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1、学科:英语 A 年级 主备人 _ 日期:2018年_2一 月 _ L 日(一)章节题目:第j_单元Un i t 1 Whats the matter?第1 课时(二)学习目标:1.Learn the words:matter,sore,have a cold,stomachache,have a stomachache,foot,neck,stomach,throat,fever,lie,lie down,rest,cough,X-ray,toothache,take ones temperature,see adentist(三)重点、难点:1.Grasp the sentence:What

2、s the matter?I have a cold.I have a stomachache.I have a sore back.I have a sore throat.2.Learn the usage of“should”(四)教学过程【导入环节】Look at your body and tell your partner about the part of the body.【目标出示】Students should master the new words and talk with others with Whats the matter?【自学环节】1、自学指导Show t

3、he picture on page one,let Ss guess Whats the matter with them?”Teacher makes anexample with some students.Then let Ss do the oral exercise in their groupsT:Whaf s the matter with Judy?S1:She has a very sore throat.T:What should she do?S2:She should drink a lot of water.After discussion,ask several

4、groups to make the dialogues before the class.2.自主学习Ask the Ss to interpret the following Chinese into English.Firs ask the Ss to put them into Englishorally,then let them write English down without looking at the textbooks.1、5、7、3、9、去看医生_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _10、躺下来休息11、头疼12、看

5、牙医 3、照 X光片14、把药涂在上面_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _【导学环节】Whats the matter with Judy?1、Whats the matter?怎么了,其后常与介词w ith连用。类似的问句还有:_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _Whafs the matter with B e n

6、?(改为同义句)What,s with Jim?2、情态动词should的用法1)should常用来表示劝告、建议、认为某人应该做某事。2)should本身不能单独作谓语,必须和动原形连用。should没有人称和数变化,其否定形式为shouldnt.如:You play computer games.你不应该玩电脑游戏。He lie down and rest.他应该躺下来休息。【微课助学】Talk about the illness and the solutions.【训练环节】一、汉译英1、他怎么 了?Whats the matter?2、她昨天感冒了。She a cold yester

7、day.3、Mary 咳嗽。Mary.4、我觉得头很热。My head very.5、你应该回家休息。.6、她不应该说太多话。.7、一他应该量体温吗??一是的。,.二、完成三学一练作业本P 1 页(五)教学反思学科:英语 A年级 主备人日期:2 0 1 2 年 2 月 1日(一)章节题目:第 _ 单元Un it 1 W hat1 s t he mat t e r?第 2 课时(二)学习目标:Learn the words and phrases:headache,break,hurt,passenger,have a fever,take breaks/take a break,get off

8、,toones surprise,right away,get into(三)重点、难点:Give advice by using should/shouldn if one person has something wrong.(四)教学过程【导入环节】Read 2d by dividing the class into 2 groups.These two groups will have a competition.【目标出示】Ss could give the reasonable advice if there is something wrong.【自学环节】1、自学指导Read

9、2d twice and grasp the main idea,underline the difficult points that can be solved in the group.2.自主学习一、Translate the phrases:1、休 息 2、没有移动3、以相同的方式 4、听起来像5、割伤自己 6、让自己受伤7、在伤口上敷点药 8、跌倒二、Finish the sentences and try to remember.1、你还好吗?Are you?2、我该怎么办?should I?3、我应该量体温吗?Should I?4、我头疼。I have.5、你周末做什么 了?W

10、hat you on the?6、你应该离开电脑休息一下。You need to the computer.7.司机看到一个老人躺在路的一边。The driver saw man on the of the road.8.老人有心脏病应该去医院。The man had a and should9.他希望大部分或者所有的乘客下车并等下班车。He expected or all the toand the next bus.10.医生及时救 了这个老人。The doctor the man.【导学环节】Step l.Read the passage on page 3 and check the

11、thins that happened in the story.Discuss the questions with a partner on page three.1.Did the passengers think WP did the right thing?How do you know?2.Do you agree that people often do not help others because they do not want to get into trouble?Why or why not?3.Why was WP surprised that the passen

12、gers agreed to go to the hospital with him?Step 2.Activity 3a:Read the passage.Discuss where it comes from.Give some reading strategies simply.Read the passage and do true or false.Step 3.Activity 3b:Ask Ss to read the passage again and check(4)the things that happened in the story.Free talk:1.If yo

13、u see someone lying on the street,what should you do?.2.Respect the aged and care for the young.It is a fine tradition of the Chinese nation.Teach the spirit to Ss.Activity 3c.3.Discuss the questions with a partner.Step 4.Language points:explain the key words and phrases in section A-2.【微课助学】Talk ab

14、out the illness and the advice.【训练环节】完成三学一练作业本P 2 页(五)教学反思学科:英语 A年级 主备人 _ 日期:201_8年2月_ 日(一)章节题目:第j_ 单元Un it 1 W hat*s t he mat t e r?第3课时(二)学习目标:Learn the words and phrases:hurt oneself,have a sore throat,put some medicine on,take ones temperature,falldown,lie down(三)重点、难点:Grasp the usage of the wor

15、d“herself*and the sentence pattern:Whats the matter with.?She should putsome medicine on the cut.She should lie down and rest.At the same time,Ss can give the reasonable adviceaccording to different illnesses.(四)教学过程【导入环节】Show the photo took in the hospital,teacher points to one patient and let two

16、students make a dialogue like thefollowing:A:Whats the matter with him?B:He had a cold.A:What should he do?B:He should take some medicine.【目标出示】Read the grammar twice by dividing the class into boys and girls.These two groups will have a competition.【自学环节】1、自学指导Read the grammar on ones own and try t

17、o understand them2.自主学习(1)、组内熟读Grammar Focus,找到并翻译以下短语,然后演练对话。1 .伤着自己 2.给伤口上药3.切到自己 4.量体温一5.摔倒 6.做个X光检查(2)、独立完成4a、4 b,小组内互相检查,解决疑难。hurt oneself What should I do?You should see a doctor and get an X-ray.(3)、共同划出你们认为重要的短语、句子,写在小黑板上。(4)、总结各种疾病以及相对应的建议,准备4 c 的活动。【导学环节】Step 1.Role-play a conversation bet

18、ween a patient and a doctor.List some health problems and give someadvice.Explanation about the use of modal verb should.Do some basic exercise.Compare some other modalverbs.Do more exercise.He should lie down and rest1.should表示义务、责任、常译为“应当”,“应该”,或表示一种估计的情况,译 成“按理应当”,“估计.”。其 否 定 形 式 为.变 一 般 疑 问 句 时,

19、should要为什么我该付给他钱?Why I pay him?2.should用于虚拟语气中.It is important that we learn English w ell.我们学好英语很重要。3.用 于 i f 引导的从句中,表示与将来事实可能相反的假设。If it rain tomorrow,we would stay hom e.如果明天下雨,我们就呆在家里。熟记语法聚焦内容Grammar反身代词:表示反射或强调的代词叫做反身代词。反身代词是有第一人称、第二人称形容性物主代词或第三人称代词宾格形式,词尾加s e lf 或 selves组成。反身代词可译为“一”,为加强语气,也常译

20、为“”,“自己”。Whats the matter?I have a stomachache.You shouldn 7 eat so much next time.Whats the matter_ Ben?He hurt_.He hasa sore back.H e_ lie down and rest.Do you have a fever?Yes,I do./No,I dontI cont know._ he_ atoothache?Yes,he does.(No,he doesn 7)He should_ and get an X-ray.What_she do?She should

21、 take her temperature._ I put somemedicine on it?Yes,you should./No,you_Step 2.Complete activity 4a and 4b.Work in groups.Discuss how to keep ourselves healthy.数 人称第一人称第二人称第三人称单数我自己yourself_,herself,itself复数Ourselves你们自己他们自己Step 3.Complete activity 4c.Do exercise to review the structures of this uni

22、t.【微课助学】Talk about problems and how to give advice.【检 测 环 节】完成三学一练作业本P 3 页(五)教 学 反 思学科:英语 A年级 主备人日期:201&年 2 月 1日(一)章 节 题 目:第j_单 元Un it 1 W hat*s t he mat t e r?第4课时(二)学 习 目 标:Learn the words and phrases:bandage,sick,knee,nosebleed,hurt,hit,breathing,sunburned ourselves,getsunburned,feel sick,get hit

23、 on the head,put a bandage on.put ones head back,put on a clean shirt,have anosebleed(三)重 点、难 点:使 用should和shouldnt给出合理建议。(四)教学过程【目标出示】1)Students can master the new words and the target patterns.2)Students can talk about them.【导 入 环 节】Finish the chart:illnessadviceI have a sore throat.I have a stomac

24、hache.I have a toothache.I have a fever.【自学环节】1、自学指导Ss should finish la,lb,lc,2a by themselves,before listen to the tape recorder,Ss can read the questions carefully.2.自主学习Stepl Translate the phrases:1.告诉他休息_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _3.流 鼻 血 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

25、_ _ _ _ _ _ _5.量 体 温 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _7.在上面敷些药_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _2.穿上一件干净的体恤衫4.照 X光片_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _6.割破了膝盖_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _8,贴创可贴_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

26、 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _9.休息几天_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 10.run it under water_11.put your head back 12.get hit by a ballStep2.Learning procedure:(1).Browse the pictures on page 5 about la,discuss in the group and put the actions in order.(2).Read the

27、 phrases in la,Ss in group can ask and answer with their partner.(3).Listen to the tape,check the problems you hear in lb.(4)Listen again,finish 1 c according to lb.(5)Finish 2a on page 6,Write the letter of each sport next to each accident.【导学环节】(1)Someone felt sick._sick.be sick=sick既可做表语,也可以作定语,i

28、ll只能做表语(2)told him to resttell sb.(not)to do sth.e g.奶奶经常告诉我们要节约用水_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _(3)have problems breathing 呼吸苦难have problems in doing sth._同义短语_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _,_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

29、_ _ _ _ _ _ _(4)选择下列每组句子的正确语序,使其组成符合逻辑的对话。Is it anything serious?My head hurts.I feel terrible.Please sit down.Let me have a look at you.Whats wrong with you,young man?No,nothing serious.Take this medicine and you can be better soon.A.B.C.D.【微课助学】Talk about problems and how to give advice.【训练环节】完成三学

30、一练作业本P 4页(五)教学反思学科:英语 A 年级 主 备 人 日期:2 0 1 2 年 月 日(一)章节题目:第 _ 单元1)川七1 W hat s t he mat t e r?第 5 课时(二)学习目标:Learn the words and phrases:risk accident situation kilo rock knife blood importance decisioncontrol spirit death be used to doing take risks cut off use sth.to do sth.the importance ofmake a go

31、od decision have the sane spirit be in control of(三)重点、难点:Improve the reading and writing skills.(四)教学过程【导入环节】NameProblemsShouldShouldntLiu HanCant fall asleepTake more exerciseTake sleeping pillsKathyOften weak and tiredEat more hot yang foodsSleep all dayKobeStressed out and angryEat more yin food

32、sArgue with your friends orhave a big fight with them根据以上图表信息,按照下列提示,完 成“I want to say to youMy dear friend Lin Han,I want to say to you:When you.,you should.,you shouldnt.【目标出示】Finish 2c,2d,2e after reading the passage 2b.Then finish self-check【自学环节】1.自学指导:Read the questions carefully before readin

33、g the passage.2.自主学习:一.Read the passage and underline the words you dont know.Then look up the new words in a dictionary andwrite down their meanings.二.Read the passage and circle TRUE,FALSE or DONT KNOW.(1).Aron almost lost his life three times because of climbing accidents.(2)Aron had a serious ac

34、cident in April 2003.(3)Aron ran out of his water after three days.(4)Aron wrote his book before his serious accident.(5)Aron still goes mountain climbing.三.Read the passage again and answer the questions.(1)Where did the accident happen on April,2003?(2)Why couldnt Aron move(3)How did Aron free him

35、self?(4)What did Aron do after the accident?(5)What does“between a rock and a hard place mean?【导学环节】Aron is used to taking risks.be used to be 还可 以换成be used to do sth.used to do sth.take risks=_risk 这里用作可数名词,常见的短语at the risk ofrun/take the risk of doing._【微课助学】Talk about problems and how to give adv

36、ice.【检测环节】一、根据所给词的正确形式填空。1.My grandpa exercises for 3 hours to s t a y(h e a l t h)every day.2.Its e a s y(s a y),but d i f f i c u l t(d o).3.Its important for us to eat a b diet to have a healthy lifestyle.二、选择正确答案。l.Its to eat mooncakes in China.A.tradition B.traditional C.awful D.stressed out2.Y

37、ou are always angry,maybe you h a v e yang”.A.too B.too many C.much too D.too much三、根据汉语完成句子。1.作为一名登山者,他习惯于冒险。a mountain climber,he_.2.因此他用小刀切掉了他的一半右臂。So he used his knife half his right arm.3.他在这次事故之后没有放弃,如今他继续爬山。He didnt after the accident and mountains today.4.在书中他讲述了关于做出明智抉择和掌握自己生民的重要性。In this b

38、ook,he tells of the of,and of ones life.四、写出下列短语1.的重要性 2.做决定3.掌握 4.放弃5.继续做 6.冒 险7.习惯于 8.切除9.失 血 过 多 1 0.处境危险一五、完成三学一练作业本P 4 页(五)教学反思学科:英语 年级 主 备 人 日期:20ig 年N J 1 L日(一)章节题目:第爰单元 Un it 2 W hat t ime do y o u go t o scho o l?第 1 课时(二)学习目标:1.To learn some key vocabulary and phrases:cheer,volunteer,give

39、out,hand out,set up,clean up,cheer up,callup,put o come up with,think up2.Target patterns:You could help to clean up the city parks.We need to come up with a plan to tell people about the city park clean up.(3)rd like to help homeless people.(三)重点、难点:1.教学重点:1)Learn how to offer help.2)Learn the new

40、language points.2.教学难点:How to use a gre e with.2 b e i m p o rta n for.3、c o m p a re with.4 a l l k i n d s of.5 s e n d to.2 .自主学习(1)3 b,w ri te a l e tte r to the m a ga zi n e to e x p re s s y o ur o p i n i o n s o n a fte r-s c ho o l c l a s s e s fo rc hi l d re n.(2)S e l f C he c k P 3 2.

41、Fi l l i n the b l a n k s us i n g un ti l,s o tha t o r a l tho ugh.1.Yo u s ho ul d e a t m o re n o w y o u w o n t b e hun gry l a te r.2.y o u m a y n o t l i k e to d o c ho re s,y o u s ho ul d he l p y o ur p a re n ts a ro un d the ho us e.3.Yo u c o ul d s a v e m o re m o n e y _ y o u c

42、 a n b uy a gi ft fo r y o ur fri e n d,s b i rthd a y.(3 )Fo r e a c h p ro b l e m,c ho o s e the a d v i c e y o u a gre e w i th m o re.T he n w ri te y o ur o w n a d v i c e【导学环节】1.A fte r a l l the s tud e n ts fi n i s h w ri ti n g,fi rs t a s k the s tud e n ts to c he c k the l e tte r o

43、n theb l a c k b o a rd to ge the r w i th the te a c he r a c c o rd i n g to the fo l l o w i n g e v a l ua ti o n s c a l e.I s the re a to p i c s e n te n c e?I s the re a n o p i n i o n?A re the re re a s o n s?Di d he /s he us e the s i m p l e p re s e n t te n s e?A re the re a n y gra m

44、m a ti c a l m i s ta k e s?2.I n qui ry i n to k n o w l e d ge b y tra n s l a ti o n1.I n m y o p i n i o n,i t i s i m p o rta n t fo r c hi l d re n /p a re n ts to i n one,s o p i n i o n 。用来表达某人的想法。e.g.,i t s i m p o rta n t fo r us to p ro te c t the e a rth.我认为,对我们来说保护地球很重要。3.P e rha p s c

45、hi l d re n /p a re n ts p e rha p s a d v.大概;也许p e rha p s在句中位于 前,助 动 词、系 动 词、情态动词后。也可用于或【微课助学】T a l k a b o ut p ro b l e m s a n d ho w to gi v e a d v i c e.【训练环节】二.完成三学一练作业本P 1 6页(五)教学反思学科:英语 _ 年 级 主备人 日期:201/年/_ 月 上 日(-)章节题目:第 单元 Un i t 5 What were you doing when the rainstorm came?第 1 课时(二)学习

46、目标:1、R e a d a n d re m e m b e r the w o rd s.学习了解过去进行时的构成及用法。2、多数学生能正确的使when与at the time of引导的时间状语从句初步交谈过去进行的事。(三)重 点、难 点:1 .教学重点:1、N e w w o rd s a n d e x p re s s i o n s.2、能初步交谈过去进行的事。2 .教学难点:学习了解过去进行时的构成及用法。(四)教 学过程【导入环节】S ho w s o m e p i c ture s a n d a s k the S s ,“W ha t w a s he/s he d

47、 o i n g?”C o l l e c t the a n s w e rs.T he n ge t the S s to a s k a n d a n s w e r i n p a i rs.【目标出示】S ho w the k e y p o i n ts a n d d i ffi c ul t p o i n ts to the c l a s s,ge t the m to re a d the m a l o ud a n d m a k e s urethe S s un d e rs ta n d w ha t the y w i l l l e a rn.【自学环节】

48、1 .自学指导Ge t the s tud e n ts to re a d P a ge 3 3,m a k e s ure tha t the y l e a rn w ha t the y w i l l l e a rn.T he n ,the y d i s c us sw ha t the y a re n o t s ure i n gro up.2 .自主学习I .P re-c l a s s1、根据下列汉语提示的单词短语识记并默写.暴风雨 在.的 时 候 走回家等公车 做我的家庭作业 去上班2.仔细观察下面的对话,用“标出对话中所出现的时间,并补全句子.(1)A:W h a

49、t a re y o u d o i n g n o w?B:I a m d o i n g m y h o m e w o rk n o w.Th e y a re h a v i n g a n E n g l i sh l e sso n.(2)A:W h a t w e re y o u d o i n g a t 9 o c l o c k l a st n i g h t?B:I w a s d o i n g h o m e w o rk.C:(我正在打扫我的房间).(3)A:W h a t w e re y o u d o i n g w h e n y o ur m o th

50、 e r c a m e b a c k y e ste rd a y?B:I (我正在做作业).自学书109页预习过去进行时,掌握其构成及用法,并完成书中l a-l c【导学环节】W h i l e-c l a ss1.导入2.L e a rn i n g th e n e w k n o w l e d g e:L小组核对预习答案,检查学生的预习效果。2.听力练习:听1b完成课本上的内容,并用完整的句子回答W h a t w e re p e o p l e d o i n g y e ste rd a y a t th eti m e o f th e ra i n sto rm?Th

51、e g i rl _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _Th e b o yTh e w o m a n _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _Th e m a n3.P a i r w o rk:看l a中的图片,仿1c的内容编对话。合 作 探 究(小组讨论)过去进行时过去进行时主

52、要表示在_ _ _ _ _ 或 进行的动作。其构成为。常 与a t th a t ti m e,th i s ti m e y e ste rd a y,a l l th e e v e n i n g,f ro m 8:00 to 10:00y e ste rd a y,j ust th e n,a t n i n e y e ste rd a y,w h e n 等表示明确有具体的时间状语。e g:(1)1 w a s d o i n g m y h o m e w o rk a t th i s ti m e y e ste rd a y.(2)W h a t w a s To m d

53、o i n g a t te n y e ste rd a y.(3)I w a s e a ti n g d i n n e r w h e n th e p h o n e ra n g.其具体的句型为:肯定句:主语+其他。e g:Th e y w e re h a v i n g a m e e ti n g th a t ti m e.否定句:主语+其他.e g:Th e y w e re n,t h a v i n g a m e e ti n g th a t ti m e.一般疑问句+主语+其 他?肯定回答:Y e s,主语+w a s/w e re.否定回答:N o,主语+w

54、a sn t/w e re n?t.e g:W e re th e yh a v i n g a m e e ti n g th a t ti m e?Y e s,th e y _ _ _ _ _.N o,th e y _ _ _ _ _.1.I w a s d o i n g m yh o m e w o rkth e d o o r b e l l ra n g.A.w h i l eB.w h e nC.a f te rD.b e f o re2.W h a tTe dw h e n y o u w e n t to se eh i m?A.i s;d o i n gB.d i d;d

55、o C.w a s;d o i n gD.h a s;d o n e【微 课 助 学】w h e n与a t th e ti m e o f引导的时间状语从句初步交谈过去进行的事【训 练 环 节】完成三学一练作业本P 1 7页H o m e w o rk1.R e a d l b a n d 2a a f te r th e ta p e a n d re c i te th e m.2.R e w ri te 2a i n to a sh o rt te x t.3.P re v i e w 3a.(五)教学反思学科:英语 _ 年 级 主备人 _ 日期:2018_年2月日(-)章节题目:第

56、5 单元 Unit 5 What were you doing when the rainstorm came?第 2 课时(-)学习目标:1、全体学生能会背本课的单词a I ar m闹钟,b e gin开始,he avi ly在很大程度上,sudde n I y突然,st r ange奇怪的。短 语go o f f (闹钟)发出响声,p ick up接电话。2、多数学生能正确使用过去进行时初步交谈过去发生的事。(三)重点、难点:1.教学重点:1 N e w w o rd s a n d e x p re ssi o n s.2 能初步交谈过去进行的事。2.教学难点:学习了解过去进行时的构成及

57、用法。(四)教学过程【导入环节】A sk th e S s,“W h a t w e re y o u d o i n g a t 8 l a st n i g h t?”C o l l e c t th e a n sw e rs.Th e n g e t th e S s to a sk a n d a n sw e r i n p a i rs.【目标出示】S h o w th e k e y p o i n ts a n d d i f f i c ul t p o i n ts to th e c l a ss,g e t th e m to re a d th e m a l o

58、ud a n d m a k esure th e S s un d e rsta n d w h a t th e y w i l l l e a rn.【自学环节】1.自学指导:G e t th e stud e n ts to re a d P a g e 34,m a k e sure th a t th e y l e a rn w h a t th e y w i l ll e a rn.Th e n ,th e y d i sc uss w h a t th e y a re n o t sure i n g ro up.写出下列单词和短语1.闹 钟 2.开始 3.在很大程度上;

59、大量地4.突然;忽然 5.奇特的;奇怪的 6.暴风雨7.(闹钟)发出响声_ _ _ _ _ _ _ 8.接电话2.自主学习记忆所给语法点(1)m i ss 作及物动词,意为没赶上,错 过 I g o t up l a t e s o I m i s s ed t he ea r l y b us.拓展:D n i i s s 作及物动词,意 为“想念,思念”。I m i s s m y p a r en t s v er y m uc h.2)m i s s (用于姓名或姓之前,尤指对未婚女子的称呼)“小姐”通常大写O ur E n g l i s h t ea c her i s M i s

60、 s Zha n g.(2)ei t her 意 为“也”用于否定句,一般放句末I d i d n t c o m e t o s c ho o l y es t er d a y,ei t her.a l s o 意 为“也”一般用于肯定句和疑问句,常放句中She s p ea k s E n g l i s h a n d s he a l s o w r i t es E n g l i s h.t o o 意 为“也”一般用于肯定句和疑问句,常放句末a r e y o u g o i n g t o w o r k,t o o?(3)s o m a n y 意 为“那么多”,修饰可数名

61、词(4)辨析 w hen 和 w hi l eW hen “当时”其谓语可以是延续性动词,也可以是非延续性动词。T he s un w a s r i s i n g w hen w e g o t t her e.W hi l e”当时,在期间”其谓语动词必须是延续性动词,常用于过去进行时态中。W hi l e he w a s w a l k i n g i n t he p a r k,t he a c c i d en t ha p p en ed.(5)pick up(=pick up the phone)意为 接电话”,是动副结构的短语动词,当宾语是名词时,放在picku p中间或

62、后面都可;当宾语是代词时,放在pick u p中间。pick u p的其他常见含义(l)pick u p意 为“捡起;拾起”。Please pick up the rubbish and throw it in the garbage can.请捡起垃圾并把它扔进垃圾桶。(2)pick up意 为“中途搭载乘客;接人”。The train stopped several times to pick up passengers.火车沿途停了好几次,让乘客上车。(3)pick u p意 为“收拾;整理”。Please pick up all your toys when you ve finish

63、ed playing.请你玩过后把玩具收拾好。【导学环节】1.导入2.Learning the new knowledge:1、5分钟展示,每个小组选出2名中等生同学互相提问,利用过去进行时讲述过去发生的事情。2、教师运用过去进行时提问过去发生的事情。What were you doing at nine last night?找几名同学回答。OK,let,s look at the picture and listen what the boy was doing yesterday.我们将用5分钟完成听力,中等和学困生完成合作2 a,优等生完成2 b,要求答题时用整句背答形式回答。3、2人

64、一组完成角色扮演2 d,全班推荐选出3组,颁发最佳模仿奖。4、识记2 d,小组形式读对话,并且要求改编表演。【微课助学】Talk about the differences between when and while【训练环节】完成三学一练作业本P18页Homework.1.口头作业:听并跟读录音,尝试复述课文。2.书面作业:Remember the new words of 3a-4c.(五)教学反思学科:英语 _ 年 级 主备人 _ 日期:201口 年 月 一 日(-)章节题目:第 5 单元 Unit 5 What were you doing when the rainstorm ca

65、me?第 3 课时(二)学习目标:1.学习并能够运用以下新单词:storm,wind,I ight,report,area,wood,window,match,beat,against,asleep,r i se,fa I I en,kid,real ize 能够运用以下短语:have a look,fa I I asleep,die down o2.掌握when和wh i I e的用法(三)重点、难点:1.教学重点:1、New words and expressions.2、能用过去进行时态正确复述3a课文的内容2.教学难点:学生能够用过去进行时谈论过去发生的事情,能够正确运用when和wh

66、i Ie引导的时间状语从句。(四)教学过程【导入环节】Ask the Ss,“What were you doing when the bell rang?”Collect the answers.Then get the Ss to ask and answer in pairs.【目标出示】Show the key points and difficult points to the class,get them to read them aloud and make surethe Ss understand what they will learn.【自学环节】1.自学指导:Get the students to read Page35 and Page 36,make sure that they learn what they willlearn.Then,they discuss what they are not sure in group.2.自主学习1、翻译下列短语:确保 睡着 _团糟看一看 逐渐减弱cry o u t等连用,表 示“反对”或“反抗”。但这类动词中有

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