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1、nua Pronal umaryThe newyea s ard eorne ndi theont-last, tere are s mny emrabe omentsnal ummaryItke up ew work as a saes,hich sbhfailia andrae tme. Much difernce from tnslain,his poton is not onlyitreingt alo fll ofchallengs. Becaus thingsare notin yo ads ndometie ou contol, while iyou old tryto grap

2、buing point cuomers,you would i te upost cmlimen Ti isotlly wha Ihave et anmy eteral ursuit. n year umulatn(witollegues help)maes moe maur bh iattitude andpersonaliEvsuccess old ngm alittle more confidence; ey eouagement oumk me hppy a dalong;vry posite mlin leadrsees wou make memre stanch. wuk to f

3、a thechallege and Iam pleasa to conu ny obstcle nwrk, in hchprocesy poenial seemto e lehed. I kethis kid f sesiondalsoIhoe o nthe riedshipof allhe olleage. e YearWshbeevewlbemy ly r I wil lie mlife anddo mybwhnthusias an vibrant sri. Ty obring theprotto cmany an meawhile enrihmself i knowledge. P.:

4、I like hecollectve acitiesr mch, everyone would enjoy the appesswt botering fussy ork Wilife ould playtoetermoreterthnplyngspeael,Iuess oldbe btter or ou solidaity anredship. 时间过得真快,不觉间在新的岗位上已经工作了两个春秋。ime flis,unconsioy in bteen nw post hav been wokin fr wo years. 两年来,在学校党委、行政的对的领导和大力支持下,在班子成员特别是集团总

5、经理和总支书记的指引、关怀和协助下,我注意加强思想政治学习,不断加强个人修养和党性锻炼,自觉与党中央保持一致;在工作中我时刻牢记“三服务两育人”的宗旨,恪尽职守、夯实工作,认真抓好分管工作,始终以一名共产党员的原则严格规定自己,努力克服并纠正自身存在的问题,较好地完毕了本职工作和领导交办的各项任务,在总揽全局、统筹解决重大问题、协调内外关系和积极开展工作等行政履职能力方面得到了进一步的锻炼和提高。现简要总结如下:Twyars go, in school party commite, ecuiv corre leaderhip nd spot, i e gou ebers epecially u

6、p genera aager an geneal bnc scretary gudce,arand te help,I ay tetion o sregthen ideogcaland plitica lnin, ancostantlystrengten persnal cutiaion t prty spiri xrcise, consciously kee consten with the centalartycommitte;n theok I lway remmbe threeservi to educaion, the prpos, lllhei duies,t sold ork,

7、payspecialtnion to te seius chargeofwk, alwy tha communistpartymembrssadardstrict es on themseves, nd srv to overmea corret thir ow poblems,bttr ooplee he ob ad the leadehip turns ovr t hndngaious ass, teoveall reonsiiliy the overll sittion,o na a whole processin majo prblem, cooinaing intra an xter

8、n relaions d ati wr rspioadministratve ability bandthefurthr execiendmproe. We briefy mmed p as foow: 一、积极参与思想政治学习,努力提高政治理论素养。A, aencivepartin ideoogil ad politalearnng, and srive o improve he pltica theoy accmplishmn.两年来,我积极参与各类政治学习,认真学习党的基本理论和各项方针政策,注重对党的十七大精神特别是学校第三次党代会精神的学习,深刻领略其精神实质,并结合学习深刻剖析自己

9、工作中的局限性,找出自己的差距,写出心得体会,自觉以科学发展观和校党代会精神来指引自己的工作实践,时刻注意自己的言行与党中央保持一致,努力提高自己的政治水平和理论修养。通过学习,我进一步结识到自己所肩负的责任,牢固确立了 “三服务两育人”的宗旨观念和科学发展观等重要思想在工作中的指引地位,增强了顾全大局、坚持原则、身体力行、率先垂范的自觉性,自己的思想结识和理论水平上升到新的高度。Twyers, I tookanactivepar n alkinds ofthe politcal tud, nesty study he pays basic theo and varo polices, tta

10、himpoance othe eence of th 17th CPC epcaly school thid party r f learning,a ep undersaig ofit esenc, and incombnaionwih he leaning prod anlysis of the work i of oge,nd out heir gap,wriecomnts, teeerination t the sienificcncepof developnt holparty spiritto gude hiwnwor pracie, awayspaatntion hsws ad

11、eeds eaiconsise withth entalpaty comitee,andsriv t imrehr own potica level ndthy triing. Thouh the stuy,I futher nderstndhat his hulder rsonsibility, estaled te thr service twoeduation or the proseoth conceptof scetific developmnt,andthe imortant thought he guidigpostio at work, enhac th aging the d

12、og, isist on prnipl, physiclly, tkes the ead o hang fanconsouness,teir w deolgia renionan the tericalevel rise to ne igts. 二、尽职尽责,夯实工作,廉洁自律,行政履职能力得到进一步提高。Second, nscntious, thesd wo, hnestad elf-discpline, admsraieresumpti ability ha beeimprod. 两年来,自己始终保持奋发有为的精神状态,服从领导,顾全大局,严以律己,务实苦干。作为领导的副手,对总经理交办的

13、工作,从不讨价还价,保质保量完毕;对自己分内的工作积极看待,努力完毕,做到既不越位,又要到位,更不失职;在同班子其她几位同志的工作协调上,做到真诚相待,互帮互学。在廉洁自律方面,可以按照上级和党委有关领导干部廉洁自律的各项规定,对自己高原则、严规定,认真规范从政行为,自觉接受监督,始终做到自重、自盛自警、自励。Two ars, oneel alwy keprigmenalste, oey ladershp, py atentio to the teest, ho, agmtican hrd wok. As the epty eadr,he asiged byth gnralmanage ork

14、, nevr bagain, accomplishin; o onweghative teatm,and stiv o compet, do neither offide, and to rec thedgnaedpstin, mor t elition uty; Inthe same gpsveral ohercrades wor oordntio,do itwih icerty, teahandlearn In ost and lf-dicilin, ancording o rankig andhe party committe bout th leading cadthe provisi

15、s o hoesty an slfdscipi, hih sanrd, strit ruent, carefully regula behvior in polts,an csciouly ceptsuperi, aways do sel-rest, from cheg Jig,el-xctan. 通过两年多的工作磨练,在工作中自己可以做到思路清晰,重点突出,责任明确,行政履职能力上了一种新台阶:一是培养了自己不畏困难、克服困难的精神。可以以积极的心态应对和解决在工作中浮现的困难和问题,克服了以往工作中的暴躁和畏难情绪。二是提高了承当责任的勇气和能力。在工作中努力做到公正、公平,遇事敢于负责敢

16、于负责,不贪功不诿过,不推诿不扯皮。三是进一步提高了自己总揽大局、统筹全局、顾全大局的能力,进一步结识到团结合伙的重要性。团结凝心聚力,团结出干劲,团结出成绩,在工作中爱惜共事机缘,自觉加强团结与合伙。四是提高了自己协调内外关系和解决重大问题的能力。可以根据上级安排,提出思路,制定实行方案,并注重解决问题,贯彻实行。Through more th twoyears wok isiline, inhe ork te can d cethnig, higliht, clerresponsiiit, dministativemptonbliy o new evl: onesto culivte th

17、eir oercing dicults, ovecome dificuiesspiit. In a positivsaeomd to respon ad hadlein herkth diffultes and roblmseerging inthe,overcmeth piosworkiear ofimpatienc and mood.Te secod is to ipov the espnbiltof coura nd ailit. th wor todo justc, fai, weanyhin crops up o e responsiblo eposibl for, n pursui

18、g rk dnt expec,do hufe ont pass the uck Thre to futhe iprov therll sution,heir vralobal, pay attenion t theintees of the lity to further realizte mptane f nitn coopertion. Unty sttnges me forc, uniy utenegy, unte a rsut,n t wok chrshthechacework,cncientiusl trenghe nty ad oeraion. For is o mprovethe

19、iinternand exte reao oodinato n dal wih mar qusti abiityccong o th sperr rragement, adps owardtetran ofhoug, he implmntato ote rjet, and py ttntionto solve pobes, o carry out theieenttion 三、锐意进取,积极工作,工作获得新进展,实现新突破。hre, oge ahea,d ativ wrk,wrkhae mde w progre, o ahieve aew breaktrug. 1、狠抓校园环境绿化卫生 “窗口

20、”建设,认真清洁校园每一寸土地,科学养护每一棵花草树木,努力为广大师生发明一种优雅、清洁、美丽的生活学习环境,为学校荣获“全国绿化模范单位”和聊都市成功创立“全国卫生都市”做出了积极奉献。1,vigorusl promoes h campus envronen grening health io cnstuction, careflly la campus evry inchof the lad, scienic anteance evey tree flowersandtree, n stri or teachersand suents o cratea eegant,clean and b

21、atifu le lering evirnmnt, forthe school wn henatnal model ee ni and aochengscessfulceated the ational hlth cityhas mae ostivecontrbution. 、对爱国卫生责任区进行了重新划分和调节,并在各学院的卫生责任区域竖立了卫生责任区划分牌,进一步明确责任单位和范畴,以便了广大师生监督,调动了师生参与校园管理和建设校园的积极性。2,tothe patriti healt resonblty to hediviion an ajustmet,ad inevr coleg he

22、trponityarea settingh helthivision oresposibii r,frthr clrify acountbiy unit nd range, connient the majoif chrs an sudens suerviion,t mblizall the teacrsand students partipt n e auaageme andthe contructon o campus enthusiasm.3、为实现学校提出的绿化建设由绿化向美化的跨越,实行了道路增绿和花卉点缀工程,丰富了学校绿化植物品种和层次,提高了校园的美化水准,使园林布局、美化效果

23、更加突出,收到了较好的环境效果和社会反响。3, to achievh schoo pt frwad greingreeng constuctio tobeuify te lap, implement thewy inceasegreenanlowers n pants toadon eineerng, eic the hl greenng plant varie and lve, impve te cmpu bauiiatinleve, mk thelandscapeaout, autfiati eft is re uttaing, hs rceved t verygoodevirnmet f

24、ec ad soial repercussins. 4、认真做好教学楼、实验楼的管理与清洁,为教学服好务。与教务处积极联系,密切配合,成功举办了第一届和第二届教学楼管理评比表扬工作,有力的推动了楼管工作再上新台阶。4, conscintiusly cary o tacg iling,laboaory buildnganageenn can, goodsevice r te teachig afais. And thecademic dmnisratioacivl ontact,closecoopaion, succesfully hed the irst and the en casroom

25、uildg maagemet appasal recogionwrk,owerful prmoes the floor ue woo gint aothernw t 5、规范了迎新和国庆花卉摆放的管理审批程序,提高了美化和欣赏效果。校园中心精心搞好花卉繁育和摆放工作,丰富了花色品种,科学养护来延长花期,努力为师生营造人与自然和谐相处的优美画卷和喜庆、欢乐、祥和的节日氛围。5, standarizes the oitaion eGuoQing floersput magemntxaminto and approa proere, improe h beautifiton nd ornamenta

26、 efect. Cpus center aefullimprove fes breeng anpu te work, ch aietis, scinic aintance o prolongflwerng, and tie for e sad sudents to bil theharmony twnhumandntu euifu pitue scofsival,y and peace estivltmophere. 6、近两年我省爆发的美国白蛾重大疫情,给生态环境导致严重破坏。校园管理中心克服工作量大、防控任务重、雇工费用增长和药物购买经费紧张等诸多困难,早动手、抓积极,美国白蛾防控工作实现

27、了“有虫不成灾”的防控目的。, rly twoyearthe trk of t nted Staes inourrovincemohs major epidmc, tecologl nviroment casd by srius dmg.Campusmangeent center ovcme worloadbg, peventionand control task andee coss incrase nd drg prcha fund vous ad s on any dffcutie, arl o ben, grspe initiatie,he ite Satesmoth prvni nd

28、contol wrt achiv te ave insect dn hazar vention andcontrol taget. 7、认真贯彻劳动合同法,合法维护学校和集团的利益。一是以经济合同的形式完毕了对东西校区绿地的承包管理工作,既节省了经费又避免了因实行劳动合同法而引起的劳动纠纷;二是有效地使用劳务合同工,聘任某些身体条件好的离退休或离岗待退人员,可免交三险一金,减少了用工成本,为集团节省了开支。, cnscnosl implem th borcontrct law, the egal aintnane scooland th neest o the oup. One is e ec

29、onomic onract frm completion oh higs cams re sace, and thotract managnwork, ntonl sthe spending ndavod he ileentation of theab ntrac a fr cased theabrdisute; it iseffetive o use labor YiGo, hire some pysil conditiogoodretie leadu out peonn, issbletreerik a gol,reduthe lar co, sv th money for the gop

30、. 、完毕了花卉园的市场开发工作,理顺了管理体制和运营机制,实现了年上缴纯利润30万元的经济目的。花卉园土地手续办理工作获得重大突破,目前已上报到省厅进行审批。8, ompleed te HuHuYun mare devlpmet wok, to rionalize the mnagmnt ystemd oraional mechanis, realizee yavernet pofi f30000 uan ecoomicgoals.HHuYun land frmalities av made sigicant braktruh, ha benrepted to ShengTing foexm

31、ination anpprol 9、在学校领导的支持下,积极与地方主管部门联系,通过积极做工作,两年合计为学校节省了近万元的都市垃圾解决费支出。9, in thechol leader suport, tiely an oca opetent deprtmnt contct, hrough th aiv wor, tw yersacumuated for th co o e ner 60000n ciy garage expnte. 四、问题和局限性Fou,probes an thensuficiecy 通过两年的工作磨练,自己在政治思想方面有了新进步,行政履职能力有了新提高,工作业绩获得了新


33、,避免苛求于人。在某些具体问题上不能事事都规定完美,因人、因事、因时要体现区别,要注重把人们的积极性发挥好、保护好,营造出一种气愤勃勃的良好局面,学会会干事、干成事,干好事。rough to years of wr disciine, ithir otial tough has a new prgss, admnistraiv esumptio ability ad he new enancement,the perfmace ieved nw rgess, honestand sf-disiln as have ew aciemen, wt impleenation the scintfic

34、 outlok on dvelopment rquiremts cmparedwihhih efficeny eormane of te reqieetso the job respnsibles, coparedtoonesef and cho laes ut forward e epctatios an reqieents are violyless thagap: neis h study i silleryinsuiien,lackf systmai an deep going. eed in efutu ok to rhertrengthne stuyo polical teor,o

35、 he excllent learnng, h siderning edge tikig ede sumay, epening h tdy eet, oftn to do workummar a elcon to learnlsons, enhane the rtoal thinking, and improve the uality andabiliy.hecnd is no hugh libratio,conpt is not ver ood tdap to the rquren th scienif delopet ccept, culnt keep upwit the eeds fhe

36、developmet of hsituatin. In thefture wok, muturterincrs the srngth f aciating he mid,furthe treghnthe scintfic devlpent cep understandng,the udersanding a utilizaion, tedetermination accorng to te reuireentf thesietificdeelopme concept innoaton conpt, heimpovemnt work das and wys of wrkng.Te tid ist

37、o imprv workingehds, aoito critic. Insom pcif ise cant alequire pefec, becus,euse, cuse whn it sould eflect tedifeence, nt o notie to eebodyentiasmplaygo,proect, uild give ind oflvely od siuti, tscit wl e drector-gnera, ryto accomplish anythingad do omegd 回忆过去的两年,成绩微局限性道,问题和局限性必须认真看待、苏醒结识、及时解决。在此后的工

38、作中,我将进一步进一步贯彻贯彻第三次党代会精神,按照科学发展观的规定,扎夯实实地做好本职工作和领导交办的各项工作任务,为实现学校第三次党代会提出的各项奋斗目的和任务,为实现集团发展的新跨越积极作出自己的奉献。Revew h past to yea, achievemetsnsgnifia,problmd the sufficncy mtb taen eriousy, ober erstnding,mel slve In tfuturwok, wl fuer mplmenttion ofthehirdparty spiri, ccrdn tthe qient oheientiic develop

39、ment oncept, solid jb andtheledhiptuns ovr the andling eacorksio, eaizthe tirdpartyschool pu foward he goan task, for th roup to elithe develpmnt n rsctvy mke tei w cntbuton.本文由管理资料下载 整顿发布,版权归原作者所有。 年终到了,各位职场人均有工作总结要写。身在外企的你也许不可避免要用英语做文章,那么一篇好的英文个人工作总结要怎么入手呢?六步帮你轻松搞定! SixStepProess to Conductiga ear

40、-End evie ofYou Career he ndofe ear softe tie o manyevens - apping up snes fo year hilo rappng hoidaypesetsTis articpreentssomething you n ie to yourelf -somhing thatyou canget dondun the holidy lul orover soe aaio days- quik and ay rocessfo xmnin wat youve ccoplished in yor caerthisyearanhee you an

41、t to go i i ext ea. Ofcours, u ay hav redydone at leastsmeprelminar wr o reviewng e yer - pecly f ur empoye hadsot yerd bonusesor cndcts rd erfrmaerevews - d i so,thts god plcet sart you e-ed reviw Btunliur onthe-ob perfomance reviw, hpupose of s articl to gest you condecondctinganeven mre mportnt a

42、sesment- tking stockof or carer Nows heprfet ime to reviwwhereyou r, where vebe, an wreyou want t g. eforyou begn yorasesmet, ae omnt to ask yourself he most important question: Am I hapy and flfiled by my job and caree? Nomaterho sucesl you beninth ast11 nth, if y afuaentlly unhppwthyouwork, pend t

43、he amjoitof our year-nd review fcusng onelf-asesset n dcorg yur rer passio. Cosidea sidetrfro thsartice toheQintesetial CareersFidig or Creer Passin Tuori. ont rsh our evie. onsder sng eeked o oe or oe of y acation dys eeto yourcar. odont eed to - andprobabl shoult - cmletal s stepsin one sitin Brek

44、 ip ove eral ays if y lik. Step One: Revew aer Goal. Did ostan gas foryour rrthis ea -fomay r nfomally? Most pple have somde of what the anto accmpish ex in hir arer, sc as gtting prootion andor raseor peapsaheing btte wok/f balane. Settg some goas i amortanaciity euse gashelp vide hfos y need mve y

45、or creer foard - ad oavoidsrations oatites that may ow yorcaree prrss (orworse, dvaueyou). So, f y hdan glsfor tis yea, nsw hese questios: * i I cieve my ree goals?*Am I stisie wit what I d relavtomy gols? id anyhn ppento chag my a ovr thcourseof the yar? Howoul odi moals fornextyr? tepTwo:eviewYour

46、eerear. Wat aveyo doe this ea? Thisstesabout dcuenng yourcarer rorio d ientiying y aheveen. Thnkingaout all ouvedoeover the pt 1 monsor o, ask yours hese quetion: hathve I acomlshed? Wha nwskllsae Icquire? * Whahae I learnd? What oppounities weregined nd lot? * How I r oda hanI a ath beginingofthe y

47、a? Step hree: Deveo oaer Snopis. Wherear you in yorcarer?Reviw all aspts of our crr nd ea whre yo stand at ths jnctureSomeqestions t ak yorslf: * Am whee shuld b i m crer? * Whthashepedor hidered y progessin? * Am haywithmycurrenteloyer? * Waa my trngthsand wekness? StepFor:Evisionur Future.Whts you

48、 ext careerste? ake sometme toplafo nxt year(and pep eyon), pturin theathoan yo eer t tae.Agai, er rome questons to help y: * Wht o wat obdon moeo nmy career? Wha do I want toe doing les f nmycaree? *Whatste ex step in y caeer? * Whe shold I etkigthis net sep? * Whts my deal/utimate rer dream? StpFi

49、: Acin StepsforYour Fue. ow will y get tothat fuure areer? Make litof hatyou eed todo - creal fo hcmng - to getto whre you att benext in yor carer.The mgh betigs sch asbling you wo, ging adionlperienes, changng emplyers,sengthening yur careerba, r rsingaditiol triningeducationcratns. Qestinst as you

50、relf: * at d I e to rpare slfforthis nex step? * Do nd tofin a new eplyeto make the next st? * Howo ostiomysef for hs next t? StepSx: Shar YurCarer Vision. Areyr ee gols an con lansfesie?cheule a meting wth yo me() nd tge recto yur plan, as l as avc for achieving it. Fnal Though Once oe complete the

51、se ix steps, you shoud nt nly knw yoursf a our career beter,but havesme pecifc goals and ctionsteps to hep yorogrss alon acree plan. Anther enefi from comlting thi er-endeiw istht hreuts from patofheanlyi should aist yo in upatng ou resume ifyoae ot beenkeepn iturent asthe year grssed. Evenf ou ar exremely happ ithyour eler, itmessse to have a curretresume

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