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1、n Wrting a tourtide一、 单元分析(Unit Anlysis)(一)单元地位(Unt Poon)1本课中浮现了 “Ifyu go, yuwl”的条件状语从句。这个句式在7A odu 3 Theatural element Ui3 Sa watr nd raiwater中已经浮现过。如: teres no rain,there wil bno water to drin等。作为功能语言,教师有必要在课堂教学中加以一定的机械性训练。2Id sugges they go 的用法也有较多余现,并且为初次浮现,课文中重要结合上海的各个景点。教师可以根据所在区域设计多种场景,让学生进行操

2、练。(二)单元目的(Uni rget)1运用情态动词would来体现“建议”。如: Id sugget thy go t NajigRoad.运用i 句式体现条件。如: If yo o to Pudong Ne sric in the ea of Shangh,you wlseeth Npu rdge.3 用专有名词来表达地点。如:Yu Gardn4 运用ther is ae,I i句式来表达事实。(三)单元重点(niPots)1核心词:)地方名称:Shesha tate Res, NanjingRoad, Yarden,Sanha seum, oplesSure, anu Bige,Orit

3、aleal TV Tower, PudogNw Dric,WerWorld,haghai Gran Thatre,th Muncipal Hal。2)固定短语:e famous f, be kown s, in the word, in the as of, do oe sopn。3)其她:tourist, soition, paradse, pigon, suspensn, obsrvaor。2功能:1)xpressingconitions (体现条件)l Ifou tee,you wilsee a huge openaeaofgreengrass.2)Maki suggestin(提出建议

4、)l hat woul yu sugst the tourstsd ? Id ggesthey go to ajin Rd3语法点:本课浮现了不少引导的条件状语从句的句式,应作为本课的知识点重点教学。本课还多次浮现了one of th +形(最高档)+名词(复数),也是知识的重点。二、教学设计(eachin Deigns)教学内容教学实行建议教学资源参照1 有关2,29两页内容的教学本课的学习内容和学生的生活非常贴近,教师在引入时可从学生熟悉的话题入手。在6 Modue 1中学生已经学过某些etionl ctie, 因此从复习这些都市开始导出Shangha,然后完毕一种有关“上海知多少”的小测

5、试,并尽量罗列齐29页上提到的地方名,为新句型的操练作好铺垫。链接中提供小测试一份。对话操练时应运用课本28页上的句式。上海的某些名胜照片7B练习册7页7B语法练习2页2 课本0页本部分内容的解决,建议以旧带新。教师可以由学生建议去上海的什么地方,对上海的各大景点名进行复习,继而带学生到上海的中心人民广场,对于其中浮现的许多建筑物的名称规定学生能对的地朗读,为句式的操练打好基本。在学生基本掌握该句式后,可根据实际进行知识的延伸。链接2中提供一种完整的教案。对话操练时应运用Ify go, yo willee这一句式。7B语法练习3页3 有关31页内容的教学本学时的内容重要还是f句式,因此教师的引

6、入可从复习上一教时重点入手,继而引出位于上海的其她两个出名的景点uogNew District,heshn。由于这两景点对学生而言较为熟悉,教师可用启发式措施引导学生,并让学生列举更多的名胜地,规定学生对的朗读景点名词,如:rd aewyPla等, 最后用句型来操练。链接3中提供上海某些区和部分景点的表格一份。教师设计上海某些区和部分景点的表格一份。 7练习册8页4 课本32页本页的内容相对来说比较简朴。对于学生来说也比较容易掌握。但事实上,操练时应在原有的基本上有所延伸,也就是对某个景点用if句式进一步进行描述,并规定学生分板块进行操练。可以让学生以小组讨论形式先列举出各板块所可去的地点,后

7、进行操练。链接4 中提供游戏一种。对话操练时应运用课本32页上的句式。7B语法练习24页链接1阐明:如下内容中,重要是提供了一份小测试的表格。本学时是在学生结识了“上海”各个名胜的基本上,进行句式的操练。测试的目的在于帮学生一起领略上海的名胜,让学生在实行句型操练时有话说。How Much Do You Know About Shanghai? List as many beautiful places as you can:l _l _l _l _l _l _l _l _l _链接阐明:如下内容中,重要是提供了一份课本0页的一份教案。本学时是在学生结识了“上海”整体状况的基本上,进行有关“i

8、”句式的操练。教学内容不难。但我们有必要创设情景,让学生在情景中进行更深层次的操练。如下,提供了一份本学时的完整教案。Shanghai -an inerestng ctyI. Warig u1. Ra thepoem2. Sing th ongII. GreetngT: Class eis Good morng, o and irlsS: : Nice oee o he. S: St dow,pee.IIPretaskPreratonT: Now we are h- in the center Shaghi odywe illlearn sm more informtonabutShangai

9、.Fit housme hoof the interestn plces in Sanhai. lease telluswhat hey ar togeher: Are yu ready?:T: ets o T: Vergod. m gld to se tha ou are so ailir ith thesintereti placesin Sanhai Bu SpoIm from anjing. Imewe.Wht wold yougst o?S: Idsuggst y go toou an ee IV. Wile-tas Pcedure: Thank you yo sugge!dugge

10、t you g eoples Squre. You n s Shagai Museum.T:at mes: I ou go to People Sue, you wll see Shanhai Musum. 出示句型 f yu go toeples Squae, ou will ee Shnghi Musm.T: ead the senence together.T: O.K.Paseu the stucture to truc he intersting plac in Shanga agai.S:T: No whoantellus he ifference beween he o erbi

11、n th snce? Yo ma t in Chinese.:T:Well ne.In if-use,e ue thsie prent esewhl inthe main laue, se he smple uture tens. T: Lets comeackto PoplsSuar. f you goere, y w seehe unicpalHl.(领读) Yu wisee Shaghai Grand Theae.( 领读 ) Youwlaso se ahugen ara f gree grss a some ieon. (领读 )T: Pae rea them wice.T:Get H

12、w ca ntrduce eolesSquar etr? Let litn toteape careflly.Then I wil ak youse ueti. 1: hi Peopes Suare knows? Q: What il you ee ifougothere? Q3: hataretherearund it? 4: Wht ese you find?:Please oen ourboks a tnt ae 30. Lts ed e textter h tape ntence y senence (跟读一遍)owshawe ead it ogeter?:ow, we aeknowm

13、ore aut hw to itrodce place ette. o, hereare mepctur. Plee ork in pairs to itocethwih te gvnstructu. Pot-as activityT: In Shang,the r ay terestin aes. In Jinshan, thre ae lso a lot o butiful ples suh s Biginhaslan,FgjingTow, heh,Beach Voleyball atch adiu.T: Cn yuell us morenteesting pces here?S:T: E

14、xellnt Here ave gt a pic f god nw. My, thorld chVoleyball atches il be hed iJnShnainOur schol w as to chos futdens toho th foeigners around Jisha.Wewlchoosem in u lass. Lts havacompetiion. I ill gie each oupa pece of ppeand a pen. Pas choeonepicture to deigna ouistguie in grous anme a psters osholdu

15、e hayou ave lnt to. Ltr, in ea gr, two of owil oe to th ont to reort yorguidand shyour poser. Who wi he chane?st wait andse T: T: Than yo vey ch.Wo you thik will ethe winers?S:T: ts ard sy. Yu all ddt wel.T: T gae illb held soon Th govrnment e usebuiling our town. If youhavete hnceto design th futur

16、e ofJinshan,what wll yo do o mke tbtter? hy? Now diss ingroups. (出示幻灯)V.Sumryel, tody. We minl lerned hwo e if-claus to introduce place. Of our, e let oepeopekw mor abotSanghai nd inhanmsure ou mhav the am feeling a I. We rso lucky to ivei th bautifu ciy, nitwn. We ve our ciy, u to, dt we?I Assigmen

17、t Write rst guideabouJnsha 链接阐明: 本学时是在学生学习了 “if”的基本上,进行有关“Thre is/ae t is”句式的操练。教学内容不难。但为了让学生牢固掌握,有效激发学生的学习爱好,我们有必要结合生活实际,创设情景。如下,提供了一份本学时所需的表格一份。Som dstrits in ShaghaiSoe fmouview pintsuogNewDisrctHangDistritSngjngDistrictJishan istrict 链接 阐明:此游戏要在学生牢固掌握引导的条件状语从句的基本上进行,因此把它放在本单元的最后一种学时中进行。游戏的规则是:第一位学生说一句i引导的句子,第二位学生必须用上一位学生句子中的主句作为她句子中的条件。A ge:S1: I I ok ha, I wil getgd mark.2: IfI get good as, will go tagooduiversity.S3: go t a good univerit, I lhave aodjobS4:f I ave a d jb, will ake otof money.

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