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1、Translation of Texts Teaching Plan Teaching Contents: 1. An introduction to the characteristics of Chinese text and English text 2. Structural Comparison of C-paragraphs and E- paragraphs 3. Cohesion techniques in one paragraph: replacement and repetition, omission, transition methods, logic relatio

2、nship, time relationship, space Relationship 4. Cohesion techniques in one text: replacement and repetition, omission, transition methods, logic relationship, time relationship, space Relationship Teaching Plan Teaching Aims: To make students get the general idea about the characteristics of Chinese

3、 text and English text To make students know how to choose right cohesion techniques in one paragraph or in one text in translation Teaching Focus: The cohesion techniques in a paragraph The cohesion techniques in a text Teaching Methods: teacher-oriented lecturing Discussion (group work, then class

4、 work) Teaching Approaches: Multi-media aided. Teaching Procedures: I. Chinese Text vs. English Text English text: 开门见山,直奔主题 章法: introduction body conclusion Chinese text: 迂回曲折,委婉含蓄。 章法:起承转合 What is TEXT? 篇章( text)是表达整体概念的语义单位。 篇章是语言在交际中,特别是在书面交际 中的对象和理想单位。它不只是一连串句 子和段落的集合,而是一个结构完整、功 能明确的语义统一体。(陈宏薇)

5、 篇章翻译是指高于句子层次或句以上的语 言单位的翻译。(王治奎) 语篇指不完全受句子语法约束的在一定语境下表示完 整意义的自然语言。它具有形式和逻辑的一致性。语 篇并非是互不关联的句子的简单堆积,而是一些意义 相联系的句子为达到一定交际亩的,通过各种衔接手 段而实现的有机结合。因此语篇衔接手段自然成为篇 章研究的重要对象之一。 衔接性 和 连贯性 是篇章最重要的特征。衔接和连贯是 当前 篇章语言学( textual linguistics) 和 话语分析 (discourse analysis)研究的重点和热点。 II. Structural Comparison of C- paragrap

6、hs and E-paragraphs E-paragraphs Key Sentence By Example By Contrast By Cause and Effect 例证方式展开 Many examples of a connection between “right” and “straight” can be found. In Mexican Spanish you indicate straight (ahead) by saying “right right”; in Black American English, “right on” is an expression

7、of approval, often for a sentiment eloquently or deftly phrased. “Straight” meaning conventional, “correct” or “proper” is a commonplace in colloquial English today. In Russian, right is “prava”, a cognate of “pravda”, which means “true”. And in many languages “true” has the additional meaning of “s

8、traight” or “accurate”, as in “his aim was true”. Structural Comparison of C- paragraphs and E-paragraphs C-paragraphs 主题句不明显 段尾可引出新主题 英汉语篇在结构形态和逻辑关系上相似 时,一般可以采用“临摹”的办法,按 照源语的发展思路,在译语种复制或基 本照搬源语行文的建构方式。这种方法 称作 “逻辑顺组” ( logic copying) 。 由于汉英在语言结构,语篇衔接模式, 逻辑层次等方面存在广泛的差异,汉译 互译时往往需要进行 “逻辑重组” (logic resh

9、uffling) 现在的写作已不再是一些专门家的事情,而是越来越社 会化、生活化,这当然很好。 “ 作家 ” 如今更多地被赋 予职业的意义,它标明的仅仅是一个职业而已。只要是 写了一点作品、或者有这个努力和爱好的,都被他视和 自视为 “ 作家 ” 。与其他行当和职业不同,如从来没有 把股长或科长厅长说成是政治家,也没有把一个在部队 干的人叫成军事家。作家在职业的意义上被如此轻浮地 界定,事出有因。所以现在,妓女、商人、政客、主持 人、艺人、杀人犯、道德家,无论各行各业的人都可以 因为自己的理由去写作,并产生卖点,成为 “ 名作家 ” 。 从商品社会里看,这很正常。美国一个杀人犯,出来后 把杀人

10、的过程写出来,畅销并已致富。原来此刻一切都 是为了卖,能卖即是成功。 张炜:精神的背景 消费时代的写作和出版 年月在烟台出版咨询年会上的发言 II. Structural Comparison of C- text and E-text E-text 主题 -段落 (层层递进;直线展 开) C-text: 不同层面,同一论点, (螺旋形上升) English Text Intercultural communication is an interdisciplinary field of study which incorporates research from disciplines su

11、ch as social psychology, sociology, cultural anthropology, socio-linguistics, and, of course, communication. One of the most important areas of research addressed by intercultural scholars is how misunderstandings can be minimized when people communicate with others from different cultures. First, c

12、ontext is very important to understanding intercultural communication. There are two ways individuals use context in communication: one is low-context and the other is high-context. Low-context communication is like a computer program; everything must be specified in the coded message or the compute

13、r program will not run. In a low-context culture like the United States, individuals must express themselves as explicitly as possible for effective communication to occur. high-context communication, in contrast, is like communication between twins who were raised together. Twins intuitively unders

14、tand each other and use shortened sentences and words when they talk. Chinese version 不同文化之间的交流是一门跨学科的研 究科目,它综合研究社会心理学、社会学、 人文人类学、社会语言学以及传播学等学科。 研究不同文化之间交流的学问,最重要的研 究课题之一就是不同文化背景的人交往的时 候,如何尽可能减少误解。 首先,了解背景情况对不同文化之间的 交流非常重要。人与人之间的交往有两种情 况:一种是外向的,另一种是含蓄的。 Chinese version 外向的就象是计算机的程序,一切都按照编好 的程序进行,否则就

15、运转不了。美国的文化是 外向型的,美国人表达自己思想的时候尽可能 简单明了,以有利于传播或交流。与此相反的 是同含蓄的人交流,这种交流就象是在一起的 孪生兄弟姐妹之间的交往。因为他们心领神会, 谈话时只需简短的句子和言词。 Chinese text 近二十年来,随着世界的窗口日益打开,各种熏风长 驱直入。成长在五四之后的几代人没有国学根柢,在 激烈的吹摇下很容易连根拔脱。整整几代人进入了精 神游移期,他们已没有方位感,没有立足点。如果说 五四以后接受了一些西方文化,那也仅是只鳞片爪, 更谈不上什么根基。我们知道西方的基督教文化是同 样丰厚的、西方文明的资源也是同样复杂的。就是说, 五四以后,在

16、文化上我们两头都不着边际,无论是西 方的还是中国传统的,整整一代或两代人都所知甚少。 这里真正是割裂的一代、断开的一代。 Chinese text 我们既无力判断自己漫长的历史,也无力判断这短短 的二十年。因为我们没有自己的文化标准,只能怀疑一 切,否定一切,同时又向往一切。盲从将是不可避免的。 在这几十年里,精神的发展和演变缺乏一个循序渐进的 过程,这是在其他民族其他时期很难找到的一个现象。 特别是这二十年来,我们有过多少莽撞的否定、没有根 据的怀疑,以及莫名其妙的向往。我们完全没有建立起 自己的传统和标准,没有一个前进的轨迹,更没有一个 过程。最起码有两代人,好像一下子就给推到荒漠里去 了

17、,精神的自我生存能力和更新能力都很差。 所以我们只能彷徨。既然没有基础、没有方位、没 有立场,那么我们还能到哪里去? -张炜 III. Cohesion and coherence (衔接与连 贯 ) in one paragraph 衔接 是篇章的有形网络 连贯 是篇章的无形网络。 Cohesive ties 衔接手段 Cohesion markers 连贯标记 Halliday it expresses a sense of history by using specific modern artistic vocabulary. 稍稍能安慰我们的,是在 那 石上有一个不大不小的坑 凹儿,

18、雨天就盛满了水。(贾平凹 丑石 ) The only thing that had interested us in the ugly stone was a little pit on top of it, which is filled with water on rainy days. 这种 力, 是一般人看不见的生命力,只要生命存在, 这种力 就要显现 ( 夏衍 野草 ) It is an invisible force of life. So long as there is life, the force will show itself. 比较照应 比较照应指通过形容词和副词的比

19、较等级形式 以及其它一些有 比较意义 的词语(如 same, so, as, such, differently, other, otherwise 等)表 示的照应关系。 比较照应在语篇中起上下承接的作用。 因为 任何比较至少要涉及两个实体或事态,语篇中 如果有表达比较意义的词语出现, 会话参与者 或读者便会在上下文中寻找与其构成比较关系 的其它词语。 比较照应的语篇衔接功能就是 这样发挥作用的。 例 1: Tom gets ten dollars a week for pocket money, and Bob receives a similar amount. 例 2: 天空中积满了灰

20、色的云块,呆滞滞 的不动。 他脸上的气色和天空 差不 多 。 那蹲着的黑影 一面抱怨这天气:“真冷 呀, 先生,你说是不是?”看见他并不是 个讨厌的老头子,便高兴地说道:“乡下怕 更 要冷些吧?” (艾芜 冬夜 ) “ Its really cold here, “ he complained. “what do you think, sir?” Seeing that he was not too nasty an old man, I readily responded: “It must be colder in the country, Im afraid.” 零式指称( zero a

21、naphora) 零式指称的基本概念是在语篇中本该出现 的指称词被省略了。 汉语使用零式指称远比英语多;汉语的零 式指称不受句法限制。( Li the most beautiful spot on campus is our cafeteria. Look! The window panes are so clean that you scarcely notice there is glass in the ” He paused, (刘士聪 Western Humor) 1. 语境意识 还是从火车上说起吧! 大约在我四岁多的时 候,我坐过火车。当时带我坐火车的人,是我 的舅舅,叫张全斌。

22、Lets begin with the train. Lets start from the train. Lets begin from the time when I was on the train. 应该译为: Let me begin with my trip on the train. 2.文化意识 我现在对我 原来的父母 还有个模糊不清的印 象 关于我个人的 历史情况 ,我就知道这一些, 再多一点都记不起来了。 (My parents ) (This is what I know about my childhood and beyond that I do not rememb

23、er much else.) 杭州六合塔和西安大雁塔 (Six Harmonies Pagoda; Big Wild Goose Pagoda) 北海公园白塔是藏式佛塔,即喇嘛塔 ( White Pagoba) II. 结构衔接 结构衔接指信息结构之间的衔接, 可通过主位述位结构或 替代、 省略、对偶、排比、对照、顶针、 回环、层递、反复 等修辞格实现。 替代 替代指用替代形式( pro-form) 去替代上下文出现的词语。它的 语义要从所替代的成分去索引。 Halliday 和 Hasan把替代分成三 类, 即 名词性替代,动词性替 代 和 从句性替代 。 名词替代 我能看看那条围巾吗? 可

24、以。哪一条? 红的 还是 黑的 ? May I have a look at that scarf? Yes. Which one? The red or the black one? 瞧那晚霞,我没见过比这更红的了。 Look at the sunset glow. I have never seen a redder one than that. 那声声燃放的鞭炮是 辞旧迎新 的欢呼。 新世纪的新年,就在这欢跃的气氛中, 一下子走近了。 The exploding firecrackers bid farewell to the passing year and cheered for t

25、he coming of a new one. The centennial New Year is just around the corner clothed in the delightful mood. 动词替代 She sings better than she did last year. John drinks a lot. Does his brother do so? 谁原意和我们一起打篮球? 我不 干 。 Whod like to play basketball with us? No, I wont. 关于汉语的动词性替代,王力认为“这么着”具有替 代功能,赵元任这认为汉

26、语中最常见的替代动词为 “来”。 黛玉 便说道:“你既这么说,为什么我去了你不 叫丫头开门呢?” 宝玉诧异道:“这话从哪里说起?我要是 这么着 立刻 就死了。” “你画的不像,等我 来 。” 子句替代 他们总是把房间搞得乱七八糟。你怎么也 这样 呢? Theyve always made a mess of the room. Why have you, too? 省略 我想买一套家具。 买大连出的(家具)吧! I want to buy a set of furniture. Buy one (set of furniture ) made in Dalian. 我们到那儿去春游? (我们)

27、到云台山(去春游) Where shall we go for a spring outing? (Well go to) Yuntai Mountain ( for a spring outing) 你决定了毕业后去西藏工作吗? 当然!(我决定了毕业后去西藏工作。) Have you made up your mind to work in Tibet after graduation? Sure! (I have made up your mind to work in Tibet after graduation.) 工业园区土地使用权转让的成本价目前为每亩 16万人民币,年内,对符合国

28、家产业导向,规 模大、科技含量高的外商投资项目,按照每 100万 美元 用 10亩土地的比例,给予特殊价格 优惠,其中注册资本在 100万 美元 到 300万 美 元 的,每亩地价为 8万元人民币 ; 300万 美元 到 500万 美元 的,每亩地价为 7万元人民币 ; 500 万到 1000万 美元 的,每亩地价为 6万元人民币 ; 1000万 美元 以上的每亩地价为 5万元人民币 。 Currently the cost of land use transfer in the Zone is charged at the ratio of 160 thousand yuan per Chi

29、nese mu, whereas before the end of the year, the price will be lowered down to 1 million US dollars every 10 mu for those large and technology-intensive foreign projects that are run in compliance with the industrial orientation of the country. As regards those conglomerates with a registered capita

30、l ranging from 1 million () to 3 million US dollars, the price is 80 thousand yuan per mu, () 70 thousand yuan for those with that from 3 million () to 5 million (), 60 thousand () for those from 5 to 10 million () and 50 thousand () for those over 10 million(). 以往过年都是打发小孩一点钱,现在可不这样了。 In the past, t

31、hey would dismiss the kids with some money as a gift for the lunar New Year, but not () nowadays. 外商在开发区的投资越来越多,进出口贸易也随之增加。 Foreign investment are on the rise in the Empowerment Zone, so are imports and exports. 去年有 50个社区获“文明社区” 称号,今年又将有 20个 社区获此殊荣。 Last year 50 communities were named as “civilized

32、community”; this year, 20 more () will be given the title. 修辞手段 虚心使人进步,骄傲使人落后。 (对偶) Modesty helps one to go forward, whereas conceit makes one lag behind. 燕子去了,有再来的时候;杨柳枯了,有再青的时候; 桃花谢了,有再开的时候。但是,聪明的,你告诉我, 我们的日子为什么一去不复返呢? (排比 ) Swallows fly away, yet return; willows wither, yet burgeon again; peach-b

33、lossom fades, yet blooms afresh. But tell me, you who are wise, why do our days depart never to return? 大红花一朵朵全被拉长了,这时是泼刺奔进的 红锦 带 。 带 织入 狗 中, 狗 织入 白云 中。 白云 织 入村女中 (顶针) Each of the great crimson flowers stretched out now into rippling red silk belts. The belts interwove with the dogs, the dogs with t

34、he white clouds, and the white clouds with the country girls. 鲁迅 好的故事 回环( palindrome) 回环又称回文,“是利用相同的词汇,造成词序回环 往复的语句,表现两种事物或情理的相互依存或相互 排斥的辨证关系。” 我为人人,人人为我。 人不犯我,我不犯人。 常相知才能不相疑,不相疑才能常相知。 路人行上行人路,居士隐留隐士居。 雾锁山头山锁雾, 天连水尾水连天。 雁飞平顶山,山顶平飞雁;僧游云隐寺,寺隐云游僧。 No X in Nixon. You can cage a swallow, cant you? But yo

35、u cant swallow a cage, can you? Wont lovers revolt now? Poor Dan is in a droop. Niagara, O roar again! Live not on evil! Step on no pets. Name no one man. Nurses run. Able was I ere I saw Elba. Ma is as selfless as I am. 层递( climax) 、反复 ( repetition) 一年,两年,三年 , 你的望眼将穿, 一年,两年,三年 ,我的归心似箭。 Year in year

36、 out youve been looking forward with eager expectation to my home-coming; year in year out Ive been looking forward with great anxiety to returning home. 蒋光慈 写给母亲 李定坤译 登鹳雀楼 白日依山尽 , 黄河入海流。 欲穷千里目,更上一层楼。 Mounting the Stork Tower The white sun sets behind the mountains, The Yellow River flows into the s

37、ea. Go further up one flight of stairs, And youll widen your view a thousand li. 连接关系 “Conjunctive elements are cohesive not in themselves but indirectly, by virtue of their specific meanings; they are not primarily devices for reaching out into the proceeding (or following) text, but they express c

38、ertain meanings which presupposes the presence of other elements in the discourse.” (Halliday first of all, to begin with, then, last , in conclusion, last of all, to conclude 表示举例、解释: for example, for instance, that is, namely, to illustrate 表示总结: in short, to sum up, in conclusion, briefly, on the

39、 whole, to conclude, to summarize 本人在香港创业二十余年,历尽 艰辛,虽在事业上略有成就,但 也饱尝人世间的风风雨雨。每次 回乡总是得到家乡各级领导的热 情接待,心头总有一种温馨的感 受,一种到家的感觉。 It has been more than 20 years since I started my career in Hong Kong, where I have weathered through various hardships . My modest achievements in business also go along with mult

40、itudinous pains and tears. As a result, every time when I return to my hometown, where I am given warm receptions by the local government leaders, my heart will be over flown with tenderness and affection, for it gives me a feeling of home. 忙到除夕夜才松口气。全家团圆,坐下 来吃“年夜饭”。 All the preparations are not com

41、pleted until the lunar New Years Eve, when all the family members sit down around the table to enjoy the “New Years Eve dinner.” 我喜欢看小孩子追逐着旋转的 火焰,心里重温起少年的愉悦。 I love gazing upon kids chasing the spinning fireworks as it reminds me of my teenage glees. 在生活越来越富足的今天,越来越多的长辈选择“压 岁书”作为送给孩子们的过年礼物。 连日来市里各大

42、书店门庭若市,少儿类图书的销售量直线上升。 Today with more and more people living a better-off life, seniors in the family would give books to the children as a lunar New Year gift. As a result, in the past few days, people have beating a path to the big bookstores in the city and sales volumes for various childrens boo

43、ks have increased by large margins. 许多人因此学会了用手势表达简单的日常用语, 现在如果有手持纸条的聋哑人前来乘车,问讯 处的同志能用哑语回答。 Many staff members have thus learned to put simple daily exchanges into gestures. People working at the information desk, for example, are able to use the languages to answer inquires from those deaf-mutes who

44、 still have slips of paper clutched in their hands. 为此,本市将继续以集装箱运输为主攻 方向,开发穿山、大榭和梅山深水岸线。 To accomplish the goal, the city will continue to concentrate its efforts on developing its container shipment and at the same time open up a deep-water shipment route connecting Chuanshan, Daxie and Meishan. 1.

45、 Replacement and Repetition 汉语 : 重重复 (段 落层面 ) 重复 : 相同的词语 汉译英 : 重复 替代 英语 : 重替代 (段落 层面 ) 替代 : 代词 , 同义词 , 近义词 ,代替句型 英译汉 : 替代 重复 English Example I first heard this story in India, where it is told as if truethough any naturalist would know it could not be. Later I learned that a magazine version of it a

46、ppeared shortly before the First World War. This account, and its author, I have never been able to track down. Chinese Example 阿米許人也被稱為”大地的子民”將大部份的土地用 來耕種 ,遵照上帝要求他子民的信仰成為 萬物天地的 看守者 , 阿米許人不把耕種當作是財富而視為替上帝 作事 , 阿米許人相信經由播種、耕耘及收獲的循環 ,能 學習到紀律、認真工作及管理的基本原則 .很重要的是 在自然的因素下往往會使人們在豐收的過程中學習到 謙卑 ,更會使人在上帝及大自然的面前

47、更顯微小 ,對許多 阿米許人來 說 農田能帶給 每 一個家庭 溫 飽與穩定 ,每 一 代的農人都必須認真耕耘這塊土地留給下一代的人 . Amish society III. 词汇衔接 词汇衔接指通过词的重复、同义、反义、上下 义、互补、同现等词汇间的语义关系来实现语 篇连贯。 运用这些词可以产生很强的粘合力,形成一张 “词汇网” (lexicon network), 赋予语篇连贯性。 分为两大类: 1. 复现 (reiteration) 2. 同现 (collocation) 1. 复现(同词重复或异词重复) 1) 原词复现 2) 同义词或近义词复现 ( synonyms poets witt

48、y; the mathematics subtle; natural philosophy deep; moral grave; logic and rhetoric able to contend. 2. A man may usually be known by the books he reads as well as by the company he keeps; for there is a companionship of books as well as of men; and one should always live in the best company, whethe

49、r it be of books or of men Chinese Version 1。读史使人明智,读诗使人灵秀,数学使人 周密,科学使人深刻,伦理学使人庄重,逻辑 修辞之学使人善辨。 2。要了解一个人,可以看他交什么样的朋友, 可以看他看什么样的书,因为有的人跟人交朋 友,有的人跟书交朋友,但不管跟人交朋友还 是跟书交朋友,都应该教好朋友。 C-E Translation 3. 漫步山间时, 听得四处竹林间的淙淙泉 声,众多的细泉汇成一条狭长而深邃的小溪, 顺山势而下,及至悬崖处,猛然跌落二三丈, 形成一瀑布,水珠飞溅,凉透肌肤。 4. 所以每每在大雪中的黄昏里, 围着暖炉, 围着祖父,

50、听着祖父读着诗篇,看着祖父读着 诗篇时微红的嘴唇。 English Version 3. Strolling along the path, you can hear springs singing everywhere in the bamboo forest. A number of little springs assemble into a narrow but deep little river, which runs along the mountainside. When it meets a small cliff, it falls down eight or nine me

51、tres, forming a thin water curtain. The cool drops fly about and splash over your skin. English Version 4. On snowy evenings, we children often sat around the heating stove by grandpa, listening to him reading poems and watching his busy ruddy lips. Transition methods: transition words or transition

52、 phrases 衔接手段 逻辑关系 时间关系 空间关系 Logic Relationship 1. 先后或列举: first, second; in the second place; nest/then; for one thingfor another; furthermore/moreover/in addition/ besides;finally/last; and等。 2. 因果: consequently/ as a result/ hence/ accordingly/ thus/so/therefore; because/since/for等。 3.特例或举例: in pa

53、rticular; specifically; for instance/ for example; that is /namely等。 Logic Relationship 4. 引出结论: in conclusion/finally/all in all/ to sum up; evidently/ clearly/ actually; of course等。 5. But/however/yet/nevertheless; on the contrary; on the other hand; neithernor 等。 Time Relationship 1. 表示频率: freque

54、ntly/often; occasionally/ now and then; day after day; again and again等。 2. 表示阶段: during; briefly; for a long time; for many years等。 3. 表某一时刻: then/ at that time/ in those days; last Sunday; next Christmas; in 2005; at the beginning go Sep; at six oclock; two months ago等。 4. 表示开端: at first/ in the b

55、eginning; before then; in the preceding weeks等。 5. 表示其间: in the meantime/ while this was going on/ meanwhile/ as it was happening/ at the same time/ simultaneously等。 6. 表示结束: eventually/ finally/ at last/ in the end 等。 Space Relationship 1. 表示近: close to/near; next to/ alongside / adjacent to; facin

56、g等。 2. 表示远: in the distance/ far/ beyond/ away/ on the far side; there等。 3. 表示方向: up; down; forward(s); backward(s); sideways; along; across; to the left/right; in front of/ behind; above/ below; inside/outside等。 例句 1. 康德特别喜欢聊天 , 主要是喜欢别人听自己聊 , 不喜 欢有人插话或诘问 , 否则就会满脸不高兴 . 不过 , 康德总 是聊得大家兴趣盎然 , 所以听他一个人聊谁

57、都没意见 . Kant was fond of talking, but preferred to talk alone, and if interrupted or contradicted was apt to show displeasure; his conversation, however, was so agreeable that none minded if he monopolized it. 2. As I began to explain my ideas, he asked me to write the equations on the blackboard so

58、he could see how they developed. Then came the staggeringand altogether endearingrequest: “Please go slowly. I do not understand things quickly.” This from Einstein! He said it gently, and I laughed. From then on, all vestiges of fear were gone. 3. 女人发号施令的手段很高明 , 用的都是口气柔和的 祁使句 . 但不管怎样 , 事无巨细都要男人效劳总是

59、很不 应该的 . 他对妻子总是百依百顺 , 我从未听到他又过什 么不耐烦的表示 , 而且 , 我听得出来 , 他极其恭顺而温 存 , 仿佛这么奴仆般地被老婆支使的团团转是一种享 受似的 . 于是我猜测 : 他的妻子很漂亮 , 因为大凡漂亮 的女人都颇有些自命不凡 , 总把自己当作个高贵的公 主 . 4. 谁能否认海的伟大呢?我爱海,并不仅仅因为他的 颜色美丽,和藏在海底那有趣的玩意儿,而是爱她的 胸襟广阔,化污秽为清洁。 她容纳无数的细流,尽管 它们的颜色有黑的也有黄的,一旦流到了海的怀抱, 便立刻变成碧绿的了。碧绿是代表和平,代表一种静 美。一个人,哪怕他的脾气犹如虎狼那么凶暴,我相 信如果

60、长住在海滨,一定会变得和羔羊一般驯良;同 时,那些心怀狭隘的人,如果常与海做朋友,我相信 他也会改变成豪爽,痛快的性格。 5.At that moment, I say, the notion of wildness entered my mind, never again to leave it: everything is wild which is autonomous and unpredictable and does not depend upon us. Then all of a sudden there was an explosion; I could no longer

61、see the bird and I thought it had flown away. But my father was leading the way, walking in front of me through the undergrowth. Finally he stooped down, picked up something and put it in my hand. I was aware of something warm and soft and I lowered my eyes: there was the bird in the palm of my hand

62、; its dangling, shattered head crowned with a plume of already-thickening blood. I burst into tears and dropped the corpse on the ground, and that was the end of my shooting experience. IV. Paragraphs Cohesion/ Cohesion in a text 段际连贯 段际衔接与连贯:前文所讲的重复、替代、省 略、连接词等手段。 译者:篇章意识;把握全局。 1. If misery loves c

63、ompany, so do sports fans. Dr. Leon Mann documented this several years ago when, as a Harvard professor, he studied the long overnight queues for tickets to ball games in his native Australia. “Outside the stadium something of a carnival atmosphere prevails,” he wrote in the American Journal of Soci

64、ology. “ The devotees sing, sip warm drinks, play cards, and huddle together.” Like the teams they had come to watch, the fans in line took timeouts. Some worked in shifts, with certain members leaving to take naps or eat meals, while others saved their places in line. Some staked claims in line wit

65、h items of personal property such as sleeping bags and folding chairs. “During the early hours of waiting,” Dr.Mann noted, “the queues often consisted of one part people to two parts inanimate objects.” 还是在 1994年初的时候 , 美国总统克林顿曾经在国 务会议上迟到 , 舆论界大哗 , 对总统进行了 “ 上纲上 线 ” 的批评:迟到 , 说明你缺乏掌握时间的能力 , 如 果你连自己的时间都

66、安排不好 , 又何谈运筹国家大事 ? 面对尖锐的批语 , 克林顿不敢迟到了 , 小心谨慎如约 赴会 。 几个月后 , 不晓得什么原因 , 他又迟到了 , 这 自然又逃不过记者们的唇枪舌剑 , 于是 “ 瞧这家伙 , 他又迟到了 ” 的文章又赫然纸上 。 美国公众对总统迟到的批语毫不留情,是否对总统太 苛求了?总统公务繁忙,偶尔迟到一次,何必兴师问 罪?美国人可不这样看。 Early in 1994, President Clinton was once late for a meeting on national affairs. This resulted in fierce criticism by the press. Being late means you lack the ability to manage time, they pointed out; if you cant manage your own time, how can you manage the affairs of state? In the face of this sharp criticism,

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