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1、文常用万能功能句(天龙八部-陈曲).六级的题目分类(1)一方面六级作文有导读(核心性词语均已经划出):Diectio: or this part, you ae alowed30mut owrite ashotessytled. Yo shoud wrie atleas1wos buno morethan200ollingthotlie gien below.(2)六级考试题目一般分为两类:1.现象解释解决类;2正反观点对比类。除了1月浮现看似较新的题目外,其他均逃不出这范畴,与专业四级的题目有些类似。现象解释解决类6月D Attitude ShoudB Gven to the Stu o C

2、hise1.近年来在学生中浮现了忽视中文的现象;.浮现这种现象的因素和后果;3.为了变化这种状况,我觉得正反观点对比类12月目前有不少家长送孩子参与多种艺术班;1.对这种做法有人表达支持,有人并不赞成;3我觉得houd part send heir kids to ar clsss?2六级的写作黄金五法则由于六级先按百分制的1分评卷(五档258 1 4),又按阅卷时间局限性30秒,阅卷人大体以印象给分。其实写作好坏的确看若干句即现端倪。黄金法则涉及:1题目提纲要点大体意思写成英文各段中心句注:便于阅卷人理解每段的Tpicntence;.惊艳学会制造亮点(特别第一段)注:往往阅卷第一印象甚为重要


4、的现象;.11目前有不少家长送孩子参与多种艺术班;.61.有人觉得名字很重要;.11大学生的心理健康十分重要;061.随着信息技术的发展,电子图书越来越多;1.如今数字化产品得到越来越多广泛的使用;.061.有人做好事盼望得到回报;.2阅读典型书籍对人的成长至关重要。我们发现一般要描述的都是某些社会的热点:这里有八个句型各位可以背一下。考试场上根据题目,将八个句子任意选择、随意组合起来即可!天龙八部之一:描述类典型句预备知识:写句子的亮点要么是词,要么是句型。句型部分1:阅读典型书籍非常重要。(划线处可以根据题目变换)1.Readin classicsis veryimportant. It

5、is ryimtanto rad cassis.2.I is vita/reat prtanceo redclassic.3.otgis o important thaneadg classs.Reaing cicplays an extremeymporant rol thuhout orlives5eing casscse ail to e impotant.也可以将34句一起用:Nthinga laya more imort rletanreding classics.Iortant可以替代词汇:inicnt(意义深远的)sentl(核心的)inispnble(不可替代的)piotal(

6、中枢作用的)等等。句型部分2:在写作时表达真理性的描述可以加上一种引导昂首。如:做了好事要不规定回报的开头可以写成:It is generally cceptd thatne shouldnver xpct a rewardwhen dina od eed.Semingy justiiale,howver, itnt alwas the se.这样的昂首句替代:1 is geerlly cepte hat here is gneral ceptanc ta 2There ilittedoubtha tcno bedeniedt .hee s a owinrecogitinht 5It has

7、bee wiely nod th6.Itis uiverally ackowedg tat 7.A peviingnoti / trend s that 句型合并成模版句型:I isneraly aeptd tt othng c ply moreiispensble oe thanreading lssics.学会灵活替代如:It oe itot syi taredig classsplay a extmely imortantre thughuoulives.天龙八部之二:趋势类典型句模版句型(划线处可以根据题目变换):越来越多的父母开始考虑把孩子送到艺术学校去。More an m不是不好,

8、可以替代句型使用1.An ncrsing/a rwing/a mnting numbr ofrs begin to consider endig thi kidtort clas2.Parensinowig numrbg to cosider sdin thrksto sses.t is obvios thtdgarouctsae oe incranly popur have been exteiely sed i a varet f ways.12如今数字化产品得到越来越多广泛的使用。4Nowadys,collee dergruaesae inraigly elizedcerfateplay

9、 a exmey iportatrole pus o their tre creer.Asarelt,theyet volv in a ctificae mai.目前许多人热衷于各类证书考试天龙八部之三:关注类典型句预备知识:英汉差别1:英语多被动,汉语多积极。如:我们应当注重电子书W hould y aention toe-books.(we Ipeople用的太多,句子显得累赘)You should pay attenton to ebook.(第二人称最佳不要在作文中浮现)主语替代成oe是一种选择,此外用被动语态为佳。Much mre attni tan ver bere shouldb

10、epid to _.英汉差别2:汉语多短句,英语多长句中文讲意境,因此当浮现小桥流水人家,中国人都懂这个场景,但是外国人句式不加动词,这三个词语是无意义的。一般可以翻译成:Mmurig stremns belh tin brie,leadingo elegt dwelling英语中的长短句可以连起来:Mch ore aenion han eebefore has beenpaidtohe fadvloingITintry.Te IT inhas bought nprecedentedtransformation o mnbeings life.模板句型(划线处可以根据题目变换):nrecent

11、yers, core ttentiontan eve befo abeeid tothfast-develping T ust,icha brought unprecedeted trasformton to humabeigs ife.天龙八部之四:注重类典型句句型举例:近年来在学生中浮现了忽视中文的现象ithheonset o lbaization,we th pt-8 geetio iceasingl attch geat mrt to foeign lnguagleann. SdlyUnfotuntey, we nsead pay litte ttetiot ou mothr te.注

12、重关注类句型:atc geat mportanc topayattention t set toe y lysrs on/uon 模版句型:1.ith/owigo theement of _, we, he post-90s generatio, shoul athgrat portac /payattenton ts tore/ay tre upon _.2.Wh the dvent oft 21stcentuy,s todysclleg studens, wehol pyspeca tnin t the issue of _.天龙八部之五:发生类典型句预备知识:近几年来越来越多的父母把孩子

13、送到了艺术学校去。he past eeral ye e witnesed nexnetal iceae in th nmberof parenswho ishto sen thei kis to rt clsss.模板句型:Time/Paceav wnessed a/an shrpdramticstiking/exponential/derabe/signifiatincrease/deceaseinhenumber of _ o/wic _.练习:根据的调查,仅仅间,中国就有约大学生由于心理健康问题而跳楼。coring toarecen surey cductyChia ail, the y

14、ear as witnesse appxiey _clegesudnswhcomitedscide owng toheirmental proble.练习:近年来在学生中浮现了忽视中文的现象。epast svrl ers have witnessda consirablystriin eeon tha agring nerf sudens,dspi er luencynEgli, star to py lttle ateni tothe studyof Chinese, thirmother tongue.这种句型其实句式举例。附举例一种句型:hedigial aes xerted acons

15、puou impac our lif,wiccan e exemplfied byth poplarity ofe-sho.天龙八部之六:议论类典型句预备知识:.12The Imortance of Studentsmntal eth如何提高大学生心理健康问题(A)引起了社会广泛争议(B)。:theisue f ow toimprove h stents ntal heath:a eated scuso / a eb a ariet of confitn view / much ctoery模版句型:1.Ahas caud/edtreutd i/tirdgiven ise ta varie o

16、 colicting view.2.Asregars,the as beenahated iscussionamonh gnea blic oursiety3.Therei uch cntroersy over. a naoal debate s rguponA.如:s regads te issueof howto peth sdtsmntahealth, there hasbea heateddsusso among te gnepublicin oursoiey.天龙八部之七:浮现类典型句模版句型:随着信息技术的发展,电子图书越来越多Ownig/With the eveopmn of I

17、 dtr, e-ooksingrowig nubersbegin toeerge into pls viio.或者:Prbaly with our sciosss/aliation, the techologyees t gve it ta dita age oda ld.Aemrg into popls sih/visionABA giv() birt/rse to B练习:大学排名(试着使用我们学过的句型)It haewide td tat univerity pays fndaena rolen oe culivatio and provides lator r hhe duation.

18、Rcetly,oweve, muchmr atention han everbeoehas beenpaidothe unersity ankin, whichhasbmeineingly prvaet aongeducatnaists With he wiardry f th intret, iersities al acohe glbal av beenrankdaccordinto suc facors astheiacademic reputationnacult tudents.Conseutly, his pheomnonigh give re to a vaieto confli

19、ing vews among theg puli i ourocey.天龙八部之八:成果类典型句预备知识:.06 Shuld nExpect a Rward When Dng a Good Ded?例句:Seminglysmple, te qestionwhetheoe hould ect arewad after oinga gooddeedoes a cniderablechleg,whicends toshow peoples mr belief.模版句型1(对产生): pea consideable chlleneo 1.Poluionose a grea theat toourexi

20、tee.2.Raid pouation growhwilexer astrainoneoomie arotheworld.Smkingplaces a rt ifluence onour ealh.模版句型2(表达一种趋势,一般插入主谓之间):1.Onetends tshuwhn he gts excited.In wier, peopleat toatc cod.3.eis liky toake iseswhe tired.eis rne tols tme indificut siation.5Los le toct aggrsively.Thsnd shoeisiclidtosip on

21、etgrou.最后给各位储藏三种句式:1.nable/aloetainmuchnowledge. ( enablb. o dsth.)2.rnusnuerous/cutlessmultitudf enfits/dwbacks (ri s. )3Books rvide m itte accssto kowlede. (povideb. withst)offer upl可以替代ovde,但是要注意搭配。例如:offer sb.sth.ofer shob.如何灵活解决这些句型呢:建议:先牢牢记得:议论类和发生类。发生类就是举例子,只要能举例子最佳举,例子一定不是模板。议论类,只要你觉得引起人们的争议

22、,必可用。建议2:前三大句型,关注类、描述类、趋势类,一般必在开头可以用一句。建议3:后三大句型,注重类、浮现类、成果类,一般必可在背面跟一句。学完六脉神剑后再写模板。4.六脉神剑当分述观点的时候,一般多会说第一、第二、第三。接下来总结六脉神剑:起承转合独评启部:用于引导第一点一方面:. irt, firstly, rst of al;2 o beginwith,t startwth;3. n th irs place, istan foemt一方面:1.on theon hand (on the oher); or nehig(foanher tin)承部:承办前面观点另一方面seod, e

23、ondy, third,hrdly进一步 urthemor, hats moe, more此外bes, in additin成果 consequenl,a a conequenc/rsul, tu hncheefore, on his aoun, n light o thi转部:转折语义相反技巧1:but改althouh/ispieofesite如:Seleti heir vorite lectureoe bringgratenits udnts stu,butit alo as a uber of problm.lthseltingtheir favorie ecturer does rin

24、g great beeits o tets study, itas cases a number o poblemIpite ofdepitegreatbenefsfor student stuy, lcngthavorite lctrer does caue a nmber o probles.注:诸多教师建议bu改成in spie of th act th.那么那些教师有爱好去看看GMAT语法,这种写法叫wordy或者dundancy(冗长,累赘)。但是如果改成nspt f is,那还可以。但是前面需要句话句掉。技巧2:bt改y/hie/heres如:Mnypoplerge that th

25、e sprg fstivl galasou notbe ancelled,btothrs adopta mpleey iferent vw.Mn eope rgethat t pring festial galashoud n be cnceled,whlethes adopta copety difer iew.此外还可以用:不幸地:aly unftunately相反地:nhe ontary, by otas,oner事实上:a a mttero fact, infac然而:eveles,noneteless合部:小结上文中段落的内容总结:incoluion,al in all, aword

26、简而言之:isht, i rf, tosu如前所述:as a beennoted menined aboveiven the fators hvejust uindking io accunt l the aovefators (背面主语用I)独部:个人观点标志词peonalyspeaking可以用in myeyes,as fo m,a I s it myopinion可以用from my perpectivom my oint of vie可以用asfr asI amcocerit eem to ta可以用fom where stn, my sace is tat 评部:在观点前可以加某些副

27、词来评价Ierstingl, srprngly, more importatlyspey, rticulalyUndobtely, apparently, eviet, obviously,coneiably等等.综合性模板正反观点对比型:第一组话:简介故事的背景(1) s gayepd that_ tndstoplay an exremel sinificant role in _(2)Frth pat svralonts, muc mr attentin hn veefre s beeaid o_, whicgives rise to _第二组话:引出争议的焦点Cosequently, t

28、here ha e muccontroversy overthe issue of _.第三组话:引出正方观点(1)Obviously, mny _ wil choseto _(动宾)/ ree/coced ta_(句子) /votefo _(名词),nell for_ rasons.替代:Many pple welomitwth appausad enthusiasm, living that _.(2)On he onhand,_(试着使用with the velopmet注重类句式).(3)On the ther hnd, _(试着使用ac/pu/pos成果类句式).(4)Mstimpo

29、tany,_(试着使用na/lw句式).注:如果能自己用自己的因素那是最佳了,如果想不出来,试试用我的吧!总比你写不出来好。第四组话:引出反方观点(1)Nerheess, the peole dopt ampleel diffent ie, believg tht_(试着用fail求反).替代:However, sewo trgy posethe _ ar not amngh mnority.They ol th_.(2)I additin, _.(试着用gie bt t浮现类句式)。第五组话:引出总结()ven theacto Ihave s outlie, i cn e oludedtha

30、t he quetion qutdped oprsonl choce.(2)From wher I tnd, _.如何亮自己的观点呢?(犀利)Whe onsierng opinions ofboth side, ainclie to be ifaor o te form/latter e sin_.(中庸)When cosdering opins of botid, I indthey ar ofeua etsce_(犀利)The vntages fr utgh the dsadvtagesi trs of_, sc _(中庸)The advan a disadvanageare f wigh

31、t in trms of _, sce _.(中庸)_ijustlie a duble-dd sw. Howeer, one pinshoul be kep i minat w houldta snsible s, alays being a mar isead o lof hm.现象解释解决型:第一组话:(1)Th is a rowingrecoiin ht_ sof vital importncein _.(2)onequntly, wh he devlopenf _, w, the pst-9 eneaion, shou atach great impotance to _.(3)For

32、exaple, the past evera yars avewitnessea ramati incres i te umber f _ which _第二组话:如果是解决问题:(1)To ut a end to the sriouprole,i my in, it cls f t ffortsfrom ll ses.或者:o hi prolm, inmy mnd, there are a eastthee aproaches.或者:Urgent eases ae neededto tackle teaboe-mntnd proble.或者:The ollowiways cnbe adote

33、dtocreate nd aitain armoiousdomitoryie.那么怎么解决呢?一般的解决方案,不是个人努力,就是政府努力!(2) To beginwith,onl wh l of usjoi in he eforts at all evels canwe expectto addess te ie ropely.或者Iteeso e tt it i hightimethwe should tke conerted se to adrss he iueporly.(3) Bids, ith goernnt/authoriy make evn olcies an measures

34、to _, the prblemcn be radil soved i heoseeal tue或者Se my own oiei too wto behea, I ope we anal on hpulc o _第三组话:如果是解释问题:()Three ans, mymind, cn acut for this social pnoeno或者:Threasonshy t sirit of teamwo hs ecme o prantar as flows或者:Thr aresevealfctors conibuing tothsechans或者:To accuntrth penomen, pe

35、opleave oe up with vaety of ean.理由一般来源于什么?在中国的现象中,第一是人口(poplation),由人口也许引出的经济(ecnomy),也许有些问题产自教育制度(educaional sytem),有些有来自于环境问题(envirnmet)。所后来面的空格按照上面类型的词语进行填写。(2) First and fremost, I firly believe thate oemderves/tem/orgiate/sultso _, ich is nvtablenidabl.或者Tobegnwih, tiphenomen coleattributedt _, whichmajoit ohe studnts fail t take ino cnsietio() Inaddito,this situtiooulde seen/ndered/regardd/eme s he resuls/oquenceso _.

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