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1、函电翻译(中英)(共18题). 先生:元月二十日来函收到,不胜感谢。得知贵公司觉得火焰牌打火机价格过高,无利可图,我司极感遗憾。来函又提及日本同类货品报价较其低近百分之十。我司认同来函的说法,然而,其她厂商的产品质量绝对不能与我司的相提并论。虽然极望与贵公司交易,但该还盘较我司报价相差极大,故未能接受贵公司定单。特此调节报价,降价百分之二,祈盼贵公司满意。谨候佳音。销售部主任托尼斯密思谨上2. 尊敬的先生小姐,昨天收到你的来信,抱怨你新家的中央加热系统未按规定 时间装好,对此我非常关怀。参照较早的通信,我发现我搞错了完毕日期。错误完全是我的,对此我非常抱歉。结识到我们的疏忽给你导致的不便,我们

2、将竭尽全力避免再耽误。我已批示这项工作优先做并让工程人员加班。这样安排会于下周完毕安装。你诚挚的3. 敬启者:我们已由(公司名)获悉贵司的地址,该公司是我们在(地名)的生意往来时结识的其并告之我们,贵司正需大量蔽公司所制造的产品。敝公司的(品名)在大部分欧洲及其她国家享有盛名.过去年以来,蔽公司均能稳定地扩大出口筹划。敝公司对于在贵国获得立脚点深感爱好,故原供应我司的所有产品以满足贵国需要。为了使贵司对我们的公司构造有所理解,特附上一本综合性简介小册子,望查收!敬侯答复!顺颂(签名)4. 先生:五月二十日来函收到,不胜感谢。得知贵公司觉得火焰牌打火机价格过高,无利可图,我司极感遗憾。来函又提及

3、日本同类货品报价较其低近百分之十。我司认同来函的说法,然而,其她厂商的产品质量绝对不能与我司的相提并论。虽然极望与贵公司交易,但该还盘较我司报价相差极大,故未能接受贵公司定单。特此调节报价,降价百分之二,祈盼贵公司满意。谨候佳音。销售部主任托尼.斯密思谨上. 先生: 五月二十日有关第64号定单的来信收到。得知错运货品,我司感到抱歉。对的的货品已安排空运,应于一周内运抵。有关文献将加函寄上。烦请暂存错运给贵方的货品。如有任何疑问,欢迎与我司联系。对于是次错失,谨再次表达歉意。销售部主任托尼斯密思谨上. 尊敬的先生/小姐 谢谢来函告知我方六月日格林先生的来访。不巧,我们的总经理艾得华先生现正在巴黎

4、,到六月中旬才干回来。但她回来后乐旨在任何时间会见格林先生。 但愿收到您的来信。 您诚挚的 . 尊敬的先生/小姐我们将不久乐与您会面并与您商谈新的显示屏,但月6日不太合适。如以便的话,我们愿在10月7日与您会面。 期待与您会面。 您诚挚的 尊敬的先生小姐 杰克巴伦先生,我们的人事主任,让我向你申请会计职位表达感谢,并请你于7月5日星期五的下午两点半来见她。 与否能来,请告知,多谢。您诚挚的 9. 尊敬的先生/小姐,我们非常快乐威廉。泰勒总裁和珍姆斯。罗杰斯经理能四月下半月到北京,上海访问一周,根据规定我们出下列活动安排供参照:星期一,四月十八日下午4: 0 乘航班XX 达到北京,由亚洲贸易公司

5、的总裁先生到机场迎接4:5 乘车去长城宾馆:0 总裁X先生举办晚晏上午 9:.m. 在亚洲贸易公司讨论2:00 .m 小组讨论:00 p.m. 英国住北京商务领事举办鸡尾酒招待会上午9:0讨论中午12:00 签订意向书下午1:3 吃北京烤鸭3:30参观故宫6:00乘机去上海请传真确认,以便我们做相应的安排。您诚挚的0 尊敬的先生/小姐,我们非常快乐向您简介我们纺织部的进口经理王有先生。王先生将在你市度过三周,她要与重要的生产厂家拓展商务并为下一季度采购装饰织品。如能简介她给可靠的生产厂家,向她提供所需的任何协助或建议,我们将不胜感谢。您诚挚的,杨宁11 敬启者: 今天收到的支票使贵方的帐目重新

6、更新了。我们对贵方在支付过期未付余额方面做出的努力表达感谢,同步想向您拟定贵方公开信贷的总额为1500元。 如果在写给贵方的信函中,我们有时有任何言辞剧烈或损害双方关系的话,我们但愿贵方能予以理解。我们也是在现行的基本上承受着收款的压力。由于我们需要减少信贷成本,保持价格较低的日程表。 此外我们还想向您表达,我们觉得您是一位受欢迎的客户,我们但愿和您继续保持长期快乐的贸易关系。 敬上2.主题:订货先生们: 5月20日电子邮件报价深受欢迎。 我拟选多种颜色、式样、品种的衬衫如下:大号 打 中号00打 小号 打 售季将至,所有货品应于7月登轮。届时全额不可撤销 信用证 将予以开出。请确认订货,用电

7、子邮件告知装运时间表。 真诚的,xx . 亲爱的先生: 我司故意大量购买各型号钢螺钉,欲知每公斤运抵英国利物浦的成本价运费价格。如蒙惠赐上述报价单,不胜感谢。如能惠寄样本和价格表,亦必感谢不尽。 我司素来从其她公司购买此类货品,闻悉贵公司货品质优价廉,故欲与贵公司建立合伙关系。 盼复。你真诚的xx 14. -先生:我司担任多家厂家的独家代理,专营精制棉织品,涉及各类家用亚麻制品,行销中东。与贵公司向有事务联系,互利合伙。贵公司纺织部亦十分理解有关事务合伙的状况。盼能成为贵公司独家代理,促销在巴林市场的货品。上述建议,烦请早日赐复,以便进一步联系合伙。出口部主任托尼.斯密思谨上1 先生:去年此时

8、贵公司所订购的BS362型号1伏密封电池,现已停止生产。既有同类型产品CN233,存货共五百九十件,特惠价每件3英镑。贵公司如感爱好,敬请参看随附的简介阐明。大批订购可获八五折优惠,整批购入则可享八折特惠。为感谢贵公司以往惠顾,特此予以订购优惠。极盼立即回覆,如贵公司未欲订购,我司亦能尽早另作安排。销售部主任托尼.斯密思谨上16尊敬的先生/小姐,谢谢来函告知我方六月日格林先生的来访。不巧,我们的总经理艾得华先生现正在巴黎,到六月中旬才干回来。但她回 来后乐旨在任何时间会见格林先生。但愿收到您的来信。您诚挚的1. 尊敬的先生/小姐,我们将不久乐与您会面并与您商谈新的显示屏,但1月6日不太合适。如

9、以便的话,我们愿在10月7日与您会面。期待与您会面。您诚挚的8.尊敬的先生/小姐,我们非常快乐向您简介我们纺织部的进口经理王有先生。王先生将在你市度过三周,她要与重要的生产厂家拓展商务并为下一季度采购装饰织品。如能简介她给可靠的生产厂家,向她提供所需的任何协助或建议,我们将不胜感谢。您诚挚的参照答案1. DerSirs:Takyou or youtte of20Janary . e are disapinte o erthat orri fo Flm cigaette lghtersis too hg for ou towork n Yu menton that Jese god are be

10、in feret you at a ri aproimaly 10lwr han hat quoe us.e ceptwat you say, but e are te opinn tat the qulity of the oher aeoesotmeasure up oat ofour poducs.Althuh ware en o do businesswith you, w eretthawe anot aept your unteroferr ven meet yhalf way.Theetwecandos to edceouprviousuatinby 2% e tu tha th

11、is will metwithyour pro. e look forard to hearin fromo.Yous faithfully,Tn Smith hif Sellr2. DearMr. / M,Ia er oncend when I rcivd or leter yeterday complaiing thath central haisste in yu nw houe had not bencomleteyte dateproisd.Oneferringto our earliercrrepndene,I f that I d mitae the ate completin.

12、 The aut i entry mean I dply eet thaitod have curre.I reaie thinconeniece our oversi m be ausngyouad wil evrything sble o aoid anyfurher dlay I hve already gve instructio forthe work to av rorit an the nginees rkng tebo be placd o overtme. Thee arrngement suld seeth tallaon mletdbynet eeked.Yours fa

13、hfully3. Dar Sirs:We have received your adressfromabusiness acqaitnc ours inwho alo infor tha ou rquira large mout f t iems we muacure. Ourarvery llknn in mre n Eurpan an oher foig courDuin the paers, we hve been aleo constany expaourexort progr. e e terese ingainigfthold i your conrya ofrg our ntir

14、e lne ofone mrt.I ordr ogive u an ide f thecpcityoou organizatin, ee enclosing our comprehenive illustatedrcheW would b eryplease torivea nswer rm yo. uen8.omSincerl yours.(Sgnatur)4. a Sirs:hank oufo our letterf20 My .W are isapointed o erthat o prifor lame igatt lightes i ih or yo t wor on. Yo eio

15、that Japneegods ar beinoffredto youata pre approimatel 10%lowr tan tt qted y us.eccepwhat yu say,btwe areof th opiiottthe quiyof te other mkes os ntmeaure up t tha oour products.Althuhe are keeto do business with ou, ret hatwe cannot accept yourcounte ofer or even meet yo half way.e bet we can do is

16、 t rede or pious quotation y 2%.Wetusttht this l meet with yur aproalWe ook forard heanro yuor fitfull,oy Smit5. Dea Sir: hnk yu f you letef 20 My rerding you rdern.645.e are orry earn that ther wasa mx-u nyur der. We are owsending ensinmn tooub aifrih. Ishould be withyou withn wek.he essay docuenti

17、 wibe sent unde spaate cover.Please ho th gods hich re wrglyshppd f cllectin.e offer our sinereapologis rthe day. Should ou hav ay further probem, pleae o nt hesitae tcontact s immediat.Yor aifully,Tny SmithChief elle6.earM s, ank youfor yorlttrifrmingus Mr Gren iit dring June 2-. Ufounatl,M. Edards

18、, our mnage,is now in arand will ntbe back tlth con halfo Jun. H wold, hover, be please to sMr. ren nytime afte hs rtur. We o frward tohring from you Yurs faitully, Dear Mr/Ms,Thank yo forour leer ofeptembe26.W shal be verypleaed o see yo ad disussyounew moitr, bu Octber 6 s ot suib W ill be happyt

19、met ih you a 9:30 m. oWdnesay, Octob, f thetim conenien r you. e look frwrd to meetigyu ours fathul.aMr. /Ms,M. Jak Baron, ur psnnl dirctr, has asked me to ackwle your aplcato fr hepost ofacutant and to sk yo o come to se im on Friday frn, 5th July, a halfpat to. wl ppreiate our ettng me kn whheryo

20、wlbe ableo co. ors faitfull.ea Mr. / M, ae ver ease towelcome PreidetWillimaylorandManager Jam ogs toejing adShanghaii te econd alf f Apfr aota wee.As eueste,we prooete flwin itirry for your oniderton.Monday, pi 184. p.m Arri in Beijin yFlt.x, tobet t th ror byr.Presidenof Asia Tradgo4.1 LaveforGet

21、Wall Hoel7.30 inn givenbyPrsiden Tesday, Api 9:30 am. Dicus at Asa Trd o. Buidng:00p.m Groupdissson8:0p.m. Coctail recptin given by teBritish ComeralCounelr i BjingWednesday, Api 29: a. Discusin12:00oon Sign te etterof Inten:0 .Pking Duck Diner:30 p. viitheue palae:00 partre fohanghaioud plaeonrmyfa

22、x so tht weca ake arrangements acordnly.You fitu0. ear r.Ms,We are pleaed o intoduc M. ang Yu, our impor anage of extleseprtt. Mr Wai spndg ree weeksin yu itytodevop busiss wicief maufactrando aepurchsesofeorative fabrics o he cming saon.We shl be most graefuyouwill ntuce im t reliab mafactuersand g

23、ivhim an hp r die he my need.urs faitfully,Yan Ning11arSir, Th chck rceive ty brinsur cconptdae.e do appri te fort yu mdetoay the past-dbla andwan o asey tha yur reit is w open for tulamunt of 1,00.If, i heoe of ourwiting to u, avomtimessemsever or emandi, hpeu wll udrtnd tat we, to, re under presur

24、e tkee collecion onarnt as,f w retokeredit csts down nd o mintaiour lo price she. Rst assure t we conside yua avored usor withwhom we hope tocntinue a lon nd hapy usss reationship. Veysnere, 12Subjct: noder Getleen: h prie quots cotad in your E-ail f May 0, ganed avorale tention wh u. e woul lie o e

25、 th fllowiitems consstng ofvarious olors, patternsand asrtment: Lare zen edium4000 ozn Small oen sthe alsason aproachin, h ota order qniyshoud b shipe inul.At hat imean irrvoae LC fr he total uchse vu wil beeed. Pleae confrmthe order ndmail ahiin schel. inceey, Xxx 13. Der Sir,We a iereed buing lrge

26、 uantiies of teel screws in alsizs. We wold oblg ifyo ould gieus quottio per klogra C&FLvroo, nland. t woul als be apeiatedif yo uld forrd smples an yourprc-ist to u. We used t puchas tese prodcts fromter sre We y no preerto buyfm yorcompany bause e unersand that o r ae to supply larger quanities or

27、e attracie pricesInadditin, we haveconfee in the qualt ofyr producse ok ford o hearng from yob euEil.Sincerel, xx 14. ear Srs: We ould like t infrmu thtwe ac on a soe ageny s for a nmb fmanufactures.We specialize in finse ott oods te Midle East maret. Our actiits cove l ypes o houseol ne.Unti now, w

28、e hve ben working with your ttiles eparentnd our colatin hasroe t bmutually beneca Pesefer to t for ayinrion regardin our ompany.e arevry ineee n an exclusi areen wih ourfacory or he pomoio yor pros Bahain.We k fowrd to youraly eplours sincerey,TySithiefSell15.DearSrs:Thistimelast year yuplacd n ord

29、er forType BS62 12-vl sealattris Tis s ascontinedlne whch e had o ofe a tetime. nohve ila prduct ooe,Typ CN3. I os to us ht youi be interested. A desriptive leaflet isncled. W hav stof 9 of TypeCN23 hih we aeellin off a GB3 each. cnoffr qaiy dicunt f to1%, bu we arepeare to gie20% dsoun foa ofe obuy

30、 te comete stock. e are giin u th pporui niew ofyou prvousodr e wodapprciae prompt ely, snce wewilpt he feot in the vt of ur t beng itrese.our faithflly, Tony mt ChiefSeller.r MM,hank yofor ur lettr ifoming s of Mr. Greevisit duingune 2- Unfortunatey,Mr.Edwards, our na, i nowi io andill no be a nil

31、the econd haof Jne. H would,howv, beplasd se M.ree an tie fte hsreturn. Wlo forad o hearg fro u.ours faihul17.Da Mrs,Thank yo orourleteroSptebe6.e sall evr pleaet seyu and disss yor monior, but ctob is t sutbe Wewill be happytoe with you at :0 a.m. Wdnesdy, Octoe 7,if te imis onniet fr you e lo forw

32、artomeeingyou.Yurs faitfly18. .Der Mr/s,Warepleae to troduce ag Yu,ourimot managofTxtils Deparment. Mrag is pding tree eeks i yo develop our buine wit ciemafacr and tomake pucses f dcoatvfbics fo h comingseon.We shallb ms ateful yu willitroduc hm toreliabl muacurer nd give him y help ordvic he may need.or faithy

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