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1、参照答案(Unit 8)Unit OneKe to Eercie Preview:1 Tr or flseF T 3 4F T 6F 7T 8T 9 TVoblary. Colete thsentencesy transatintheChie inthe brckets1.diffr ifferenl, differt . differenc 4 seious, srios, seriosly 5. seiousness, siu polud6.Forunatel/Lukily, polutio, siusy,pollute7 atentin . attntivl,tetive3 F nh b

2、laks with te coret formsoftheprase and xresions.1. other wn2w off3. burst into.give rieo5. roht about6 oresort to. clingngo8. gie rie to9. tk avantge 10. vin, mae, out of4 Taslat te follwing sntencs uig odsandxpresions takenromthtet. 她们运用我们求助无门的困境把我们公司接管了。T took advange of our helpessituan ad tookor

3、 our comn 虽然我们面前仍有困难,但我肯定我们中国人有智慧靠自己实现国家的和平统一。lthough thereare slldfficultiesed of us,I am re that hinee ople wilhave e wido obring abot he eacl unfiation ofour counr our on3. 只强调国内生产总值是错误的,它会引起诸多严重问题。t iwrongto put emphasis on othing but GP. twll give risomayeousoblms.4. 她喜欢炫耀她的财富,但是这完全是徒劳的,人们仍然像规避

4、毒药那样规避她。e loves to show of his wealth, this s ai vain. People avoi hi a though he wereio.她不久就爱上了这个村子。她决心和村民一起把这个地方变成一种花园。Heson fel inlo ith thevillag and aseteined mke t a butiful arden toeherith other vilgs.我们必须花更多的钱来和全球气温上升作斗争。此外,我觉得我们还必须采用严肃的法律措施。这不只是一种钱的问题。Wemust sd ore money gtin ain gobal wari

5、ng. In aditio, mus rsrtotog law.Iis not jut a matter f mney.7 当警察达到学校的时候,学生和教师还在一种茫然不知所措的状态。When theolicerriveatthe choo,the stdentan the eachers re sill in a daze.8这个腐败的官员还在死死抓住她的权力不放。她回绝靠边站。Ths corupt offiaws sll clingto his powerHefued t stepaside. 当那个人最后进入视界时,我发现她本来是我爸爸。不懂得她怎么在这大雪中找到这个地方的。那时候,我放

6、声大哭起来。Wen he manfinlly cme nto vew, I fond it was my ather. I didntkno o heaneo ind this plac iteblinig sn. Aat oment, I burst nttear10. 她不时地偷偷朝她张望。 她发现自己第一次这样看一种年轻男子。Shegland at him rom time t e. It was th firs tie iner if tat she hafun hesef ookingt a ung liketht. Fil i the ankwth e corect reptoso

7、r adrbs1 f 2 fro 3 for 4ot up 6 p 7 u or 8. out 9.with0 of11. of 1of 13. upGmmr:2 Fil in h blanksw th orect fo of word()in the brackes.1 ad overslept ad invie3. was born, hd eft4. d gone, tod5.hwrk,we admtted6.lv, ha alwys been7. was, had en8.becam, h red9. returned, came0 et, had ncetreatd, aid, wa

8、, hdone, forga, ased3. Fillin he blanks with ONE sitb wor.1 as 2. begiing But 4 sddenl 5. orrid 6f 7. ser8. nbr . habi . o ranslat the flowing sntens int Enish 1. 上大学之前,我没有想到大学生活如此丰富多彩。efore I metenteedcolleg, I hd neveouht ifeacoe wouldesih an itesig.2.出生于20世纪90年代的中国大学生大多数是独生子女。Mot ofthe Chines col

9、lege sdens boithe 19srethe only child their amilies理解她的人都由于她杰出的工作而钦佩她。Al those who knowhiaie hio his hrd wk.4. 我那天缺课了,由于我不懂得课已提前到了周四。 miss he clas because int no it had odp o ursday.5. 在某些国家,超重的人会受到一定的惩罚。n socounries,toe oaeorweigt l be punihed oewa o nhe.6.在大火中失去家园的人们不久被安顿到安全的地方。Sonaft tefie, thos

10、whha lost thi hme were taknto a place of sat.7. 再会面的时候,我们发现我们两人变化都很大。When we met again, wefowboth dhaned l.8. 以李专家为首的专家们不久就会来协助农民解决问题。A team of exerts headed by Prfessor Li wil soo comeandhlp arme solve their prob9目前种着西红柿的那块地以往是荒地。hefie lanted h tomtoes sd o aend.0.我们教师叫我们读像矛盾、巴金那样大师们写的作品。Ou tche to

11、ld us ore oks written bysuch masters Mao Dnand Ba JnUnit 2Vcabulary4.ranslae t followin senences, pying seal attenn t te rds in old type1. 一种男子忽然站了起来,用她的鞋子朝她扔过去。幸亏她及时低头躲了过去。2. 我们在她回家前把房间通通风吧。3.她虽然八十好几了,但还能穿针引线。4 我们必须勇敢面对这个危险。总有人妖在我们这里浑水摸鱼。5 她清晰地懂得,如果2把那钱放进口袋,她就会倒大霉。ador:很也许遭受(不幸);会招致6会议是由一种刚刚平步青云,掌握

12、大权的妇女主持的。7正如老话所说,剥猫皮可以有诸多种措施。 (不必墨守成规). 一对年轻的恋人坠入爱河,仅由于此,她们被用石头活活砸死。 我但愿贫富差距可以缩小。前两天我见到一种饿极了的年轻人在一家饭馆狼吞虎咽地吃残羹剩饭。10桌子上的食品如此诱人,我都流口水了。3. Comletethe setences ransti te hinese in the bracetis hatwe an findeugh orenmarkets2stha wth democraythere ishrmonious soiy3.is tha we shuli ow studntsmofeedom4is nts

13、rongenouh nd himprion5 raleenogh tobeer huad6 no bi nugh to d s yeople7Tere doetsem t b ydffern pio8. Bcaue atthttm te se b enough oo everydy9. Bcase theedid ee o beaygod easo at he ie10. bcauseh wasbeing folledat tat time11.my car beig repardfxed12 I hearit ibeing riicizedy man pe13 aoodoctr, bue d

14、esnkno mchbothistory1.a exceleni presso,but she doent koweverythin15.we maybepoor,but e are nbggr.16. I shlnt have todher in sch a ury17.Ishouldnt (ae one)1 w shold a litend to them4Fill inthe lanks th te correct form of the wods ad phrs.ove i on, append to 2 aref3. heardof 4. think twce 5. ecaus of

15、, hand over6.the other a, o ut 7. n thecase, s .in the frt plc5. Fill i e blak wth t corrct prositinsan averb.1o into 3 up 4 forad to 5 dow upon 6u 7u o6 Tanslaee following sentencntglis1. 在我看来,这似乎不也许,但是其她所有人看起来都很有信心。It sems impossle tome,butall the others looked very confidn.2. 我们四下一望,没有一种仍然矗立的建筑物了

16、。地震似乎把一切的摧毁了。 looe oud Therewtbidng saing in sight. The ehquke emed to have detroyed evrything.3. -她这些日子里似乎情绪很低落,不懂得为什么。e loos be in a low sirts. I wondrwhy. -我觉得那是由于她似乎学习上没有多少进步。她怕被同窗瞧不起。Ithnk it i bause he dosnt se t be makin much rogress in his sudie. He is afraid ofbeig lokd un by his casme.4. -

17、你在找什么,迪克?What re yo lking fo, ck? -我仿佛把钥匙丢了。真烦人。 seem hae losmy ke. o anoyi!5. 如果你发现一种字在中间说不通,你就该查查字典。这是掌握意思的唯一措施。f y nd a rdthatoensem to mae ay sensein entec, yshoudlooit u in e ictionary. Tha is theonly wa o rn to use a word. 她们继续争执了几种钟头,两人似乎谁也不肯听对方的话。我忽然想起有人说过:“讨论是知识的交流,而争执是无知的互换。”Ty enton argui

18、ng for urs. it was lng tist toe other.Isudely remeberedsome sying: “Dussio s a ecange fknoledghile aumt is an exhageof igonce.”7 那里的形式似乎非常复杂,政府已答应进行认真调查。Te itution here eemsqite mplicated.The gvermen has omis to ook it t. 我爷爷似乎正在好起来,但是她任然需要有人照顾。y rndpasems to be gti better and bte,buthesillne smebod

19、y tolokater him. 经济学家已经得出结论:危机似乎不久就要结束了,世界经济正在好转。Econosts vcome o the concluontht the csis es to e coig to an e.World omy s looingup. 1.这次病后,我看了看我的银行账本。使我伤心的是,账上的余额几乎是零。我前三年存在银行的钱全花完了。hen I o well looked at y banccunt. To y dnes, Ifod my an wsalmost zero l m syings in th pst three ar were one. 7. fl

20、lin eachbl withthecorrc fm ofte aprriaeword in the brcksAgo andbo:1. 和过去式连用,不能和目前完毕式连用2 说“目前的多长时间此前”用ago;说“过去某时的多长时间此前”用bfoe。因此一般ao 用于过去式,efo用于过去完毕式中。 E o yeas ago, I lftthe omay, which had jonedtw yeasbefo. amar3. ill i each lank of the assage ithONE suitable wod type/ kind lendng 3 or is py opni7a

21、ance 8 stor/keesv/put 9 cangs 10withdraw Trslte thfolloinenencusi neof he patterns istein Gramma xercie-21. 你还是试一试别的措施吧。Yu ught t tr a differentmthod.要不你再去和写作教师谈一谈?Ihink ouught t tal with r tig tcher aou i. .我们还是立即向警方报告这次失窃吧。Weogt o rprt te thet tothe lice mmeiely4.你的父母身体不好,你多去看看她们吧。You ouh o seeyor

22、 arets mooften now thatheyarenoti gd helth. 你不该对长辈那样大声嚷嚷。Yu houldt have shoutedt the lderslik tat.6. 这样重要的会议你是不该迟到的。You soln av beene for suc n importntmeeting.7. 难道吉姆不是你的朋友吗?她提出要帮你,你是不该回绝的。nt Jimyur frend? Yo oldn have tued dw/ rejeted hisoffer o p.8.作为一种大学生,你是不该把业余时间都花在网络游戏上。s colee tudn, yo odnt

23、hae ent ll yr fetim payig omputergmes. 万一我这次失败了,我还会再试第二次的。f I flthi time, I ul try f te scod time.10.要是地球继续变暖,这些岛屿将不复存在。Ifthe globa armin continue, hse isandswuld dispea.11.我要是目前有一百万元,我一定会给父母买一套房子。f I had alyua, I would by my arent an apartmet. 要是我当选为学生会主席,我没准会组织一次钢琴比赛。If I wee lecte predt the stude

24、ntson, mightorgnizea piacopetiton5detiy and correct themitakes. No oneknew wat hdhappened/wahaeni tere. /No one kws ht s happening/has happned thee.2. y parets ha a good reason tobe nry ithe. Ishoulhave liedtothem n thefstplc3. hnewPrimnist is awae tha s govenment faced with a ltf problem / The ne P

25、rime inters welawar of the problems his governent is face wit. Ifyou won the prize, whatwouldyo do you t money?5. The uest wasgeeted ih a buch fowr t thairport6 The tlr was guing wh a youcstmerabot somhing whe he rratr eneedtebank.7.The narao houht t bas policy was rdicous.Iws udestadable f her tobe

26、 ang with . h had a good eason tob anry ith me. I sholdnthaee to h in the irstplae.1 hd ochoicebu to do wt e wa told o.Unit Vabulary1.3 Transte the followng epressns1心中不快乐的纳税人2. 一种不平等公约3. 不为人知的捣蛋分子. 不幸的成果5. 未曾预料到(出其不意)的访问6. 可以预见的将来7.一种令人难忘的人物8.变化莫测的天气非饮用水10. 在可以付得起的价位上11 难以描述的痛苦折磨. 由于可以理解的因素3 拓宽街道14

27、.加深湖泊5. 缩短文章6.重组政府17 重游家乡18. 更换旧机器4. Compet e sntecesbytansaing th Chinese in th brackes. repesen,repeent 2. plor, unempoy, eployees,reploed3.wllifomed, nformation4.iformer,inrm, uhorite5. comlaint, cmpla, nemployt6 insu. insuting, insut8.epreetati9. beinsuled2 mpetehe folwin vb +nou llocaions o exp

28、resons1mind (his own busiess)2 plant row/arve / reap (the rce)3d / sink(awel)4 (catch) fish / bids / cas mic/ a efacld te eanig/ h disease5til mprov / consee(the so) plough (hfeld)7 (condemn) te eney he kllins8(atrat) atten /intere / crticism(gaer) flowers/ ns iformaion /trops. Fll i te lnks ih corr

29、ect preito nd adverbs(1)in, f, with, at, wih, about/o, , f, n, to()of, for, rm,till, on, atr, agaisrom, i(3) to, in, f, , f, t, or, , t,(4) dw,over, with(5) by, ove, (6) an, wih,across(7) aroud rund, a, wth(8) to,up,off, off,onTansat th foloing etences, g he lik prditvpattern. 祝英台虽然不乐意嫁给马家小少爷,但她不能不服

30、从她爸爸。她的心都碎了。Zu Yiai had to ( frced )oby h father and marry the yong mastero herich Maiy altug se was etrmely unilln She was heartboen.那个人历来没见过这样大的一张钞票。她说:“这东西看着好,摸着也好,的确就是好。”The man had ne seen uch lare nte. He said,“It oks od, fs god, nd it sgood.”. 树叶都变黄,变红,变紫了。看起来真是如天堂同样美。Leves a ture/otgne/becom

31、 elow,reandprpl, I relly looked heavny eautful (butifulike heen).4. 随着年龄越来越老,她开始容易感到疲倦。A e grew oder, sheegan o feel iredily. 5. 她的话听起来很有说服力,但好听的理由并不等于好的理由,两者之间存在很大差别。What he aid sndd ey ovncing, but reasons thasond good dont alwas man good sund aon. Thees bg ifference eween the to.6.她爱说话,她永远无法保持沉默,

32、而她说的往往被证明是错的。Hekes totalk Hcaneveree quiet, and wat esays ofe po (urnsou to be) irrct.7 她在战斗中受了伤,流了诸多血,变得十分虚弱,她的领导逼迫她留在医院到伤口痊愈为止。got unein batle,st lot ofblo, and became verak.Hisleaes odred hm to say in h hopta untilwa competeyroverd ( hele)8 她觉得可以从我们手中滑过去;她们错了,她们休想干了坏事就溜走。Thytought thy ou sp throu

33、gh our igers. hey wreog They couln g awy with what the haddn 9. 长征的时候,红军需要越过大渡河,穿越草地,翻过雪山。DuringtheLn Mach, e Red Ar had t ge crss Dadu Rve, thrugh therassld ndover the sowoverd muntin0. 你在哪里生活习惯了吗?你和同窗相处的如何?我们给你寄的钱够你凑合着用吗?Are you usd to te lifether? owdo yougetlongwith yor clamtes?Ca yu get by wih

34、the mony we sed you? (tneywe nd yo eogh for ou?)7 Fill in te blanks wit e rrec frmofth aproprite word o hras n he brackes.1ish 2 hoing 3 ho, wih ih5 pe 6 can, can,wnt 7should,wcoul/ight8 happn/occurd, hppen/crcured, ken lace/hapned/ocurred appen, take placeGmmr3. Fll in eac blankof thpsag wth ONE su

35、italewo1. ryig 2 euh 3 roght 4 ih first 6 sime 7 any8 ties 9 n 0 ny4 Tanslatethe flloin stece using sentncepattes ofunral condiion or as1.If yo harrivd te miutesearlir,oucould hae aught tetin.2 Yur father wold have fgive yu if you had told im the trt.3. ithadnt nowed hely, I wuld have tkenyou longo

36、yesterdays rty. f ther hdben moe rain in rin,he arest ldaven m eter.5 If theyhadnt leard a lsson ro thir filure, they wont havechiee so ch. If myaily hadntpoted e, wouldnt havetke part inth cntest7. Ma eple thiktthinas Gratall isoneoftesevenwonders f hencetorl,. Asso oten hppens, iortune/trouble ev

37、come il/alone.9.As is otn thcs withmany frst-yearcollee stdents, Ji finds i ard t at to the lfet colleg.10 sis repore, te rsdt willvsit five Aicancountiesnxt mont.5 dentiy and orect th mistk(s)1.Suprmarkes have spru up eveywhere in Bijing sne the 199s2h ly finds te sopill wth oos shehaso use fr.3. I

38、 I hadhad tme,I woudhve joind oufor iner yera. The ol copletol me thattey had nthn to mplan auMy grandfther advised e toapp t Nanjin Uivesty oradision. (or:randfatrugestd that app toNajngniversty for aision.)6 He wntbckto wrk as oonas ewsbcon s feet.7. He sai he wul pss on th essae toallhis riends.8

39、. emighthavefinshd our rkbpm f the maagr hdnot ierfered.9. n ctrywil soonr aterfallbhid fifals t keep wtheims. abe tis fate at bght m chdren bck to hometown.Unit Vcabuary2 Complete th follown b+ noun colloctin o expression1. fi th (dripto;lock; hoy)2.(make; recive; have;get; answr ) teleonecal.(mae;

40、 have;arnge; keep;rek) a appointmet4. isk(falure;lfe;health)5. affect th (ealh; ture; conom; result;son)6. rase (hel; han; yes; aige;voice;glass;wges; pice; hop;sue)7. save (ti; mony;trol; lif; fac; cotry)8 wave(a un; rm; ad; fla; clo)9. (do)hrm0 bit (e lip; ones nails; none ongue)1. (tke; seize;mis

41、s;ives; av;get)chacs12. ovr (atabl; onsboy; someod; round;fiel;ange; all sujecs; alxpese; anymile;pages)5 Rewitte fllwi sentence using the words or expressis i the bcts.1 ei noti the descrptio ofa great schola. Fo on ting, hes hl naked. Foranother, e sle bythe adseo busycity,rdya setting fora hlser.

42、I wish I knewo hy lernedabthis seret misil.3. He fac suggted a ripeed apple, n she was ohewisvery srogexcetfr thelosf both her leg. eyadea apointmet in a rstaurant tht ening,whee theaitr qikly slippeda noe ino the spyshandconcerning he seret messge. e waitd fo ast onehur andte food weordered tlldido

43、 come. Idecied to raie he devil wih the maaeen.6. Thegovernmet hs romisd that t wil o heitt to puish those wh da cheating, amlin, black mrketering,and prostitutio.7. Had hauhoritesaggresd wth te la, t woud vebrougt a lotfprolem Lukily,i wsurnd ownand nharm had eeon.8. e must mae seat th uc powestaio

44、ns ae absolutey sfe. e cant take anc.9. I thinw huld nd own busiss. But I wl check o nway. 6 Trasa th followin senence ino nglish1.她们别想固然地觉得我们会接受她们的条件,把我们当傻瓜。我们不那么容易上当。Don letthem ake i fo rnted t we wil accp hi condo/terms.Weare no ool, and wewontb so eily aknin. 我们只花了三年时间就使我们的村民收入增长了一倍.I ook only

45、tre ya o dobethe income of ourvillages.3 她们要是不收回她们的话并道歉,我要给她大闹一场. hdo not ke bak thr maks and aolgz, a goig torisethe devil it em4. 我们提出的这个问题很复杂,有诸多东西需要考虑.但是我们得碰碰运气吧.he rblm eaiedis complcaed. My ths ha b taken ino codratin.But we hve otae or chaes. 这孩子像她爹,对一切都好奇. 给她一种玩具,她立即就拆开The boy tke ftrhs fath

46、er/ad Heis flof curiosity.Giv im toy, and h wil immedtely taket apart6你一定要保证她们带你去见她们的经理,告诉她们,事情很重要,很也许关系到我们的投资筹划.你必须见她本人Youmust sure ht they tke yu thmageTell hem tat ts very mportantandmy affe our inestmnpl, and thefoe you mustse him in peron.7. 她们告诉乘客说,天已晴朗了,飞机估计半小时后来起飞.Tey told the pasngrsta the

47、ky hadleaed p n th ple was aut ttakeff nal r. 我建议你贯彻一下你们逮捕的那个人和描绘的犯人与否相符.I sugget g ncheck f the man yu haeased fitte dsrpti o he wane man.9. 你意思是如果我们采用这一步,就也许影响我们两国的关系吗?Do yu ma hat iwllafct th reltionsip ou wo cunties f weake ti t?7. Filintblns with thecrect fom o th arpriae d r prse in herckets.

48、ecept, excetfor ffect, affct3. oinar, oon 4. ause,cause, couse. use to 6. ard- ,arl7.amsdo 8 glaned t9. staringt 1. gazing atGramma3Filin acblank of tepassage wit NEiabeord.1 ti 2 y 3insa wi 5 did psed 7 body 8 Whe 9 wat 10 ue4 Tralte hesentences ito English (1) usig advebial clauses ftime aneason i

49、ntrduce by s. As h fin exams ae oing nearer, tdets hvestopdompuer gams, an the re busy prprng for them.2. As time goes by, i come eai to forgiv and forget. The oupe sa andlisteedas their dughtr tl them about her first day atchool4.sw proache e 2stceury,ekenly felt he needfrundertanig an ooperaion bewee nation.5.s he ilerned ad humors,

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