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1、一如果你是李华,你的朋友张华春节后要转入你班学习,她向你询问有关你校的状况。请根据如下提示给张华写一封回信:1. 学校位置和规模:都市东部,有个班级,约300名学生;2. 学校的氛围:学生刻苦学习;3. 课外活动状况:学生可参与各式各样的课外活动和社会实践活动,以拓宽视野,发展潜能。注意:.可以合适增长细节,以使行文连贯;2词数100左右Dear an Hu, Yors LiHua范文er Zhang Ha,I glad o learntat yur going o tu in schl lke to i yu abrief introdcno my scl My schol locatedi

2、n the eas pat of the cit, ad s a ver eautifulscol. Th sho, onsisting o 6clsse,asbot ,000 tudnts na.In my school,allthe sunts studer rd. Besides gnigknowldge.w arenoaged to paricipain clouflater-cl civite and scalactic, hch ar inended to broadd ourhrizons nd evelop ourptentialm sue thatyoill get usdt

3、o th life here uicklookinfowar to eeingyou her.rs Li Hua二快餐目前在中国很流行,但快餐对人的身体却没什么好处。 请根据如下要点以“fstood”为题写一篇短文, 准备刊登在一份生活杂志上。1 快餐在中国非常流行, 人们特别是小朋友和青少年喜欢吃快餐。2 快餐受欢迎至少有个方面的因素:A 以便, 节省时间 B 既可在快餐店里吃又可以带回家C 店里环境干净,舒服D 服务周到, 食品质量有保证3. 快餐食品缺少营养。.建议: 如时间来不及可考虑吃快餐,但以偶尔品尝为宜。小朋友应尽量少吃快餐。 营养 nutritio 以便 cnveienas f

4、ood范文Fast foodNoad, fastfoodi verypopular china,especially children nd yung eopl enjoy atig fast fooveyuh. Fst fod isloeby pe for four reasns First, fas ivry nvnint nd it astime. Second, fas food cnbe eten inthe resturant orou an te it hme Third, fst food retauran arver ceanand omfortabl. ast, te er

5、vice inthe restaurati v god nd he uality of te oodisood. Howevr,wec gt engh nutrition fm fas foo nd t is ogoodforour healh Soif wedont ve enug tim, we ca cder eaing fat food. Butwe hol et t on n ahile. Chidrsuld at less fatod. e shouldeatmorehealthfo三如果你是李明,近来你的朋友张华因考试不利情绪低落,学习悲观应付。请你用英语给她写一封-mail劝慰

6、她,鼓励她努力学习,并结合自身实际,提出应采用的积极态度和应对措施。 词数:120左右Dea Zhag Ha, m sortohear tt_ Yours Li Mng范文 Dear Zhng ua,Im srryto hearthat you didn do wel in yor as exaQite anumber of studentsfeel te se way sound they tnd to lse ter condence an dont want to sdy hrdy lngermsre you knw tat itsnwse to d o, becae youiht el

7、tf behd oncen e same stuaton yours Falure is he mother ofucess In e of fail, h e eed to o s to ca dow andmake so pssbe chngeso toask tehers or nds fradvice.Anywy, Rome is nt bult in a day On bsicking to stdyig can we ake prges ep b step .tulypeI can be of sm help to you. Yours Ming四假设一批外国友人要在中国过春节,她

8、们想理解国内过春节的状况。请你根据下面要点写一篇英语短文。1.春节是中国的重大节日;2.节前人们要大扫除;.全家人在一起吃年夜饭;孩子们会得到压岁钱;5.年初一穿新衣服,走亲访友,互道吉利。词数:12左右Th Spn Fesi范文 s o k, the SrngFetival isthemost cooful and mportantetivalin Chna. To eeate it pplalay a to prearatns orit The day befre the festival is hve the SprngFestile people hav a horoughlnig e

9、veyhere. I th eveing the wo fay re stigtogther, hving super and atnTV ntilmidnight. Th luky mone i ed pape is gietochien y eldersas a giftO the fi of te year, all the peope, ldand oung,ea newlohes to wece the Newears coming, py a visitt heir rlatve andfriendsanwis ech oh goo lc in th e ya 五假设你是星光中学的

10、李华,将参与主题为“Lets Ride icycle”的英语演讲比赛。请撰写一份演讲稿,重要内容涉及:1.目前汽车带来的空气污染和交通堵塞等问题。2.骑自行车的益处,如能环保有利健康等。参照词汇:低碳生活(low-caon life)节能(enrgy saving)注意:1词数:120词左右;2演讲稿开头和结尾已给出,该部分不计入总词数。od mrn,eeryon,I am ihua r iggug Middle School.The toic o my sech is “Lts ie Biccles”.yu!范文oodorning, everyn,Iam Li HafomingguaMidl

11、e cool. Ttopicof y speech is Lets ie Bicycls.As is knwto all, itthe impvement ofples iving sandd, r hae becom a populrmeansof tranport, brigin gra onveniene toour lie.owever, tey hve als cused soe prlms suh as ai pollution d trafc ams.How cn we solve te prolems hen?As fr as Imconcend, rdin bicycles

12、s a goo solutin.For one thing,byclsdo needanyetrol an the are energ sving. For noter,bices aeeninmentaly friendy bcuse theywotgv off ategs. hasor,rdiniyles ia goodw for u to cse and t is benicial to our alt.Thefoe, lestake the esponsibityt uildup a lcabon city by idg bicycles. Come n and n us!hayou!

13、 六如果你是李林,代表2班的同窗给你们学校新来的外教Johnson写一封电子邮件,告诉她人们对她第一周教学的感受,内容涉及:1人们对她总体评价较高;2具有独特的、使课堂生动活泼的措施;3知识渊博,且对学生很耐心;4. 但愿和教师更好地相处,教师有困难也可以告诉同窗们.注意:1. 电子邮件必须涉及以上内容,可以合适增长细节。2. 词数:0左右。开头和结尾已为你写好,不计入总字数。Dear Jhnso,Onbeaf of te sets oClss 0, _ Yours, Lin范文Derohsn,On behl fth stesof Class 20, Iwrt toyoutoell you o

14、w wfeeabot yufirs-wee eachinginu class. All fus studens thin highl o you wy f eaching, as u can aays make your class liely an iteesting. In ddiion,oa such arnd teah that we ca arn ltromyou an most iportant of al,ou re ery patien withus. o e honst, you hae uiltup ur coiden in lening Enlishwll. all hp

15、e we can gt alongwell with ou.Ad ifaveydificuties n you life her, justel us.Weare edy to offerou an hel ors, Li Ln 七以heIntent Has hgd Ou Les为题,根据提示,写一篇1字左右的文章。文章开头已给出,可合适增长细节,以使行文连贯。 1.网络有助于学习,我们可以查找信息,下载资料,网上上课.网络让我们的生活更加有趣,可在业余时间听音乐,看电影,玩游戏.网络给我们提供了快捷以便的交流,我们可以通过-mail, , MS等和世界各地的人交朋友。heInene Hs C

16、hanged O iveIts trethat t Intere hsgrety cangduive._范文 tern HasChn Our LivsIts tue that te Ienet as ay cned our lives. Fis all, tInternet is agreahelp to oustudy. e an serch for inforation, dowoa useful atris n te Inernand tkeonlnelesso wel.Scondly, thentent ak ou lives ore irsting. We usay liten to

17、 muc, wtc movied lay comtegames on tin our sartme.hirly, he Ienet prves u wt quick and covnnteas oomunction,sh a -mail,QQ ad MSN, which mke tposible for to ae friends withpeoplfom al over the world a wrd, he Internet asmadeuries ucmore cenent an colurul hn befe. 八如果你是ohn,给你的朋友om发封电子邮件,告知如下事情:1. 获悉星期

18、天将是晴天,不久乐;2. 已邀请了几种好朋友周末去郊游(tae anutin);3. 上午点在森林公园(Forest ark)门口会面;4. 内容:上午爬山,中午野餐,在树林里采野果,下午在附近(nearb)河里划船、游泳;5. 但愿Tm也参与,并在晚上9点前答复。 词数:00词左右。Dea T; I gldto lan hat_ors,John范文ear Tom; m glad o ernthat itwillb sunthis Sundy S I hav invited seerl frids ofmne to aean outing tis weekend. ellee gae ofth

19、e Fost Prk at 8 m. hen el o libing ad veome gamesin e mornigA non, wewl hve a cic ad pick wi fru inh fret. In th fternon e llgo boatiin enerby r nd swim nit. Will you plea jin s? It wil be verynteesting.Pleaegiv me a pl befoe tisvin. Your, ohn 九假设你是李华,得知肖伟跟她的父母相处的过程中遇到某些困惑。请你根据下列信息写信给她,并提供某些建议。Xio e

20、isproblemsith hisparenot get along ellwthpaent; parents o not list t hi ; hav no time be ale L Hadvie规定:.必须涉及所有信息; 2.可合适增长细节,以使行文连贯;3. 词数:1词左右。开头和结尾已为你写好,不计入总字数。DaoWi, sorr to ear tht_Yourstruy, iua范文DarXiaoWei,m sorry to hear ha yu havedifficly gettng longllwihyr paret. Dnt woryIts comon prolem.Yo

21、ay thayour ares oot lient y. Yu fel ery angrybot it think yud bettr h a odal with them Inthi way, uca eplinhow you tiretat yed tim obe alon. Hwever, yu should ae ffot o wht yrpaent ask. An course, youust ok haratur u ou study simpoat to your fure. ntgie up. Cmmunicate with he ore nduca nd may pres c

22、a be solved. Best rers. our truly, i Ha 十请根据下面提示,用英文简要描写你的一位好朋友李华。1年龄16岁,身材不高,很聪颖; 2.爱好广泛,爱好足球、音乐、玩游戏等;3.学习勤奋, 乐于助人,常常帮你学英语; 4人们都很喜欢她,你也喜欢她。注意:1.词数: 90 词左右; .题目: y est rend_范文M Bt Fd LiHua is m est riend. H is ixe. H i not ry all, e s verysmrt. He has may differntinterests e isfnd omsc.e loves sports ery much. He i mer of ur sco football ta L a alsolkes to play gmes.H is fredan rdy o l oers e hshledmewithmy gih Wit h el, avemde muc prores nd caugt up wih y cassmtes. Everyoei my classliks Li Ha, s doI.

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