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1、中考英语作文总结一、IX. 书面体现(共15分)二、共同点:.图文式 .有提示词 3.结合亲身经历 4.80词左右三、话题: 111 三点式 环绕英语学习措施与方式1 正反方选其一 环绕协助别人与否期待回报;17 正反方选其一 如何看待考试成绩四、体裁: 15 电子邮件 其她是短文或报告山西省中考英语作文及范文某校进行了“你最喜欢的课堂学习方式”的调查。成果表白,小组合伙学习的方式受到了同窗们的欢迎。请你写一篇有关小组合伙学习的短文,内容须涉及如下三个方面:1 小组合伙学习的好处;2 让你感受深刻的一次小组合伙学习的经历;3. 小组合伙学习的方式给你带来的收获。范文:Studyin i gro

2、u is becomin more and mr polar. I haanyadnts.For exaple, we anot olysave tmutaso encourage eachter when we tdy ingroup.Ill emeber when I was Gra 8,my phyics ws eypoo. I ad a ealy hardtieit it. Oe in lass, Istuded withoe classates tgther. I wasveryrelaxd an ked mylasats alof qetios ut physic I dint e

3、l tresed ou a all. At lst,I fiised my homeok b msel orthfirtie. How excited was!cueof stuing in grops, Iamnot worridabot phsics y mor et mor conidence with y lassates hel. I alo givese more chancsoimove yelf in mny wys山西省中考英语作文及范文.书面体现(共1分)6.目前,社会上补习机构火爆,在多种媒体上,我们常常可以看到“名师名校”、“个性化教学”、“终级押题”、“秒杀中考”等广

4、告词。你相信这样的宣传吗?为此,你所在的学习小组针对这一社会现象,环绕“课余时间我们应当更多地去做什么才可以得到全面的发展”展开了讨论.最后人们形成了如下的观点: 请你根据同窗们的上述观点,并结合自己的亲身体验,就此问题陈述自己的见解,内容必须涉及如下要点: 1.Wouldyou lik to tke afr-sco clases? Why or whynot?(Plasev 3 reasons)2What ould youliet do i our sre time?3.as te us one f yousoresof hs kind fexperne.范文: t sem tt mny s

5、tuns gto takeaftescol class, ut iti just a wase f time nd mney.I s to o t differntind of thse casses,o. But ater I relizedI clnt do thatany mor. I began to pedmore tme redi, doig sps ad tng soe social activities. Meanwhile, ddt fall behindothers nstdy prefr thave tim to enjo th ntre.Its a wi way tok

6、o abot th wold. So I ofen putmyspar tim to oodu b atching amal, plants, ock .aroud mcty. I ti remmbr thday Iwt ote ForsPatis sprig! And I oud a few plants pei in m biolo books. Itofered meanoportnit t deepenmy undrsandigo my txs erin bysings a prcie. hae efited a lo rom i NwIam beomin m reatv nd con

7、fident t tosewho ar lways nvovdn ak fte-shoollases山西省中考英语作文及范文.书面体现(共5分)学生综合素质评价的方式多种多样,同伴互评是其中较为有效的方式之一,它可以让学生不断体验成长和学习过程中的进步,并对的结识自我, 保持自信。某班一种小组正在进行阶段性同伴互评活动,如果你是该组组长, 请结合本组讨论状况,为本组某位同窗写一份分鼓励性评价报告,内容须涉及如下要点:l te skilthe dvanethe perona quat e studet hasl oe thinhestudnt didl om dve for te studet

8、范文:HaMe is anayging rl ho gets aong elwit eveyon Se is aso tene erfoming. Whts the mst iortant, she s wrm-heartedOnces knewa gi inher nighborhd had so erious a illnes that aargamunt ofmoney ws eedd he put foward asusion clg nallte dstgie ay ocket mneyto he nlky grl. Bsides, sh orgnzd a crty wtoraise

9、 ore moey. Whn th il ad her parnts got th mney,hywereally moved.n Mi should asput ore imend enrg int syandry o b tuent ith both akind hea and goo gae.山西省中考英语作文及范文.书面体现(共15分)学习措施、自我反思、合伙交流、同伴互评是学习过程中几种重要的方面,其中,有效的学习措施能使你的学习境界大开,让学习成为一种享有。在你初中三年的学习过程中,你一定会有某些好的学习措施与你的同伴分享,请按如下规定写一篇短文,内容须涉及如下要点:l yu gd

10、learnin eho(s)l n eprec tha ou elpeyour prnrsl yor houghtsafelings范文:Goodlearners musthave go ways iscussng a ro really helps aea betterderstg o wh I learned broadens our mind n aow us mre cces opess our thouhts.Sh an nvu, mylaate Jff sed ide hiself ehid boo. Ansin question cwquitadifiult job fo im.

11、 Once o math each asked u o ve adifficutroblem.I encouraedeff to dscuss h idea wih usand eoundhis wy wscreaie. en we avised hi towriehis answer onthe blckbord and explain it us lieve i or not, h it and esaw hisreat imprvemet ter at.Discussingn rup n oly makesme enjoyhe happes of being a good eanr bu

12、t also eepens tefriendhipbeween Jef an meKnowledge cmes frommnicatingdqustioning. By dscsn, e learn more wisey andetter.山西省中考英语作文及范文.书面体现(共5分)某校开展“我是课堂小主人”建议征集活动,各班就此展开讨论,同窗们纷纷发言:“我但愿能有足够的自主学习时间”“我喜欢的课堂是每个人均有一台笔记本电脑,以便上网查询”“课上我们能自由地讨论,充足展示我们的学习成果”等等。请你结合同窗们讨论的成果,给校长以电子邮件的形式写一封信,建议什么样的课堂形式更为同窗们爱慕,也更有

13、助于同窗们将来的发展。内容必须涉及如下要点:l wha is yorfavort lass lk?l peae tel s anunoettabl experiee youv hdinyourclas。l pleasegv at last osuetDar Mr.Li,M aorte class i a penndfreeclwheeI cn larymyself and disss in groups, whih is god fo my deveopmen, I thk. still rembr an unforetale exeriecein mymths cla. everl days

14、 I en lon ime wokngothe mth problems i cls, u the werto hard r e to work them outSoIa t ask my lassmaes fr hel。Ata considrabe discussion,we solvd t roblems in ou gp. Howexcitd I was!Hai uhagreat xerice,I wantto give t sgesnsFrtly,please dot teachus tomch n clsWe need about 30 minutes oearn by oursev

15、es and workingops every classSecndly,pleas provideuwi some latps if possble,s we an srf the Inrnet asly. No ot,we ed a e and frclass,you ee.hat all Thnkyou.Best she,Zang Ha山西省中考英语作文及范文.书面体现(15分)向她人体现善意并协助她人体现了一种人良好的品格当你向被人体现善意并给她人提供协助时,你但愿得到回报(rpa)吗?针对这一话题,九年级六班的同窗们展开了辩论假设你是正方或反方的一员,请环绕你的观点,结合自己的亲身经

16、历,说出2至3条理由来说服同窗们(只需选择一方观点体现即可).Whn sho indesan helpothers, nr expet them t repay me. In my view,helpin othersives m strong eelingof eing need brings m hapie.On hotherhn,evryon may get nto rouble and needp,o Severalda go,hieI was aing a walk n erk,Ifonalttleboy cryig Thn I sedhim wa s thear,and he to

17、ld mehe oulntfidhisom.Luckily,h remembered his mterphone numbe.o I cld her imediatel.Tenminuts laer,theboy sa hi momand becameexcited.i mom wssothankf t she wned to bu mea sall gt,ut I reused. A tha ime,Ifelt quit hapybcaus Idid somethng rely goo. ll i ll,te worldes loe and we should b rady to hel t

18、hr ihout excing ay ra.Ifyou nte reay,aThanks wou be eug 山西省中考英语作文及范文书面体现(共15分)在我们成长的过程中,有过多种各样的经历,其中,“考试”也是一种经历,“成绩”更是始终“随着”着我们。为使同窗们学会客观、理性地看待问题,九年级三班以“考试成绩重要吗,它与否等同于实际能力?”为题展开了辩论。假设你是正方或反方的员(只需选择一方),请环绕你的观点,结合亲身经历来说服同窗们。规定:.词数不少于8词;.提示词正、反方均可使用,仅供参照; I dt thikgades rmprnt.Stdent ave dffent abiiies

19、 ando of tem ante easurd by grade, such s cretivit, ablities to comuicat adact Tsr ith, I was goodat nlisdsldogot highscre o theams. But one da, mteer encouraged me to prfom in n nglis py becauseof my godprouniation adlivel exprssions T prfomel, I stdiedmylnes mny imes and even dressed uplke hchaact

20、er. Whle we er pforming, I ouldhar yclasmte heering. ow xited!ater, m teaer prased me or my wnderful actng and ti mae emoreonfiden nd inereted in Englh. inall, grade cbe a way tomasue studet achievets inschoolwrk However,dierent interests anailties an make sudent a ul an. 书面体现(15分)某校筹划在今年暑期开展社会实践活动。

21、为使同窗们更好地理解自己的装订.线意向,合理地规划自己的时间,学校对 某年级 100人进行了抽样调查,下图是有关活动的记录成果。其中,筹划参与社区志愿者活动的人数占 6,参与 庭院拍卖的人数占 1%。请你用两段话写一篇短文,第一段简要阐明图表内容,第二段从图表中选出一项你感爱好的活动项目,制定相 应的筹划,并阐明理由。规定:1.词数不少于 0 词;2. 首句不计入总词数;3. 不得浮现真实的人名、校名。注:1词数少于 80 词的,从总分中扣去1 分。. 如书写较差,以致影响理解的,可扣去 1 分。A shoo d rv among 10 tudes abot theirlans focilpr

22、acti acivsdungthe summr vacaion Here ae herslt. iy-ix sudent ant t do comunity oluntr work. Twent-foupercen re gingtlearn a life skil. An only ne tenthare iterested i havnayarsale.Iny view, is oo o do conit vounteerorkong ommunity voluteer wor one ofthest wayo devlom ablities to comuice and cooprte.

23、 The communit is a lot ie a big famly f dffrepeol.Firs, I nee to ma gu of voluneers y tang w the tenagers. h wee going to workout difert plan base on old eoples needs We canalso aizese utdoor tvtis frte idsand andot advetiemets t better our enviroment. Te l nee us to communicatead ork wellwith otrs. Nw,Iaread looig forward othe oming vcatio.

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