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1、四海一家 天津 丽水 安徽 台州 津膳堂特制 天津坛子肉 坛子肉 diced pork in pot Are you ready? Material Pig rib(500g) , crystal sugar ( 15g), laurel(5g)(肉桂 ), shallot(10g)(葱 ), ginger(10g)(姜 ), soy sauce(100g)(酱油 ) Follow me! Modus(做法 ) Clean,cut into lumps,scalding; Put it into pot with condiments; Stew for 3 hours waiting Enj

2、oy it ! Humdelicious! 糖醋烧豆腐 toufu stewed with sugar and vinegar Materail Bell pepper,carrot, Green vegetable,shrimp(虾) Flour,shallot Make it! Toufu cut into lump,wripped(裹 ) by flour, fry in shollow oil Scald the shallot and green vegetable Put all into the pan Gorgon euryale(勾芡 ) Sour and sweet Ten

3、derness Smoothness Nutritious (full of protein) 冬瓜肉圆汤 White gourd and burger soup You need: Meat,caraway(香菜 ),agaric(木耳 ) Flour,black pepper,wine Follow me! Meat cut into meat paste(肉泥 ) and stir with all condiments Crush it into burger(肉丸 ) Put them in the boiling water Scatter(撒 ) the caraway and

4、others when they rise Thats all ! Freshness Softness Lightness 李鸿章杂烩 Mixed Stew of Lihongzhang Sea slug(海参 ), Fish maw(鱼肚 ), Sleeve fish(鱿鱼 ), Yulan piece, ham, Pig-maw, Chicken, Campoys(干贝 ) Just do it Make the fish into burger; Braising and steaming; Gorgon euryale original soup; Irrigate(浇 ) on t

5、he Mixed Stew 冬笋炒肉丝 asute shredded pork with bamboo shoots Make preparations Bamboo shoot; Meat Mushroom Chinese chives Toufu dry Hot pickled mustard tuber(榨菜 ) Process Scald the bamboo shoot; Cut all metarials into strips Stew the meat then out the pan Stir-fry all things with condiments Over Crisp

6、ness Pliable but strong Fragranceful 小链接:哪些人适宜吃笋干? 笋干,是新鲜竹笋经蒸煮、烘烤制成的。其香气馥郁袭人,冬笋制成的 笋片又称“玉兰片”。笋干营养丰富,内含蛋白质、脂肪、糖、钙、铁 和维生素 B1、 B2、维生素 C等,具有低脂肪、低糖、多膳食纤维的特点, 且有助食、开胃之功效。因为它能增进食欲、治疗便秘、清凉败毒,人 称“保健蔬菜”,更是减肥佳品。 由于笋干含有多种维生素和膳食纤维,具有防癌、抗癌作用。一般人皆 可食,肥胖者尤其适合,但一次进食不可过量,特别是肠胃不好的人更 应注意,否则容易腹泻。严重胃溃疡、胃出血、肾炎、尿结石、肝硬化、 慢性肠炎、哮喘、过敏性体质者慎食。手脚冰冷、低血压者、安胎的孕 妇、女性经期、产后、流产后忌食。 Dessert 蜜糖地瓜 sweet potato with honey Roast the sweet potato Sprinkle(淋 ) some fructose(果糖 ) Sweet despite greasy(腻 )

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