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1、译林版初中七年级翻译题专项训练100题含答案一、汉译英:整句1.Jane和 Jill会游泳吗?是的,她们会。/不,她们不会。2.你在周末通常有什么活动呢?3.郭敬明作为一个作家而出名。4.他爸爸不喜欢汉堡包.5.他浇水在他的衣服上来保护他自己。6.Simon是学校篮球队的一名新成员。7.三加二等于几?8.不要为她担心。她已经不是小孩了。(not.any more)9.这家邮局的面积超过一百平方米。10.二月在一月之后。11.我计划每周去游泳。12.这家服装店8:00-11:00营业。13.我们都是校足球队的一员。14.孩子们现在正在看电视上的一场篮球赛。15.我擅长游泳和打篮球。16.我妈妈喜

2、欢传统京剧。(traditional)四、将下列句子译成英语17.我妈妈昨天生病住院了。18.他冲进屋子去救一个女孩。19.一位80 岁的老人住在隔壁。20.让孩子们远离火。21.我的妹妹不喜欢独自待在家里。22.我最喜欢的餐馆是最大的那个。(restaurant)23.谢谢你帮我捎了个口信。24.他和往常一样开着窗户睡觉。25.也许他们正在厨房做饭。26.她看起来怎样?-她看起来很可爱。?She looks cute.27.我们用电脑搜寻信息。V.翻译句子28.Simon有属于自己的卧室。29.北京是中国的首都。30.我和妹妹同住在一个卧室。31.我喜欢坐在阳台上,看外面的孩子和花园。32.



5、了大约一个小时乘公交车到了世界公园。63.放学后我有时打半小时的篮球。64.我有两盘磁带,它们在录音机里。65.米莉的圆脸使她看上去很可爱。66.过了桥我们就能看见一头大象正站在那边。67.我们每周去两次足球俱乐部。68.你已经决定好和谁一起去看比赛了吗??69.她的脸上总是露着笑容,看起来很开心。70.过去这儿的街道很脏,但是自从我们几年前来到这里后,它改善了很多。(usedto)71.她的妈妈和大明的妈妈在同-所医院。(the same hospital)72.在许多国家,第一次去别人家空手是不礼貌的。73.我直到做完作业才会上床睡觉。74.冰箱里也许没有食物了。75.人们应该更多地乘坐公

6、共交通工具。76.他做出总结:我们应该用一颗平常心对待成功和失败。77.起初每个人看到他们都很惊奇,但是非常开心地发现汤姆和哈克还活着。78.下课后我总是和同学们一起打篮球。(afterclass)79.虽然李老师对我们的学习要求严格,但他一直鼓励和支持我们。80.但是关键是要从错误中学习,永不放弃。81.不但我的同学们而且我的英语老师高度评价这部电影。82.为了保持健康,这位著名的工程师别无选择只能戒烟。83.这部电脑是商店中最贵的。8 4.红色和白色是多好的一组搭配啊!句子翻译8 5.我们在八点钟做早操。8 6.丹尼尔是电脑俱乐部的一名成员。8 7.在午餐期间,我们经常坐在树下,互相聊天。

7、8 8.我们在米莉的生日晚会上玩得非常开心。8 9.放学后,他们有时花半个小时练习打排球。二、英译汉:整句90.Socks are only$2 for three pairs!91.Can you play the p ian o?(翻译句子,并说明情态动词所表达的意思)_?can:_92.Happy Teachers9 Day,Mr.W an g!(将句子翻译成汉语)93.She is writing a letter.(翻译句子,并说明动词-ing形式的构成方式)94.Lucy is looking for a restaurant near her school.95.The book

8、 is mine.It is very interesting4翻译成汉语,指出 it 的用法)96.John found it difficult to finish the work on time.(翻译成汉语,指出 it 的用法)97.The woman(妇女)in red is Ms.Zhang.(把句子翻译成汉语)98.He has a healthy eating habit.99.Many forget that saving the earth begins with small things.三、英译汉:单词/短语写出下列汉语意思100.relaxing_101.inter

9、esting102.fun_103.easy_104.cool_105.boring_106.difficult_四、语篇翻译读下面安娜和老师的对话并翻译句子。Teacher:Hi,Anna.1.Are these your pencils?Anna:No,they are Bobs.Teacher:And is this his green pen?Anna:No,it isnt.2.这支蓝色的笔是他的。Teacher:What about this dictionary?Anna:Ifs Helens.3.And the green pen is hers,loo.Teacher:And

10、the eraser?4.那是你的吗?Anna:Yes,it is.Teacher:5.Thank you for your help,Anna.Anna:Youre welcome.107._108.109.110.111.My name is Cathy.1.This is a photo of my family.This is my father,John.His jacket isblack.He is 40.That is my mother.She is 37.Today is my birthday.2.Its the first day of theeleventh mont

11、h.They have a big party for me every year.3.AH my good friends come to mybirthday party.I get many giftsa shirt,a dictionary,a volleyball and so on.I like volleyball.4.它对我来说很容易。At the party.We really have a good lime!How old are you?5.你的生日是什么时候?Can you let me know?假如你是Serena,现在给笔

12、友Anna写第一封信,请你向她进行简单的自我介绍。根据文章中的中文提示,补全短文。Dear Anna,My name is Se r e na.J(我愿意和你交朋友。)I am 13 yearsold.I am tall and thin.I have long black hair._ LL8_ (我的家离学校近,所以我经常步行上学。)Myfavourite subject is English.We can learn about Western culture and communicate withforeigners by leaning English.After school,w

13、e practice playingbasket bal l.H9(每天做运动对于我们来说是很重要的。)Ialways enjoy myself at school.I arrive home at about 5:30 pm,120(在家我帮妈妈做家务。)For example,my mum cooks dinner and I wash the dishes.I2j(我的爱好是听音乐和读书。)After finishing myhomework,I often read novels and write reading reports.I hope to be a famous write

14、r in thefuture.Please write to me soon and tell me about your life.Best wishes,Serena五、汉译英:单词/短语根据中文意思写单词。122.演奏123.网球124.钢琴125.骑,乘126.俱乐部127.学期128.布告板129.所有的130.担心131.教授132.那么,就133.班长134.开始135.乐意的136.承诺137.快地138.健康的139.就,正好140.球 _ _ _ _ _ _141.运动项目142.队伍,球队143.最好的144.得分,成绩145.整齐的146.确信地147.每个人148.正

15、如,正像149.美丽的150.飞 _ _ _ _ _ _1 5 1.游泳默写下列词汇。152.英俊的adj.153.演员 .154.女演员.155.人.一(同义词)二、将下列短语译成英语156.给我拿点吃的东西来157.看它们四处游动_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _158.在我的膝盖上睡觉_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _159.小而软_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _160

16、.把它握在我手里_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _161.喂她胡萝卜_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _162.和他一起在公园里玩_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _163.教他说话_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _164.和某人玩_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

17、_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _165.喜欢她的长耳朵_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _翻译下列短语166.(花)零用钱_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _167.帮助穷人_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _168.报纸上的一则广告169.帮助来自贫穷地区的孩子们170.需要帮助的孩子们171.有足够的文具用172.书写纸、稿纸173.捐款(给某人)_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

18、 _ _ _ _根据中文意思写短语174.首先,第一175.失物招领箱176.小心对待177.失物招领处178.成百上千179.成千上万180.寻 找 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _181.从现在开始根据汉语意思写出单词或短语。182.我最喜欢的科目183.一节英语课184.无疑,肯定185.接下来的一天186.在上午八点187.他的一些照片188.在图一189.爱做某事190.和某人交谈191.有一天192.长城根据中文意思写出单词和短语。193.认为,思考194.书包195.在椅子上196.在桌子下197.在桌子上(根据中文写出英语单词)198.adj.&pron.谁的;(特指

19、)那个人的pron.谁 pron,谁(宾格)199.n.卡车;货车200.n.兔;野兔201.V.出席;参加202.ad j.贵重的;很有用的:宝贵的203.ad j.粉红色的;n.粉红色204.n.野餐205.pron.任何人 somebody pron.有人;某人短语速记(写出下列短语的英文)206.餐桌礼仪207.家规208.给某人一些建议209.期待210.出现;露面211.在 不 同 的 情 况 下 一二、将下列短语译成英语212.带你参观我的家乡_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _213.在农场_ _ _ _ _ _

20、 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _214.一些其他的_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _215.听到鸟儿唱歌_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _216.大多数人_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

21、 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _217.养牛_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _218.一百个家庭_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _219.一个可以居住的好地方_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _2 2 0,种小麦_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

22、 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _221.开车带我们去那儿购物_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _参考答案:1.一Can Jane and Jill swim?一Yes,they can./No,they cant.【详解】本题主要考查情态动词can开头的一般疑问句以及回答,肯定回答Yes,主语+can;否定回答No,主语+carft。此处主语是“Jane和 Jill”,因此用they代替。故填一CanJane and Jill swim?Ye

23、s,they can./No,they cant.2.What activity do you usually have on weekends?【详解】what activity 什么活动”;have有 ;usually“通常”;on weekends 在周末”,这是一个特殊疑问句,结构为:特殊疑问词+一般疑问句,句子是一般现在时,主语you是第二人称,将助动词 do 放在主语 you 前,故填 What activity do you usually have on weekends?3.Guo Jingming is famous as a writer.【详解】根据汉语意思可知,时态是

24、一般现在时,主语Guo Jingming,be famous as”作为.而出名“,a writer”一个作家,故填 Guo Jingming is famous as a writero4.His father doesnt like hamburgers/burgers.【详解】根据中文语境可知,时态是一般现在时的否定句;他爸爸his father,作主语,谓语动词用三单;不喜欢 doesnt like;汉堡包 hamburgers/burgers。故填 His father doesntlike hamburgers/burgers.5.He poured water over his

25、clothes to protect himself【详解】pour water over朝.泼水,且根据全文可知,用一般现在时,故填He pouredwater over his clothes to protect himselfo6.Simon is a new member of the school basketball team.【详解】学校篮球队:the school basketball team;是.的一员:be a member of;新的:newo结合语境可知,此题时态是一般现在时,主语Simon是单数,因此be用 is。故填Simon is a new member o

26、f the school basketball team.7.Whats three and two?【详解】三加二:three and tw o,表示几加几等于几,可用结构:what is.。故填Whatsthree and two?8.Dont worry about her.She is not a child any more.答案第1 页,共 25页【详解】不要为她担心:dont worry about h e r,其中worry about是动词短语,意为“为.担心,为发愁”。她:her人称代词宾格;she人称代词主格;已经不(再)是:benot.any more;小孩:a c h

27、 ild,名词短语,作表语。根据汉语可知,这里要用一般现在时,前半句是否定祈使句,后半句是陈述句。故填Don worry about her.She is not a childany more.9.The post office has an area of over 100 square meters.【详解】这家邮局:the post office;有.面积:have an area of.;超过一百平方米over100 square meterso本句时态是一般现在时,主语是单数,动词用第三人称单数形式,故填The post office has an area of over 100

28、 square meters.10.February comes after January.【详解】二月:February;一月:January;在.之后:come after;描述客观情况,用一般现在时,主语是单数,谓语动词用单三。故填February comes after January.11.I plan to go swimming every week.【详解】“计划做某事”为 plan to do sth.;“去游泳”为 go swimming;“每周”为 every week;根据句意和汉语提示可知应用一般现在时,主语为L 所以谓语动词plan用原形,故答案为 I plan

29、to go swimming every week.12.This clothing store is open from 8:00 to 11:00.【详解】“这家服装店this clothing store,448:00-11:00 营业“be open from 8:00 to 11:00,本句时态是一般现在时,主语是第三人称单数,be动词用is。This clothing store is openfrom 8:00 to 11:00.13.We are all on the school football team.或 We are all the members of the sc

30、hool footballteam.【详解】句意:我们都是校足球队的一员。on the school football team:校足球队的一员;a member of the school football team:校足球队的一员;结合句意可知答案是We are allon the school football team.c We are all the members of the school football team.14.The children are watching a basketball game on TV now.【详解】本句是现在进行时,其结构为am/is/ar

31、edoing,主语children是人称复数,故用be动词are;观看:watch;电视上的一场篮球赛:a basketball game on TV;现在:now。故填The children are watching a basketball game on TV now.15.Im good at swimming and playing basketball.答案第2 页,共 25页【详解】be good at doing sth“擅长做某事”;swim游泳;play basketball打篮球,and 连接并列关系;句子是一般现在时,主语I 是第一人称,be动词用a m,故填 m g

32、ood atswimming and playing basketball.16.My mother likes traditional Peking Opera.【详解】我妈妈my m other,喜欢lik e,传统京剧traditional Peking O pera,本句时态是一般现在时,主语是第三人称单数,动词用三单。故填My mother likes traditional Peking Opera.17.My mother was/fell ill in hospital yesterday.18.He rushed into the house to save a girl.1

33、9.An 80-year-old man lives next door.20.Keep the children away from fire.21.My sister doesnt like to stay at home alone/by herself.【解析】1 7.根据句意可知,此句是一般过去时态的陈述句。根据固定短语in hospital住院。可知,此句故填 My mother was/fell ill in hospital yesterday.18.根据句意可知,此句是一般过去时态的陈述句。根据固定短语rush into冲进。可知,此句故填 He rushed into th

34、e house to save a girl.19.根据句意可知,此句是一般现在时态,根据主语是复合形容词一位8 0 岁的老人An 80-year-old m an,谓语动词要用第三人称单数形式,An 80-year-old man lives next door.20.根据句意可知,此句是祈使句。根据短语keep.away from远离。可知,此空故填Keep the children away from fire.21.根据句意可知,此句是一般现在时态,根据短语stay at home待在家里。可知,此空故填 My sister doesnt like to stay at home al

35、one/by herself.22.My favorite restaurant is the biggest one【详解】我最喜欢的:my favorite;餐馆:restaurant;最大的那个:the biggest one;myfavorite restaurant在句中做主语,故谓语动词应使用单数形式is;the biggest one在句中作表语成分。故填:My favorite restaurant is the biggest one.23.Thank you for helping me take a message.【详解】谢谢你thank you for doing s

36、 th,帮我捎了个口信help me take a m essage,此处动词应用 doing 形式,故填 Thank you for helping me take a message.24.He slept with the window(s)open as usual.答案第3 页,共 25页【详解】根据语境,描述发生了的事情用一般过去时态。“with+宾语+宾补”结构表示伴随,此处指窗开着这种状态,即with window(s)open;as usual“像 往 常 一 样 故 填 He sleptwith the window(s)open as usual.25.Maybe the

37、yre cooking in the kitchen.【详解】根据句意可知,此句是现在进行时,也许是副词,放在句首,故填Maybe theylecooking in the kitchen.26.How does she look/What does she look like/Whats she like【详解】“她看起来怎么样 是在询问长相。询问长相的表达有Howdoes/dosb.look?/Whatdoes/do sb.look like?/What is/are sb.like?。主语she是第三人称单数,故在疑问句中将助动词 does 或 be 动词 is 提前。故填 How do

38、es she look/What does she look like/Whats she like。27.We use computers to search for information.【详解】我们:we;使用:use;电脑:computer,此处应用复数形式表示类别;搜寻信息:search for information,用动词不定式形式作目的状语。结合语境可知,此题应用一般现在时,主语“we”是第一人称复数形式,动词应用原形。故填We use computers to searchfor information.28.Simon has his own bedroom./Simon

39、 has a bedroom of his own.29.Beijing is the capital of China.30.I share a bedroom with my sister.31.I love/like to sit on the balcony and look out at the children and the garden.32.I hope to visit your home some day/one day./I hope(that)I can visit your home some day.【解析】28.of ones own属于某人自己的,作后置定语,

40、主语Simon是第三人称单数,故谓语用第三人称单数,表示有,故用has。故此处为Simon has his own bedroom./Simon hasa bedroom of his own.29.the capital of.的首都,故答案为 Beijing is the capital of China.30.share sth with sb 和某人分享某物,故答案为 I share a bedroom with my sister.31.love/like to do sth 喜欢做某事,on the balcony 在阳台上,look out at 向外面看.故止匕处为 I lov

41、e/like to sit on the balcony and look out at the children and the garden.32.hope to do sth 希望做某事,some day=one day 有一天,故此处为 I hope to visit yourhome some day/one day./I hope(that)I can visit your home some day.答案第4 页,共 25页33.The girl is no longer afraid to walk alone at night.【详解】不再,再也不:no longer;害怕做

42、某事:be afraid to do sth;独自走路:walkalone;在晚上:at night;根据句意要用一般现在时,主语是单数名词,动词也用单数形式is,故填 The girl is no longer afraid to walk alone at night.34.When its time for the children to leave school,the dog will take them home.【详解】when当.时,引导时间状语从句;its time fbr sb to do sth是某人做.的时候T;the children孩 子 们;leave schoo

43、l离开学校;take them home带孩子们回家。when引导的时间状语从句用一般现在时表将来,主句用will+动词原形。故填When it,s time for thechildren to leave school,the dog will take them home.35.My grandpa was ill and was in hospital for two weeks.【详解】根据汉语句意,可知句子时态用一般过去时;“我爷爷my grandpa,在句中作主语;病了was ill,并列谓语“住院”was in hospital,用 and连接;“两个星期 for twowee

44、ks,for+一段时间;故填 My grandpa was ill and was in hospital for two weeks.36.Does Lucy have a ping-pong ball?【详解】有:have;乒乓球:ping-pong ball;结合语境可知,本题的时态为一般现在时,主语Lucy为第三人称单数;根据题干中的问号可知,这是个一般疑问句,因此需要借助助动词d o 的第三人称单数形式,即 d o es,置于句首时需首字母大写,故填Does Lucy have aping-pong ball?37.Li Hua is/comes from Beijing.She d

45、oesnt live with her family now.38.Does he like all the lessons at his school?39.Their first English lesson starts at 9 a.m.40.Do you play football after class?41.I have some new friends at school.They are all nice to me.【解析】37.“是北京人”可以说is from Beijing 或 comes from Beijing;“和某人住在一起live with s b,根据句意可

46、知,这是一般现在时,主语是单三形式,否定时要借助于助动词 doesnt;故翻译为 Li Hua is/comes from Beijing.She doesnt live with her family now.3 8.根据句意可知,这个句子是一般现在时,主语是he,故要借助于助动词does;“所有的功课 all the lessons,故翻译为 Does he like all the lessons at his school?答案第5 页,共 25页39.第一节课the first lesson,“在上午9 点“at 9 am,根据句意可知这是一般现在时,动词start 要加 s,故翻译

47、为 Their first English lesson starts at 9 a.m.40.“课后”after class,“踢足球 play fbotball,这是般现在时,故要借助于助动词d o,故翻译为 Do you play football after class?4一些新朋友,some new fHends,“对某人好的“be friendly/nice to s b,根据句意可知这是一般现在时,主语是I,故谓语动词have用原形即可,故翻译为I have some new friends atschool.They are all nice to me.42.I hope h

48、is dream can come true.【详解】我希望.:I hope(that),that引导的是宾语从句;他的梦想:his dream,名词作主语;能够:c a n,是情态动词,后接动词原形;成真:come tru e,此处动词用原形;故填 I hope his dream can come true.43.He is very helpful and he is always ready to help people in need.【详解】句子描述事实,用一般现在时;he“他”,作 主 语;is very helpful“非常乐于助人”;and连接并列句子;always“总是”,

49、位于be动词后;is ready to do sth 准备做某事;helppeople in need”帮 助 有 需 要 的 人 故 填 He is very helpful and he is always ready to help peoplein need.44.Fire is very dangerous.We should be careful with it.【详解】“火”为 fke;“很危险”为 very dangerous;“我们”为 w e,主格代词;“应当”为should,情态动词,后加动词原形;“小心对待某事”为 be careful with sth.;“它”为 i

50、t。结合语境可知,此句应用一般现在时,主语“fire”是第三人称单数形式,故系动词应用is。故填Fire is very dangerous.We should be careful with it.45.There is an apple on the table46.There are eight tomatoes in the basket.47.There is a teacher and eight students in the classroom.48.There are eight teachers and one student in the classroom.【解析】4

51、5.这个题目考查there be句型,句型是there be+主语+介词短语,表示在某处有某物,根据句意可知,这里是一个苹果,是单数,故 be动词用i s,介词短语。n the table放在句末。4 6.这个题目考查there be句型,句型是there be+主语+介词短语,表示在某处有某物,根答案第6 页,共 25页据句意可知,这里的主语是eighl tom aloes,是复数形式,故 be动词用are。介词短语inlhebasket表示在篮子里。4 7.这句话的主语是a teacher and eight students,there be句型中主谓致应根据就近原则,这个并列主语中离b

52、e动词更近的是a teacher,故用单数is。4 8.这句话的主语是eight students and one student,here be句型中主谓一致应根据就近原则,这个并列主语中离be动词更近的是eight students,是复数形式,故 be动词用are。点睛:这个题目考查的是there be句型的用法,这是一个很有用的句型,表示“有”,常使用于 there be+主语+介词短语,表示在某地有某物,be动词的形式应跟主语的形式保持一致。如果主语是并列的名词,那么be动词的形式应根据就近原则,与离它最近的名词形式一致。例如第3 小题和第4 小题考查的就是there be句型的主谓

53、一致问题。49.She is kind and always ready to help others.【详解】她:s h e,句首首字母大写,故为She;善良的:kind;总是:always;乐于做某事:be ready to do;帮助别人:help otherso 结合语境可知,此题为一般现在时,be动词用iso 故填 She is kind and always ready to help others.50.Is that your family photo?【详解】那是:that is;你的:your;家庭照片:family photoo根据中文提示的问号,可知本句是一般疑问句,那

54、么句中的be”动词要提前,故填Is that your family photo?51.How long does it take your brother to ride to school every day?52.Thanks a lot for telling us about your friend.53.How long does it take you to walk to the park?54.The school hall looks modern and bright.The teachers often have meetings in it.55.The lake i

55、s far away from here,so there are few people going swimming there.【解析】5 1.句意:你哥哥每天骑自行车上学花多少时间?根据句意和特别时间“每天every day”可知此句时态是一般现在时。ride to school:骑自行车上学/go to school by bike;how long:多少时间,引导特殊疑问句;句型it takes sb.st.to do sth.:花费某人多长时间做某事;结合句意可知答案是 How long does it take your brother to ride to school eve

56、ry day?/How long does it take your brother to go to school by bike every day?5 2.句意:非常感谢你告诉了我们关于你朋友的情况。根据可知此句是祈使句。短语Thanks a lot for doing sth.:因为某事感谢某人;短语tell sb.about sth.:告诉某人关于某答案第7 页,共 25页事;结合句意可知答案是 Thanks a lot for telling us about your friend.53.句意:步行去公园花了你多长时间?句型it takes sb.st.to do sth.:花费

57、某人多长时间做某事;how long:多少时间,引导特殊疑问句;步行去公园:walk to the park/go to the parkon foot;结合句意可知答案是 How long does it take you to walk to the park?/How long does ittake you to go to the park on foot?54.句意:学校礼堂看起来既现代又明亮。老师们经常在里面开会。第一句表达的事实,第二句中“经常often”可知此两句时态是般现在时。the school hall:学校礼堂;lookmodern and bright:看起来既现代

58、又明亮;注意主谓一致,主语三单谓语三单;短语havemeetings:开会。结合句意可知答案是 The school hall looks modern and bright.The teachersoften have meetings in it.055.句意:那个湖远离这儿,因此没几个人去那里游泳。本句表达的是事实情况,可知此句时态用一般现在时。短语be far away from sp.:离远;表达某处有某物用there be句型,注意be动词形式是就近原则,ihere are few people going swimming there:没几个人去那里游泳,there be句型中,

59、谓语动词是be动词,后面再跟动词用非谓语动词;“很少人”和“游泳”是逻辑上的主谓关系,这时用现在分词作后置定语。例如,There are many robotsworking in the factories now.(现在工厂里有很多在工作的机器人。)结合句意可知答案是The lake is far away from here,so there are few people going swimming there.【点睛】做翻译句子,首先判断句子的时态,判断时态可以根据句子中的频度副词,时间副词和句意来判断,句子中有频度副词(经常,有时)可知此句时态一般是一般现在时,every day/

60、week.等此句时态一般也是一般现在时。其次,把固定句型和短语翻译成英语;最后根据英语语法结合句意连词成句。注意:平时要多背诵一些好的文章,特别是一些典型句型和短语,这有助于你做汉译英题。56.Look!The models are wearing different styles of clothes.【详解】根据句意应用现在进行时,其结构为主语+am/is/are+doing sth;“那些模特”为the models;”穿不同款式的衣服 为wear different styles of clothes,wear表示穿着的状态,不能用强调动作的动词词组pul on;主语为Ihe m od

61、els,助动词应用are。故答案为Look!The models are wearing different styles of clothes.57.Its important for us to protect the Earth for our future.【详解】固定句式:It,s+形容词+for sb to do sth”对某人来说,做某事是.”;important”重要的;protect the Earth for our future”为我们的将来而保护地球”,故填Its答案第8 页,共 25页important for us to protect the Earth for

62、our future.58.The model plane is hers.【详解】the model plane这个飞机模型,be是,hers她 的(飞机模型),时态是一般现在时。故填 The model plane is hers.59.How lucky to find someone like him to solve the problem!【详解】该句为感叹句,分析句意可知,这里强调多么幸运,“幸运的”为 lucky,是形容词,所以应用How引导感叹句,“多么幸运”为 How lucky;“幸运做某事“为 kicky to dosth.;”找到一个人”为 find someone;

63、“像他那样 为 like him;“解决难题solve the problem,分析句子结构可知,此处应用动词不定式“to solve the problem”在句中作定语,故答案为How lucky to find someone like him to solve the problem!60.If coal and oil are used or thrown away carelessly,they will finally run out.【详解】这是“if引导的条件状语从句,遵循主将从现的原则,主句是一般将来时,从句用一般现在时表示将来。从句的主语是“coal and oil,是复

64、数概念。表达“被使用”,动词用一般现在时的被动结构“are used”,表达“被扔掉”,动词用一般现在时的被动结构“thrownaway”,表达“或”用连词“or”连接两个动词。表达“随意”用副词“carelessly”修饰动词。主句的主语是“they”,表达“耗尽”用一般将来时“will run out”,表达“最终”用副词“finally”。故填If coal and oil are used or thrown away carelessly,they will finally run out.61.It is important for everyone to keep fit/hea

65、lthy.【详解】It is important for sb.to do sth.表示“做某事对于某人来说是.;keep fit/healthy表示“保持健康;根据汉语提示,故填 It is important for everyone to keep fit/healthy.62.It took us about one hour to get to the World Park by bus.【详解】It takes sb.some time to do sth.某人花费多长时间做某事,是固定用法,表示发生在过去的事情,用一般过去时,by bus乘公共汽车,是固定用法,所以填It too

66、k us aboutone hour to get to the World Park by bus.。63.I sometimes play basketball for half an hour after school.【详解】放学后afterschool;有时sometimes,用于一般现在时;打半小时的篮球playbasketball for half an houro主语I 是第一人称,动词需用原形;根据句意结构,可知填Isometimes play basketball for half an hour after school.o64.I have two tapes,and they are in the tape player.【详解】分析中文可知,该句是由并列连词and连接的两个简单句。1“我”,作主语;答案第9 页,共 25页have“有”,作谓语;two tapes“两盘磁带”,作宾语。they“它们”,指代前一句的“twotapes”,they作主语,be动词用are;in the tape player”在录音机里“,作状语。故填I havetwo tap

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