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1、小学英语教师在课堂上的常用语ets et rady fr css. 准备上课。 2 Im sorry m lae /xe me coming lte. 对不起,我迟到了。 3les comeearier next tme.下次请早点到。 Clss begis. 上课。 5 Who onuy tday?今天谁值日? 6 Is eyne here? 都到齐了吗? 7 Who abse tody?今天谁没来? 8 Wha ay i tody? 今天是星期几? 9 Whats the da tday? 今天是几号? 1 Li on,v you collted all the xercise-books

2、? 李红,作业本都收齐了吗? 1 He are yorexercie-bok.Ple and teout. 这是练习本,请发下去。 1 oir, would oupasfetchsohak me? 班长,能帮我去拿些粉笔来吗? 13 Openyou books, pleae. 请翻开书。 4plese turno Pae 12. 请翻开书到2页。 15 a akeotour otebooks/excse book. 请拿出笔记本/练习本。16N mo talng, pease 请安静。 7Attntion, ease. 请注意。 18 Les hve aictaio.让我们来听写。 1 Wee

3、 oig o ave new lesontd 今天我们要上新课。 20 First ltsave rvsion 一方面我们复习一下。21 Who cn anwe ths questin? 谁能回答这个问题?2 Do yu ey questin?你们有问题吗? 24 Let e se.让我看看想想。 2 Pup our and ifyou ave any uesns. 如果有问题请举手。 26Rie ou hans, plese. 请举手。 27 Handsdow.把手放下。 2 Rpeataerellow me. 跟我读。 29 Listn tome, pleas. 请听我说。 30Look

4、at thbackbard/creen,pes 请看黑板/屏幕。 31 Aleye on me,ples.请都看着我。2C you sovethispolem? 能做出这道题吗? 33 Lts ead i tohe Read,o! 人们齐声朗读,预备,起。34 Read lowly and clearl.读慢一点,清晰一点。 5W wans ttry? 谁想试一试? 36Whowas o it n e lackbor? 谁乐意到黑板上来做? 7 Ar ou throuh? 做完了吗? 3 Have you fiisd? 做完了吗? 9 You dd a vey ood jo. 做得不错。 4V

5、rygd.Godtr./ ell done! 完毕得不错。41 Terrifc!Wodeul! /Ecelent! 很棒! 42 Pleae gie him (h) a bg an 请给她/她某些掌声。 3 Cn youfolowm?能跟上吗? 4 o you ndertnd? 你听懂了吗? 45 ont e nvus.不要紧张。 4 Any neanhelp im/ er? 谁来帮她/她一下?4 An volunteers? 谁自愿回答? Ibeg yor ardon? 对不起,能再说一遍吗?4 Tke t easy. 请放心/别紧张。 50 Bbra active, pese.请勇敢/积极

6、些。 51 howantty? 谁来试试? 2 Com p t e font, pee. 请到前面来。 53 Gbac to your a, leae 请回座位。 omeo. Yu can do t. 来吧!你能做到的。5 Co n, ore aost thre. 来吧!你快(做/答)对了。 5 llgive yo ace(hi).我给你某些提示 一、问候用语 . H! 你好! Hello!你们好! 3.ood morning/ aftrnoon! 早上/下午好! 4. Good mornng/gooafron, assvyo/osnd girls!同窗们,上午/下午好! 5How are y

7、ou? 你们好吗? 6.icetmet/see yu 不久乐见到你们Nieto see/meet you gin.ts nieto seyou agai. 不久乐再次见到你们! 7. apyChldrens Da小朋友节快乐!8Merry Chistas y.圣诞节快乐! 9. Hppy Mi-Autumn Day.中秋快乐! 10Happybirthdyto you!祝你生日快乐! 1.Happy New Yea! 新年快乐!2. Hppy ecer Da! 教师节快乐!二、 辞别用语 1 Bye.再会! 2. Goodbye/bye-e。再会! 3 e !再会!4. ee you morw

8、!明天见!5.Se yu ousa.星期二见!6. Hve a niceeknd周末快乐! 7. Have nice holiday.假期快乐!8. Have good time! 祝你们度过一种快乐的时光! Hoe to see ou aain.但愿再次见到你们。 三、表扬用语 1 od! ( better bes )好!(更好!最佳!) 2 Rigt!对的! 3. Ys! 是的! 4 Vry good!非常好! 5. Geat!太棒了!6. Wnderful! 非常精彩!7.Exllent! 很棒的! 8. reatjb! 做的不错! 9 Well don! 做的好! 10. Cool!

9、太棒了! 11. That was grat!非常好!2. Yuare grat!你真棒! 1 You have doe gretjb.你做的非常棒。 4. H has donea ood job.她做的较好! 1.You are wndrfl boy gr.你是个很棒的男孩/女孩。 . ou re te winr! 你是获胜者!. Conrulations! 祝贺你! 18 clas 鼓掌!四、批评用语 1. to alking! 不要发言! Dont e late again! 下次不要再迟到! 3.Dot do thataain! 不要再那么做了! 4. m ryyou ae wr. 很

10、遗憾,你错了! 5. Im r,utthwron. 很抱歉,那时错的! 五、组织课堂用语 听、说、读、写组织活动用语 1. 上课 (Bginng a cla) )、Lets strtn. /Lets bginour class /lesn. 目前开始上课。)、Sta up, pase 请起立。 3)Si dow, plese. 请坐。 2. 下课(Dsmising the lass) 1)、Well,thathe e o our las.好了,我们的课就到这里。 )、Tme is up. 时间到了。 3)、s top hr. 让我们就到这儿。 4)、Thall fr oa.今天就到这儿。 5)

11、、 Cs is ove. 下课。 3. 考勤 (Cckng attnance)1)、Whoson dut oday? Whos helighi onin / today? 今天谁值日? 2)、Is veyoe / verody er / prsent? 所有人都在吗?3)、Who absent? /Whos away?谁缺席了? . 提起注意(Directingatnton) 1、Beuie! 安静!2、Silene, pase.安静! 3、St up/wll做好!4、Oe, wo, tree, go/srt! 一、二、三开始 5、Rey? 准备好了吗? 、Qicy! 快! 、Hurry up

12、! 赶紧! 8、To lwly!太慢了! 、Loudly! 大点声!1.Have y. 试一试 Try agan, plase/One oe, eas. 再试一次/再来一遍。 11、Pay mo attnton t,leas 请注意这一点。 12. Puuyor and/Raise yor hand/Han up. 举起手来 13 Put own yur as/nds own. 放下手。4ok a th blkborobs 看黑板/书! 15.Lok a me/eri. 看我/她/她 .om t the font,ese 请到前面来。 7. Cme o the blkboard, lease

13、到黑板这里来。 8. Gobak to or seat,peae.回去。 19. o ou h any questions? 你们有问题吗?20 Understand? 明白吗? 21Cear? 明白吗? 22. Pardon? 再说一遍好吗?3. Can youhear e?能听见吗? 24.Can you sei/ theblackbord? 能看到它黑板吗? 2. Listenad te ctio 听并做动作。26Lisen oin.听并指27. itn andpeat. 听并反复。 2. Lsten andnser theuestn.听然后回答问题。29. isteread nd e

14、wors. 听读并拼出这些单词 30. Listen adadtwiefor e wor 听并把每个词读两遍。 31.Reanwrite. 读并写 32. rite iton the blackbrd/i yor exercise ooworook/a pieeoppr . 把它写在黑板上/你们的练习本上/活动用书/一张纸上 5.鼓励(Eouagig) 、 Thinkit oe ad trag 再好好想想,然后试一下。2、 Dt befrad /sy 别胆怯/害羞。 六、小组练习用语1. owpeae work in rps/pai小组/同桌两人讨论 Tal yoartne. 跟同桌讨论 3e

15、ll o ds mat 告诉同桌一上课(Begining a lass) 1es start ow. /Lets bginour clas / lson. 2andu,please3Sitw,please.二问候(rtngs) 4 Helo,boysan rls cn 5Good orning, lass / everyoe / veybody /chie /bos ad girl. 6 ood afernon, clas everyne / eeryody /children /oys ad girl 7How ae yooa?三.考勤(Checkg atendace) 8Whs on du

16、 oday?Whs helpngthis rig / tday?9 Iseveryne everyod her rset?10Is anyonawy? Isanybody away? 11Is anone anbobet ? 12 Whos absnt?/ hoaway? 13 Where is e she?14 Try tob n ime/ Donb lat nx tme. 5 Go ba to our set, pe. 16 What da isitoay? 17 Wht te da toay? 8Whatshe weather lietoda? 9 Whas it ke utide? 四

17、.宣布(Anuncing) 20Lets tart wrking ts begn/ start a(or)ne essn. 2irst, etsreview d somevo 22 Watdid welean in the last leso? Wh cantel / emember wat e did in th latleson /yerday?24w were gong dosomething w / iffernt / N lts larn smeting nw. We hae soe new word /enteces 五.提起注意(Drecting attento) 6Ready

18、/Ar edy? 27id youge tre? / Dyou undestand?28I tht cler? 9Anvounteers? 3Do you nowa to d? 1Be qit, plse/ ie,plese3 Lstn, ple Lin areuly, leae. 3Listent te pe eorde thererdin. 35 Lookcareully, pleas.36Lok ov r 7 Wtch crful. 8 Aeyou ag? 39Pleaseok a hebackord / picture map . 4Pay tetion t your pellng/

19、pnciation 六.课堂活动(lasroo ctiitie)41Sat! Star now. 2 Eveyody tgether. / A teher. 4 Pactisein ru in groups, plee. 4Gtinto ops of thr fr.45 Eerbodyfin parter /ien 46 In airs, plee. One ata time/ Lets doit nebyone 8 Nw yu,lease. / Yor turn (stdets nae)9Ne,paseNow you th same, leas 50ets ac ets act ut / d

20、o the aloue 1 Who wantso e A?5 racisethe dialogue, ples.3Nw Tom will be A,and t other half will be B 54 Pleasetake (pl)her . 55 Whosetur is? 56Its ur un. 7 Wait our urn, pas 8Stn in lin/ Liep. 59Turnrond6Oebyo / neat aim, pease 61In tws / n airs6Do peaout 七祈求(Request) 3Coudyu pleae try t agin? 64Cul

21、dou ples tryte nt on? 65 Will you lease elp e? 八.鼓励(Encuagn) 66 Can you tr, se? 7Ty, pee 68 la try yor bs / D your bes. 9 Tinkit oveand try agai. 70 Dont be afri / sy.九.指令(Isuga ommd) 71 Sa/Read afer me,leas. 7 Followm, plae. 73Dowha Ido. 7Rept,pleae/Reeat atr m 75 O o,lse/Oe or tie,pea 76Come here,

22、 lae.77 Please cm t the fron.Comeuand write on h kboard/ chlkboard. 8oe anwrite o the blackord. 79 Peasgo backt your seat 80Pt up yourhands,pleae/ Ra u and,plae 81Pt don your han,plase. Hds on, please. 8ay t / Write itin hie / English. 83In Elish, please 84Pease tak outyour boos 85 eaeopen ourboo at

23、 age . /Findpage ./ Turntpage .6Coe / hutur oo, peae. 87 Please anser te ()uesion(s).8Please read ti leter / word entence outloud Pleas rohi leterwod / ntenc 89Plase top now./ Sonow, pleae/ t here, please 0Clean up you ek / thlaom, eae 9Its clen-p im/Tdy up our de / theclassrom. Put yor thins ay/ Cl

24、anoffyour desk Pickup the sps. 93 Clean thlackboad. 9Plu in th tpercore, plas. 95 Pt thet-recoder awy9 Put theap in its box /cassette7 Lin an epat. 98Lokan isn. 9 Repeatatrme. 1 Follow th words 11Fas./Qikl! / B quic,plese 02Hury! / Hury up, plese. 3lodown, as. 104 Sow 105ringme som chalk, plae.十.严禁和

25、警告(ohibtin an arning) 13 Stoptalking.Stoptknnw, leas. 4on tk/ Everyody it,pease 105Dnt beslly 106Set dw. 十一.评价(Euating) 107 ooThank yu. 108 Good!/ V god! God jb./Gd ork / God xml19A odanwer. Ne k.11Eceln! a! / Wl oe/ verygood / lik the way yu. 111s intresing! 11Dontwory bout t / N probem 13OK! Thats

26、OK114 I dnt thik s.11 Thatsnot quiti, y othr answrs?/Thats loe/Thats alost riht. 11ot quite, anyonehelp him/er? / Try again. 1A god try.十二布置作业(Stg hoeork) 118Froayshom. 119Prcti after lass/ racet e. 2 Sy i out lu, oryo write i dow. 121 Coy Pri Wteac wordtwic.122Rmeer Meorie hese wods / sencs 12D our homewokDo te next lso/ Do th nwwork.十三下课(Dismisingh class) 124d n our oroks, pleas.12 Time isup.126h el rngng 17Ters te bell. 128 Thoes the be.129 Letsstphere 130 Thats all for toay 13 Class i oer 3Goodbe y/ee you./ S y net cass/tie / tomrrow.

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