江苏省某中学高考模拟试卷(英语)(DOC 15页)

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1、江苏省前黄中学高考模拟试卷英语第一部分:听力(共两节,满分第一节(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。1. What will the man probably do?A. Take a rest. B. Go to a party. C. Meet his boss. 2. What do we know about the man?A. He has been caught copying a report

2、.B. He is not free at the moment.C. He wont leave till the last minute.3. What is the woman concerned about?A. Her health. B. Her character. C. Her appearance.4. What does the man mean?A. The fridge will be fixed. B. The room will be warmer.C. The lights will be switched on.5. What does the man impl

3、y?A. The woman already has too many shoes.B. The new shoes do not look good enough.C. He doesnt care where to put the new shoes.第二节(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的做答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听第6段材料,回答第6、7题。6. Why doesnt th

4、e man want to fly?A. He wants to enjoy the scenery. B. He thinks its dangerous.C. He likes taking the bus.7. Which means of transport does the woman prefer?A. The bus. B. The train. C. The car.听第7段材料,回答第8、9题。8Why is the woman worried? A. She doesnt know what to read. B. She hasnt finished her task.C

5、. She has no time to write her book.9. What do we know about the man? A. He has been to Europe with the woman.B. He has forgotten to write his reports.C. He has finished reading all the books.听第8段材料,回答第10至12题。10. What helps to impress the interviewer in the first place?A. Appropriate body language.B

6、. Excellent memory. C. Natural voice.11. What should the man do before the interview? A. Practice handshaking.B. Recite the answers to possible questions.C. Get some information about the company.12. What advice does the woman offer about the topic of salary? A. Not to mention it at the first interv

7、iew.B. Not to bring it up in a roundabout way.C. To let the interviewer mention it next time.听第9段材料,回答第13至16题。13. How does the man kill time? A. By eating potato chips. B. By watching TV. C. By taking a walk. 14. What does the woman dislike? A. The square. B. The parks. C. The city.15. What does the

8、 man think is the most important? A. Entertainment. B. Income. C. Quietness.16. What do the man and woman disagree on? A. Whether the city needs a symbol.B. Whether the amusement park should be built.C. Whether the square is a good place for a walk.听第10段材料,回答第17至17. What kind of English lessons does

9、 the speaker recommend?A. Examination skills. B. Reading and writing.C. Listening and speaking.18. How can a learner take the lessons when he is not online? A. By using the downloaded sound files.B. By making conversations with others.C. By reviewing words, phrases and idioms.19. What is mentioned a

10、s an advantage of the speakers online course? A. It improves learners English skills quickly.B. It offers learners better study methods.C. It helps learners to make friends.Whats the speakers idea about learning English? A. Being confident in learning.B. Learning English little by little.C. Having c

11、lear learning goals.第二部分:英语知识运用(共两节,满分35分)第一节:单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)请认真阅读下面各题,从题中所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。21. - Hi, Wang Xin! What impresses you so much in todays news? - Im quite impressed by the latest news that New Zealand rescures refused to give up _ hunt for _ quake survivors.A. a,

12、the B. the, the C. the, / D. /, /22. - She joined a football team last fall and was recently made captain.-Never _ shed ever have that much energy.A. I had thought B. I would have thoughtC. could I have thought D. will I have thought23. All the citizens here strongly insist those found _ “harmful” a

13、dvertisements in the streets _ punished strictly.A. putting up; will be B. to put up; should beC. being put up; shall D. putting up; be24. The government has promised to do _ lies in its power to ease the pressure of affordable housing for average-income household. A. what B. that C. which D. someth

14、ing25. It takes money to help those in need; it also takes love.A. more thanB. other thanC. rather thanD. less than26. - You hate Lee, dont you? - _. I just think he is a bit annoying, thats all.A. Not meB. Not exactly C. Who knowsD. You bet27. Though she said she was not lonely, she wanted to find

15、a friend _ her happiness and sorrow.A. with whom to share B. who shareC. to share with D. who to share28. _ that climate change poses a growing danger to our planet, all the nations have committed themselves to pursuing a clean energy economy.A. Being convincedB. Convincing C. Convinced D. Having co

16、nvinced 29. In societies where social roles are determined, boys usually copy the behavior of their fathers, and girls _ of their mothers. A. that B. those C. one D. the ones30. A team from the World Health Organization is already in Burma to _ how to stop polio(骨髓灰质炎) spreading again there.A. figur

17、e outB. work out C. make out D. give out 31. I called Alice many times yesterday evening, but I couldnt get through. Her brother _ on the phone all the time!A. was talking B. has been talking C. has talked D. talked 32. There he was, standing exactly _ I had left him, smiling proudlyA. whenB. thatC.

18、 in whichD. where33. Surely it doesnt matter who has donated the money to the organization; what _ is what they do with it.A. stressesB. appliesC. countsD. functions34. The boys were happily making a snowman, _ with cold.A. their faces red B. their faces were redC. their faces turned red D. their fa

19、ces to be red think 35. Its funny that Doctor Brown can do delicate brain surgery in the operating room, but hes _ at home when he tries to hammer a nail in the wall to hang up a picture. A. all thumbsB. all ears C. green fingers D. no-brainers第二节:完形填空(共;每小题1分,满分请认真阅读下面短文,从短文后个题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选

20、项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 “So teach him to close the door”, my daughter Emma responded after listening to me 36 , again, about the dog coming in from the back door, bringing with him a blast of Buffalo January 37 air.Teach a dog to close a door behind him? You got to be kidding. That has got to be a really, re

21、ally 38 thing to doSo I do not have any dog credentials(证件) following my name.But then she took it a step 39 . “Come on Kolby”, she said, grabbing some treats and 40 him in front of the open door. “Touch.” And “touch” he did, which moved the door to a 41 positionShe 42 him with a treat, smiled, look

22、ed at me, and said “see!” And I saw and became 43 . Over the last few days I have been consistent(和谐) with Kolby. Each time he comes in I 44 him back to the open door and ask him to close ( I changed the target work, making the command more specific). There have been 45 in the beginning, but lately

23、more and more successes. And I knew we turned the corner this morning when he asked to be let out just so. I would open the door, so that he could close it and be treated. However, there remains much work to be doneI have to get him to follow my hand signal again and again so that he will close the

24、door from a 46 . But, I now realize, as long as you keep to the 47 , the task will be completed, and, with the way things are progressing, 48 quickly. What a 49 treat to have a dog that can close the door after himself! Even more wonder can be found in the 50 I learned so clearly from both Emma and

25、Kolby. A wish is just a wish until you decide to take 51 . Once you 52 the belief that it is “too hard”, then it remains “too hard ” and out of 53 . Once you decide to accomplish a goal, and 54 that it is “easy”, then it becomes “easy” to do what needs to be done. Just 55 doing it. Working towards t

26、he accomplishment of a goal can be loads of fun, and full of lots of treats. 36. A. complainB. screamC. worryD. scare37. A. hotB. freshC. dirtyD. cold38. A. lastB. funnyC. hardD. possible39. A. againB. furtherC. deeperD. backward40. A. pushingB. stationingC. seatingD. positioning41. A. stoppedB. fix

27、edC. closedD. locked42. A. rewardedB. providedC. offeredD. awarded43. A. surprisedB. convincedC. inspiredD. puzzled44. A. bringB. pullC. dragD. call45. A. pleasuresB. experimentsC. failuresD. pauses46. A. placeB. pointC. stageD. distance47. A. interestB. focusC. progressD. harmony48. A. determinedB.

28、 taughtC. boughtD. completed49. A. wonderfulB. smallC. differentD. simple50. A. knowledgeB. skillsC. lessonsD. experience51. A. patienceB. partC. delightD. action52. A. hold on toB. pays attention toC. comes up withD. gets used to53. A. dateB. touchC. reach D. power54. A. proveB. decide C. concludeD

29、. realize55. A. imagineB. startC. keepD. enjoy第三部分:阅读理解(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)请认真阅读下列短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。AWilly, a merchant, returned home to his own country from a faraway continent, where he had succeeded to make a small fortune by hard work. He found on arriving at the port th

30、at all his relatives were having a large party.He was in such a happy mood and in the joy of the moment, he did not even bother changing his grey flannel(法兰绒)suit which had become a little worn during the trip home.When he entered the brilliantly lit room, his relatives and friends gave him a rather

31、 cold welcome because they had noticed his modest suit and immediately imagined that he had come back a poor man.A young man who happened to be accompanying him was quite irritated at this and said to Willy, “What a wonderful reception you have received from these people. They have not even the inte

32、ntion of shaking your hand after all these years that you have been away from home.” “Just wait and see!” whispered Willy, “They will soon change their looks!” Saying this he slipped a precious ring on his finger. All of a sudden the faces of all those present lit up and immediately Willy was surrou

33、nded by so many people that he didnt know what to do. A man shook his hand, a cousin threw his arms around him, and he had so many invitations from the people present that he thought that he would be unable to make any other appointments for several years.“Has this beautiful, precious ring of yours

34、the power of enchanting(施魔法)people?” asked the young man.“Oh, no!” replied Willy, “They see in this glittering diamond ring something that makes them think I am rich, and, unfortunately, they place wealth above everything else.”What blind people! exclaimed the young man. “It is not the ring that has

35、 drawn them to you but their desire for riches. Is it possible to appreciate more a piece of yellow metal surrounded by little stones than the goodness of my Lord? And indeed how foolish are people who place their trust in riches rather than in virtues(美德)!”56.In what way did Willy go to attend the

36、party held by his relatives and friends?A. In such a modest mood. B. In travel-soiled clothes.C. Wearing a precious jewel. D. Without being accompanied. 57. According to the young man, people should _.A. give up all the physical wealthB. appreciate more jewels than goodnessC. observe carefully when

37、judging a personD. avoid being blinded by the desire for wealth58.Which can be the best title of the passage?A. The Diamond RingB. The Warm-Welcome PartyC. The Modest Clothes D. The Joyful CrowdB.OSLO Excited with pride, Norwegians sang in the streets of Oslo on Sunday, celebrating Norways National

38、Day and the countrys Eurovision Song Contest victory. Hundreds of Norwegians sang along to Alexander Rybaks winning song Fairytale as they walked in the countrys traditional National Day parade (游行) celebrating the Norwegian constitution. Alexander Rybak called “Alexander the Great” by the Norwegian

39、 media won a great victory in the Eurovision Song Contest (ESC) by gaining the most votes in its 53-year history in Moscow on Saturday. Alexander has played violin and piano since he was five years old, and he also composes his own music and sings. In he won the Norwegian talent show Kjempesjansen w

40、ith his own song Foolin. Alexander has performed with one of the worlds most celebrated violinists, Pinchas Zukerman, won the Anders Jahres Culture Price and has been the concertmaster for Norways largest symphony orchestra (交响乐队) for youths, Ung Symfoni. Norwegian Prime Minister Jens Stoltenberg sa

41、id there was clearly something special about the 23-year-old and his folk music. “This is a phenomenal performance by a young and talented musician,” Stoltenberg said in a statement. Rybak is expected to draw a large crowd of fans to Oslos Gardermoen airport when he arrives next Sunday, after having

42、 invited all his countrymen from the stage in Moscow. With Rybaks win, Norway will host next years Eurovision finals, a show that reaches a television audience of over 100 million people. Norways Minister of Culture, Trond Giske, promised that Norway would put on a splendid show next year but withou

43、t spending as much as Moscow, which spent 24 million euros this year. “I dont think that is necessary,” he told national broadcaster NRK. The win was Norways third. The Nordic country also won the Eurovision Song Contest in 1985 and 1995. 59. Which of the following statements about Rybak is TRUE?A.

44、He has a lot of fans all over the world. B. He is the first Norwegian to win the ESC. C. He is called “Alexander the Great” when he was born. D. He showed a great talent for music before this ESC.60. The underlined word “phenomenal” in Para. 5 means “_”. A. very unusual and impressive B. too special

45、 to be understood C. with an educational purpose D. able to draw a large audience61. Whats Trond Giskes opinion? A. Norway will host next years Eurovision finals. B. It doesnt require too much money to win the finals. C. Norway is determined to win next years Eurovision finals. D. It doesnt require

46、a lot of money to make the finals splendid.62. The main idea of the text is that _. A. the Eurovision Song Contest belongs to the world B. National Day is being celebrated in Norway C. Crazy fans expect to meet their idol at the airport in Norway D. Norway celebrates a Eurovision win on National Day

47、. CAstronauts aboard the space station celebrated a space first on Wednesday by drinking water that had been recycled from their urine(尿), sweat and water got from air. They said cheers, clicked drinking bags and toasted NASA workers on the ground. The urine recycling system is needed for astronaut

48、stations on the moon and Mars. It also will save NASA money because it wont have to ship up as much water to the station by space shuttles or cargo rockets. Besides, its important as the space station is about to expand from three people living on board to six. The recycling system had been brought

49、up to the space station last November by space shuttles Endeavour, but it couldnt be used until samples(样品) were tested back on earth. So when it came time to actually drink up, NASA made a big deal of it. The three-man crew stood holding their drinks and congratulated engineers in two NASA centres

50、that worked on the system. “This is something that had been the stuff of science fiction,” American astronaut Michael Barratt said before taking a small mouthful. “The taste is worth trying.” The new system takes the combined urine of the crew from the toilet, moves it to a big tank, where the water

51、 is boiled off, and the vapor(水蒸气) is collected. The rest of the urine is thrown away. Then the water vapor is mixed with water from air, and then it goes through filters (过滤器). When six crew members are aboard it can make about six gallons from urine in about six hours. “Some people may find the id

52、ea of drinking recycled urine distasteful, but it is also done on earth, but with a lot longer time between urine and the tap,” said Marybeth Edeen, the space stations national lab manager. The technology NASA developed for this system has already been used for quick water purification after the Asi

53、an tsunami.63. According to the text, the recycling system is important because _. A. it makes traveling to the moon for the average person possible B. with it NASA wont need to ship any water up the space station C. it can help meet the need for more water after the crew is expanded D. it protects

54、the environment in space by reducing the amount of waste64. Whats the RIGHT time order of the following events? a. The samples of the recycled water were tested on earth. b. Astronauts celebrated the space first of making water from urine c. The recycling system was brought up to the space station.

55、d. The technology for the system was used to quickly purify water. A. a, d, c, b B. a, c, b, d C. d, a, c, b D. d, c, a, b65. What did Edeen say about recycled urine and the recycling system? A. The taste of recycled urine is not as good as that of common water. B. The recycling system has made a sc

56、ience fiction story come true. C. The idea of drinking recycled urine makes astronauts feel unpleasant. D. It takes a longer time on earth to make water from urine than in space.66. What is the best title for the passage? A. The Research of NASA Has Made Great Progress. B. New Technology Is Used in

57、the Space Station. C. Drink up: Space Station Recycles Urine to Water. D. Good News: Water Recycled from Urine Tastes Good.DThe January fashion show, called FutureFashion , is an example of how far green design has come. Organized by the New York-based nonprofit Earth Pledge, the show inspired many

58、top designers to work with sustainable fabrics for the first time. Several have since made promises to include organic fabrics in their designs. The designers who undertake green fashion still face many challenges. Scott Hahn, cofounder with Gregory of Rogan and Loomstate, which uses all-organic cot

59、ton, says high-quality sustainable materials can still be tough to fine . “Most designers with existing labels are finding there arent comparable fabrics that can just replace what youre doing and what your customers are used to,” he says. For example, organic cotton and non-organic cotton are actua

60、lly indistinguishable once woven into a dress. But some popular artificial materials, like stretch nylon, still have few eco-friendly replacements. Those who do make the switch are finding they have more support. Last year the influential trade show Designers & Agents stopped charging its participat

61、ion fee for young green entrepreneurs(企业家) who attend its two springtime shows in Los Angeles and New York and gave special recognition to designers whose collections are at least 25% sustainable . It now counts more than 50 green designers, up from fewer than a dozen two years ago. This week Wal-Ma

62、rt is set to announce a major initiative aimed at helping cotton farmers go organic: it will buy transitional(过渡型的) cotton at higher prices , thus helping to expand the supply of a key sustainable material . “Mainstream is about to occur,” says Hahn. Some analysts(分析师) are less sure. Among consumers, only 18%are even aware that ecofashion exists, up from 6% four years ago. Natalie Hormilla, a fashion writer, is an example of the unc

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