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1、Tuesday, January 26, 2021 English-Chinese Translation Chapter 13 涉外商务信函的翻译 Lecturer: Echo English College Tuesday, January 26, 2021 涉外商务信函的翻译 English College Tuesday, January 26, 2021 Contents of Lecture Thirteen Part 1 Introduction of Business Letter Part 2 Translation of Business Letter Part 3 Ass

2、ignment English College Tuesday, January 26, 2021 Introduction of Business Letter English College Tuesday, January 26, 2021 商务信函的分类 :Types of Business Letter 1.建立业务关系函 Set new business relationship 2.询盘函 Make an inquiry 3.报盘函 Make an offer 4.还盘函 Make a counter-offer 5.接受函 Acceptance 6.付款 函 Payment 7

3、.装运通知函 Shipment 8. 索赔函 Claim 9. 保险函 Insurance English College Tuesday, January 26, 2021 无论是普通信还是商务信函,其 格式(如齐头式、 缩进式和混合式)和篇章结构都比较固定 (见书) ,幵且两者差别丌大,但后者比前者正式、严肃得 多,即商务信函在篇章结构和行文风格的各个方面 都有更具体的要求。一封正式的商务信函一般由以 下几个部分构成幵按照如下结构组成完整的篇章( 见书)。 English College Tuesday, January 26, 2021 商务信函基本格式 1. 信头( Heading/T

4、he letter head) ,即寄信人的地址 2. 日期( Date) 3. 信内地址( Inside address),即收信人的地址 4. 称呼( Salutation) 5. 正文( The Body) 6. 结束语 /函尾套语( Complimentary close) 7. 发信人姓名( Signature ) 7 Essential Parts English College Tuesday, January 26, 2021 English College Tuesday, January 26, 2021 涉外商务信函可忽略部分 1. 文档号( Reference),如:

5、Our ref.: WFX/SQ, Your ref.: JS201/SD707 2.主办人( Attention) , 如: Attention: The Sales Manager 3.事由( Subject) 4,附件( Enclosure) 5.副本 /抄送( CC.,即 Carbon Copy) 6.附言 /又及事项( P.S.,即 Postscript) 6 Parts that can be omitted English College Tuesday, January 26, 2021 (阅读文中第 172页) 注意商务信函的开首语 1 我们收到您 4月 30日第 M8301

6、号来函。 We are in receipt of your letter Ref. M8301 dated the 30th April. 2 我们高兴地收到贵方 2004年 4月 30日来函。 We have pleasure in acknowledging the receipt of your letter of the 30th April. 3谢谢贵方 4月 30日的询盘 ,幵已获得我们充分 注意 。 We thank you for your enquiry of the 30th April, which has had our best attention. English

7、 College Tuesday, January 26, 2021 4.我们收到贵方 上月 1日来函及附件。 We acknowledge the receipt of your letter of the 1st ultimo with the enclosure. 5.贵方上月 22日来函及所附订单第 212号一幵收到。 Your letter of 22nd ultimo, together with the order No.212 enclosed, has been received . English College Tuesday, January 26, 2021 注意商务

8、信函的结尾语 1.殷切地等待贵方早日答复。 We are awaiting your early reply with interest. 2.我们将感谢贵方的迅速答复。 Your prompt reply will be appreciated. 3. 我们将感谢贵方对上述各点迅速加以注意。 Your prompt attention to the said points will be appreciated. English College Tuesday, January 26, 2021 涉外商务信函的文体特点及 翻译 English College Tuesday, January

9、 26, 2021 涉外商务信函的文体特点 商务英语信函是一种公文性质的信函,其主要内容 涉及公事,交流目的的主要在于磋商公务,因此每 一封商务公函都必须注重表达准确、规范、朴素, 幵且主题突出、中心明确。 1. 词汇使用特点 (1) 用词规范正式 (阅读文中第 164-166页) English College Tuesday, January 26, 2021 (2) 表意准确、专业性强 (阅读文中第 166-169-页) 商务信函缩略语举例: B/L ( bill of lading) 提单 C.A.C (credit advice )收款报单 C.A.D (cash against d

10、ocuments)付现交单 C.A.F (cost and freight )运费 在内 /(成本加)运费 CARR. PD.(carriage paid)运费已 付 C. F. & C. (cost,freight and commission)运费佣金在内价 (成本,运费加保险价) C. F. & I. (cost, freight and insurance)运费保险 在内价(成本,运费加保险价) C & I (cost and insurance) 保险 费在内价(成本,加保险价) D/A (document against acceptance) 承兑交单 ( days after

11、acceptance)承兑 后若干日交单 O. K ( all correct ) 全对 T/R ( trust receipt ) 信托收据 S/N ( shipping note ) 装船通知 English College Tuesday, January 26, 2021 (3) 用语朴素、淡于修饰 (阅读文中第 170页) 2句式结构特点(阅读文中例句第 171-173页) (1)句式正规完整 You letter of August 1,2001 addressed to our sister branch, enquiring for Corduroy, has been pas

12、sed on to us for attention. As the article enquired for is handled by our Corporation, we shall therefore be glad if you write to us direct hereafter for it. 贵公司 2001年 8月 1日致我兄弟公司函关于询购灯芯绒一事已 转给我公司办理。所询品种系我公司经营,故欢迎今后直接 来信联系该项业务。 English College Tuesday, January 26, 2021 (2) 用陈述句表示委婉的祈使意义(阅读文中例句第 172页

13、) (3) 大量使用套语 please be informed that 兹通知你方 ;( p177) in the market for 欲购 Your prompt reply will be appreciated. 如蒙速复不胜感激 。 * will be sent upon request. 承索即寄 XXX。 The offer is subject to our confirmation. 此报盘须经确认有效。 The offer is firm for 3 days. 此报盘 有效期 为 3天。 (4) 使用倒装句(阅读文中例句第 172页) English College T

14、uesday, January 26, 2021 3 礼貌、委婉语气的准确把握(阅读文中例句第 173页) 1). The L/C should be issued at an early time for our prompt shipment. 贵方应尽早开出信用证 ,以利我方出货 . 2). Attached please find a quotation No.72-A301 covering several commodities in regular supply, but all price quoted are subject to our final confirmation

15、. 附寄 报 价 单 第 72-A301一 份 ,内 列有几只我公司 经 常供 应 的商品 , 但所列价格以我 们 方最后确 认为 准。 English College Tuesday, January 26, 2021 商务信函的翻译要点 根据商务英语信函的特点,我们在翻译商务英语 信函的时应当遵从准确规范、功能对等的原则。 准确不仅指用词用句和语言结构上的准确,还包 括对信函内容的准确把握;规范指译文必须符合 本行业的专业规范 English College Tuesday, January 26, 2021 ( 1)要准确理解各种术语、外来词汇、套语和习惯表达 的专业含义和固定译 法,尽

16、量保留原文风格,译成符合 汉语商务语言规范的术语或套语。 (p176-177) ( 2)了解词汇的特定含义 Discharge 可做名词或动词,一般为“卸货”,但要分 场合。 Routine duties of the Joint Venture Company are to be discharged by the general manager appointed by the Board of Directors. 董事会任命的总经理, 负责 履行合资公司的日常职权。 Party A agrees that the expiration of this license shall not

17、 discharge party B from its obligation. 甲方同意在许可证到期时并不 免除 乙方应尽的义务。 English College Tuesday, January 26, 2021 Commission 做名 词 ,但有 两个 意思,“ 佣 金 ”或“ 委 员会 ” Please let us have your quotation in USD on the basis of CIF Port Shanghai including our 5% commission. 请用美元报上海港到岸价,包括我方 5%的 佣金 。 The decision made b

18、y the Arbitration Commission shall be regarded as final and binding on both parties. 仲裁 委员会 所作的决定应视为终局决定,对双方都 有约束力。 English College Tuesday, January 26, 2021 ( 3)要正确理解原文结构,理清全文的句法结 构和逻辑关系。 The goods we received contrary to our instructions are packed in wooden cases without iron hoops. 收到的货物是包装在没有铁箍

19、的木箱里,而这 种包装和我们的指示不符。 Tuesday, January 26, 2021 Assignment 1. Read chapter 17 2. Dictation English College Tuesday, January 26, 2021 1. 折扣 discount 2. 报盘 offer 3. 违反合同 breach the contract 4. FOB 离岸价 free on board 5. 平仓费 trimming charges 6. 保险单 insurance policy 7. 险别 coverage 8. 保险费 premium 9. 保险人 und

20、erwriter 10. 开证 establishment 11. 还盘 counter-offer 12. 递盘 bid 13. 丌可撤销信用证 irrevocable Letter of Credit 14. 附加费 surcharges 15. 形式发票 proforma invoice English College Tuesday, January 26, 2021 16. 清仓削价销售 clearance sale 17.海损 average 18. 说明材料 pamphlet 19. 资信财务状况 financial standing 20. 合同样本 draft contract 21.询盘 enquiry 22. 银根紧缩 monetary stringency 23.物物交换 barter 24.协会货物平安险条款 Institute Cargo Clause 25.报价 quotation

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