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1、外语系英文简历模板e team tournament for the firstHobby characterLove to the library reading historyLoving concern current eventsLike singing, chess,exercise注意英文简历中的细节1.Spelling mistakes:If a recruiterspots typoson your rsum, she will assume that you dont pay attention to detail and you can possibly be carele

2、ss, which isnt a very attractive trait for a job candidate. Keep reviewing your rsum for errors and ask at least three people to review it and give you feedback.拼写错误:如果招聘官在你的简历上发现拼写错误,她会认为你不是个注重细节的人,做事可能会粗心大意。这将对应聘者产生负面影响。你需要经常检查简历中有没有类似错误,至少要让三个人看简历并给出评价。2. The wrong file name: Your recruiter will

3、pay attention to this simple detail so include your name when youre naming the file. This helps hiring managers better sort through the mountain of résumés.错误的简历命名:招聘官会注意这个小细节,所以最好在命名简历时加上你的姓名。这会方便招聘经理在成千上万份简历中找到你的那份。3.Tacky email: Make sure youre using an email address thats professio

4、nal. If you dont have one thats appropriate, create one. Also if youre still at your current job, dont list your work email.用不合适的邮箱发简历:你应该要用比较正式的邮箱发简历。如果还没有这类邮箱的话,快去申请一个。另外,如果你现在已经入职,最好不要用工作邮箱发简历。4.Résumé gaps: Gaps in employment are obviously noticeable, but dont fret too much about i

5、t because its almost the norm in this economy. List what youve been doing on your time off if the activities are relevant to the position.工作空窗期:这点在简历中会很容易被发现,但是别太过在意,在如今的经济形势下有这种情况是很正常的。如果你在空窗期内参加过什么与目标职位有关的活动,可以把它们写在简历上。5.Irrelevant information: Having unnecessary information thats not related to t

6、he job is a waste of time for your hiring manager. Dont overshare; pick the right succinct sentences to showcase the skills that will be valuable in the position.不相关的信息:在简历上写与目标职位不相关的经历是在浪费招聘经理的时间。不要写太多信息;用简洁正确的语句写下对目标职位有用的技能。6.Job hopping: Going through too many jobs in a short period can be a red

7、flag for an employer. If youre going to include the short-term positions, be very clear about the big contributions you have made toward the company, so the recruiter will see that you have added value to all your previous jobs even if they were of varying lengths.跳槽过多:在短时间内做很多份工作并不招上司喜欢。如果你想在简历中写就职时间较短的工作,一定要写在这段时间里你为公司做出的巨大贡献,这样即使就职不长,招聘官也会看到你为前公司带来的价值。

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