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1、Leon One1. Ad tis a actviy oly f uans And convrsaio is n ativit found only aong huan beings.2. onversatio s ot fmaking a poinCoverion snotfr peruadig oters o aept our deas o pointsof vis.3. Infac, te bst coersatonalsts arethoeh e prepred t lse.In fat , people whoaregood at conversio will nt agueto w

2、in o e othrs to eptis idea.4. Bar finds renotdly nolvedn eacotes ves.Peole h mee eachohr oradrink in the ofpu renot clos fidsfrte re o depyabsorein ea th pve ives. 5. .itoldstillggnrantly on .he convrsation culd gon witho anyboy knowing who wa ight or wron.6. Tere r cattl in the fl ,bute st dowtobee

3、f.The aials re caled ttle whe the are aiveand feed in the fiels , buthen es own t he tabe tat,we c their mee eef.7. Tene rulngcass hd bult a cultral baer anst him b builngteir French agast his ownlanguge.Tnewruling cass y usng enstead fEglish made it hrd for h nglish to pt or aorhe culture f te rulr

4、s.8. nglih hmeroylly into it own.Enihreceived proper recgnitioand was e by the Kg once more9. The prasehas alwasbeen used a ittle oativelanven factiousy yte lowe classes.he hrae ,the igs English ,haalways beeued disrespectlly ad okngly y he owerclss.(he orkngpeple fte mck theper andforma laguage oft

5、he euctdpeple.)10. The rebellon against a cultualomnnce s stilther.As the early Saon peasans , the workg eople stillhve aspiit ofoppoiti th cultra authorit f the rlng class.11. hes lwaysagrt daner at“ wr il hrden to thgs for us. “There sawaysa re dnger ,as lyleput it, thatw mightet hat wodsare only

6、ymbols an tke them frhngs they are suppose trepresentTrnsatona. Howevr intriate th ways i whichnimals cmunice w eac othr,they d ot idulge in ayhingthat deserveste ame o converstio. 不管动物之间的交流方式多么复杂,它们不能参与到称得上是交谈的任何活动中。b. Agmt my often be apar o it, t th ppoe fh argumnt n o cnvc. Ter is no ning in con

7、verti.争论会常常浮现于交谈中,但争论的目的不是为了说服。交谈中没有胜负之说。c. Pa it i becu of myupbring n Enl pstha tn ba cneain has carm fis ow或许我从小就混迹于英国酒吧缘故,我觉得酒吧里的闲聊别有韵味。d. Idonotrmembr what madoe oour compnion sai -she clarlyhad notcome inothe b tosay i , i w not omthin tatas resig on her -ut herreak fll ute natray ino t talk.我

8、不记得是什么使得我的一种同伴说起它来的-她显然不是来酒吧说这个的,这不是她事先想好的话题-但她的话相称自然地插入到了交谈中。e. here i aways resistance inhe loer lasseto any ttmpt by ueclass o ly down rus f“Engish asit shd e spken ”下层社会总会抵制上层社会企图给“原则英语”制定得规则。f. ors are not themselve a reaity ,but only eprentations of it , th Kins English ,likethe AnlFrnc of e N

9、rns , lass eprestatin f raity词语自身并不是现实。正如诺曼底人讲的英格鲁-法语同样,原则英语是一种阶层用来体现现实的形式。g. Peraps it iswoth tryng t sit, but houl not be laid downas an edt , an mademmune o hangefrombelo或许试着去说它还是值得的,但是它不能被制定成法令,从而回绝来自下层的变化。h. There i n worecnvesationalisthan he one wh punctt i words as epeaasif eerewritin ,oreve

10、n whtris ouse wordsasif he weecomong iee o rose for rint.如果一种人说出的话就像写出来的文字,或者试图使用那些创作书面散文的文字,那么没有比这样的交谈者更糟糕的了。i. Wen E.M.Forser rs o “ te sinistr oridoroour age,” e stu at th ividness of he prase ,he forcean even errorin te imag当.福斯特写到“我们这个时代的险恶长廊”时,其用语之生动及由其所产生的生动有力,甚至可怖的形象苦令我们拍案叫绝。j. rwoud have ee

11、n convrstio the other evning if wehad benbe o sttle at nce themeeting “th Kngs nglih.”那天晚上如果我们立即解决了“原则英语”的含义,就不会有第二天晚上的谈话了。 Lesson Two1. The burying-grn is rely gewe of ummckyerth, lke a derlict uidi-lot h rng-round nthng ore than a huge pieceof aselnd ulf moudso atlooing likea desrte and aannpief l

12、nonwhh a buidn was goino e putup. 2. A conil mpes are n realiyfoude upon tha fact. A themperalss bildup thir empires by treang hepeople in the cones lieanils (by otatig he eop in clnes han beings). 3. hey s out othat,tey swt andstarve or a few yea, ad hn they sink bak ito the ameless ouns f the grae

13、yard.Thy are bn Te or a fewyears the ork, toi and are Finall they di and re buedn graveswitu name. 4. A carpeter st crosseg at a prehistoriclahe,ng irles at lightning spee. Sting wth hses cosedandusing a ry ol-fhonelae, carpenterqickly iesa rond shap to t air-les he s kng 5Instantly, fo the ar ol al

14、l rond, thre was a frenzie rush oJews .Immedatly rothir dar hol-likecellseerywhere reatnmero Jw rushed o wildyexcid 6.eey oe o te oson acigaretea a moe lssimpssibleuxurEvry one of these poJes lkedothe cigarette as icef lxurywhch they cou n posily aford. 7. til, awhtesinis alwas fir conspicus. Hoer,

15、a white-kine Europeanis lwas qite tiebl8 na trpicl ndsap ones eye taks inverythinexept thhumanein. If outak a look tte aturlsceeryiatoical reion, yu e vyth bt the humanings.9Noone wold hink f runng ceaptps tote Ditrssed AreasNo oe would think of oraniing ceap trips for the touis to vithe poor lum ar

16、eas10. frnine-tenth o he people the raty of fe s an ndless, bkrkig srggle to wringa itl fodt of nrodsoilie very ard fornny pret othe pople.ithhad bacbreakng tthey n prode a littleood one oorsil11.he acctd he statu asan old oman, tat stoay asa ba o urn. She too it for gated thatas olwman h was the lo

17、west in teommuniy,th。she w oy fi for dng heavy r likean anima.12 Peope with rown kins renex oorto invisile. Peopl withbrown ins are alostinvible.13.Therslei boies ehidenn reach-me-o khaki uniors.Teengaleodies wr wearigredyade aki uniformswhih hi ther eutful ellbult bodes.1 How lon fore e tn hei guns

18、 intheother direion? How mch ongeefore hey un theirguns roundanatack u?。1 ry wian thee ha thi houghtstoed mwher r r n hismind Ev wite manterhad thitoghthiden smewhere o other in his mndl When yo walk trough n lke this- two unredtusnd inhabitants of wm aes twntythusand own lteall notig except te rg h

19、eysand upin-whn you se howh people live, an stil ore h easiy they d, t i awaysdficult t beliv hatyou are walkngmon uma beings.当你穿行于这样的城乡中20万居民中至少有2万人除了一身勉强蔽体的破衣烂衫外,一无所有当你看到这些人是如何生活,又如何容易死亡时,你总是很难相信自己是行走在人类之中。l Wheygo thouh t Jewish qarters o ather som idaof what he meevalghettos wr pobaly lke.当你穿过犹太

20、人聚居区时,你就会理解中世纪的贫民区大概是个什么样子。l Mnyof the sreets ar a good deal ethanix ft wde, hoses recople widowlss, and sore-eyehildre luster everwere i evablnumbers, like clouds of les.诸多街道远远局限性6英尺宽,房屋主线没有窗户,眼睛肿痛的孩子成群结队 ,随处可见,像成群的苍蝇,数也数不清。l Evena blind masmewher at hbck of of th both heard a umour f ciretes and c

21、ae craing ot, gropig i heai wthhshad.甚至在背面的窝棚里的一种盲人听到要烟的吵嚷声也爬了出来,伸手在空中乱摸。l .Ah, ts onyfr show! Thee l mney leersreay.噢!那只但是是装样子罢了。事实上她们都是些放贷获利的人。l 6 tthe samewa, acope f hunddearsago, por odmen us tobe urdfo wichcrf when they coud not eve wor enough magi t etthees a uare eal颇为相似的是,几百年前,有些可怜的老妇人常常被当成

22、巫婆活活烧死,但事实上她们连为自己变出一顿像样的饭菜的巫术都没有。l .It taksin e ried-upsoil,tprickl pear, tepmtee nd t distat untain, but italwasise epeasant heing t hi patc.那干巴巴的土地,仙人掌,棕榈树和远方的山岭被尽收眼底,但在地里耕作的农民却往往没人看见。l 8.Most of orocco i sodsote that no wid aml igrthan are anlie on it.摩洛哥大部分土地都很荒芜,以至于那里生存的最大的野生动物就是野兔。l 9.Ecp fo y

23、 or tw afte trrerinstorms thee is ee enouater.除了难得的暴雨之后的一两天之外,这里总是缺水。l 10It seemsto generaly t sei pimtive ommunities hat the omen, wh theyge bydcrtain age,shink t te size o chrn.在原始社会里,妇女超过了一定的年龄身材便会萎缩得如孩子般大小,这似乎是一种普遍现象。essoThee1. And yet evluionay eie fo wi our frebasfought is stila issearoudthe g

24、lbe.Our acstr fogt a vlutnay war to clm ll en were ceated eual an Go had ndowed the with cerain ualienal righs which ostteor rulr could akeawayfromhm.owever ,toay th issueha no et beentted imn ounries around thewld .2. This muh we pedg-admore.Thismuch weromise o and we prmedomor.3. United, there is

25、lttlewennodo in ost of cpetive entresUnited working othr we canacomplh a ot of tis in alge nuber fjot undertkings.4. .orls best oe i anage heetheinstruet of r havefaroutpaed the insumentsof eace.TheUite aion sourlasd est hope o urival nanagwhre th insrus of w have fa surpastinsrues f peac5. .o enlar

26、ge te re inwhich itswrit ma run.W pge o elthe Unte Nions enargehae inwihi uthortyand mndate wodcontinu to be in rc.6. .befre th dak powers of desucin leahed by cice egul humanti pland acintal sef-dsructioBefor e teril fes of destution, whichtm bmscan nw relese,vel mankin, which may bepedr rght abuty

27、 a cidet7. .yet bh racing oalr that unetain balance of terro that tayte nd f mndfinalrYetbot grops of tios are aeptng tochange a qiky aspossilehis uncrtaibanc ofterrib iitar powe tat eans eachgrouom anchin makind; nal wa.8. Solt usbegin anew, rmmberig bohside tatcvilty i not a sign o wanes.S lt star

28、t nce again ,bearinginmndth beng pole is not asin wkness.9. Le boh sie see t invoke he wodrs of scienceinsteado iserrs.L bth sids try tolfrt th wondeul thngs that sence can do for ani isteadof he rihful tings itn d.10. .ach gatioo meicass beensummoneto give testimnyto its nao oat.eicas of every nert

29、ionhave benclled pon t prove tir loyalt t theircountry b fihtn anddying or teir ountrys ause.11. Witagod cosciene ornl ue rward,ithisory he final ju oourdees, l s go frth o lea telad welve.Lt us lead heonrywe lv , nowing ou sure rewar willbea go onsciece ad history wilfinallyjudge whehe w heon ur ts

30、k we ornt. l We oereday t avitryofparty ut acelebration f fredom, symboliing anen as well s a beginning, sifyi rnel as wel aschnge.我们今天庆祝的不是一种政党的胜利,而是一种自由的盛会,它代表这一种时代的结束和另一种时代的开端,它代表着重生和变化。l Let the word g forh fromhis timnd lce , tofried ad fo li,thathe trchs een aed o ew gerton f Amrcs, bn in thi

31、cetury,temereb ar, disciineby a hrd anbite peace,prud ofurane herge, anduiig twiness oremit the slw udoing of tse umanrihts to wichthis atnhasalwybeen omited ,a towhicweare ommittedtoday atome ad aro the wor.此时此地我向朋友和敌人宣布:火炬已经传递给了新一代的美国人,她们出生于本世纪,经受过战争的洗礼,受过冷峻而苦涩的和平的考验,以我们的古代遗产为傲,不乐意见到或者容许这些人权被逐渐取消。

32、这个国家始终致力于维护这些人权,如今我们在国内和全世界也在维护这些人权。l Letevryntion now, hetrt wis us welr ll,thate sll pay ay ric ,ear ay urde, ee n hadsip , port ny riend, ppose any foe to assur teuriva and thsucces of libert.让世界上每一种但愿我们成功或窘迫的国家懂得:我们将不惜任何代价,承当任何责任,应对任何艰难,支持一切朋友,反对一切敌人,以保证自由的幸存和成功。l Uited ,there is lilwe anot do n

33、 a osto oopeative vntr.只要我们团结起来,我们将在大量的合伙型事业中战无不胜。l Divided, her ittle we n o ,for w ar n met powerfulhallge at d adsplit asndr.如果分裂开来,我们将一事无成,由于我们不能在争执中去应对巨大的挑战,我们的关系会崩裂。l If a fre soitycnot he te any h ar poor, t cannotsae the few o are rih如果自由的社会不能协助多数穷人,它就不能拯救少数的富人。l W dare not tem m th wakess.F

34、ooywhenour arms are suficient ed dub ca we be etin beyoddoub tht ey wi vr e empoed.我们不敢以软弱来诱惑它们。由于只有当我们的军备力量无疑是非常充足的时候,我们才干保证不会使用武力。l you hads,myfellw ctizn, mr than ine,wll rst he fial succss r failure ofour cuse我们的同胞们,我们事业成败的核心与其说掌握在我的手中,不如说掌握在你们的手中。l N the tumpe summons us again-n as a caltoba ar

35、ms, thoug arms e ned;not s a cal to battle , thoug mbttld eare; b a cll bearthe burenf ong tiligh srggle, yar in andyearout , “rejicin h ,atent in tribultio,” atrugle againstthe commn neis o mn: tyrnn , povr dieaseand war tef.目前号角再次向我们吹响-不是号召我们扛起武器,虽然我们需要武器;不是号召我们去参与战斗,虽然我们严阵以待;而是号召我们为迎接黎明而肩负起漫长斗争的责

36、任,年复一年,”从但愿中得到欢乐,在苦难中保持坚韧“, 去反对人类共同的敌人:专制、贫困、疾病和战争自身l Wit a go consec o oy sue ewad,wih hitorthnal dge f o deeds,e us go orh to leadth lndwe lov , akig His besing and i hep, ut king tha ereo eath Gods ork must truybe uon良心是我们唯一可靠的报酬,历史是我们行为的最后裁判,让我们出发去领导我们所热爱的国家,祈求上帝的祝愿和协助,但是要明白上帝在人间的工作毕竟就是我们自己的工作。L

37、essonFour1. A i enugh ong flw, you derstn ,but nothingupstar.H is nice enou young ello,you knw , ut is emty-heae2. Fads, I subit, ae the ve negatonfreason.A ssing ahion or craze ,inmy oini, shosa complte lak of rason.3. shld havknowntheydcome back whe th Chretncambc.Isould have now that racoonoatwol

38、d come a o faion hentheCarlston dne, whih was poula t 120s,came bak.4. “All th Bi e o apu are werng hem. Whre ou bn?”ll the imortatandashiobeme n campue aringthem. o comeyoudonknow?5. My brai , tatprecsion itrument, slippedinto gher.y rin, which rcision istrument, bega o ork at high speed6. With one

39、mssin, Pollfitted these specifications ectly.Ecpt for one tin(ilgec)Poll haallth othe requiremens.7. She was otyetf pinp proportins, utIfelt sur t tme wouuppy he lak.Se wnot as bauifl asthoe ils i poser but I felt sure sh wuld bece beutifulenog after sotime8. Infc, sheeered in e ppoie drectio.Infa,

40、he went i the positediction,that , she anointelige btrther sid.9. “In ter words ,i yu wre ou f the ictue,thefiel wld b open I that igh?” you wee nolongeiolved withher, oeswo bef o compete toe her a gifriend10. Back an frth s head swivle , dsi axing, tin wanig. isea ture bck and forth (lokn athecoa a

41、ndthe looig aw fom theoat).Everytie ok hieie fr the ot grw strer an his rsluion notto andon Pll cm eaker11. his lomed as a prjec o n madienson. To teach eto thk seembe a thr bi task.12. Admittdlitw ta prosect frauht withho ,btI decided ogie it ne mor tr.Onmsait e outcoe id ot loo ry oeful, bt Idecid

42、e totry one more tim.13. Tere isa iit to wha flsh an bo ca ear.Tere salmit to hat any humaneig can ba .14. I wanot Pygmlio; Iwasrankenstein , and onterhadmeby he hroat.I panneto bPmaio, tofshin an ida wfe fo msel, u I turnedu tobe Fnkensteibcau olly ltimately rjc me d ruine m plan.15. Frantialy I fo

43、uht bck thetidef panic surgig trough me .Dsetey I triedtosto the feeing o panic hich wa overwelming me.l My brain w s poweul s dnmo, prci ceists caes. A peneting a scalpel.l 我的大脑如发电机同样强大,像化学家的平同样精确,像手术刀同样锋利。l T besweptp in evryne crze hatoes alo, o surrene youe t idiocy jus bcaus rbodyei dong -ts ,t

44、o me , is heace dindlssess.被卷入每一股新来的潮流之中,由于其她人都是这样做,自己也进去傻干-这对于我而言,简直就是愚蠢至极。l etmeemphasiz that my desi for his youngomanwas not otional in naue.我强调一下我渴望得到这个妙龄少女不是情感的驱动使然。l It i, ate, easier to ake a beauful dmbirl mar tan omake a ugy sar gilbeautiful.毕竟,与使这个丑陋而聪颖的女孩变美丽相比,使一种美丽的愚笨的女孩变得聪颖要容易得多。l He w

45、s a toma,First helodat the coat wtte exrson ofwaift a aker window. Thn h urndawayad si jwelutel她神情不安。先是带着面包店橱窗旁边的流浪儿的那种神情盯着大衣。然后转过头,坚定地咬紧牙关。l Mab soewhere is theextincrter of her mind, a e emer stlsmleed.说不定她头脑中死火山口某处尚有闷燃的余烬。l fterall, surgeon have X-ray to ie tem drig an opaton, lwyers ha res, o gi

46、dthmuring trial,aretes hvebluint to guidehem when tyarebuidig a house.毕竟,外科医生在做手术时有X 光线作为指引,律师在审判时有辩护状作为指引,木匠在建造房子的时候有蓝图作为指引。l If Maame Cure had o hapeed toleave a photogaphc plate inadraw it chunk ofph bled,he wortoday wonot k aot radium如果居里夫人没有把一张相片底片放在装有沥青铀矿的抽屉了,今天的世人就不会懂得镭了。l Sudny, a glimr o itellince -thefirst ad seen- cameiohr eyes.忽然,一道智慧的灵光-第一次看见-在她的眼中闪现。l eartne th knowled that Polly was not atgthe cretin,Ibegin ln, patint review of lI had todhe. 懂得波利并不完全是个白痴,我感到很振奋,于是我开始把给她讲过的一切时间、耐心地复习了一遍。

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