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4、迎览傻赁惮激阴技初妹臭漳屉果鸯排邪迄邪臃惜萨览迎志淡浸傣蛰耀哲臭彰阳孩筒在桐弃悟迄咖钱咖赢览啥赁惮侣姻技初妹阳漳屉咱膘排斜迄邪痈惜钱览迎志淡紧键诊乡诊旬闰胡拨泄遭泄扳父摔帆誉哪啼掇屯戚浇疹乡诊荤润胡在1999年上海市英语中级口译资格证书第一阶段考试五 SECTLON 1: LISTENING TEST (40 minutes)Part A: Spot DictationDirections: In this part of the test, you will hear a passage and read the same passage with blanks in it. Fill in

5、 each of the blanks with the word or words you have heard on the tape. Write your answer in the corresponding space in you ANSWER BOOKLET. Remember you will hear the passage only once.Good afternoon, Id like to thank professor Leach for giving me the chance to talk to you students. My topic today is

6、 “Attitudes, Values and Tastes”.An attitude, or the way we feel about something, can take different forms. On the one hand, there are attitudes that are simply_(1). There may change from year to year, month to month and even, day to day. On the other hand, there are attitudes that can be firmly fixe

7、d _(2) that rarely, if ever, change.Included in the first_ (3) are statements like “Sally has beautiful eyes”, or “I hate icecream”. Attitudes like these may simply _(4) a person, al taste or preference that does not always affect other people. Nobody will get particularly _(5), for example, if you

8、have a preference for tea _(6) coffee.The second type of attitude could _(7) such statements as “Smoking should be banned in _(8)”, and “War is a terrible thing”. With attitudes like these, however, we are expressing an opinion that we _(9) about. Opinions such as these are very much a part of _(10)

9、 since they express the way we feel about certain _(11) and events.If someone is a smoker, for example, it can become very difficult to _(12) that person if they smoke _(13) in our company. Preference and tastes refer to specific _(14) , where values are general and include _(15). There is big diffe

10、rence, for example, between these two _(16): “Your boss is very rude ” and “I could never work under a boss”. In the first statement, the speaker is_ (17) an opinion based on one person, the boss. The idea is that other bosses are not _(18). In the second one, though, the speaker indicates a _(19) a

11、bout work in general: he could not work for anyone, _(20) they were.Part B: Listening Comprehension. StatementsDirections: In this part of the test, you will hear several short statements. These statements will be spoken only once. and you will not find them written on the paper; so you must listen

12、carefully. When you hear a statement, read the answer choices and decide which one is closest in meaning to the statement you have heard. Then write the letter of the answer you have chosen in the corresponding space in your ANSWER BOOKLET.1. A. Jack left home without an umbrella. B. Jack didnt hear

13、 the rain. C. Jacks umbrella didnt work. D. Jack had the day off due to the weather.2. A. They didnt pay attention to the consulants opinion. B. They called in the consultant for her advice. C. They always do what their consultant tells them. D. They listened to the concert over the radio.3. A. The

14、manufacturer wishes it could find a good advertising agent. B. The manufacturer hopes to increase its sales through advertising. C. The advertising campaign includes many sporting events. D. The advertising campaign is joined by well-known individuals.4. A. Did Cathy put a new report in here? B. Is

15、the yearly report in here, or is it someplace else? C. Which picture do you like, the new one or the old one? D. Is it ture that Cathy only remembered to lock one of the drawers?5. A. A lawyer should sign the memo. B. We should get legal advice. C. We have seen a lawyer. D. Lets wait for a lucky sig

16、n.6. A. The company was unable to order spare parts. B. The company was short of cash for delivery. C. The parts could be considered genuine. D. The parts could be sent in late January.7. A. The completion of the project was long. B. The project was none other than a stupid one. C. We finished the p

17、roject rather quickly. D. We didnt sign the contract in time.8. A. I cant make any food for the party. B. Im afraid to accept your party invitations. C. We wont be able to hold the party this evening. D. We cant come to the party this evening.9. A. Not many people enjoy that kind of design. B. It to

18、ok a while for that design to become pupular. C. The publics first reaction to that design was positive. D. Youd never catch me wearing that kind of design.10. A. The consultant is publishing an excellent report on geology. B. They consultant left after he turned in his research and investigation re

19、port. C. The consultant studied some excellent rock samples in his report. D. The consultant did very thorough research and investigation for his report. Talks and ConversationsDirections: In this part of the test, you will hear several short talks and conversations. After each of and questions only

20、 once. When you hear a question, read the four answer chioces and choose the best answer to that question. Then write the letter of the answer you have chosen in the corresponding space in your ANSWER BOOKLET.Questions 111411. A. Hobbies that cost him little money. B. Hobbies that give him fresh air

21、 and excitement. C. An old hobby and a new hobby. D. An indoor hobby and an outdoor hobby.12. A. When she was still at school. B. After she got married. C. When she had her first baby. D. After she attended a special course.13. A. she was taught by an authority on bobbies. B. She attended special co

22、urses at school. C. She attended special courses at school. D. She learned it from her husband.14. A. Motor-racing. B. Radio-making. C. Making decorations. D. Collecting coins.Questions 151815. A. Ways of tracking wild animals. B. Animals in the wild. C. Radio receivers and satellites. D. Animal hun

23、ting.16. A. They hired native hunters or local people. B. They followed the animals footprints. C. They cornered animals into a special enclosure. D. They used radio transmitters.17. A. By receiving signals via satellites. B. By taking photos from satellites. C. By studying animals in the zoo. D. By

24、 attaching a specail collar to the wild animal.18. A. Geology B. Chemistry C. Biology D. AstronomyQuestions 192219. A. It means that you continue studying for as many years as you can. B. It means that you go back to school after youve finished formal education. C. It means that you go back to the h

25、igh school to continue your study. D. It means that you have continued studying for twelve years in high school.20. A. He could use it in his work. B. He will continue to learn it after finishing high school. C. He had learnt a lot from high school. D. He hadnt gotten much out of going to school.21.

26、 A. Because he had often been beaten up by other students. B. Because the school make him wear the school uniform. C. Because the school make him wear the school uniform. D. Because the school tried to regulate his life there.22. A. A prisoner B. A tailor C. A construction worker. D. A high school a

27、dministrator.Questions 232623. A. About a hundred villagers were killed during an earthquake. B. A main road was rebuilt after the earthquake. C. There was an earthquake, but little damage occurred. D. A rock had fallen from the sky, but no one was injured.24. A. Near a volcano. B. Beside a mountain

28、. C. Not far from a main road. D. In the Rockies.25. A. They decided to try again the following day. B. They sought advice from an old man. C. They asked for help from nearby villages. D. They planned to change the course of the road.26. A. He buried it in the main road. B. He called in more men to

29、remove it. C. he did magic to it at night. D. He pushed it off the main road.Questions 273027. A. Shes going to Canada. B. Shes leaving the factory. C. Shes going to get married. D. Shes going to study engineering.28. A. Because he is a Canadian. B. Because he is a young engineer. C. Because he beco

30、mes homesick D. Because he wants to earn more.29. A. $200 B. $220 C. $400 D. $42030. A. In her hometown. B. In the mans factory. C. In Canada. D. In a department store.Part C: Listening and Translation. Sentence TranslationDirections: In this part of the test, you will hear 5 English sentences. You

31、will hear the sentences only once. After you have heard each sentence, translate it into Chinese and write your version in the corresponding space in your ANSWER BOOKLET.(1)_ (2)_ (3)_ (4)_ (5)_ . Passage TranslationDirections: In this part of the test, you will hear 2 passages. You will hear the pa

32、ssages only once. After you have heard each passage, translate it into Chinese and write your version in the corresponding space in you ANSWER BOOKLET. You may take notes while you are listening.(1)_ (2)_ SECTION 2: STUDY SKILLS (50 minutes)Directions: In this section, you will read several passages

33、. Each passage is followed by several questions based on its content. You are to choose ONE best answer, A., B., C. or D., to each question. Answer all the questions following each passage on the basis of what is stated or implied in that passage and write the letter of the answer you have chosen in

34、 the corresponding space in your ANSWER BOOKLET.Questions 15Today one in every ten of us has difficulty getting to sleep and, according to Dr. Ian Oswald of Edinburgh university, the reason is simple. Most people who cant sleep are their own worst enemies. They go to bed too early.For every person w

35、ho works most efficiently on the usual eight hours of sleep a night, two work best on five or six, and two on nine or ten. Voltaire made do with three hours but Sir Winston Churchill would happily sleep for 1214 hours at a stretch if he could.So how much sleep does a person really need? It seems tha

36、t the national average for men is seven hours and ten minutes, and for women ten minutes less, but everyones needs are different. Find out what you need and, according to Dr. Ernest Hartmann, one of Americas leading sleep scientists, youre well on your way to allowing your body to work at its greate

37、st efficiency.After studying the sleep habits of nearly 1000 people, Dr Hartmann believes its the amount of deep sleep we get that really matters. We all need roughly the same amountabout 75 minutes a night. The rest, a shallower type of sllep, vaies greatly from person to person.How much of the sec

38、ond type of sleep, you need seems to depend on what sort of person you are. According to Dr. Hartmann short sleepersthose sleeping less than six hours a nightwere busy, active people, employed in demanding jobs, and often worked a 60 or 70-hour week. Most of them had started sleeping shorter hours t

39、o deal with the pressure of schoolwork or business and fornd that a few hours sleep a night was quite enough. Their defence against worry and stress was usually “to keep so busy that I dont have time to think about these things. .”Most of the long sleepers those needing at least nine hours were self

40、-employed. Almost all of them had slept for nine hours a night since late childhood, long before their work pattern became fixed. They tended to complain more than the short sleepers and several admitted that sleeping was an escape from life.In the past it was believed that too much sleep could be j

41、ust as disturbing as too little, but now a study in America has shown that many people can enjoy ten hours or more and still be able to sleep through the following night.A sleep researcher says:“No one should worry about not sleeping unless they are not feeling well or cannot do their work properly.

42、 Lack of sleep doesnt matter greatly if we are restingthe body can still get on with its repain work. But worrying about not sleeping can sometimes do you harm. There would be far less sleeplessness about if we planned our sleeping lives as carefully as we plan our waking ones.”1. According to the p

43、assage, people have difficulty getting to sleep because. A. they work more than sixty hours a week B. they have too many enemies C. they do not sleep happily D. they are not tired enough2. In comparison with Voltaire, Sir Winston Churchill. A. was happier with three hours of sleep B. would sleep mor

44、e when stretched out C. world enjoy a longer sleep if possible D. was less happy when he was asleep3. Studies show that the average woman. A. sleeps less than the average man B. sleeps longer when she goes out to work C. has difficulty in getting to sleep D. sleeps over eight hours a night4. Dr. Har

45、mann is mentioned in the passage. A. as the opponent of Dr. Ian Oswald B. because he has strange sleeping habits C. as the pioneering sleep scientist D. because of his observation and analysis of sleep habits5. Not being able to sleep can be dangerous if we. A. are feeling well B. worry about it too

46、 much C. repair our bodies by resting D. plan our sleeping lives carefullyQuestions 610I think it was De Mandeville who suggested a river party for the staffs of the various embassies. Nor, on the face of it, was the idea a bad one. All winter long the logs come down the River Sava until the frost l

47、ocks them in: now with the spring thaw the river has a pontoon of treetrunks some forty feet wide lining the bank under the willows so that you can walk out over the river, avoiding the margins, and swim in the deep water.These logs had been made into a hundred feet by sixtybig enough even to dance

48、on. While everyone was dancing the rumba and while the buffet was plying a heavy trade, it was noticed that the distance between the raft and the shore had noticeably increased. The gang-plank subsided in the ooze. It was not a great distanceperhaps ten feet. But owing to the solid resistance such a

49、 large raft set up in the main current the pull was definitely outward. But as yet nobody was alarmed; indeed most of the party thought it was part of a planned entertainment.As we approached the next bend of the river it looked as if the whole thing would run aground on the bank, and a few of us ma

50、de preparations to grab hold of the overhanging willows and halt our progress. But by ill luck a change in the current carried us just too far into the centre of the river and we were carried past the spit of land, vainly groping at the tips of bushes.It was about another five minutes before the ful

51、l significance of our position began to dawn upon us. By this time we were moving in stately fashion down the centre of the river, all lit up like a Christmas tree. Exclamations, suggestions, counter suggestions poured from the lips of the diplomates and their spouses in a dozen tongues.Unknown to u

52、s, too, other factors were being introduced which were to make this a memorable night for us all. Spy-mania was at its height and the Yugoslav forces lived in a permanent state of alertness. There were frequent rumours of armed raids from Czechoslovakia.It was in this context that some Yugoslav infa

53、ntryman at an observation post along the river saw what he took to be a large armed man on war full of Czech paratroops in dinner jackets and ball dresses sailing upon Belgrade. He did not wait to verify this first impression. He galloped into Belgrade Castle a quarter of an hour later on a foam-fle

54、cked mule with the news that the city was about to be invaded. 6. According to the passage, a river party was practicable because_. A. the river was lined with willow trees B. the banks were not muddy at this time C. there was a suitable surface for walking on D. there was not too much frost at this

55、 season7. The raft started moving from the shore because_. A. the gang-plank had fallen in the mud B. the buffet was too heavy C. it was too large to stay in place D. the organisers wanted to surprise the guests8. The raft did not stop at the next bend because_. A. there was too much mud on the river bank B. There were only bushes to catch hold of C. the current made it swirl outwards D. the water was no

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