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1、学科分类号 050201注意字体,不用斜体 本 科 毕 业 论 文(设计)题 目 中英寒暄语对比研究 小二号、黑体。封面、开题报告书、评审登记表、答辩登记表等各处题目应一致。姓 名 学 号 院 (系) 外 国 语 学 院楷体 ,小三号 专 业 年 级 级 指引教师 职 称 教 授 线条对准。 封面页用A4白色铜版纸打印。 二一 年 月 CARAON封面及本页单面打印。如下各页双面打印。I, Yang Jig自己姓名, th unerine, herebdecaetht this eayoes o oniy maerial whichhas been cepte for the awrd f a

2、yotherhher dre or grauae diplom inany rtary nsiutionhat, t est of myknoledge and belef, thisess does not ctanny maeria previuslypublised or wrten byantherpesn, excep whenu rfrenc is made intetexf the esay.Signed:手写签名 Datd: 答辩前提交论文的日期。COTENS四号加粗、居中1.5倍行距,bstract i Englsh.1Abstct i Chese.小四号,自动生成格式.In

3、trodcion.3.1 esh ckround.31. esearh Purpo.13 Rsearch Significane.3. heoric rmewors .4 .1 Th Deinitionof Pic munion4 2.2he Origof PhatcComnion. 4 Difereces between hese and Englih PhatiCommunio注意标题大小写。标题中不能浮现句子或用动词开头!53.1 iferet Bckgrounsof Diferent Phaicommnion betwenChisead eserCultues.53.2 hiese a

4、n Westen Thnking i Difernt Ways nthe Dfern usesy the Traditiona Geetngs.733 Diferent CmunicivHaits due to Difeces in retins bewen hna and Amrica.8.Cnlson.10ibioghy.11Acoledgement.1Appendx 页眉加横线,从这页开始AbsrctTIMES NEW ROMAN,四号,加粗。1.5倍行距With fa deoen of te noy,the loal interculturl cmmuncatn bm mor a mo

5、re freqt. hatic communio, aministrat laguage toexress ngtiaions ansial engageen, is well lube or te scal elaionshp. hatc Commn hs any uncion, su asoshorten the communcatin dstace twen peope, to reakh deadloc, nd t ho espct to othr people. lso,it is a saeg to mainai cmortable iereronl relatoship.Pac

6、comunion is imrtant in intrculturl ommunictions. herefore,the pe stude the differensf hati mmuion btwen nglish an Chinesefrom different pecs, a theiode of thinkin, thercltural bacgound, and their bis of commication.四号,1.5倍行距。摘要中不适宜使用图表、不标注引用文献标号。控制在200字以内。eywords:phatic commnin; ode of thinking; bac

7、ounof culture;hait f omunicatin; corastive study“Keywords” 四号,加粗。其他词语四号,核心词首字母除专有名词、书名等,其他不需大写。核心词在3-5个之间。摘 要“摘要”用四号黑体在当今这个经济飞速发展的时代,全球化跨文化交际活动越来越频繁。寒暄语,作为一种表达寒暄、应酬的辅助性语言,是维持良好社会关系的有效润滑剂。寒暄语具有缩短交际者之间的距离、打破僵局、表达敬意以及乐于与之结交等功能。寒暄语的多功能性决定了它在跨文化交际活动中的重要性。本文从中西思维方式、文化背景、交际习惯等各个层面研究了英汉寒暄语的差别,以期对跨文化交际做出些微奉献

8、。四号、仿宋体,1.5倍行距。核心词:寒暄语;思维方式;文化背景;交际习惯;对比研究“核心词”用四号黑体。其他词语:四号仿宋体,并用分号隔开,最后一种核心词无标点符号。. Intrduction一级标题 ,四号,加粗。一级标题段前段后间距均为0.5行,1.5倍行距。With tast ring ttrculural communiation activities, iee ad westen coties argett to nowor an ore ro each otherabout ter hisy, utre, a customs. Peopl awaysconjcture fro m

9、any feren gls o theirdiffretxperiences. Phtccmmunon,as one fution of lana, has been usd o solec. After tht,hee are more an more studie out pht ommunion. iffeent oriesand custom have diferent expeionst erform phatc communion.hefuncon of phatic communon is smilar ineseand wetern counre,tat i t keep co

10、mforale relaonip eten正文部分小四号,1.5倍行距,段前段后均为0行。左起空四个字母。 ple.1 Researh Puroe二级标题,小四号,加粗。各级标题要突出重点,简要扼要,不得使用句子、标点符号。注意大小写规范。T cmpae phtcomuniobtwen Enli andChineseis to impove muua uernin etween eole frmthtwodiffrent cutues. hatic communioudeifferent cultues ffferet coties r qite difernt. At the smtie,

11、differnt condios suchs differe bakgouns, difeent inng wa, ndifrent abits resindffr hatic commuin Al kinds of livng wamakegreat nfnes o ople mid.Andpeo indiffentconrie lsohavdirent ia o ptic mmuin. 1. Rserch iifianceThis paeranalyzesh ifferenes o phic mmunionbetwen Englh aCes langug. Phtic cmnins emo

12、tionalioraton passed a lnguae mthodndethe constrants of tinkg,manr adcustomsdothefactor,and te meaning and urposeofreion is diffen. Afernowinghese, we canakcurate d atioal use f greetings t ifeent ocsins. In the 2snuy gbal ieltura ommicatibemes mr usulas h ehangeof hines and ese r a becom more feque

13、nt.And the nstt ade frictions btween hna nd he Westhv a reguatory and liminatin re in pting cross-clturl comuniaio. .horetial Framewrks.1Te Defnton of Phatic Communon Phtcmmunion,tomakgreetin we people eting, i lservic ro the Wrd-ean.From Ci Hai,phatic commuion wasuse oak te weather hetheit i warm o

14、r cold. ut O eland oddhave the relatively rod dvio. The lieve that takins cn semed sphatic communion excetthe suject(od, 190:12)引文出处格式:作者姓、出版年份、页码。. Su Xumeisaid that gretings arsed trodc a certan atosphere r mtiningsciacontc (:2)引文出处格式:引文前浮现作者姓名时,只需标出年份和页码。Phtic cmmunion s icludin two dferentsides-

15、Laugeommnictinan nn-lnuage ommunication (Zh, 989:1) e ad tha angae in the lehd to make tecontcts etee people. Soetimes, ony a mi, a noddig, a saking an a hgcan heve the same efct. And there isanotherdefiniionof paic communion. Pi omunio s a inorma type f discoure thatdoes not ce anyunctionl topicocn

16、veratio or y rnsactions h nee tobe adesed (Wang,:28)The ar ome definitins f thphtcmmunin i epes dai lieDiffent natins an couries av dferent wy toperform th phac cmmunion. ro here w cn see that patic communioinot ony sd to askthe eather, bu as n e greeing wrs ofomnictin wth ach ot Phai ommuniono cert

17、ai ocsin used properly rnt illiretlafecthe fowing comunicatin. Someties v can diretl reltest whether te satensciet harmoous develpment.Crrently, deply untand heefinitin of te phaticommunio and propel us tiswhatth peopleeed to do right now 2.2 ThOigi of Phat ComuPhaic comunio ist prologue when peple

18、mt and stppinsone foeommuicaiont asconversaional iteracti etwe riends and cquaintances, often a nyprovide lttleifoation, isrivnh convertio a ret exten of the bthses. Nor once ai that fom the pragatifunctiono the spech act,htic commuion actsasa ufficient amont of soial roles. In ordert hw he god ehav

19、orfm the spekr (Norik, 1978:277). A peop mnin ou the phati cmunion, weannturallthin of a gretBriis socialanthrpoloist-Malinwski.Hea e fist a i the world whotfowr th tem- phati cmmuio nd start using it.Primtivly, teris a studybotsol chanes and clra csm fTobiand Iad in the wes f Paifi.Heatewith thlol

20、residnts abt tw yearswhilhe lie thr ltough t seems to avelittle sefulpurpose to ntain an establish te goodrelatinsip btweenthselvesan the soety,h foundthattere ar manysubtle words n the ntresona mmnicaton eweele. Phic comuninin China sal kown as socialiing laguge, which rfers sociaizing geal sense f

21、 laguage,raher than establishin andmaintaning scial ties associadwitboy lauage. Acorin t Mainowskirticle“ThPbl ofMenngin Prmitiv Langug”, phaticmunin idivedinto verbl commniton an non-ebal communtn aspects. It doe nt ea thataloca situatiosed he help f languag, bu peple a ue a smie, nod, a hug, shkin

22、 hns,issng on techeek o achiee expectd commuicaiveffec.rk suggeste dtermine whch as reetigs aet hreecditos:(1) Th prticular situatioal contex.(orple, a smal ak tt busstaion.)正文中的例子用(1),(2),(3)为序号排列。(2) anuge an paanguage aspe of comuiative behavior.(The e f t reglarxpresion, su asdicussing the weahe

23、r.)(3)Social fuion ( avoid silence, etablish ad maintina good atospee in som siuatis.)(lrk, 1990:16)Pep an se the phat communionroable after te unstandng ofthe retigsand ecisioncnditins But ust to knowhi is fartomeet toas commnition of he iternatinl communiy Peope eed o udetand furher onth bss oiffe

24、rent pele in iferent lces how to use difernt phic comnio. DffeethaiComunios beteenChnese nd Wsten Pepleifee phaticommunin endstocnvey diffee cmmunicatve roses. hinse nd wster cultur a cstoms lso nfluenc the xressonof thephaiccommnion. So peope neeo copae ine a wte countries phccmmunion from differn

25、spcs. er aretheemaor aspets o th dierece.3.1 Dfeet Phai oion ueto iffert Backronds ofChins ndWestern Cultureshna s a sat f ceronesnd als pays me attetion to iquette civilizatios.o he pht communon ser imprttin the Chinee spekin counris Whe pepget ogether, they wll use omeuseful phac cmuion words to s

26、how teir respect to otheep. Tk “Have y eate yet?” aexmle, threaee fixedcouictios.(1) : Have you ateyet? B: No. How aoutou? : Ihave already hd iner wi my amilyIt is sisters biraytdaySo we adie togethe.(2)A: er are yu going? B:Im going to potr in he gaden. aveyou eatenyt? Fo the two sectcles abve,e ca

27、n s, “Hveyou eatn yet?” is a specal reng iChine clturEspecaly, this patter was use frquentl i rral re his special pticcommuio can eregred asa retng pter o Chiese aionculturl trition. The aetw orginl raons; irty, thelack o food n cltini the past China wasa logerm usolved rolem. eondl, Chin casabou fo

28、odvery uch, a “Bi oChina” as itis cal So hi ntenc-ae yotnyet, eessesthe coer f otrpeope, alo,it eflcsChise poles opiality. In Eglshspeakingcountrie, phtic communion are legin.“ello” i the moslyus oe.Egsh peop alas say heloihthir frind an aqaintance Thy uselo at t eginningo oversationSomeeope s useot

29、 phatc commnio nta, such s “How oudo”,“Ho ar ?or “Good moi, Goodaternon, Good nig” and soo ad soforth.3 2 DifretraditionalGreetingaused by iffert ThinkingWas Nowadas,haic commno plays an extremely important role in coss-ltural ounicatin. h phatic cmmno like aoouran.fore uing the reetings drecy, ppln

30、ed toknow theifeent ays thinkinbwen Chinse and wstern The most typicalexample is talng bo agend as. Cia is ncetto, haa lauatory ae of“ation ofthe etiquet”. Politeness Ches traditionalmorl xellence. Bot the acquaitacs ad te strnr, the elers and te youger, en ad woe are ner to ta about age awags. Soet

31、mthee tpcs re cnsere a a kndofare fo hers te elder,it i natural topic byaskg peoplesag topress ther esect, f examle,to wih he oldtt thi ainess is likete as and longeviy ov he soutern hil. Asit c be enfo these evns, showing espet f the old mn ndre forchildreis aue o Chnese peopl. Formians, lkeeope in

32、 any ther cltres, growing up is onful proes. But growinguis anoter differnt cse.Growing up odis not eactly o b elbrtedfor people i yuth-oriendmerican cltue. Mot ecans lik tolook yun, atyoung and fel Althouhom people smcountisvalthe geda asouce ofexperee nd wido.Aercs seem to favor ths wheyoug or t l

33、east “oun t hear”Many oldeAmerins fd the“oden ars”tbe anyhinbt olden. Economially, “seior citizens” often stugl jus toget by. dr peple may suffer fro poor utii, edical are and sin. ome eve experiencea icriiaton. sie h chaengethey ae, Amecans in hi “twlght years”generalyefuse t givepon life.They find

34、 a vietyof wa o eepthemseves ctive. They reall o no want t fel embarrassed in ublic. It is no oly abouttheir slf-este but lso aboutheir ma igh S peole fel that their rivay is er imortan. hey rrly tlk about age,espeially the we age.3 fferent omnicaivHait ue t Dfernceson etings between Chines and West

35、ern Peole Wh rapi velopment oinecutral commicaionactiviies, phaic ommunions an irreplceabe ole btwen people rmiffeentcutures. Chiahasnld say, “oknw te enmy an knw yo ndoucan iht a ndebttes wih n dange f dfeat.” So f peple want t ave a further relonship, theywould ett t now oreaboutt differen comicav

36、e his.Du t he difnculturl bakgrounds andifferent ways of hiig,the cmuniain habits have m difenes. Amrcns are lwas taling boutwhats he wate lk as hbeing of aconvesatio. Then th will have a transitio to anothertic. hey beliee tht te toic ofweathri oe objective than othrs And they oul n invlve the erso

37、n racy issues. inLangge plays an iporantrlin pples daillf and keea cloeretin tcultue, whi determin the waypeple gree eah othe. Ptic cmnion, as an iortnt part f lngug, as a coeconeti th uan comuncatonadvlmen. In thebove par, weomaete diffeent phaiccomuions cau y diffet Cese andwstrn cultura backgound

38、,wyof thinkig and ommuication habts.haic communio rno nl ffectedythe tree aspects mentond hee but asob anyoher acto.f couse,it is not oly u in csculturl communication bu lsoinspensale iaiy ife. The re cerainy muchmorpcatedhanh above tudy. epened t use phatc communn btter in differen iuatnor cniion w

39、ith diferetseaer n difrent conties aer amre comrhenivsudies .Th mre comprehensiv studio itcanpvie peopl wth more ways of omuicaio in roscltra commuicaion.hatic commnion pays the roe o ubicnt inhe dvelpmentofChise andwstercss-culral communicatio. Pai communion, bdes theinfluenceof ut and ught, oud be

40、 affctedbyher actors. r example, comuncator a fl te need f phai ommuon or not. Thatay be avio. e cmnicato d tokownthecommnictio occaiowhethe allwedto b talk r notBIIOGRAPHY四号加粗居中,下空一行左顶格,1.5倍行距。oric.N.R.Exprssve Icutiony c小四号,英文和数字用TIMES NEW ROMAN体。 J.urnalof Pragmatics,78, (5):2-11.2Onnel,d. Lanuag

41、asScalSemiotcM.Ldon: Eda rnold, 198: 1853.刘国钧,王连成.图书馆史研究M北京:高等教育出版社,179:1518 8参照文献至少8部。毕继万.汉英寒暄语的差别J.语文建设小四号,中文用仿宋字体。,97,(4):3537.学位论文 9张和生.地质力学系统理论D.太原:太原理工大学,198.报告 10冯西桥.核反映堆压力容器的LB分析R.北京:清华大学核能技术设计研究院,197.报纸文章11毛峡.情感工学破解舒服之迷N.光明日报,4-(B)电子文献序号重要责任者电子文献题名文献类型/载体类型.电子文献的出版或可获得地址,刊登或更新日期/引用日期(任选).例如

42、:1王明亮.中国学术期刊原则化数据库系统工程的DB/OLhtp:/wwa.cpub/wmtt/908102.hml,1998-0816/998-0-04ACKNOWDGEMETS四号 、加粗、居中。下空一行。hecpletio ofhi essay woud not have bnpossble withouthe ecuragmn, the小四号,1.5倍行距 gidnce, an t supr fmanoher peopl. Frtoall, wul xted ysincere andeelt thns t suervsorProfeYng Xan改为自己导师的职称、姓名。, wo ha

43、gvenmevaluablesuggetionsad nsigtful comment theessay writing.he ha als pnt mc ime oin hough baintrmin ith m, pu my work ote ightrack,rain greatdetail veryrat o er ston of ths essa, and helped impve eapropriaeness f English used.My atitde to MYng knws noounSpa tha so oto m amily fotheir unfilinsupprt

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