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1、译林版初中八年级翻译题专项训练50题含答案一、汉译英:整句1 .你们课后踢足球吗?2.我不知道那个男孩的名字.3.我很好。你呢?4.你有一个乒乓球吗??5.当我长大时,我想当一名医生。6.我喜欢胡萝卜。你也喜欢它吗?7.我妈妈上周末让我打扫我的房间,我并不介意。(make,dont mind)8.发生了什么事?9.Jane不喜欢这条黑色的裙子。10.我们经常谈论他,因为他是我们的偶像。(talk)11.不但贝蒂而且她的父母喜欢看足球比赛。12.那个人高个,直发。(straight)13.冼星海生于1905年,于 1945年英年早逝。(die)14.爱好能培养你的兴趣,并帮助你学习新的技能。15

2、.他和往常一样开着窗户睡觉。16.延庆以八达岭长城出名。Badaling Great Wall17.这个想法起效了。(S+V)18.中国的天气和美国几乎一样。19.盐城自然保护区是各种稀有鸟类的栖息地。20.主动给他人提供帮助是一件乐事。21.因为交通拥堵,我们最好早点出发。22.Tom周末常去滑冰吗?23.露西昨天教我们如何打羽毛球。24.世界自然基金会(WWF)正在努力挽救濒危动物。(work hard)25.她喜欢在晚饭后听音乐。26.我很害羞,所以交朋友对于我来说不是件容易的事.27.因为他比我聪明,所以我不得不比平常更加努力学习。28.海报将由组织者张贴在墙上。(汉译英)29.米莉发

3、高烧并且咳得很厉害,所以她妈妈带她去了医院。30.我们也需要一些资金继续开展工作。(canyon with.)31.我一只手画画另一只手写字很难。32.你的生日聚会在什么时候?33.让我们尽量可能多说英语。(speak English)34.他习惯于在每天晚饭后收发邮件。35.这座城市足够著名,每年都能吸引大量游客。(enough to.)36.这条河流和那条河流一样长。(as.as)37.你长大后想环游世界吗?38.我们所有人都迫不及待地要下车。39.坐长途汽车旅行比坐火车要便宜多。(not as much as)40.她已经决定怎么处理书架上的那些旧书了。(汉译英)41.这部电影使我想起了

4、我童年生活中那段最开心的时光。42.保持健康很重要.(i t)(汉译英)43.老师已经教我们如何在公共场合举止文明了吗?44.因为他的失误,昨晚整个大楼都断电了。45.她愿意相信我的话并为我保守秘密。46.昨晚他回来的时候,我正在看电视。47.那就是他哭的原因。48.一些机器人能帮助造车,并且他们反复做简单的工作。49.镇上最差的服装店是哪家?50.那位老妇人很高兴给无家可归的人伸出援助之手。51.你在假期做了一些有趣的事情了吗?52.自2009年以来,政府已经设法改善了我们的居住条件。53.你跟这些失聪的人密切合作有闲难吗?(have trouble)54.第二天一大早,他和家人就动身去了机

5、场。55.当我在澳大利亚看到Jim 时,我不能相信自己的眼睛。56.你每天早晨怎么去学校?57.每天花半个小时做锻炼是很好的。(汉译英)58.如果你许诺了,你就必须做到。59.我正在堆雪人,就在这时一个雪球砸中了我。60.成千上万的人在那次自然灾害中丧生了。61.当我们到达山顶的时候,正下着大雨呢。62.我还建议他上一门“DIY”课程。63.他不擅长唱歌,他在这儿只是滥竽充数。64.直到下午五点半她才会见到她姑姑。65.他失眠而且没有胃口。66.他意识到美国人几乎不能避免买中国制造的产品。67.她在东京一直住到去世。68.保持房间整洁是她的工作。(keep in order)69.让我就中国习

6、俗方面给你一些建议和意见。70.这些孩子被分成了两组。71.小女孩太害怕了,不敢告诉家人真相。72.因为气候恶劣,音乐家们别无选择只得改变主意。73.他上周借给我的书很值得一看.74.她无法忍受学生们在上学天的晚上不能外出的观点。(idea,go out)二、汉译英:单词/短语翻译下列词组。75.学 生 证 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _76.失物招领处77.丢失的东西_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _78.请拨 685-603679.给大卫打电话80.请求;恳 请(给予)汉译英81.袜 子 _ _ _ _ _ _ _82.短裙8

7、3.长裤84.帽子85.夹克衫86.美元词组翻译87.四处逃散_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _88.陷入困境89.感到紧张_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _90.移动身体_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _91.从房间里跑出来92.一阵轻微的震动_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _93.朝学校的方向94.雷声般的一声巨响找出下列单词,记住并默写在导学案上。95.把准备好96.考试_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _97.流行性感冒;流感98.有空的99.直到为止;到时100.悬挂;垂下(过去

8、式)101.及时赶上;接住;抓住_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _102.邀请_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _103.接受_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _104.拒绝_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _汉译英105.比更多106.比更少107.在我们三个人中间108.空闲时间_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _109.在比赛中_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _110.跑得最快_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _句子翻译将下列句子译成英语,并将所译句子写在答题卡上标有题号的横线上。111.地震发生时人们向四面八方逃散。11

9、2.再多邀请两个人来帮助我们怎么样?113.动物们发现在野外生存越来越困难了。114.随着时间一年一年过去,中国变得越来越富强了。115.杰克在电脑游戏上花的时间比我表弟少吗?【词汇】116.输了竞赛117.在考试中取得好成绩_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _118.与你最好的朋友发生争吵_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _1 1 9.

10、在众人面前讲话_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _三、英汉互译:单词/短语词汇积累。120.v.在意;担忧;关心121.laugh v.122.a d j.严肃的;稳重的123.a d j.必需的;必要的124.should modal v.125.也 伸手;到达;抵达126.fact n.127.v.(使)破;裂;碎;损坏128.。力.响亮的;大声的129.a d j.相像的;类似的130.information n.131.adv.真正;确实132.mi

11、rrorn.133.kid儿134.n.内心;心脏135.grade n.136.saying n.137.hand n.138.v.感动;触摸139.arm n.140.v.分享;共享;共用;分摊141.primary adj.142.adj.有才能的;有才干的143.adj.&pron.两个;两个都默写下列单词或汉语意思。144.统治者;支配者.145.煮沸;烧开虱146.保持不变;剩余v.147.气味”.发出.气味;闻到u148.saint n.149.冰箱几150.翻译u151.锁上;锁住V.锁儿152.地震机_ _ _ _ _ _.153.饼干机154.曲奇饼”.155.器械;仪器;

12、工具几156.accidental a力.(交通)事故;意外遭遇几-偶然;意外地(短语)_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _157.国家的;民族的。在-国 际 的-158.贸易;交易.做买卖;从事贸易u t商人.-159.popularity H._ 受欢迎的;普遍的a打受欢迎;流 行(短语)_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _160.疑惑:疑问.怀疑毫无疑问;的 确(短语)-161.低 的;矮的 一高 的(地)adj.&adv.-162.某人pr。”.重要人物九 一 身 体-每 人;人人;所有人“。加_没有人pr。”,小人物n.任何人pron.-163.(使)发出钟声或铃声;打电话M_ _(过去式).-

13、(过去分词)_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _1 6 4,突 然(的)adj.-突 然;忽然adu_ 突 然;猛 地(短沿)165.音乐的;有音乐天赋的的:音乐;乐曲儿 一音乐家九重点词汇166.finish the t a s k(p e r f e c t)167.当地政府1 6 8.渔民们的家_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _1 6 9.容易地解决问题_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _1 7 0.游客们的相机_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

14、 _1 7 1.描述它的美丽172.by(介 绍)themselves be good at c numbers173.hear(演讲者)(clear)174.speak E n g l i s h(n a t u r e)自然的食物175.It is important for y o u(u n d e r s ta n d)t h e(i m p o r t a n t)of learningEnglish.176.I find it unusual for Andy(not go)to school on time.177.All new members,write down your

15、 email a on this piece of paper.1 7 8.此外_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _179.k e e p(r e c o r d)180.the(主席)of Birdwatching S四、英译汉:单词/短语请同学们认真预习SectionA后,完成下列英译汉练习。181.Guess what_182.look like_183.study pictures of birds_184.visit my favorite website on line185.put little computer into our heads五、语篇翻译Everyo

16、ne knows that summer is hot and winter is cold.But why is this?Its because theearth doesnt stand up straight.Instead,the earth leans(倾斜)to one side as it moves aroundthe sun.1.When its summer,our part of the earth leans toward the sun.The sunlight hits usdirectly.This heats up the earth,so the weath

17、er is hot in summer.When ifs winter,our part ofthe earth leans away from the sun.The sunlight reaching us is less.That makes our wintercold.Its cold because we get less heat from the sun in winter.2.Then what would happen ifthe earth stood up straight?Wc wouldnt have any seasons.186.187.(B)Please tr

18、anslate the following sentences into English,using the hints given inbrackets.请根据括号内所给提示将下列句子译成英语。188.警方要求驾驶员们雨天缓慢行驶。(ask sb.to do sth.)189.感谢你带领我们参观这所学校。(show sb.around)190.昨天天气太糟糕了,我们不得不待在家里。(so that引导的结果状语从句)六、英译汉:整句191.Later I found out French people are supposed to kiss when they see each other

19、.192.Many forget that saving the earth begins with small things.193.Our actions can make a difference and lead to a better future.参考答案:1.Do you play football after class?【详解】“课后 alter class,“踢足球 play football,这是一般现在时,故要借助于助动词do,故翻译为 Do you play football after class?2.I dont know that boys name.【详解】我

20、:I;知道:know;那个男孩的名字:that boys name。结合语境可知,此题为一般现在时的否定句;主语是第一人称单数形式,动词是实意动词,故否定句的助动词应用 dont。故填 I dont know that boys name.3.Fm fine.And you?【详解】我:L 第一人称单数形式,故系动词应用am;很好:fine;你呢:and you。结合语境可知,句子应是一般现在时,I 和 am 缩写为Tm;句首首字母大写。故填Fm fine.And you?4.Do you have a ping-pang ball【详解】你:you;有:have;乒乓球:ping-pang

21、b a lk 原句是一般疑问句,且是一般现在时,主语是第二人称,故助动词用dOo故填Do you have a ping-pang ballo5.When I grow up,I want to be a doctor.【详解】“当的时候 w h en,引导时间状语从句,位于句首需大写首字母;“我”1,作主语,动词用原形;长大grow up;想要做某事 want to do s th.,不定式作宾语,固定结构;“当一名医生“be a doctor。根据汉语提示,可知本句是when引导的时间状语从句,时态是一般现在时,故填 When I grow up,I want to be a doctor

22、.6.I like carrots.Do you like it,too?【详解】根据汉语可知,前半句为陈述句,后半句为一般疑问句。前半句中,1我”,作主语;like“喜欢”,作主语;carrots“胡萝卜”,作宾语。后半句,you 你 作主语;like“喜欢“,为实义动词,助动词要用d o,放在主语前;i之 它”,指代胡萝卜;2。“也”,副词,前有逗号隔开。故填 I like carrots.Do you like it,too?7.My mother made me clean my room last weekend.I didnt mind.【详解】m ake的句型为make sb.d

23、o sth液某人做某事,clean room打扫房间,故翻译为My mother made me clean my room last weekend.I didnt mind.8.What happened?【详解】根据语境可知,该句是一般过去时的特殊疑问句,什么:what;发生happen,过答案第1 页,共 22页去式为 happenedo 故填 What happened?9.Jane doesnt like this/the black skirt.【详解】根据汉语意思可知,该句为否定句,时态为一般现在时。Jane作主语;不喜欢:doesnt lik e,作谓语;这条:this/th

24、e;黑色的裙子:black skirt;this/the black skirt 作宾语。故填 Jane doesnt like this/the black skirt.10.We often talk about him because he is our hero【详解】根据汉语提示,句子使用一般现在时,主语是w e我们,talk about动词短语,后可接代词作宾语;M en经常,是频率副词,可修饰动词;him他,是代词宾格形式。because连词,因为,可引导原因状语从句,he是人称代词主格形式,可作主语,our hero我们的偶像。故填 We often talk about hi

25、m because he is our hero011.Not only Betty but also her parents like watching football matches【详解】不但.而且:not only.but a lso.,连接主语时遵循就近原则;她的父母:herparents,是复数人称;喜欢做某事:like doing;看足球比赛:watch football matcheso本句陈述事实用一般现在时,遵循就近原则,动词like前面是复数名词“parents”,动词用原形;结合句意语境,故填 Not only Betty but also her parents l

26、ike watching football matcheso12.That person is tall with straight hair.【详解】句子是客观事实,用一般现在时,主语是that person“那个人”,be动词用i s,表语是 tall 高的“,with”带有,具有“,straight hair“直发”。That person is tall with straighthair.13.Xian Xinghai was bom in 1905,died young in 1945.【详解】be born表示“出生”,通常用于一般过去时,主语Xian Xinghai为第三人称单

27、数,be动词用was;die young表示“英年早逝。时态为一般过去时,动词用过去式;时间介词in 后接年份。故填 Xian Xinghai was born in 1905,died young in 1945.14.Hobbies can develop your interests and help you learn new skills.【详解】爱好:hobby,此处用其复数形式;能:c a n,其后动词用原形;培养你的兴趣:develop your interests;并:and;帮助你学习新的技能:help you learn new skills,其中 helpsb.do s

28、th.“帮助某人做某事。故填 Hobbies can develop your interests and help you learn newskills.15.He slept with the window(s)open as usual.【详解】根据语境,描述发生了的事情用一般过去时态。“with+宾语+宾补”结构表示伴答案第2 页,共 22页随,此处指窗开着这种状态,即 with window(s)open;as usual“像往常一样”。故填He sleptwith the window(s)open as usual.16.Yanqing is famous for the Ba

29、daling Great Wall.【详解】befhmousfbr 因.而出名“;Yanqing“延庆”;Badaling Great Wall“八达岭长城”,两个都是专有名词;句子是一般现在时,主句是单数形式,be动词用i s,故填Yanqing is famous for the Badaling Great Wall.17.The idea worked.【详解】根据要求(S+V),可知翻译为主谓结构的陈述句。根据句意,本句可用一般过去时表达,这个想法:the id e a,做主语;起效了:w ork,句中作谓语,work的过去式是workedo 故填 The idea worked.1

30、8.The weather in China is nearly the same as that in America.【详解】nearly 几 乎,the same as 和.一样,故填 The weather in China is nearly the sameas that in America.19.Yanchcng Nature Reserve is home to different kinds of rare birds【详解】盐城自然保护区是各种稀有鸟类的栖息地。根据be home t。sb是某人的家园,different kinds of rare birds 各种稀有鸟

31、类;故答案是 Yancheng Nature Reserve is home todifferent kinds of rare birdso20.Offering others help is ftin./Its fun to offer others help.【详解】主动给他人提供帮助是一件乐事。根据offer主动提供,动词,做主语时用doing形式,its+形容词+to do sth做某事是怎样的;故答案是Offering others help is fun./Ifs funto offer others helpo21.We had better start earlier bec

32、ause of the heavy traffic.【详解】因为:because of;交通拥堵the heavy traffic;我们:we;最好:had better;出发:start;早点:earlier。结合语境可知,此题为一般现在时。人称代词w e作主语,情态动 词(短语)had better后接动词原形作谓语,复合介词because o f后接名词、代词或动名词。故填 We had better start earlier because of the heavy traffic.22.Does Tom often go skating at/on weekends?/Does T

33、om often go skating at/on the weekend?(详解】在周末at/on the weekend或 at/on weekends;去滑冰go skating;根据中文提示可知,句子是一般疑问句,且是陈述事实,主语是第三人称单数,助动词用d o e s,后接动词原形,故填 Does Tom often go skating at/on weekends?/Does Tom often go skating at/on the答案第3 页,共 22页weekend?23.Lucy taught us how to play badminton yesterday.【详解

34、】根据所给汉语意思可知,句子是疑问词+不定式结构,时态用一般过去时,主句主语 Lucy;主句谓语taught“教;主句宾语us“我们”;疑问词how“怎样”;不定式to playbadminton打羽毛球;yesterday 昨天”,故填 Lucy taught us how to play badmintonyesterday o24.WWF is working hard to save endangered animals.【详解】本句是现在进行时,其结构是am/is/aredoing,主语是第三人称单数,故用is;努力:work hard;挽救濒危动物:save endangered

35、anim als,用其动词不定式作目的状语。故填 WWF is working hard to save endangered animals.25.She likes listening to music after supper.【详解】喜欢:like;like doing sthf喜欢做某事”;在 晚 饭 后:after supper;听音乐:listen tomusico此句为一般现在时,句子主语“she”是单数第三人称,动词需用三单形式。故填Shelikes listening to music after supper.26.Im very shy,so its not easy

36、fbr me to make friends.【详解】害羞:shy;交朋友:make friends;.对于.来说不是件容易的事:its noteasy for sb.to.G用副词very修饰形容词s h y,两个句子之间用并列连词so连接,表示“所以故填 Im very shy,so its not easy fbr me to make friends.27.I have to study harder than usual,because he is cleverer than I.【详解】because“因为”,引导原因状语从句;he is cleverer than I“他比我聪明

37、;have todo不得不.;study harder than usual 比平常更加努力学习”。本句是原因状语从句,主语 I 是第一人称,动词需用原形。故填 I have to study harder than usual,because he is clevererthan I.28.The posters will be put up on the wall by the organizers.【详解】主语the posters“海报”和动词短语put up“张贴”是被动关系,时态是一般将来时,所以用一般将来时的被动语态,构成:主语+will+be+动词过去分词,on the wal

38、l“在墙上”,by 被;the organizers组织者,故填 The posters will be put up on the wall by the organizers.29.Millie had a high fever and coughed a lot,so her mother took her to the hospital.【详解】Millie“米莉”,作主语;固定短语have a fever 发烧”;cough“咳嗽;a lot“非常,很”,是副词,修饰动词;so“所以;her mother“她的妈妈”;固定短语take sb.to sp.“带某答案第4 页,共 22页

39、人去某地“;hospital”医院:根据句意可知事情已经发生,句子时态用一般过去时,故填Millie had a high fever and coughed a lot,so her mother took her to the hospital.30.We also need some money to carry on with our work.【详解】我们we;也需要also need;一些资金some money;继续开展工作carry on withones work。根据语境,可知此句应用一般现在时,“继续开展工作”是“需要一些资金 的目的,应用动词不定式to do来表达。主语

40、为w e,因此ones用形容词性物主代词our。故填We also need some money to carry on with our work.31.It is difficult for me to draw with one hand and write with the other.【详解】固定句式:It is+形容词+fbr sb to do sth”对某人来说做某事是.“;difficult 困难的“;draw with one hand”用一只手画画”;and连接两个并列成分的词语;write with theother”用另一只手写字“,故填 It is difficul

41、t for me to draw with one hand and write with theother.32.When is your birthday party?【详解】你的生日聚会:your birthday party;什么时候:w h en,引导特殊疑问句。结合语境可知,此题应用般现在时,主语“your birthday party”是第三人称单数形式,故系动词应 用 i s,提到主语之前。故填When is your birthday party?33.Lefs speak English as much as possible.【详解】让我们做某事:Lefs do s th

42、,是祈使句的结构;尽可能多的:as much as possible;说英语:speak English,此处用动词原形,构成祈使句;故填Lets speak English as much aspossible.34.He gets used to sending and receiving emails after dinner every day.【详解】他 h e,作主语;习惯于做某事get used t。doing s th,主语是第三人称单数,动词应用三单形式;每天晚饭后收发邮件send and receive emails after dinner every d a y,故填H

43、egets used to sending and receiving emails after dinner every day.35.The city is famous enough to attract lots of visitors every year.【详解】这座城市:this city;著名的:famous;足够地:enough,修饰形容词后置;吸引:attract;大量游客:lots of visitors;每年:every y e a r,时间状语,置于句末。结合语境可知,此题应用一般现在时,主语“the city”是第三人称单数形式,系动词用is。故填Thecity i

44、s famous enough to attract lots of visitors every year.36.This river is as long as that river.答案第5 页,共 22页【详解】和一样:a s.a s,中间用形容词或副词原形;长的:long;这条河流:this river;那条河流:that river。分析句子可知是同级比较,用 asas结构;陈述事实用一般现在时,river是单数第三人称,系词需用is;句首单词的首字母需大写,故填This riveris as long as that river.37.Would you like to trav

45、el around the world when you grow up?【详解】句型“想要做.吗?“是 Would you like to.?短语“环游世界”是 travel around thew orld,短语 长大 是 grow u p,故翻译为:Would you like to travel around the world whenyou grow up?38.All of us couldnt wait to get off the bus.【详解】all of us“我们所有人“;固定短语cant wait to do sth“迫不及待做某事“;get off由 ebus“下

46、车结合语境可知句子时态应使用一般过去时,故填All of us couldn wait to get offthe bus.39.A journey by coach doesnt cost as much as going by train.【详解】根据句意理解可知,本句为一般现在时;“坐长途汽车旅行”译为“a journey bycoach;便宜多”指的是费用便宜,应该使用“cost”,结合提示和主语为单数,应该使用“doesnt cost as much as;“坐火车去 译为go by train”,位于介词“as”之后,应该使用动名词。故填:A journey by coach do

47、esnt cost as much as going by train.40.She has decided what to do/how to deal with the old books on the shelf/shelves.【详解】决定:decide;怎么处理:what to do/how to deal with;书架上的那些旧书:the oldbooks on the shelBshelves;根据中文提示可知,用现在完成时态,主语是三单,助动词用has;故填 She has decided what to do/how to deal with the old books o

48、n the shelf/shelves.41.The movie reminded me of the happiest time in my childhood.(详解】the movie“电影”;固定短语remind sb of sth”提醒某人某事”;the happiest time 最开心的时光”;in my childhood”在我童年生活中”。根据句意可知句子时态是一般过去时,remind 变过去式。故填 The movie reminded me of the happiest time in my childhood.42.It is very important to ke

49、ep healthy.【详解】由语境可知,此处用一般现在时,用结构:it is adj.to do sth.;重要的:important;非常:very;保持健康:keep healthyo 故填 It is very important to keep healthy.43.Has the teacher taught us how to behave properly in public?【解析】略答案第6 页,共 22页44.Because of his mistake,the power went out in the whole building last night.【详解】因为他

50、的失误:because of his m istake,表示原因;昨晚:last n ig h t,时间状语放句末;整个大楼:in the whole building;断电:the power go out。根据句意,本句时态是一般过去时,动词用过去式,故填 Because of his mistake,the power went out in the wholebuilding last night.45.She was willing to believe what I said and keep it a secret for me.详解】她 s h e,愿意相信be willing

51、 to believe,我的话what I s a y,并 a n d,为我保守秘密keep it a secret for meo根据句意可知,时态是一般过去时,动词用过去式。故填She waswilling to believe what I said and keep it a secret for me.46.I was watching TV when he returned yesterday evening/last night.【详解】when当.时”;watch TV”看电视”;return回来”;yesterday evening/lastnight“昨天晚上”,从句用一般

52、过去时,主句表示过去某个时刻正在发生的动作,用过去进行时结构,主语I 是第一人称,助动词用w a s,故填I was watching TV when he returnedyesterday evening/last night.47.Thats(the reason)why he cried.【详解】那就是他哭的原因。根据that is the reason why这是一的原因;根据句意可知从句用过去时态;故答案是Thafs(the reason)why he cried48.Some robots can help to build cars,and they do simple job

53、s over and over again.详解】一些机器人some robots,能帮助造车can help to build c a rs,并且a n d,他们they,反复over and over again,做简单的工作do simple jobs。本句时态是一般现在时,故填Some robots can help to build cars,and they do simple jobs over and over again.49.Which is the worst clothing store in town?【详解】根据汉语句意“镇上最差的服装店是哪家?”可知,这是一个特殊

54、疑问句,因此特殊疑问词“which哪个”应放在句首;疑问词后接一般疑问句,因此be动词“is”提前;“最差的服装店 应用形容词的最高级,英文表达是the worst clothing store;“在镇上 in town;故答案为 Which is the worst clothing store in town?50.The old lady was glad to lend a helping hand to the homeless.【详解】old年老的,lady女士,the old lady那位老妇人;be glad to do sth很高兴做某事;主语the old lady是第三人

55、称单数,谓语用第三人称单数形式;lend a helping hand to sb给某人伸出援助之手;homeless无家可归的,the+形容词,表示一类人,the homeless无家可归答案第7 页,共 22页的人。故填 The old lady was glad to lend a helping hand to the homeless.51.Did you do anything fun on your vacation?【详解】根据句意,本句是一般疑问句,时态是一般过去时,用助动词Did提问;你y o u,作主语;在假期on your vacation;做了一些有趣的事情do an

56、ything fun。故填Did youdo anything fun on your vacation?52.Since 2009,the government has tried to improve our living conditions.【详解】自2009年以来:since 2009;政府:the government;设法做某事:try to do sth.;改善我们的居住条件:improve ourliving conditions。“since+过去时间点”,时态用现在完成时 结构是have/has d o n e,主语是第三人称单数,助动词用has。故填Since 2009

57、,thegovernment has tried to improve our living conditions.53.Do you have trouble working closely with the deaf?【详解】根据标点符号可知,是一般疑问句形式,句子时态是一般现在时。have trouble(in)doing sth在做某事方面有困难;work closely with密切合作;the deaf失聪的人。本题问句应该由助动词d o 引导,后接主语youo故填Do you have trouble working closely with thedeaf?54.He and

58、his family left fbr the airport in the early morning the next day.【详解】leave fbr”动身,前往。in the early morning the next day”第二天一早:根据句意,事情发生在过去,用一般过去时态。故填He and his family left for the airport in the earlymorning the next day.55.When I saw Jim in Australia,I couldnt believe my eyes【详解】在澳大利亚:in Australia;

59、看到:see;不能:cant;相信自己的眼睛:believe myeyeso此句是when引导的时间状语从句,结合语境可知,此题时态为一般过去时,see的过去式是saw,cant的过去式是couldnt coukhft是情态动词,后面跟动词原形。故填When I saw Jim in Australia,I couldnt believe my eyes。56.How do you get to school every morning?【详解】这是特殊疑问句,疑问词是h o w,根据“每天”可知句子是一般现在时,问句用助动词do,放在主语前面;主语是you你;谓语动词是get to scho

60、ol去学校;时间状语是every morning 每天早晨。故填 How do you get to school every morning?57.Its good to spend half an hour doing exercise every day.【详解】做某事是好的:Its good to do s th,是固定句型;花半个小时做锻炼:spend half an答案第8 页,共 22页hour doing exercise,此处用不定式作主语,it作形式主语;每天:every day;故填Its goodto spend half an hour doing exercise

61、every day.58.If you make a promise,you must keep it.【详解】如果:i f;许诺:make a promise;坚守允诺:keep a promise:必须:musto根据汉语可知,该句是if 引导的条件状语从句,从句的“a promise”在主句中用it代替。故填Ifyou make a promise,you must keep it.59.I was making a snowman when a snowball hit me.【详解】根据给出中文可知这是一个含有when引导的时间状语从句的主从复合句,主句是“我正在堆雪人”,为过去进行

62、时,从句是“一个雪球砸中了我”,为一般过去时;主句主语 I,堆雪人:make a snowman,make作谓语要变成was making的结构;从句主语“asnowball 一个雪球“,砸:h it,作谓语hit要用过去式hit,“我”作 hit的宾语用宾格形式me,故填 I was making a snowman when a snowball hit me.60.Thousands of people lost their lives in the natural disaster.【详解】成千上万的人:thousands of people;失去生命:lose ones life;在

63、那次自然灾害中in the natural disastero结合语境可知,此题为一般过去时,所以谓语动词用lost。故填:Thousands of people lost their lives in the natural disaster.61.When we got to the top of the mountain,it was raining hard/heavily.【详解】when“当时”;get to“到达”;the top of the mountain“山顶”;rain“下雨hard/heavily“严重地”,副词修饰动词hard,when引导的时间状语从句,从句用一般

64、过去时,主句表示过去某个时刻正在发生的事情,用过去进行时结构,故填When we got to thetop of the mountain,it was raining hard/heavily.62.I also advised him to take a course in DIY.【详解】also也,位于实义动词前;advise sb to do sth”建 议 某 人 做 某 事 take a course inDIY“上一门“DIY”课程”,描述过去发生的事情,句子用一般过去时,故填I also advisedhim to take a course in DIY.63.Hes n

65、ot good at singing and hes here just to make up the number.【详解】根据汉语意思可知,是陈述客观事实,因此用一般现在时。短语begoodat 表示擅长.;be here to do sth.表示来这儿做某来 短 语 make up the number表示充数;根据汉语提示,故填 Hes not good at singing and hes here just to make up the number.64.She will see her aunt until/till half past five in the afternoo

66、n.答案第9 页,共 22页【详解】until/till直到才,half past five五点半;根据汉语提示可知,句子的时态为一般将来时,故答案为 She will see her aunt until/till half past five in the afternoon.65.He slept badly and didnt feel like eating.【详解】他 h e,作主语;失眠sleep badly;而且and;没有胃口 dont feel like eating。根据句意,本句时态是一般过去时,动词用过去式,故填He slept badly and didrTt fbel likeeating.66.He realized that Americans can hardly avoid buying products made in China.【详解】根据语境可知,该句是that引导的宾语从句,主句时态是一般过去时,他意识到:he realized,从句部分表示的是客观事实,所以用一般现在时,从句用陈述语序;主语是美国人Americans;几乎不能:can

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