inthepele in the past, before anythieleand wory,fter orld a o stablshndimplemn e coet ousi.ecacrruton as for idvidas,amileso sallgroupsto ra beneis gined iteres,seeingte beneits o features, o ad en he nnceder chace of eng discovred, sh would be tempe; ifbiblare andsmal riks, sh abus o ts auhoiy

21、cano help utma colli act (obet Crete Grner:ontrl ocorrupion, trsate HUAHONG Centrl omilation and raslaon Pre, 1editn,p. 25).3 he system o institutional overih Intitutoadficines ofsoial transtn phas powercorrupt incesd eepseaed reasons elament r ystem social rnsforation perd, it is oftenth most loopo

22、le in thsystem,the m unsoundmaagement of th most unrdinated, mos imerfect eiod, tereoreimperfe developedlis and systms esign,notth, leaing spacefor thespad o beedin corruption of powso tat thee ae loophleAt present, hina ia deep econicsyste eform, chs inthe dpthof e scial tucture, the pttern ofntees

23、ts profond jstmen, profondhngesin te horyofideaerio. Economc gowthead ocial tansforation adinstitutinl cha, nd te cnversisym, h ystem hs a shfti th gadul proces, cobnd wth anothe lng lagged behd in enomic developent, t objctive fontibtthe expanon nte pansion of ower, utority and sprvisioof urin syst

24、em the cannt kep oig, llicras he hne oforrtion ofpower. Lack ooweroitorinAlhoh ere s beeding ground fo th rerld of powed coruptn of ol condts,but pwitself dosnot sponanously enate rrtion, only osewen suervison, owerwil corrupt sevices.In the past ereist uptn,emphasig the ideolgialedcaion,by peoes id

25、ological coscounes,morl chace anth pa nd th oyaty of te peope, in rder o ensu a softcontait porrests in the hans te people.ut ti isfrfrom te formati o onest cutue isocy, u ducationnten, eucatoal ethos, educaionl eioment at inhernt reqirmnts o anti-rioar. e had constints esabliedwihut cordia,mprct, e

26、sultig i the power f te indisimnt e o spc, so hatthe mntrng is missing. Cleanand onest,rght ofhe people,have no reallybcthmott f cdres t al levls.ecod, greaereffrts to peen and rsricthe owe of crrupion1 incresing antiorrptiod reae a ood ocil atosphere.Presdent HuJito at hsevenhmeetg f the omisio sai

27、: mt fuhertrethen anticorrption ok of instiuionl nnovatio. ts necessar ograp the ower ofcorrution ntion.ist a formstis ocub coption inhe ideolical motiain tmaketghtn wrg.cdin to Nternrpe, such Finland, Swede, rganized y Trasparency Inernational aste mstcorupt counr, he ti-corupioexperence, vigrously

28、 crout t-corrupton duction, godsocial oai, ocialaluesnd good eduaionalvironment is veryiporant . Becausecorruption is e root thepwer of fith shaken, moradecline,distotd ew fthe wd.To der to he colstr, launch antiorruptondction system in th holesiety Adhere to te leadi cadresat all es o euaion the ou

29、s of education cadre ata lels f thefrm belie n comu, t establish a corect utloo n life,values,owe, tat,nd intrests, admakurht pagatic hest peope, and makeit a sca nd cuura.2. take effctve measures to strengn thpoes f ontrolanduperiioof theoperion.Strengthe ceks and spervsi is impotant topret he crri

30、n f oe mark. Curently,an ipotant aue ofe corutono poer s excesse cncentati ofpower. his rer: Frt, he power o dcompe, ecision-aking, enfoement n orgh owrs are retvely indeendet, o thatthe confguraion of science, gorousprocedues d effctive rstaint. Thecdis th develpnt o derac, rteio fhe right t ot,the

31、 righ tonfortio, paricipaio, expssi n sprvisin rihts o hepele, n orr orsictthe perofthegtTird, the iplentton of theunshin roject I is necsary toesalish and imrvthe inforatin dicloure systm, he wdpread pratie of transparency inovernmentdpubic uilities syse. Arn inforain iloe,infrmaiodcoure should bea

32、c on tecarier nstruion, mprve pblic servce,inon an licservice ystem, to exploe the eablishmen ofan n ad dmocatic spervison oflong-m mechaism.3. vigorousypromt th constrcton of demcracyand prvt rrpon rom th sourco pwr Strngthenpiticalrefrm, romoting democrcybilgis a importat paht peeninof corruption

33、frm te sourceo pwe. e ist is to deep the reformof ersonl syte,epand democray, acceerate te fration recrit tal, promte or motd, fair,ull ofvior and vitlityof the employment mechansm. t a effetivey prevent te seletontsl isdistorte, sickprmoed homno, aca ind te crrecselection a appointmenf the existng

34、obems olowdy ul particpato in tesupervisory rle of the mas,o tat elde t reflct the wil of the wihes of the paty a th eop,htue sernt of te peolepromoted to mpotant pot up, ensure h th wer ies i theplelyl to th prtypope inhe ra Marxsthands, serve th pple wholeeartedy.restrict te powers o corrption ill

35、 ocus osolin h poblem of excesse nmb onepower. I s ncesar toadher to imro democrac centrlism,hledersip system i a rasonabe division f powers yte iarhy. Firs, thecofiguaion n eadeship isnc ndefne powerof eachmemerofeteam hould be donencolecte dciion-min sytem is resonsble,so hatdsion-mking, impemnati

36、on,moitoi h specs uul res. Second, accodingto the hierrchyof pwrdivsio.Wht lvel grasp what pwersho ner lrge ho is in care, o ho wie dwn and grabbed a large,man, fanialordrsrom man,depty gr at leelso becom ubserventoer; but it shd behedecion-maing wr tube, pipe syste , inposseson plement specific sma

37、ll posseson, on the lwer leelocler, clear te field hir, he xercise powr acordin tothe progam, the implementationof ope nd far, to acept the rty, th e and ublc opinion. effosto bild a stt-wne nerise corrpio prevention an corl of power ystems importartof se-owne tepiss the fdatioo sociait ecnomy,istop

38、roo the caue f socalism wt Chinee characrisics, he minfore is corptrosio mprant gol, be n imprant atorruntakTo met he needs of stae-we ssetssuperviion ad refor,and contantlyiprove the systemf t-owedasetssuprviin,eciion-makin,inetment an sgnfcntroety dame, theimplementato inernal diaccountabily; cont

39、inue to impve corporegovanc srctr,decisi-makin,implementation, survso nd chec ad balancesbewenth three pwers; to t stri the huma,financial, a aterial owe f the rponsbl person; reslutely peventa dmantpoer large ripleto mpement llectiv reserh, invesmet, deision-making, proerty trnsctons, inanilmaagmn, mterl prourmnt projec biding and other itern ad exeral ull impementaion oss,al aspects f oniing,lack ofsyems to pvt corruptio caused b per

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