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1、5.2 Study the Original Information Carefully 146. Conclusion 15Bibliography16Acknowledgements 17 AbstractEugene A. Nida, the American eminent theoretician on translation proposed the standard of translation -functional equivalence. He advocated the translations and the originals for the equivalence

2、on function of the language, rather than on the formal of the language. Peter Newmark, the English educator and theorist on translation also mentioned that In my view, equivalent is not so much the purpose of any translation, but a desirable result.Both of the translation scholars mentioned above ha

3、ve indicated to the need for translation of equivalent , but in reality it is very difficult to grasp, because the translation is one of the most complex and most difficult activities, it involves peoples cognitive, aesthetic, language, cultural awareness, translation knowledge and many other factor

4、s. Equivalent is just an ideal state we are in the pursuit of in the translation of practice, which could not achieve in our reality.In this essay, I describe the inequivalence in English-Chinese translation from four aspects-the vocabulary, part of speech, thinking differences and cultural differen

5、ces, and put forward the method that how to handle the relationship between inequivalence and equivalence to achieve the best results by anglicizing concrete examples.Key words: Chinese-English translation;inequivalence; 中文摘要美国当代著名的翻译理论家尤金.奈达(Eugene A. Nida)提出了“功能对等”(functional equivalence)的翻译标准,他主张

6、让Translation和原文在语言的功能上对等,而不是在语言的形式上对应。英国翻译教育家和理论家彼得.纽马克(Peter Newmark)也曾提到“在我看来,等效与其说是任何翻译的目的,还不如说是一种可取的结果。”这两位翻译学者都提及翻译中需要“对等”,但是在现实当中却是很难把握的,因为翻译是人类最复杂、最困难的活动之一,它涉及人的认知、审美、语言文化素养、对翻译的认识等诸多因素,这种“对等”只是人们在翻译实践活动中所追求的一种理想状态,要达到绝对的对等是不可能的。本文主要先阐述英汉翻译中不对等性的定义,从词汇、语序、思维差异、文化差异等4个方面阐述了英汉翻译中存在的不对等现象,而且以具体实

7、例为切入点,提出在翻译过程中如何处理好对等与不对等的辩证关系,以求达到最佳的翻译效果。关键词:汉英翻译;不对等性;解决1.IntroductionAs we all know, translation is a kind of cross-language, cross-cultural communicative activity that uses a language to express the meaning in another language to convey them to meet the needs of communication thoughts and cultu

8、res to promote the social civilization, in particular, to promote a thriving target language culture and the English translation is an activity that the translator converts the English text written for English readers to the Chinese readers.In a text, we can express its main significance with anothe

9、r language, but it is absolutely impossible to achieve 100 percent of the equivalent and faithful as any kind of language will be influenced by its specific cultural. Guan Shijie, the professor in Department of Journalism and Communication of Beijing University, mentioned that Translation is not com

10、pletely possible, and completely the impossible is not. all the worlds translation activities are conducted in these two extremes. in his book cross-cultural study.Eugene A. Nida, the American eminent theoretician on translation proposed the standard of translation -functional equivalence. He advoca

11、ted the translations and the originals for the equivalence on function of the language, rather than on the formal of the language. His book “translation theory and method,which written by himself and Charles R Taber,tells that the translation is from the semantic to the style in the target language

12、using the most proximate and most natural reproduction of the original language of the other language information. Both Fan Cunzhongs accurate and Taber and Nidas meaning of reciprocity , they only reflect a kind of translation community vision and goals. One language is completely re-express themse

13、lves possible with another language, but entirely accurate is impossible. Language is the shell of thinking, human thinking is decided by the exist. As each language has its own unique national history, national culture and national psychology background. Therefore, this gulf between the Chinese and

14、 English is self-evident.2.Literature review English Translation of the unequal nature of the subject in a foreign country has more in research, particularly in the foreign translation industry, which on this subject more in-depth analysis and research, foreign study for this issue to focus on from

15、the national and cultural differences, the asymmetry of language. Domestic and exotic cultural differences and try to make these differences disappear in the translation process, while in the target language to find accurate words to a foreign culture is reproduced in the target language. American c

16、ontemporary translation theorists - Eugene. Nida (Eugene A. Nida) proposed the Functional (functional equivalence) the translation of standards on translation industry has an important influence.Apart from cultural differences to prove unequal nature of translation, the translation of foreign scient

17、ists also from the translation style of the English translation on the equivalence of asymmetry analysis and research, a language used to express in another language is completely possible, but completely accurate and absolutely on the other is impossible. But in China, compared with other topic, th

18、e more complete system or not, the main difference from the cultural background is also in terms of interpretation and narrative in Translation asymmetry. As each language has its own unique national history, culture, national psychology background, so in different languages of English that this gul

19、f between the self-evident.With the translation of research advances, right, etc. and not the evaluation of translation quality of key indicators, again in some new perspective to attract peoples attention, this also increases in the vocabulary, parts of speech, word order,three aspects of the Trans

20、lation of asymmetry to On, enriched in Translation asymmetry of theoretical research. Previous research which has mainly elaborated theory of translation does not exist entirely on the fact that such, but how to deal with reciprocity and asymmetry by the few. In this thesis, the practical approach o

21、f theory, from specific examples as the starting point, made in the translation process such as how to deal with not so good on the dialectical relationship, in order to achieve the best Translation Qualities.3. The Definition of theInequivalence in English-Chinese TranslationTranslation is to use a

22、 language (target language) to another language (source language) expressed by the ideological content of an accurate and complete re-expressed in the language of the activities. Specially, finding the source language text materials of the equivalents in the target language so as to achieve the bili

23、ngual translation between the equivalents. That is to say, translation practice, the central issue is the question of translation equivalence. Between human language and world culture exist in a considerable commonality, which is translated to achieve the objective laid the foundation, but the langu

24、age is self-contained, and its unique nature is different from other languages often strike a translation equivalent barriers. Although the translator largely eliminates these obstacles, but whether it is in the form or in content, or in style, translation, compared with the original, there are vary

25、ing degrees of “faithfulness of the lost. Therefore, the translation equivalent can only be relative terms, to strike a target language and source language is absolutely right and others are impossible.Based on the above analysis, the concept of inequivalentce is here. What exactly is the inequivale

26、ntce in the translation of English-Chinese? With regard to the definition of the concept, its very difficult to search for relevant information in the press books, and even on the network. However,with the reference of some scholars summary of the discussion,I reach a conclusion about its concept,th

27、ats in the process of translation,influenced by the different historical backgrounds, customs, cultural traditions, translator should understand these differences to adopt the habit of language to express the meaning of the original language,to ensure the correctness and smoothness of the translatio

28、ns.In this essay, I describe the inequivalence in English-Chinese translation from four aspects-the vocabulary, word order, thinking differences and cultural differences, and put forward the method that how to handle the relationship between inequivalence and equivalence to achieve the best results

29、by anglicizing concrete examples.4. The Four Inequivalence in English-Chinese Translation4.1The Inequivalence of Vocabulary in English-Chinese TranslationEnglish and Chinese languages on the number of very different in terms of vocabulary, and along with the continuous development of society and sci

30、ence and technology, vocabulary is still evolving updated vocabulary between the two languages de-lattice phenomenon is inevitable. 这一点在家庭成员的称呼上能很好地体现出来。 This point is called on members of the family is well reflected. 中国有着几千年的封建家庭统治,家庭成员间也有严格的亲疏、等级之分,如父方与母方的亲属称呼是绝不可混为一谈的,“叔、伯”为嫡系血缘关系,而“姨父、舅父”则被视为亲戚

31、。China has a centuries-old feudalistic family rule, family members also have a strict closeness, graded on a scale, such as paternal and maternal relatives called absolutely cannot be confused, the tart, Peter as the direct descendant blood relationship, and uncle, uncle were considered as relatives

32、. 同样,“孙女”与“外孙女”也是有区别的。 Similarly, the granddaughter and granddaughter is also different. Not take into account that, regardless of all occasions to use English as the corresponding word granddaughter” is not up to the real equivalent in the translation. 4.1.1 The Inequivalence of VocabularyAs the sm

33、allest basic unit of language, vocabulary is a mirror of language history, which reflects the national awareness to this world in many ways, so when we translate English into Chinese, the quality of vocabulary translation would affect the whole translation. Translators should take notice of the word

34、s exact meaning during the handle a translation, but it is very difficult to grasp the significance, especially in English, whose vocabulary is great. In lexicology, vocabulary does not have its own meaning, but have one in a passage, and linguistics also shows that the meaning of vocabulary is in u

35、se. The following are some examples:Example:Original:The force of habit in millions and tens of millions is the most formidable.Translation1:几百万人和千百万人的习惯势力是最可怕的。Translation2:千百万人的习惯势力是最可怕的。Analysis:Translation1中,译者把millions和tens of millions逐字译成“几百万人”和“千百万人”,虽然符合“忠实”的原则,但是语意重复,过于啰嗦。Translation2中只用了“千

36、百万人”,但涵盖了millions和tens of millions的意思,虽然词汇不对等,但是Translation依然准确,比Translation1更好。Example:Original:The delegate of a certain country challenged the other developed countries to match his countrys contribution.Translation1:某国代表向其他发达国家挑战,做出数额相当的捐款。Translation2:某国代表向其他发达国家叫板,也做出了数额相当的捐款。Analysis:英语的“chal

37、lenge”在汉语中一般翻译为“挑战”,但实际上challenge主要是指个体对个体的挑战,而不是个体对集体的挑战,在汉语中,“挑战”并没有这种区别,所以原文中的challenge不能直接译成“挑战”,而是译成“叫板”或者“攀比”会比较好。An English word not only has a clear concept of the meaning, but also may have some associated meaning. In English-Chinese translation, if do not understand the vocabulary thorough

38、ly, we may easily lead to the translation ambiguity, distortion or even error. Therefore, the translator must take a high literary accomplishment, and constantly expand their knowledge in order to translate a high-quality work.4.1.2The Inequivalence of Part of SpeechIn English-Chinese translation, t

39、he inequivalence of vocabulary will affect the quality of translation; the inequivalence of part of speech will have a certain impact on the translation, either. Chinese and English on the division between the parts of speech is basically the same, but there is no definite article and prepositions i

40、n the Chinese language. There are some differences in syntax, and sometimes the translator would convert part of speech to ensure the fluency of the passage or be impacted by the habit of thinking, such as nouns in English, when translated them into verbs, adjective to noun and so on.The following a

41、re some examples:Example: Original:In his five consecutive speeches,Mark indulged in violent attacks on the government.Translation1:在五次一连串的演讲中,马克沉浸在对政府的攻击当中。Translation2:在五次一连串的演讲中,马克一味地对政府进行猛烈的攻击。Analysis:Translation2中把原文中的动词indulge(沉浸沉迷于)译成了副词“一味地做”,既把马克一直攻击政府表现了出来,还体现了攻击的程度,讲动词的效果生动传神地展示出来。Exampl

42、e: Original:The more carbon the steel contains,the harder and stronger it is.Translation1:钢的含碳量越高,它就越强越硬。Translation2:钢的含碳量越高,强度和硬度就越大。Analysis:形容词hard和strong前面加上定冠词the用来表示钢的两种性质。All in all, part of speech conversion is a very flexible in the English-Chinese translation, there is no fixed format. If

43、 applied mechanically, it can only deviate from their way. Language is not only the primary way that people communicate, but also an art. Language translation in the conversion of the part of speech should be to achieve the purpose of communication.4.2The Inequivalence of Word OrderWord order is ano

44、ther syntactic phenomenon we should pay attention to. Generally speaking, the main structure of English and Chinese languages are the same, thats subject, predicate, object (predicative).However, the difference between these two language is that English word order is more flexible for its morphologi

45、cal changes, in the interjectional sentence , inverted sentence, interrogative sentence, negative sentence , emphatic sentence and other sentences have their own word order inversion phenomenon to a certain degree. In other words, Chinese word order structure is relatively fixed for the absence of m

46、orphological changes, and the inverted sentence is rare, and sometimes only the object would be in advance just to strengthen the tone. So during the English-Chinese translation, we generally use the normal “subject, predicate structure and the object should be advanced.English and Chinese have grea

47、t differences between vocabulary and grammar, which cause difference in word order. For more complex sentences, the form to get one to one correspondence is difficult, even in the 即使是简单句也是如此,例如:“Is she a doctor?”译成汉语为“她是(一位)医生吗?”英语的一般疑问句必须把助动词或系动词提到句首,即倒装, 而汉语中则语序不变,但须在句尾加上“吗”、 “呢”、“么”等疑问词,而冠词则可要可不要

48、; 这又涉及到中西方人们思维方式上的差异, 英语注重数量,而汉语更注重esimple sentences. The following are some examples:Example:Original:With the last hours of the afternoon went her hopes,her courage and her strength. Translation1:随着那天最后的几个小时过去,她的希望、勇气和力量一起消失了。 Translation2:她的希望、勇气和力量都随着那天下午的最后几个小时一起消失了。 Analysis:Translation1按原句次序来

49、翻译,不符合汉语表达习惯,致使句子文理不通,而Translation2采用了还原成正常语序,既表达了原文的意思,又符合汉语的表达方式。Example: Original: Following the roar,out rushed a tiger from among the bushes.Translation1:一只老虎大吼一声,呼地从林子里窜了出来。Translation2:随着一声吼叫,呼地从林子里窜出一只老虎。Analysis:原句中的分词following the roar移到了句首,构成了倒装句,这种倒装结构一般应该按英语的语序来译;而Translation1把原句进行了还原时没

50、有必要的;相反,在Translation中采取了对应的翻译方法,收到了突出成分和强调语义的双重效果。Points from the above analysis, we can see that translation is not equivalent to the corresponding form; and in most cases, the formal correspondence is impossible. The so-called form of the formal correspondence is only relative terms; this means th

51、at mainly refers to the translation equivalent of striking a sense equivalent. 所谓的形式对应(formal correspondence)也只是相对而言的,这就是说翻译等值主要指的是求取意义上的等值。 The subject and predicate are the normal word order in English or Chinese, but sometimes in order to emphasize a particular element in a sentence, there would

52、be a large number of inverted sentences in English.4.3. The Inequivalence Caused by Thinking DifferencesAs the saying goes, A side water and soil raises a side people, limited by the political system, geographical location and historical factors, there is a big difference on the way of thinking betw

53、een Chinese and Western.Sun Zhili, the Professor in PLA Foreign Language Institute, explicitly pointed out that in the book New English-Chinese Translation: The Chinese emphasis on figurative thinking, intuition and synthetic, while the Westerners are emphasis on logic thinking, evidence and analyti

54、c.Now let the nations people who like concrete, good at the comprehensive to read another nations language whose people like the abstract and are expert in the analysis. The result they may cause is that the translators make some mistakes when they deal with the English-Chinese translation for lack

55、of getting the exact meaning of the English texts or sentences, which often makes it difficult to understand for the Chinese.The following are some examples:Example:Original:He sits up late.Translation1:他坐到很晚。Translation2:他熬夜熬到很晚。Analysis:Translation1中,译者因为没有仔细琢磨词语的语义,而是停留在表层意思造成了误译,译者认为sit是一个持续性的动词

56、,所以理解为“持续到很晚”;但实际上,sit up是一个英语俗语,意为“熬夜,不睡”,所以正确的译法是为Translation2.Example:Original:He was born in a small town of Hunan Province at six thirty on the morning of August22,1951.Translation1:他出生在湖南的一个小县城,于早晨六点三十分,八月二十二日,一九五一年。Translation2:他一九五一年八月二十二日早晨六点三十分诞生在湖南的一个小县城。Analysis:表示时间、地点的状语在同时使用时,在汉语中通常是由

57、大到小、由远及近,而英语则大体与汉语相反,Translation2是正确的Translation。Way of thinking is closely related to the language, different way of thinking reflects the different language forms. In English-Chinese translation, we must be able to convert the language content according to their characteristics to make sure that t

58、ranslation would be more natural and more accurate.4.4. The Inequivalence Caused by Cultural differencesWith diverse ethnic heritage features and cultural information, English and Chinese have some differences caused by geography, history, religion, customs and other aspects of life, which also make

59、s it difficult to translate.In practice of translation, the two different languages have their own dependent cultural background, so it is hard for us to achieve full equivalence. In order to ensure that readers will understand the translation correctly, the translators will consider more from the r

60、eaders.4.4.1 The understanding of cultural differences of thingsExample:Original:High buildings and large mansions are springing up like mushrooms in Beijing.Translation1:在北京,高楼大厦犹如蘑菇般地涌现。Translation2:在北京,高楼大厦犹如雨后春笋般地涌现。Analysis:Translation1 landscape reflects the British customs, as in the United K

61、ingdom, bamboo is not a common plant, on the contrary mushrooms Daoshi everywhere, but can grow rapidly after the rain; If you adopt this translation, I believe that many Chinese people find it difficult to accept, because in China habit for people to describe a lot of new things there, mushroom is

62、a better choice, although this translation of a little distortion, but the cultural interpretation is to try to send exotic, but also to ensure the target language Translation allows readers to accept .Example:Original:A nickname for any one of the more successful smaller economies of East Asia, esp

63、. those of Hong Kong,Singapore,Taiwan,and South Korea,which called Four Asian Tigers.Translation:任何一个在经济上较为成功的东亚小国或地区,尤其指被称为“亚洲四小龙”的香港、新加坡、台湾和韩国。Analysis:In Western myths and legends, dragon (dragon) is not the hearts of the Chinese auspicious animals, but that evil monster. In addition, dragon well

64、, bitch means, can be seen, dragon in the English-speaking countries arising out of association with the Chinese dragon is completely different, so the translation must be very cautious. East Asia, South Korea, China Taiwan, Hong Kong and Singapore, four more economically developed countries and regions are the West known as the Asian Tigers, translated into English that it is not properly Four Asian Dragons. It was suggested that translation of Four Asian Tigers, this is definitely a good cultural information on the other, because

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