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1、销 售 合 同Sas ontrat 合同号/Contrc No: 日期/Da: 地点/Loaon:/ 地址/Ass: 电话/Telhne: 传真/Fax: 卖方Seler:地址/ddress:电话/elepne: 传真x:本合同由买方和卖方商订。在合同项下,双方批准按下述条款买卖下述商品:Te ntrcis negotiated ad eecutedby andbeteeth Bye ndt Sele. Both atis ereo agre to rchase ad selthe lloing oos s per atles ontined heeafter:1、品名、规格、数量、单位及价格

2、Prductnae, consructo, quatity,uni and price o.mSpeciicatinQuanttyUnt ric(UD)Tota Pc(USD)12Total:(B Qingda) Say SDolarUSD Quatiy: moe ores 2、交付条款MS F DELIVEY: F(igdao)2.1术语“离岸价格(OB)”应按照国际商会(CC)出版的 国际贸易术语解释通则 (即INCOTERS,)进行解释,除非本合同中另有规定。The tms “FO”sll b sbject the“Inential Rues te Intrpretin of Tade

3、Trm” (NCORM,)povidd by Intratal Chaerof Comece (ICC) unsotherwise sipulateerein.2.2 如若是付款条款是T或者D/P,付款则按照到港后最晚十五(1)个工作日之内付款。2.3 如若是付款条款是即期信用证,付款则按照到港后最晚十五(15)个工作日之内付款。2.4 如若是付款条款是远期信用证,付款则按照开船后信用证规定天数进行付款。If tTTr D/P pmetem, h fulpaen isue ithiifteen() oking dayafer rrial.If the L/C pymentterm, theay

4、ment shoud ain he L/ erms agred3、 原产国别及制造厂商:陕西秦塬纺织有限公司,中国Oriinal nr & manuctuer: ANIINYUA TETLECO.,LD.,HIN4、装运港hpment pr5、 目的港estinato por、装运期Spent eriod:具体装运期由双方协商拟定。Th xact da o pment shallbe agreedupon betwen oth prtes.7、 出货保函Letteofgarante如用买方指定货代,则在订舱后两()个工作日内,需由买方公司责令订舱货代出具给陕西秦塬纺织有限公司的承诺不放货保函,

5、如未准时出具此保函,卖方有权延迟出货。If e buyes appntdfowarde,uersholrequirehrwadroissuealtterofgurneehattheeiveryogoodsmutcolywthSHANQIYATILEO,LTD.Siruction atershppingspcisrelasefohiscotctin w(2) king days.Ifhefrwadoftsconractannotissuethsetterofguaane in tim,Theselerthrspsibiyofdeayigthesippindate8、托运人Shper如若指定货代不

6、能出具以我司为SHPER的提单,需由买方出具此种操作是买方规定的证明。I buys ppinted owardr csue th peras SHAANXI QIUAN TXTILE CO,D on th bl f lag, by ned prvida ctiicat to prve ts bys reqrement9、 数量、质量异议期Tr of objeon fr uantity & qualty:买方自货品到港之后起 十五(5) 个工作日内提出数量和质量异议,经卖方确认对货品的质量负有责任时,由买卖双方协商解决此问题。逾期未提出的视为产品数量、质量符合本合同规定。TheByer ay,

7、n ca o any ojecon in respect of quntty ndlit, pu fow the same whin ffteen(15)wokin days.Thebuye conimedthy areepnsile for he problm. Othrse,it hall deemedtht both hepodct quatity and qulity confomto Cntract rquirement.10、包装Pacage:所供货品由卖方:打卷包装 打包包装 打板包装 散装 其她方式包装Goods provied shll be ackedb heSeller

8、in the frm of:roll packige ackingolddpaking los packigpi ioher forms,11、装运方式 odef ld:整柜 拼箱 Fu ontaier load less hn container lad 12、加工批示单Instruons:在签订合同当天内,由买方提供应卖方精确的加工批示单uer shol rovid sele th ccurateprcesing ntcionsinthcontract dy13、付款条款rmsof paynt 13.1 卖方与买方在签订合同之日,买方按照规定提供订单的具体信息之后,卖方按照买方规定,根据实

9、际状况安排生产。如浮现突发状况需要取消订单,买方必须在3个工作日之内,告知卖方,保证双方利益不受损失。 Afterthesel anduyr signd eontract,thebuyernest oferth detaile nfrin torder an th eller nedsto arra th rder accrdig to th terequiemnsfthe uer.Te uyr mut to ifor sle wththe() orking ays inadnce if uer nd toanceltheorderemery tense he beefis of tebuer

10、 nd selle illnot ss. 12 买方应预付1%定金安排生产,该货款应在合同签订十(10)日之内以T(电汇)方式汇入卖方指定的银行账户。如若延期付款,导致的订单延期的话,责任由买方承当,且卖方有权终结本合同。等最后订单生产完毕之后,由卖方告知买方支付尾款,且买方应按照合同中的交付条款,以/(电汇)方式将剩余所有货款支付给卖方指定账户。 Th byerpay 10% eoit r producng the ods,it sud be rmitted oheburbankccout by T thin t(10) days one sied theotrac.fheaymet dly

11、e, itll behe uyrs resposbiitiefor the possiiliy f deing teorderadt lle has rght terit th cntat.Afte the finlroductio fied,theseller suld inform th buyer to pay he inal pyent, and the buye rete the final payment t th ellers bankacontb T. 13.3.1合同签订后十(10)日内,买方应以卖方为受益人开具可接受的全额的不可撤销信用证。若上述信用证延迟发出超过二十一(2

12、1)日,则卖方将有权终结本合同。卖方在收到买方开出的不可撤销信用证之后,根据实际状况安排订单生产,买方在生产前不得撤销订单,否则卖方有权保存索赔权。Theyer hll ea accetl andirrevocbeL/C at sight i avor of teSellerof the o amoun Cntract withn ten(0)das afr thesigningof Contact. Shud the L/C laymore han teny-one (21) days, teSlle ath riht o teminte tis Contract.32 开船后,开证行必须在

13、开船后21天内开出承兑给议付行,如果延迟,买方必须给卖方每日支付发票金额%的费用。Issuig k musend uthorized accepance to negotiaion ank wihin21 das after shpng date .If te acceptancedlyed .e uyeroud y t se in USDtarate of 0% ec day o the os of invocevau.1.3.开证行必须遵守承兑日期付款,如有延迟,超过承兑日期7天,买家需要向卖家每日支付发票金额0.3%的费用。ung bankut rleasepament ihin das

14、 aer maure dte ,i deld more , bue oud payheseller in UDat arae of 0.03% eh dayof e ct finvice vlue卖方银行信息ank inormaon:此处根据状况选填公司账户信息备注:卖方的银行信息以上述商定为准,如有变更,卖方将会在新的银行信息上加盖公章,并以书面传真或以快递寄送的告知为准,接到告知后买方应及时予以电话确认并书面答复给卖方,此时,买方才可付款,否则,一切付款风险均由买方自行承当。Remark: bank infomtiono the sle ms pivot to theabveareemnt

15、. I thereis ny che, thesler wil ed he nw bankinforaion with signed adtamed y fx o nice sentby expres deivry sholbrevaled. Wts more, the buye hal calbato cnfim hinomaion promlynd respose to the elleri rttenform ahe me ie te eceivng the ntice.And l rhat th y col do teaent,othrwie ll paymn risks ar orn

16、 by e buy14、超期库存规定egulation or erdu inenoy:买卖双方经充足协商对超期库存管理商定如下:141 超期库存的概念:自卖方告知买方货品准备完毕且入库之日起超过 十五(5) 天未发的货品4. 正常库存时间:自卖方告知入库之日起不超过 十五(5)天14. 超正常库存时间的,每超一天,买方自愿承当合同总金额的2%作为违约金,违约金从买方支付的订金中直接扣除,超正常库存时间 二十五(2)天的,买方构成违约,卖方可单方面解除合同,自卖方解除合同的告知达到买方时本合同终结,买方货款不予返还。Tho aties hav acedthe ollowng greementre

17、grdingovrde ivetrymanagment ponuffiet conulaion:4 Coep of the ovrdueinveor maagment:cago ntsipped ove_fieen(15)day sinc the day the Sellr ntifies the Buyerthatte cargos hvebeen rered an waehoued. 4 alinvent tm: n excefifteen(15)ds sincethe Sellers otificaion f waeousin4.3 Thuyer shallolntaly nerake

18、liquiated damages of 2% of h otal Cotrac vaue for ech verdday ovr he normliventory ti, wich shallbe eucted f the aent e by th uyerI the erduetime exceeds twnty-i(2) days, it albe eemed as the brech f Conta byte uyer,and th Sller here cn unlaterll recin the Contract Th Cnract shll terinae whnthSeller

19、snotfication fo rescid is eived by the uye hse pameshal no retun.15、装运条款erms ofsipment51买方应在卖方指定的时间内提供其货代联系方式,若因买方提供的货代信息延迟,则对因此所导致的任何发运延迟情形货产生任何费用,卖方概不负责。TeBuyerhould provde te mens f ontaco sfowarer wihi the Sellersesnaete o any chge. he Seler sallottakey rponsiliy r te dlay of shipment rsefro te

20、uylayed rvisoo thrwrdeinormato.15.2卖方应当于货品装运完毕后 五(5)日内,并告知买方货品已经发运。发运告知中应载明合同编号、货品名称、数量及发票金额。e ler salinfom the buer withi f (5) das on t cltio o the loaingo the ood, gi a hipingadvice tth Buyeby aThe shippng adviceinclues heotractumber, name goods, quanty,nd noiced ale.5.转运Trasshipt: allwed 15.4分运/

21、Parial shpmet: lod16、不可抗力FoceMajure16. 在履行本合同过程中,若其中一方发生了无法预见、无法避免并不能克服的客观状况(如下称“不可抗力事件”)。而导致不能履行或延迟履行本合同,则根据不可抗力的影响,可部份或所有免除责任,但法律另有规定除外。 6如果一方由于导致不能履行或延迟履行本合同,其应在“不可抗力事件”发生后立即告知对方,以减轻也许给对方导致的损失,并应当在“不可抗力事件”停止五(5)日起,向另一方提供由有关主管机构出具的有关“不可抗力事件”及其影响的有关证明。 161In case of aparty cnnot perfor t contrator

22、delays in rfrmance ecuef uoreeeble, unoile an nurmountablecircumsaes(hereiaftershall berferre o as fore majere),unls othewse stiulated by law, its ibity shl be exmpe in rt rnwhoedpendn n h efet offorcemajeue. 1.Ia prty isuable peform tis contraorperforms itdey bcaof fore majr,it hallpromply tify he

23、thrpaty s ato miigate ss hatmihteniced nthaoheprty an roide the oherpty th elevant crtificte ith rcto th exisece offce meuread iseect ssued b metet authoriis wi ive(5) dayspn termia of force majure.17、仲裁Arbitrion凡由于执行本合同而发生的一切争执,应通过和谐协商解决。如不能解决,则可诉诸仲裁。仲裁应提交中国北京中国国际经济贸易仲裁委员会,按照其程序仲裁。仲裁机构的裁决具有最后效力,双方必

24、须遵循执行。仲裁费用由败诉一方承当。仲裁机构另有裁定的除外。仲裁期间,合同中除仲裁部分外,其她条款仍应继续履行。本合同的澄清、解释、签订及争议解决都将合用中华人民共和国法律。Anyand disput rising fo he proane of th otrathal e subeofriendly neoiaion o solutio. Eithe partyhere aappel to arbitrto n case n resoluion wold b read hrh neotiaion. Apeal, if any, shl ubmitteo China Intrnatioal E

25、nomic and Ta Abitrio Comisson (IEAC)for ritrion sbject t les tereof.he arbrti awd shl be final bnding uon bot artes, wi halbe fllowedand xecuted by both parties. Te arbitatoneeall b orne y the loinpary, uss otherwse rued bth e bitrn institution Durn the couse of the arbiration, th Corctshl b perform

26、edxcp or heprundr abitrtio.Lw f The Peps Reubic China isdoptd an usdfor thecaificai,nerprettin, xectio nd disptresoveent of this Contac.18、违约责任 Lability or rech Contrct 181 买卖双方应严格按照合同商定履行,一方违约给对方导致损失的,违约方应承当相应的违约责任,违约责任范畴涉及但不限于违约金、仓储费、维护管理费、二次销售的差价、实际损失、实现债权的费用(仲裁费、律师费、差旅费)及有关费用。如浮现买卖双方之间浮现不可协调争议之后

27、,由卖方本地法院进行裁决。T SeldtheBuyehal perom the Contracstrctly b comlying wit proviions ereo. In the event hat n party reaches he Cntract and causes lssto the other, the eaut partysall bearcorrespdg lbilty, wichsall inludet ot ied to th paymento liquidaeddamags,warehousng fe, mitnnce and manaement ee, realp

28、ice diference, ctual loss,expese or exrcising of creditos ight (arbtrationee, atorny fe nd rave allowanc) d reated epenses.1. 货品达到目的港后,买方应及时提取货品。因买方回绝提货、迟延提货等引起承运人或其她第三方索赔、扣押、留置、没收货品及各项罚款等一切损失均由买方承当;同步,卖方也有权批示承运人将货品直接回运或以其她方式处置,而不需事先征得买方批准,买方不得以任何理由向卖方追索货款或其她费用。r sh mae th dlery tey wen oodsarriv at

29、 teprt f dstiai. uyr sulundtakeal lo, such carir oh third-pary laims, seizure, lien, frfitureoodsn thrious fne ausby buyers resed r dyedeley. Atesam tim, sl is ntitedto order thecrieipback goodsor te meas to ispse witht byeraproval T buye sal not be reous toe sele for anyanpaymt or otercrs.1、其她商定the

30、rs本合同有效期自双方签字或盖章之日起至双方权利义务履行完毕止。本合同一式两份,具有同等的法律效力,双方各执一份。此合同以中文为母本,附英文翻译,合用于中华人民共和国法律。如发生争议,由中华人民共和国合同签订地人民法院解决。The exiyate of th Cotrc shal bfromt y ofigning o selin by and between bot partieso heday oth prtishave fulfilldtheir ihts and obigaio.Te ontratilbema in uplicate wth thesam foce deect, which wll b held b ea pry ht.he ontrct as the orgna n Chiewih Egsh translatn, ich sha ap th law of the eopls epulic of na f ther i a ispue, shalb submtte to cntracsigedpace cutfthe Peop Rublic of Cia买方: 卖方:Ber: Sellr:

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