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1、初中英语完形填空解题技巧【复习要点】 完形填空题是对学生英语语言知识与语言运用能力的一种测试。其考察的形式灵活,综合性较强,规定考生能综合运用所学的知识在特定的语境中进行合理的推理判断,并能精确地从四个备选项中选出对的答案,使补足后的短文构造完整,意义畅通。 一.完形填空题的特点 完形填空题可以较为精确地检查学生的各项知识水平和综合运用语言知识的能力。这种题型的重要考察内容为: 词语辨析、基本句型、基本语法; 固定搭配与习惯体现; 阅读理解能力和逻辑推理能力。近年来,完形填空题更侧重对语言应用能力、阅读理解能力的考察。 完形填空题(clozetest)它有如下两大特点和规律: 第一,一篇完形填

2、空题是一种有机的整体。 尽管看起来形式上有残缺(若干个空),但它的内容、语言习惯,句与句之间的衔接点,句子与段落之间的联系,段落与段落之间的逻辑顺序仍或隐或现地存在于篇章之中。因此,在做完形填空题时,通读全文、明了大意、理清观点、分清层次是十分重要的一步。考生解题时必须自始至终依托语境,注意上下文之间、词与词之间,从语法到意义的合理搭配。特别要注意短文中承上启下的过渡词等,如,ut, howver, ,theefo, lso等。 第二,完形填空题选材广泛。 它波及社会、政治、经济;文化、教育、历史、地理、科普知识、人物故事等。因此,考生做完形填空题时,要迅速通览全文,理解文章概貌与各段落的中心

3、意思,把握文章主旨脉络,掌握文章作者的意图。二完形填空题的设空规律 为了对完形填空题的多种类型有一种进一步的理解,摸索一下该题型的设空规律是有必要的。 上下文直接信息题:本类题的设立特点是,四个选项之间不存在词义区别和用法比较。考生应着眼于对上下文信息的捕获和对上下文暗示的领略。如下列“考题”中的第、8、9小题。 词、句、文三结合理解题: 本类题的设立特点是:其中某一种或几种选项代入空白处会使句意不通或严重违背上下句意义的衔接或直接与短文内容不符,考生在做此类题时要对各选项的词义作精确的把握。如下列“考题1”中的第4、5小题。 词义辨析题: 本类题的设立特点是,各选项代入空中后该句的语法都是对

4、的的,但是句子浮现了几种不同的含义。在做此类题时,考生要认真比较各词之间的细微差别。如下列“考题1”中的第、11、15小题。 语法知识和固定短语考察题: 考生在解答本类题时要注意句子的语法构造要对的:如时态、语态等;对固定短语要注意其构造的完整性,如下列“考题”中的第10小题。 行文逻辑和全文中心把握题: 本类题的设空特点是:把各选项中的对象代入空格中可导致上下文之间浮现因果关系、递进关系、转折关系、条件关系等。做本类题时,考生要注意全文的主线或脉络,仔细分析上下文之间的逻辑关系,从而精确地选出对的答案。如下列“考题1”中的第、13小题。 三完形填空解题技巧在做此类题的时候,但愿考生一定要牢记

5、四个环节,反复训练,使自己在短时间内有一种比较好的成绩。第一步就是通读全文,领略大意 ,第二步就是紧扣内容,分析对比备选答案,第三步就是瞻前顾后,全文贯穿, ,第四步就是复查核对,决定取舍。1通读全文,领略大意完形填空题不同于单选填空题。单项填空题所给的是一种或两个句子,根据本句或前后句就可以鉴定所选的答案。而完形填空题所给的是一篇意思完整的短文,所选的答案处在整段或整篇文章之中。因此在做题前,必须先浏览全文,理解短文的大意,这是绝不可省的一步。2. 紧扣内容,分析对比备选答案完形填空所用的短文一般不给标题,但短文的主题句,往往在每段文章的首句,有时也出目前文章的中间或结束处。主题句提供全篇的

6、性质、大意等,这是进一步理解全文的“窗口”,甚至能以语句为立足点,从该句的时态、语调推测全文的重要内容。分析时应注意如下几点:() 当遇到一种需要填的词时,一方面要考虑这个词在句子中的成分是什么?词性是什么?()如果需要填的是名词,就要考虑名词的单复数和所有格形式。() 如果需要填的是形容词或副词,就应考虑是用原级或是比较级,还是最高档。(4)如果需要填的是动词,则要考虑动词的时态,语态,人称变化,语调以及非谓语动词(不定式和动词-ing形式)的一般式,被动式和完毕式等。(5) 如果需要填空的是介词,则要注意固定搭配的用法。(6) 如果需要填的是冠词,则要注意是用不定冠词还是用定冠词。()此外


8、有时一旦和整篇短文联系起来,就可豁然开朗,很容易选出对的答案。4. 复查核对,决定取舍所有题目作完后来,要仔细考察核对。填完空白后,重读全文,这也是解题过程中至关重要的一环。此时考生对文章已有了一种相对完整的理解,对文章的理解也就更进了一步,也就摸清了文章内在发展的逻辑关系。而如果在此时再读一遍文章,就有也许会发现某些其她本来没有注意到的问题,也就可以根据对语篇的理解及内在的联系,反复推敲,比较异同,从而选择一种更符合文章意义的答案,其措施是:把短文连同所选答案细读一遍,凡读起来别扭或答案无确切把握的地方分别记下来,然后将每个空白处与其相相应的四个答案逐个对照,务求一一过关,避免漏掉。若发现原

9、所选答案与复查时所选答案不同,不要急于涂改,待认真斟酌核算后,再决定取舍。此外,在平时的练习中,对每一篇完形填空均可反复作上几遍,通过反复的练习,不仅可以牢固地掌握所学基本知识,并且可以提高完形填空的应试能力。【例题解析】 .完形填空:阅读下面短文,选出最佳答案: “Ring ing”te telphon suddely ag amgo p to the call It wahis aunt. “Sam, 2 are youstil ato?” sh sksurpriingy. am 1ooe a teclock. t wa lready7:0 a.m.“h, gooes! Thres an

10、imortat 3 today,” ahud out. Hehurried to ws ifaceand gt 4 When he was gingo eve the house, h 5 that he hdnout away is boos Hernquicly o t and pt te itheag. He ten went to teb soto g to schoo s 7 as h culd.hen h gotinto eassr, hsclasstswer 8 wit. “Whyare yu so 9 ?” asd te teacher “Im sorr, ir,”Sam as

11、wre, afrad looking 10 “It ws my clck. It 11 to wke up this mrning an .”“o say aything abut it,” histeahr 12 him “ntt tomele ex te!” S ai es andwalkd to hi 3 quicl.But hen he trietodo he pape, eculdnot 4 i a ight ay. He p hieaont dekand sai, “What a 1 dy has en for!” A. id B. give . put answr . Awhy

12、B. how C. when D.whre 3. A. . paty C. xam . eeing 4 A.tired B os Cdese Dreste 5. foro B. rmembeed C. undrstod D. houht 6 A. clasroom B.es C. u D. oo 7. . ceuly .quietly C.earl . fast 8. A. worrie B.ree C. y D.areful 9 A 1ae B. ill onely D. eady 0. A.dn B.up . D. bak 11 A.appene B. toped C faied D oi

13、nted 12. .eled B. new Cfllwed stppe 1. A. room B able C. sat . teer 14. A. think .sit C t D. seak 15. .short B. ba C. happy D. usual【限时训练】(A) k is Eglsh teaer at a collgevdt New York City wh _4_famil.Jck i a exclen teacher.S weall med hm very muc sincehe 4_Twwees ao, Jac ameak toNort Cronaor a shor

14、vis.The tehes ad stents hdasmll _43_foriAt the party.certainly would not 4_thagood han t lea i.So tried thnk o alkinds otpicsto tl _45_ Grace,anoter Englih tehe Sudenly I head Jac sa to others 46_,“Idig New Yrk!”imedatey aske Grce,“ i rell difficl tfind a b Nok?” W doeJak _47_do eavywk snce he such

15、agooteache?“Wh d ou think tha?”Grc askedme Havent you eard him _tat e isdggig ew York?Is he buildin an undergroun asage?”I askedWhen se fnaly realizewhat meant,raelugheo ears.h then es _49_eknw themenin of“I dig Nw York”ll of us soo ur _50_So rce sked Jackto expli It turnsout tht“I digew York”eans“I

16、 love NwYork”nAmeican lang(俚语).( )41A.he B. his C. hmsel( )2. Alet B. leves C lev( )43. metng B.part C. lectur ( )4 A. look up B cll u C. givep ( )5.A. wt B. at C. ( )46. A. aniy B. sdl C. loudy( )47. A. have t B. ha to C. a to ( )48 . talk B say C. speak ( )4.A hat B. hher . wht( )50.A. hans Bars .

17、 head (B)Haveyou e don something ill ht de youfel so mbarrsd(尴尬的)?Well,I had a realy ad atuday mornng Iwent hopp latwe,_41_mywahome,It bgan to ran.Iquic ran into hebx _42_ idt ave n mrel.Itwasringhar and decidedto _43_ in tepone bo until itstpped._4_inues late ,I aw a un ma lk upto ponebox, rin a el

18、low aicoat andldin a tol box. ddnt wantto o out int the an, so I _4_the phoe an pretene I was talking tosoeoe Ithogth wl goway,but he intHe aitedi the_ in, watchingwav my hand aout n ct if 1 was deep n converston_7_,he raintope afteraotn mint“OK,M,”I ad udlyintoth hone,“Ill ee ou e. y!”I puthe pondo

19、wn and wnt out fthe phone b “Imsorry okee y _48forso long ,” I said o th ma.“Oh,I dontwt to use the hon,”he replied“Iv jt e oreir i.t dentwrk”My fa tne_49_nd quckl anff with y hed down.hatwascertnly hmt embarrasig_50_of y lie!( )41.A. at B. on C in( )42.Ao Bn C. bcause( )43. ay B. lve Ccme ( )44. .

20、A fw B.A lte C.A lot( )45. A. looed upB.piked p C. tred up( )6. big B.strong C. hev( )7 A. Lcil BLuck C Luky ( ).A. wait . waiig C.itd( )9 A. gren . ed C. ite( )5. A. chanc way C. m (C)Everyone knos pepneed waer udo ou know jus ow_41 _watr isto ivgtings ?Mybeyou feelluk_2 _yur li isnthar . But it oe

21、s man aoudot have to worryabout wteWe l fac seiou wter 43 _One ote s wer olutonAl kinds f thins frmcars ,ctoies ,armsd omes_44 _our rrs, laes and ceas dry Pollutd water is verya _45_eopl t drink. And ity wat s d fo ish, 46 ow , 4pecetf all nds f fish are dynout . ow do cas and factois akeorter irty

22、? First,tey olu h air.he,when t_47_,th rinwater comes down nmake ourrikn water dryDit rai,caled aid ran,is also a o pants,imal nd buildings_4_eopl haveade wlltoclea aer rom urgroud. But thresilisntengh.Sitists_49 _ thatn yers, mor than half of t peol inth d wo haeou cln ter .hn we ontte cr ofour wat

23、e,are hurtingevyneIts timet start learing howto ave moe wae for_50_ nr cilren( )41.A. diful B. iporant C. ootable( )42. A.tht B. whthe C wha( )43. A. ents Bprobems . qsions ( )4 A. ep .et C me ( )45A. for B. a C o( ).A aso . eier C. o( )7.rais B rai C raining ( )4.A. uch B. man C. few( )49.tlk . ay

24、C.peak ( )0. A.or .e C. ees【真题预测演习】AFears are somethingwe all have You ned t fce your rs ad tetovrthem. Heve, its easier_ () thandone.uing ay rom your fers dst make hem eave It jt akethm_ (42)thaever.Wre nee oingto be_ (43) fearles eveyhng we o, but w an a leat bemore fearless nd (4) What are he fer

25、s hat careyou uch? Ceck ht yare an get hem_ () inthe open re ey things_ (4) eight ornaes? Arou afaidt al to grl obo? Ar. ou so (7) tha you aefarin on saying t rong thng? These arecommon feas tat _ (48) yor dail ives Bfore you a face hem,you eed tolearn mo about (49) yu erfuf thse stuationsComunatnyr

26、 ea one way. Othereoplemy be able o_(50) yourAxity(焦急)beautey nowsohing yu dont. Icould h from 8pst_ (), omethng ta you ou nvret nd has made you aful_ (2) henTo fae fears, u haeto_(53) i somthig. Its avy helthy a of ltng u eas if nohingca o(54) Whenyou feel a way, y ma he abe to tin_(55) about your

27、farYou will eable 10 iee that verything will okay. Eeryhi dos nd up beinoky41 A called B. acted .reamed D. said42. A. loud B sillir C.brighter D. bigger43. . simlarly B. speially C omltl strongly44. A. honest B. cofidet C. patnt D nrgtic45 A ou B. blow C. about wa6 . ike .ehd ang D be4A.fe B; sh C.

28、olite D. peaceful8 A. wder B. rete C nflenc . save4. A. who B. wy C wher D. what0. A. reind rli C. represent eceive51. A. seaso B xressin C. suject .experience52.Aefoe B ie C.ater .untl53A.beie B. sugst C. dea D. ce5. A. uilty B. wrong C. diret D.corret5 A. mosty . air C. ifeently DenlBFo ers scetis

29、ts vbeearguig abut whethnatureor nurtue (后天) ei whatpel wl eliIs t tuewhat pele are (41)ittha cideswhat e will be like? (42) is i ture wha() to pope wen he arebo tha ecides what hey wil lke? Scntis he been studyng wns o (44) if thecan ind te nswer,because tns startot with th(45)NA.Smetimes twdnive o

30、etheabrh and gowp indifferen(46)anddiffeent place s e natue isthesamefo both,ut the ntue is diffrent. We cientists (47)these twinsinhir lterlife, heysme mesfid some supisig (8). JiSingerandJi Lewis wreadopte(收养)bywo diffeenfmilest bit.hefrstme each ohr aain hrty-ine yars (49) and dcovred they hadal

31、in (50). Bhd een (5) ice. Theirfirst wives erbot namd Lindaadtirsecnd wiveswere otnamedBett! Eacwin had a son one cald i son James Ala an he (52)aled his s Jams Alan, too. Theichilden chhad g caled“Ty”. Te ee arrvedat the frt (5) n th samecolo o car. Soar tw (54) seem to ha th natue andnuture are mp

32、rtant. ht we havefro birth, d ow nd ereweliveepo bi(5) we re. 1.A. br B. gon C. taught . mae 2.A.So B. And C. If Or 43.A rtends B.ppens C. fall . depend 44A.her B. i C. see D.pla 5.A.nc sam C. ull D.free 46. families cities C. coutrie . ntons 47.A. believ . ugest . rceive . cmpar 48A. numers B. dcve

33、ries . resls D. ision 49A. ago B. later C. fowd D. behind 0A.cmmon Bt . angr D.trouble 51.A. men. mrr C cede D iteriewed 52.eiter B.els .othr D. oly 53. coptitionB. dutio urpose D. meeting 54.A. stes B mes .halenges D. ysteres 5.A. wht .hen C whee D. whoCSome studens cheat(作弊)because there bu or zy

34、nd theywant to get good grades withou () he tim sudyig. thertdents mighfel tt thy ct (4) he tst withoceating. Even whnthresem t be “god easn” frcheating,it int good (43).Astuden who tins eatig i th nly w o pass test (44) to ta ith th teachr and i or er rnts s the ca in me better wys together. Talkin

35、 aout thes problmand (45) emot will help febeter hn heaing. fa suentget(46) catng, heacher my ie “(4)” on the test,edhmor heto th headteachrs (48),and callhisor her arns orstan he (49) grade may e he felngohviispointed those peole, (5) parnts ndeahes.A pent my worr ht you ar notan(51) peson ad teach

36、er migh watch yo oe (5)the next tie yre takig a tet.Ther re pent of esnswhy a kid shuldt cheat, butsme tudnts hvearea chaed. I hats you, ts(53) too late to stop catig. Cheatg an beco (54), but a studeis away able act etr and makebette (5) It ih hp o talk thepoblem er wt a parnt, teacher, o friend. 1

37、 A taingB. spedingC.osing. sg42. A.wreBexercise. psD.epect 43.A. ideaB.urposeCcustomD.coclusin44. . cidesB. hps. refuses. nee45.A breainB. ramC. missng. workin 46. A. cughtB. ffereC apparedD. sugesed 47. .prizB. resultC zerD. teat48.A ficeB. scholC.eat. convration 49 . nturalB.dangerousCns. ba 50.A anB. beideC. likeD.aongA osidB dvantgeoC. inereingDhot 5. A. elyB.brvelC.certainlyD. hardy 5. . always nC. onc. eiher4. A. menu. medice. abtD. matc 55 . ecationB. deisionsC. allnesD. isks

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