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1、托福例子集Tale 1事件/潮流参照核心词合用的新托福话题(仅为参照建议,可以自己去研发不同的用途)LouisiaaPuchsehomefron, unontitutional, opposition, aa citical jucture自己做决定的重要性Alask uchseSewar lly, od as isveed i Aaskin 89, thedalpaid off thousands o times overtakeriss的意义te founing oft Librar f Conessnoook or noteen any biling putbosn wheteresol

2、uto wa passd坚决行动的必要性t Rushmr Nainal Memoraloriiallynten tbe a tribu toigu om he Od West, edup Gege Wasigto, raam Lincoln, Thomas Jefern andoe Rooseelt按筹划工作还是有创意的工作theTwentFirst Amendmenth real o Prhbiio, drinkin alcohol wa lgal agan, pool-planned, only 550agents nforcedtha in the whl cutry政府与个人lur的关

3、系/筹划的重要性Mabr vs.Maisonthbasisofudcal eviw个人经验vs.她人建议te ndergound iroadlo savs, abolitionits, secetrteseBay o ig(这个可跟猪流感没什么关系)th eti orldwas n th brik of nclear war, euction t stesmght trigerWold War III, di nthng mensxpsng Aerica tooibl nucer estrtin.高效率不完美v.低效率完美Sutikoviet satelit, hocked Amern, ef

4、fort to c p witthe ot Union i sace太空研究Mode Tasembly lnes, mass producton, effctive advrtiing广告和产品的互相依存关系Monplyt firs, tgaewa described a oo lng, too duland udeed wit 52 fundanalay rrorsb gammpan.没想到吧 ?连“大富翁”游戏的成功也布满了曲折latckey dslak of paenta uprvsio工作与家庭的关系mty nendomethe extenddfailys ls cmo; lonlns

5、s年轻人与老年人的关系the Treilesan accienttheafety of nulearpants; ralivlylow lvls f radaon;no ne nuear planwee built inAmerc sinehe cden科技对生活的变化是利还是弊t Eo Valde OilSithe hips captin, neence个人对于环境也许导致的影响thimpeachment of iCltonI want yo to isen to Im oig tosy this gi I everto anbod lie a sigletie Tse allegaion(

6、指控)afals and ned t go ck to work othe Amein pepele &tuthte dgita dividegap; accessto more inrmation科技让生活更简朴还是更复杂Ciprnoraphyprolfion互联网的利弊Obam irln Intere celebrity, I ota crush on(暗恋)baa媒体的影响the Chllenerdissrbrokeaa, een wemers太空研究heMars Exploraion Mssionthe Spit Rovr the Opportuniy oe太空研究he ail bto

7、pped$ 114 trllioncrit, emergcypla & risk话题ankruptcyof Lhman BroterYur copany isow bnrpt, ur emis in crisi,buto t to eep 40 mllio (276 millo). I ave ver bsicquesi fr y, ithsair?“有米”与否是成功的唯一原则th bprme mrtgage crsishigh-rskloas, naculaedririk 话题Goole arthconvnience,grea acesibiity科技与否让生活更复杂An Icovnt Tr

8、uth ChoiceAl Gre个人与环境的关系Americn IdolSionCwell与否应当总讲真话ooeraionHaiti eartquakeaastoh hmanitrian与否应当关注与我们生活不直接有关的时事Tb 2名人核心词有关新托福话题nrew Cariiustriast, hanot(我们在第4天学过philanroy)/passon for readn/ By 1897, he contoled lmostte entieseel indust in th Unitedtats Phlanthrpi donatio读书的意义/小朋友业余时间工作的利弊/过去成功容易还是目

9、前成功容易(类似的个人几乎控制整个行业的例子固然尚有JP.Mrg)Ala GrnsanFederaeserve, xcess liquidity(流动性过剩)risk话题Andw Jackon(她就是2块美金正面的那个“卷毛儿”)rttion ofic, th oils system, odered tha all pubic an could beod onyo slror ol, the ban panic, the Indian RemovlAt, TailofTers学习历史可以更好地解决现代问题Ay Wahln te futr, erybdy wil beworldfaous for

10、 15 minuts. comercaization媒体的影响力BnBrnnen expnthe econc n poiticalcuse o te Grt rssion理解历史与否协助解决目前的问题BlacBerysm phne这个可是“一代名机”,用它来论述科技有关话题很棒Bonoirdr db relif/ Africa成功的原则Bru tnT Ma Nobody Kos, sold 700,0 opiesn woyar, whether advetising was asu and ishones广告与产品的关系Clara rtonhengelf mrcy: firs, R rss o

11、y assiedsoldiers; t n claue in h Redross Cntitution that provie for cvlian elie工作的意义应当只为了金钱么arlyFloriaalure to cmunicat wither saff, departurrom H与她人合伙的能力与否越来越重要Chrles Lidbergmricaaviator;te istslo nstopigt crs theAtntic Ocea冒险的意义Donald Trmpeal etate,TheAprenice, relityho, orre ied.电视节目对年轻人的影响EgarAl

12、an Poeals fmyste, fnca ificlty与否只看写实的书/人该为了什么工作ElzethBlackwelwas eced by mdica schools efosheo aditt ew Yks Genva Mdical Colleg an grada at te hadofher clas and bcam he frs w t ceve amedcadgree in Aerica成功需要的因素vanWillasTwitter,Boger,a w ha o do is delver to eople the estandhst osrlevn inormation pos

13、sbl.e thnk of Twittr as isnotsialnetwork, but ts an iformationnework. ttllspoplewhat they cre abot a it is hapening in th wol.科技让生活更复杂还是更简朴eorge LucaSta Wars/ finnial sucess/ egiaginav/ ecial effects严肃电影 vs. 娱乐电影Hbe ooverwa lame (smeht ni)or he Grea Dpressin理解历史才干更好地解决目前的问题rpeeeT Kia oingird, Psdent

14、ilMdl of redomI ne exped ny ortof sccswth Mockinbird.I wapg for a qickad erifl deth at thehans f the eviewers. rper L这样评价自己的作品。用途:不凸显个性与否更容易成功Johnn Aplseda med-mdlegend信息来源与否真实Jonn Casha n Back着装对成功的影响Jn Cheeverhortstes,the hekhov of the Suurbs目前还是过去更容易成功John Dwyedcaor/ progressiim学生应当只学少数课程还是广泛学习J.

15、 D. SlngerTh Ccher i the Re, his strugglewit unwante public atnio对幸福的理解ese acksonpase up a pro basebll ontract, beam rcr nstea, e presiden oflack Aerica决定对人生的影响Jac erouacOn te Rod,the fals legend hat the bookws wrtten in hrees信息来源的真实性ohn McCan(当每个人都开始研究Bara Oama的时候,你就该开始研究失败者和她的战友arh Palin了)a Nava v

16、eteran oe f he oldstcandidate/prefe htting with sall grust pbic eeches媒体的重要性Jeannett RkinFwebes Cnres haveeer tood ore alne hile bn trueto ahghronor adlyalty.-FK听从她人建议还是坚持自己的判断John sthe Scops Monkey Tial, th teci ofthe heoy of evltion, the fightaginfndamntalsm教师与否应当把自己的政治或者社会观点带入课堂ac lchng efre youh

17、ae. O of E, Wning筹划重要还是随机应变(be taneous)重要Les Brwmtiationspake成功的因素涉及哪些ical Delspue wAppl, un-invatve创意的重要性Mark Twin这位名人貌似已经被国内考生用得超多了,但是我们完全看看她说的这句话,ies, damn lies,ad statstics.信息来源太多,无法判断与否真实uaadYunubaner/ micocdit/ create economic d socl dvlopmet rmelow坚持做好一件事 vs. 迅速做好大量事情Rosa Parks人们都喜欢举Martin Lt

18、e ing的例子,难道这位reused to betrated as a colas human ing ad gie her set o a busto te man最后导致了最高法院裁决公交上实行种族隔离违宪的黑人阿姨不值得我们尊敬么?sa Parks以92岁高龄去世,at在Arizon看电视上播放这个消息的时候心中一凛:不走寻常路,造就女英雄Ray aschCrnegi lonprosr, the lst lectu, reat sensof humr, a nspirationto ilions风趣的教师vs. 严肃的教师onld eagnte mt successfu aco i h

19、e Aeica histy, rved toterms as Presdent of h U.敢于挑战自己的重要性Ralph Wald Eersonth eding vice intheAmrican nellectal clure, dreamed abou helpin to re slaves, abolioisT be grea is tobe misndesood.个人开心与否比责任更重要Sael damsa otal ilueat usiness, heledoganith os fLibety, he Bos TeaPar,th nteman成功需要的素质Sergey BrnKn

20、leges alaysgo,nd certnly alwas etter han gnoran. Googe/ cces o ifrmion科技与否减少发明力ee Js(可以不懂得美国副总统是谁,但是决不能不懂得她是谁)cratty, marktig rowess(造诣)娱乐的重要性Stven Spiele sciece fitio fan wen he was ttle与否应当只读有关事实的书hdrDreisrnAercaTrged, asd a real-life riinal case看有关事实的书还是虚构的书Thomas Jeffenutff al U. trade thforen c

21、ountreso sop ritishadrnch raidson American shi/eiously damagedthe Ameicanonom历史的教训协助解决今天的问题ThmasaeThese arethe tes that t me ouls./the merican Revoutionr caue/ Comon ense/ sige vr allte royalties (版税)to ogress工作难道只为了金钱Theodre Roosevelt (eddy) hun dyamo/progresivi/ mi yonget Pest at 42 (BackObmais fift-younePrsiden,at)/ the Pnam Canalld vs. yungWiliam Faulknrthe deep Sout, oapatwpha cntry,a fctial conr只看有事实的书么WashigtnIrvinght stories dhistorica wors, hi sta i Eupinpiredsme of is greast works写实的书 v. 虚构的书/ 出国旅行的好处

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