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1、 商标的文化特征及翻译策略Abstract The trademark is similar to persons name. It is the symbol of production. And it would become famous along with the commercial intercourse. A lot of international trademarks have invisible property and huge fortune. The importance is obvious to see. When trademarks are translat

2、ed from Chinese to English or from English to Chinese, an appropriate transmission of cultural feature can not only accurately reflect the products quality but also arouse the customers cultural association so as to create the expectedadvertisingeffect and help publicize that particular culture. So

3、the importance of cultural feature in the translation of trademarks and how to transmit it effectively by translation is discussed by illustrating the carefully chosen examples of trademarks 【摘 要】现代社会中,商标词作为广告的基本组成要素在社会中起着不容忽视的重要作用。它就像个人的名字,是产品的象征。并且会随着商品的交流变的日益为人们所熟知。很多的国际知名商标都具有无形的资产和巨大的商业价值。商标的重要

4、性由此可见。一个适当的商标译名不仅仅能精确的表达商品的特质,而且可以唤醒消费者的想象以达到宣传效果,并使消费者了解一定的文化知识。随着我国经济的迅速发展,改革开放的进一步深入,成为世界贸易组织的一员,中国产品进入国际市场的机会大大增强了,与此同时大量的外国产品涌入中国市场,各种产品在市场上的竞争越发激烈,人们开始认识到好的商标词及其恰当得体的翻译对刺激消费和开拓国际市场的重要性。因此,本文将就商标的文化特征在翻译中重要性及如何有效恰当的翻译进行讨论和分析IntroductionTrademark is the designation of the merchandise. A successf

5、ul trademark can catch peoples eyes and make a strong impression in their mind. Its the symbol of the products quality feature. That is to say a successful trademark can satisfy the consumers requirement of both matter and spirit and set up a sensedeficit spendingin consumers spirit. Therefore, the

6、traders all try their best to design various particular trademarks. They are expected to stimulating consumers purchasing desire by right of a good trademark.”1(p1)However, due to the international trade become more and more frequent because of Worldwide Economy Uniformity, a trademark which transla

7、ted suitably can decide whether a product can or not occupy the oversea market. As a special method of communication, the translation of trademark must consider the similarities and differences of the different language cultures. During the process of translation, the translator must adopt the flexi

8、ble tactics of translation in order to translate effectively and retain the cultural feature. 1 Trademark and culture 1.1 The relationship of trademark and culture “The sociologists said that all kinds of the phenomena of culture are different. Each kind of culture evolved because ofhistoryand geogr

9、aphy. Due to this cultural difference, the understanding of language is different.”2(p1)As a result, it may cause a problem that people in different areas may have different understandings to a same trademark. We can see that one product which has a same trademark is popular in one area but suffers

10、absent treatment in another area. What begets such an obstacle is the cultural difference. Therefore, how to remove the obstacle which begets by the cultural difference becomes an ineluctable problem. Trademark is a method of expression and a tool of transmission. Bao Huinan believed that “Language

11、is the carrier of the culture. Culture is the root of language. The translation is the bridge of intercultural communication.” 3 (P1) Dai Weidong believed that there are at least four methods which human used to transmit: (1) Passing it on generation to generation by the real object. (2) Setting an

12、example and transmitting it through the method and the principle of action. (3) Telling the offspring about some verities, methods and concepts by language. (4) By writing. 4 (P1) New Mark believed that the culture contains biology, physical, social communication and custom. 5 (P1) The trademark mak

13、es up by words, pictures or other components. Obviously it is a sign to transfer the message and it is a special language. Moreover, the trademark is an important part of advertisement. And the essence of advertisement is marketing. But for the differences of location, religion and the economical de

14、veloped level, the consumers in different countries have differences in thought, aesthetic delight and sense. Therefore, the trademark in different countries has its own culture and possesses different features of culture. So, the translation of trademark can be seen as a kind of intercultural commu

15、nication. The translator must pay attention to the intercultural communication of the translation of trademark. Language is the tool of the thought and the communication. It is also the reflection of the social culture. It can influence the thought of people. There will bring an obstacle in the inte

16、rcultural communication when the differences of each culture reflect in the differences of language. “Such as the English trademarks which contain the wordssunare very popular in many western countries. For example: Sunerge, Sunjoy, Sunrider, Sunett, Sunniwell, Suntory, Suntour, Sunwoods, Sunnia and

17、 so on. Many people who lack the cultural knowledge of western countries are hard to understand why. In most western countries, people believe in Christian. So they believe “Sun” is the symbol of the Christ Jesus. As a result, people maintain an adorable mentality to the “Sun”. And such a cultural m

18、entality reflects the trademarks denomination.” 6(p2)The translation of the trademark is a special method of communication as an important tactic of marketing the products. The consumer can communicate with the manufacturer in different times and different places by the trademark. As a kind of cultu

19、ral carrier and the method of communication, the translation of trademark requires the translator must discern the differences between the original countries and the purpose countries. And the translator is also required to handle the deep cultural meaning through the phenomenon of external cultural

20、.1.2 The culture feature of brand name 1.2.1 The human and clime factor “Each product must associate with its manufacturer and the producing area. And different areas endow the product with different cultural meanings. As the symbol of product, the trademark inherits such a feature. Products that na

21、med as the founder of the manufactory are every popular.”7(p1) It is the consistently using method of international denomination. For example: American plane Boeing (波音),automobile Ford (福特) are all denominated as the manufacture founders name. The trademark which denominated as the place where it c

22、ame out is also every popular. Such as “Champagne (香槟酒)” is denominated by its producing area. “长城”pencil is another successful example to mention. This enterprise founded at the period when China was suffering the aggression of Japan. The trademark was denominated in order to respond the patriotism

23、 of Chinese people and aroused them to reject the foreign products. And “长城” is the symbol of China. It just built for fighting back the invader. So, the product was denominated “长城” as its trademark was very felicitous. 1.2.2 The national and consuetudinary feature of trademark If a corporation wan

24、ts to develop well, it must walk up to world. As the symbol of the corporation, the trademark must possess its own national and consuetudinary feature. It can be said that nation is its root. For example, “厦华”(TV), “长城” (electric fan)not only won by its good quality but also marked the spirit of the

25、 Chinese people. The trademark is the symbol that created by human being. It possesses national custom and the charm of the traditional culture. “The English trademarks are always denominated as gods and places name which come from religionary story. For example: Eden (伊甸园), Apollo (太阳神), Nike (胜利之神

26、), Lincoln (林肯) and so on. These are all reflected the tradition culture of western. ” 8 P2 1.2.3 The esthetical feature of trademark “The process of translation is also a process of taste.”9 p43 “A trademark which has beautiful exterior and catchy pronunciation can give people aesthetic feeling. Th

27、erefore, the trademark is not only the symbol of beauty but also the facility to communicate the information.”10 (p2)But the trademark is the unit of the language, so its beauty can be seen only by connected with the meaning of the words and the culture. Its beauty can be divided into three categori

28、es: the beauty of rhythm, the beauty of terseness, and the beauty of precinct. () The beauty of rhythm The beauty of rhythm means the trademark sounds bright and clear. It can bring people feel beauty and help to transmit. For example, “SHATP”(夏普) ,“Coca Cola”, “Clean & clear” all sound bright and c

29、lear. ()The beauty of terseness The trademark should be expressed simply. A lot of English trademarks are composed by single syllable word. Such as: “Kent”, “Shell”, “Dove”, “Benz” composed by one syllable. And “Camel”, “Rejoice”. “Sony” composed by two syllables. They are easy to remember and can e

30、xpress the idea of the manufacturer. ()The beauty of precinct The beauty of precinct means that the trademark has beauty and connects with the feature of the product. It can make people to image and then stimulate the consumption. Nivea is a kind of cosmetic means “white” in Latin. It not only shows

31、 the classical beauty but also makes people to image. 2The translation tactics of trademark “Translation has been a complex subject of human reflection, one ridden with contradiction, from time immemorial. It is not known exactly when preoccupation with the manifold problems of translation began. It

32、s beginning was presumably related to the recognition that mankind was by nature destined to speak many different languages and that this state of affairs was not to be remedied by either international conventions of language or coercive language policy measures.”11 p27 The translation theorist Euge

33、ne Nida said: “Language is only a kind of sign. It can exist without culture. The purpose of the translation is to express one language to another language”.12 P2 The culture can be divided into external and internal level. In other words, it can be divides into physical culture and physic culture.

34、The literal meaning and the meaning of the language reflect different gradational cultures. In other words, a same thing may have different meanings in different cultural backgrounds. The external translation just transfers the language symbol of words. It less involve the deep gradation content suc

35、h as individual or collective value orientation, aesthetic mentality and faith. It belongs to a communication that puts on the external culture. “The coverttranslation is a translation which enjoys or enjoyed the status of an original source in the target culture. It is claimed at times in the liter

36、ature that a good translation should read not like a translation at all, but like a target language original.”13 P47 Transliterate and the paraphrase that used in the translation of trademark all belong to the external translation. They transfer the external meaning directly. Thethesiswill introduce

37、 these tow tactics below.2.1Transliteration Literal translation bases the pronunciation feature of the original trademark and chooses the most close pronunciation and words to express it. Its the most popular and familiar tactic of translation used in the translation of trademark. This tactic is too

38、 numerous to mention one by one. There are some examples below to illuminate. () Automobile FIAT菲亚特 ; MAZDA 马自达 ; MERCEDESBenz梅塞德斯奔驰 PORSCHE保时捷 ()Beverage: DIAGEO迪阿吉奥(from English); Parmalat帕玛拉特(from Italy) Fanta芬达 ; Whitbread惠特布雷德 (from English); Dole都乐 () Shampoo and perfume Pantene潘婷 ; Kanebo柯娜宝(

39、from Japan); Lancom兰寇(from Pairs) Christian Dior克丽丝汀迪奥 ; Elizabeth arden伊丽莎白雅顿(from English) () Costume Celine瑟琳(from Pair) ; VALENTINO华伦天奴 (from Italy) ESCADA埃斯长达(from Germany); BALLY巴里 Calvin Klein 克莱(from American) It can be seen in various professions and areas. Although their word-building not

40、accords with the rule of language in China, their translations are novelty. Consumers can accept it easily. But the Chinese words express not only the shape but also the meaning. So, there maybe appear many different words which sound identically while translating a trademark into Chinese. Such as “

41、Pizza” (比萨) had been translated as “皮杂”,“皮扎”and so on. The latter ones seem too rude and hard to be accepted by the consumers. “Therefore, while translating a trademark by the tactics of transliteration, the translator must be required to pay attention to not only the pronunciation of trademark but

42、also the national feature of culture and custom. The translation of trademark must chooses the suitable words cautiously. The translation of trademark not only lies on its feature of pronunciation but also chooses the words that cater to the consumers mentality. That is called 谐音取义法. ”14p2 Many fore

43、ign trademarks reflect the feature of product and combine with Chinese culture and language that is in order to translate a successful trademark which can not only cater to peoples mentality but also possess the oriental delight. “Coca Cola” is the most classical example. “ CocaCola ” was translated

44、 as 可口可蜡 when it first entered into the Chinese market. 蜡 in China makes people connect with the sense of dry. So, the manufacture collects the consumers suggestions and then translated it as 可口可乐 at last. 可口 in China means delicious and 乐 means happy. Its more receivable than 蜡in China.” 15 P2 Cano

45、n佳能(camera), Lactov乐口福 (drink) all used this method of translation.2.2 Free translation Free translation can be divided into two categories: literality and innovative translation. 2.2.1 Literality Literality is the tactic that transfers the original meaning directly. It obeys the signification of th

46、e original tactic. For example, Camel骆驼(cigarette); Crown皇冠(car); Panda熊猫(TV);crocodile鳄鱼(costume); Monkey King (猴王); General Mill通用面粉(from American). 2.2.2 Innovative translation Innovative translation casts off the fetter of the literal meaning of tactic. It exploits the new idea of tactic. “The m

47、ost representation example is 7-up. It is a kind of drink which translated as 七喜 in China. The meaning 喜in Chinese is happy or happy event. It not only caters to Chinese for their mentality of pursuing luck but also caters to the phrase ups and downs in English. The upin this phrase also means luck.

48、 Both English and Chinese can accept and like it. ”16p2.3 Transliteration and Free translation merger Translation of tactic is required to transfer the message exactly. But transliteration not just translates mechanically; it also adopts lots of method: “ellipsis”, “multiplication”, “flexibility”. F

49、or example, a kind of insecticide named Decis (from France) is translated “敌杀死” in Chinese. It expresses the feature that this product can kill the pest. “And BWM which is a tactic of automobile is translated as 宝马 in China. BWM in German just contains the message of the product and has no culture i

50、n it. While B and M are translated as宝马,it possesses the culture meaning. 马 (horse) is loved by most Chinese. Also horse can run very fast and use to be vehicle in archaic. The feature just can express the advantagefast feature of the automobile.” 17p 3The famous tactic “雅戈尔” is translated as “”Youn

51、gor”. And it makes people to image that he will look like younger if wear this product. 3 The principle of trademark translation in intercultural communication Products are sold to different countries and areas. So the various differences must reflect to language. The translation of trademark seems

52、to deal with the individual words, but actually, it asks the translator to faces two kinds of cultures. “Intercultural communication is a branch of communication. It draws theories, concepts and methods from communication, sociology, psychology, social psychology, cultural anthropology, journalism,

53、philosophy, history, ethnography, and international relations. Thus it is an interdisciplinary subject.”18 P27 Along with the competition being more and more fierce, the translator must possess strong intercultural communication consciousness and then he or she can translate a successful brand name

54、3.1 Respect and handle the different mentality of nation, comprehend the free meaning of trademark National physical feature is a procedure that evolves from the national culture. Because there are differences of environment, history, religion, politics and economy, their physical feature must be di

55、fferent from each other. This has been mentioned above. So, the consumers who live in different countries may have different values and conceptions of mentality. For example: The products of our country always named as “animals or plants”. While translating such kind of trademarks, the translator mu

56、st know about which countries or areas the products will be sold to and find out which animals or plants are favor or not in that area. Such as “dragon”: “dragon” in China means “龙” a kind of animal which not really exists in the world but created by peoples imagination. It is the symbol of mascot.

57、So the Chinese people all very like it. But in English, it has another meaning “demon”. They believe that the dragon would bring disasters. So, if a trademark wants to enter a western market translated as “dragon”, it may defeat. And so does the trademark that denominates as plant. For example, the

58、national plant of Canada is maple. So while a product tries to open the Canadian market, it can be denominated as “maple”. And the people can accept it easily and then can remember your products.3.2 Link with the feature of product and reflect the message of product “Translation trademark must accor

59、d with the character of the products and expresses the concept of origination. For an instance, the translation of “Procter & Gamble” used to be 宝碱. It is not better than 宝洁 which is used now. Because most of the products of this company to be used in the field of washing. And the meaning of 洁 is cl

60、ean in China. So the trademark 宝洁 can show the character of the products. Another example is “Goodyear & Goodrich” which is the trademark of an American rubber company. It is translated as “固特异” & “固特立”. The translator changed the founders name into the name that can express the meaning of the durab

61、le feature of the product. It is very nove and full of attraction. Otherwise, for the manufacture who exploits a kind product may aim at a certain consumptive level and group, the translator must understand the consumptive group and choose the words which favored by this group. For example, Avon(雅芳)

62、;Italina(伊泰莲娜); Vichy(丽姿);Maybelline(美宝莲) and so on. These trademarks all aim at the group of women. So the translators choose the words “雅”, “莲”, “娜”, “姿”, “美” which are favored by women. 19 P33.3 Simple and standard words;concise and bright rhythm The goal of the trademark is to make the consumer

63、remember the product through it and set up a marketing net for a long time. For that, the translation of trademark must be simple, catchy and vivid. For example, “Head & Shoulder” used to be translated as “海伦仙度丝”. It is too long and too hard to understand. Now it is translated as “海飞丝” which is more

64、 vivid than the old one. The most biggest electronic instrument and minicomputer “Hewlett Packard Co.” once used “休利特帕长德” for a long time in China. But it is replaced by “惠普” now. The latter translation is simple and can associate with the active meaning. And “惠普” becomes a famous trademark in this

65、profession. Moreover, the translation of snack “McDonalds” is used “麦当劳” instead of “麦克唐纳”. The translation of automobile “Rolls Royce” used “劳斯莱斯” instead of “罗尔斯罗依斯”. 4Conclusion Although the diction of trademark is simple, it is hard to translate well. So only the translator can understand the thought of consumer, respect the national custom and handle the felicitous tactics or skills of translation, the translating trademark can win the consumers identify and finally win the whole

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