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1、英语完美口语诀窍 学大教育 熊钰 课前测试 pretest 诀窍 NO 1:单音 模块一 元音音素和单词 英语国际音标表( dj音标) 单元 音 长音 i: E: O: u: A: 短音 i E O u V e Q 双元音 ei ai Oi au Eu iE CE uE 成对 辅音 清音 p t k F T s ts tr S tS 浊音 B d G v D z dz dr Z dZ 其它 辅 音 鼻音 M n N 口腔逐渐开大 舌音 l平舌 r 卷舌 其他 J W H i: i eat it peak pick bead bid deep dip beat bit e Q bet bat e

2、nd and mess mass then than merry marry E : E clerk doctor spur whisper nurse scanner 听音选词 heat hit cheap chip Jean gin reach rich peel pill lend land head had set sat Ken can end and a. b. abbab babbb Test 1 O: O port pot taught tot 总计 cork软木 cock forks fox short shot u: u fool full pool pull whod h

3、ood stewed炖的 stood wooed追求 wood A: V park puck dark duck cart cut heart hut march much 听音选词 fool full cooed could caught cot dawn don taught tot heart hot guard god dark duck march much calm come a. b. babaa ababa Test 2 ei ai Oi bay buy boy fail file foil箔 tails tiles toils 网 lanes lines loins腰部 ca

4、ne kine雌牛 coin au Eu town tone found phoned how hoe锄头 loud load noun known iE CE uE peer pair poor sheer share sure spear spare spoor痕迹 mere mare母马 moor沼地 tear tare野碗豆 tour eil el fail fell tail tell sale sell jail jell果子冻 mailed meld混合 听音选词 peer pair tear tare found phoned town tone file foil tiles

5、 toils sell sail red raid seal sail feel fail a. b. abbbb aabab Test 3 模块二 辅音音素和单词 p B peak beak鸟嘴 pack back rapid rabbit plays blaze火焰 pride bride t d tip dip toe doe母鹿 beetle beadle小吏 spite spied heating heeding注意 k G Kate gate pick pig sacking口袋 布 sagging下 垂 crime grime污点 close glows 听音选词 pat bat

6、 pond bond pie buy lap lab ten den tuck duck kitty kiddy came game cash gash coast ghost a. b. bbaab baaab Test 4 F v fat vat大桶 proof prove shuffle慢吞 吞地走 shovel铲子 feel veal flow vow s T sick thick sigh thigh pass path f T fink think Fred thread free three d T doze those dare there seize seethe沸腾 clo

7、sing clothing s z racer razor剃刀 spice香料 spies bussing buzzing caps cabs loss laws ts dz rats ads rates raids skates skids 刹车 S Z pressure pleasure fission裂变 vision S和其他音素 sheep jeep hash杂乱信号 hatch shoes choose shine sign short sort Glacier冰 川 glazier 上釉工人 shield sealed tS dZ chest jest嘲笑 choke joke

8、cheer jeer讥讽 searches surges汹涌 riches ridges背脊 tr dr tree dress tread踏 dread恐惧 treen全部木造的 dream trip drip 听音选词 fine vine fast vast leaf leave rifle rival first thirst free three seem theme mouse mouth day they wordy worthy a. b. Test 5 aaaab ababa 听音选词 loose lose lacer laser glacier glazier assure a

9、zure shoe chew cash catch choke joke batches badges washed watched share chair a. b. Test 6 bbaab abbba M n N Kim kin king some son sung dumb done dung whim win wing pam pan pang l n lice nice line nine low no slow snow lock knock 听音选词 thin thing win wing ton tongue smack snack bank bang yoke joke y

10、acht jot yet jet west vest worse verse a. b. Test 7 babba ababa 听音选词 weal veal weep reap wing ring twice trice away array leaf reef blight bright flesh fresh line nine light night a. b. Test 8 bbbaa babab 中国人常错的发音 r l s T v W tr tS r l red led read lead right light ray lay rot lot l 的两种读法 lane nail

11、lip pill lead deal leaf feel leap peel s seem theme mouse mouth face faith mass math v w invite in white vain wane revise wise veil wail viper wiper tr tS trees cheese trip chip treasure chess trousers chalk trace chase 模块三 短语 爆破音的变化 一般爆破: key 失去爆破 : 爆破音位于单词的最后,其后还 有另外一个单词。 top tea 不送气爆破 : 爆破音前有 s,要

12、发其相应 的浊音。 spot(浊化 ) 延长爆破:爆破音位于单词的最后,其后单 词的第一个音与其相同。 Stop Peter. 鼻腔爆破 :爆破音位于单词的最后,其后单词 是成音节的鼻音。 Stop him. 请读下列词和短语。 Rob them. Rob Bob. Rob him. coat hanger Stop Button Let Tim Lead glass Bread and butter Sky Take mine Take Kim beacon Big grapes Pig and goat 诀窍 NO2:轻重 词的轻重,即重音 句的轻重,即重读 重音的不同引起读音的不同 fi

13、sh selfish land island full careful some handsome face surface 可以看出合成词会造成词的读音和重音的 变化 重音的不同引起读音的不同 photograph photography author authority Canada Canadian nation national 可以看出词性变化会造成词的读音和重音 的变化 重音的不同引起词义的不同 present 1. 礼物 2. 呈现 He sent me a birthday present. We are presented with marvelous food. deser

14、t 1. 抛弃 2. 沙漠 Never desert a friend in need. Few kinds of plants grow in deserts. 重音的不同引起句义的不同 Be careful with that yellow JACKET. 黄夹克 Be careful with that YELLOW jacket. 小黄蜂 Ive always wanted a green HOUSE. 绿房子 Ive always wanted a GREEN house. 温室 My father is a successful head DOCTOR. 主治医生 My fathe

15、r is a successful HEAD doctor. 精神病专家 Look at the white HOUSE. 白房子 Look at the WHITEhouse. 白宫 They are interested in the soft WARE. 软的东西 They are interested in the SOFTware. 软件 What do you think of the white HALL. 白色的大厅 What do you think of the WHITEhall 英国政府 试读以下单词 (合成 ) fort comfort lace necklace r

16、omance Roman rite favorite table comfortable ward forward cable educable late chocolate man Englishman full handful Test 9 试读以下单词(词性 1) operate operation person personality national nationality subject subjective industry industrial document documentation major majority incident incidental continent

17、 continental simplify simplification Test 10 试读以下单词(词性 2) occupy occupation product production beautify beautification converse conversation photograph photographic object objective qualify qualification confident confidential educate education nominate nomination Test 11 听录音,选出听到的词。 Test 12 yellow

18、JACKET YELLOW jacket red COAT RED coat green HOUSE GREENhouse head DOCTOR HEAD doctor cold CREAM COLD cream soft WARE SOFTware blue PRINT BLUEprint black BIRDS BLACK birds black BOARD BLACKboard white HALL WHITEhall white HOUSE WHITEhouse dark ROOM DARKroom 模块四 句子 读句子时的轻重音 一个句子中通常是重读名词、动词 和形容词,重读单词数

19、相同的句 子,所用的时间大致相等。这就 要求一个句子中有的词要重读, 有的词要轻读。 有两个重读词的句子 1. Do it now. 2. Turn on the light. 3. Leave it alone. 4. Finish it if you can. 5. They did it well. 请练习: 1. Write it down. 2. Give him some more. 3. He told us a lie. 4. They walked in the dark 5. They waited for an hour. 有三个重读词的句子 1. Sam works h

20、ard. 2. I cant believe its true. 3. Its all the same to me. 4. Id like a piece of bread. 5. Im sorry Im late again. 请练习: 1. Dont go now. 2. She wants a pound of sugar. 3. Its only for girls and boys. 4. He studies every evening. 5. I think he wants us to go. 有四个重读词的句子 1. He used to play it every day

21、. 2. He left his work without a word. 3. Ive told him not to come again. 4. She ought to know the way by now. 5. I saw him standing all alone. 请练习: 1. A glass of wine will do him good. 2. Id like to enjoy a glass of wine. 3. They wanted to watch it again and again. 4. The office is open every other

22、day. 5. Perhaps you can call her at eight tonight. 表达是否能够表意 口语中最难的就是表达了。如何才 能把自己的意思正确地表达出来, 是很需要功底的。 Its cool! 很好 , 很棒 ! Cool 这个字在英文里算是应用最广的字之一 了 , 几乎随时随地都可以听到人家在说这个 字 . 通常有二种场合人家会说 cool! 首先第 一个场合是 , 当有人说了一件不错的事情 , 例如 , I am going to college this year. 你 就可以说 Cool! 或是人家说 , I just bought a brand new

23、car. 你还是说 Cool! 总之只要是好事 , 你都可以说 cool! It is neat! 太酷了 ! 我们可以这样说 , neat 是 cool 的比较级 , 比 cool 还再 cool 一点的就是 neat, 例如别人 说他学钢琴学了十年 , 像这种事你光用 cool 形容是不够的 , 不如就说 neat! 会来的 更贴切一点 . 或是人家说 , Ive been to Europe several times. 听到这种几乎不可 能发生在一般人身上的事 , 你也可以说 neat! I am sick and tired of doing homework. Sick and t

24、ired of something 可以视之为一个 片语 , 所以并没有 sick (生病 ) 的意思在里 面 ! 例如贩卖机老是吃钱 , 你也可以说 I am sick and tired of this vending machine. 还 有一句话也很有趣 , I am so sick and tired of being sick and tired. 就是说你对于老是 感到厌烦已经感到十分厌烦了 , 我想这是很 多都市人共同的心声吧 . Whats up?什么事 ? Whats up? 也是很常用的一种打招呼方式 . 比方 说 Bob 在路上看到我跟我说 Hey! Gwen! 那我

25、通常就会答说 Hi! Bob. Whats up? 这就是问 对方近来怎样 , 有什么事吗 ? 通常如果没什么事 人家就会说 Not much. 不过还有一种情况也很 常见 , 你先跟人家说 Hey! Whats up? 那别人也 不说 Not much, 反而反问一句 , Whats up? 所以 Whats up? 已经变成有点 Hello! 的味道 在里面了 . Whats up? 也常被用来问人家有什么事 ? 例如有 人登门拜访 , 你就会说 Whats up? 到底有何贵 干啊 ? 总之 Whats up? 在美国应用的很广 , 各 位一定要熟记才是 . How come? 为什么

26、? (怎么会这 样 ?) How come 的用法大部份就等于 why 但是它的用 法没有像 why 那么广 , 它通常是用在你觉得奇怪 , 而问为什么的时候 , 比如说有人早上一大早要去 supermarket 你就会问他 . How come? 另外 , 当别人问你一个问题 , 而你不想回答时可以说 How come? 相当于 , Why do you ask that? 也就是说 Its none of your business! 虽然 how come 跟 why 的用法上差不多 , 但二者的 问法不同 , 例如上句 , Why is our oven broken? 换成 how

27、come 的话 , 要说成 , How come our oven is broken? 注意一下 , 这二句的 be 动词位 置是不一样的 . He is really a tough guy; he takes no prisoner. 这是我听老美形容他们教授的 , 就是说他们教授很 严格 ,而且绝不留活口 (就像台湾说的大刀 , 当人无 数 ) 所谓 takes no prisoner指的是战争时不收战 俘 , 抓到全部杀死的意思 , 也就是说够狠 . 老美常 用 tough 来形容一件事情的困难或是一个人的强 硬态度 , 例如 , Today is a tough day for m

28、e. 就 是说今天过得很不容易啦 . 要是说 The professor is tough. 则是说这个教授教课很严格 , 很不好混的意思 . 要是别人遇到这种 tough 的教 授 , 你就可以鼓励他 , Tough it out! 就是说把它 撑过去 .同样地 , 这句话你也可以说成 The professor goes for kill. 就是说这个教授支持杀 戮 . 下手绝不留情 . 猜猜看 He dances like an animal 他跳舞跳很疯狂 . You are a party animal. 你是个舞会狂。 thousand years egg 皮蛋 It is a t

29、errific game. 那是一场很棒的比赛 . 笑话 Excuse me, may I go someway? Yes, you can go anyway. 五讲、四美、三热爱 five talks ,four beauty ,three lovers 5 stresses, 4 beauties and 3 loves are: 5 stresses stress on decorum (讲文明 ) stress on manners (讲礼貌 ) stress on hygiene (讲卫生 ) stress on discipline (讲秩序 ) stress on morals

30、 (讲道德 ) 4 beauties beauty of the mind (心灵美 ) beauty of the language (语言 美 ) beauty of the behavior (行为美 ) beauty of the environment (环境美 ) 3 loves love of the motherland (热爱祖国 ) love of the socialism (热 爱社会主义 ) love of the Chinese Communist Party (热爱 中国共产党 ) New York Post Office? New York Post Office? New York Post Office? (华盛顿邮报)

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