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1、 高二英语学业水平测试重点句子Mode1 it 14. 我熬到1点半故意不睡觉,为的是独自好好看看月亮。(sty wke,on urpoe, in oreo). I sayd aak onpurse unlhalfpastelven in order toavagood lokt the oon ymyelf5 在朋友的协助下,我最后完毕了这项工作。(ith he elo). Finally,I as abe t finishthe rkwth tehep of my fried. 这是她第一次用电子邮件与笔友交流。(he first ime,cunicatewith)7. This is t

2、hfirt ime hehasusee-ml o communiate h hispen a9.网络使人们虽然身处世界的不同角落也完全也许面对面地交流。(fa face;ev if;ntirely)9. hakst th Intent, it is now eirel possiblforeople o cunicaeface to ace, eenity ae ifre arsofthe orld. Modul Unit7. 虽然这工作要花掉我六个星期的时间,我仍决心要完毕这份工作。(vn if,etemin ) Ev if it taks e sixweks, I a deternedto

3、 fins e job.9 全体同窗都要准时参与明天举办的会议。(rquest).All te sudet are requestd to atendtemeetingo be hed omrrow n ime1. 你应当好好运用机会练习英语。(makeue of )1 Yo ougt t makegood use o any pportnitto practiEngsh.dule 1 Uit 32花了一周时间才把衣物和药物送达灾区。(ansport) 2. It tok n ktransprt clohes anmedici tohe dsaser-it aea.7. 她坚持要自己把这次旅游

4、安排得尽善尽美。(insis )7. She nistd tat she(shud)orgaze t trip roerModule Unt41. 仿佛她的事业就将近结束了。(It seems/ emd that, atan e)1. It eems thahs caee is atan end. 百分之六十的旅客宁愿住在窗朝南的房间。(用定语从句)2 Sixty percent of e traveles prefr t li n heroms whose windosfacsouth.4. 在村外往东有一幢蓝顶的白房子。(toh eas, wih )4. Onthe tsid of e v

5、ilage hee is a smal wtehouse with alu ro.Mdule 1 Unt 51. 某些人破门设法从失火的房子里逃了出来。(ece fom; by dng sth)1.Soepeo managed o scpe ro h buning bildingy breakigdon the doors.只在那时,她才意识到她错了。(On te)7. nten did he reaiz tt hwwron.8. 当你遇到困难时,不要失去信心。(lse heart)8.Don loe hear whn yu ome cross dificuly.Modu 2 nit 1. 除

6、非我们净化我们的环境,否则人类也许将无法生存。(lea p, urvive)1.es we clean up or evirnn,huma bigs ma tsurvive.她已决定去巴黎度假,而不去伦敦。( raher hn )3. e has decdd tgo to as fo his olidyrat ha Lod 6. 她那么粗鲁地和老板说话,难怪会被解雇。 ( ondr )6.He tked so rudey o is boss.Nowonder e was fired.Modul 2 Unt 21. 当午餐的铃声敲响的时候, 学生们一种接一种走出教室。(on after nher

7、)1. When te bell rag fo lch, th sudents ae out of clasrom ne aer anther.2. 经理不在时, 她负责这个商店. (in are of)2He alet inhre oeshpwile theanager was away. 6. 不仅你并且你的妻子对我很和谐。(ot onbt also)6. Nt ony our ife u o yoae frinly o me9.乘客不容许在候车室吸烟。(alw sb to do)9. Pasenger ae o alwed tomke in te waitingro10.她是个教师,我也

8、是。(so )0.Shi a ecer,soam I. odle2 Uni 33. 随着社会和经济的发展,不可避免地会有新问题产生。(aris)3. New probemswi invitaly aris asorsocit and eonomy devlop6昨晚我花了三个小时才做完我的家庭作业。(I tkes 时间 befoe) It took me3 ors last nightbefeI finishedmy howork.9她既是个很有天赋的音乐家也是个照相师。(as wllas)9. She is aaent musiian awelas aphooraphe.10.电脑的发明被觉

9、得是一种伟大的科技的突破。(consde, reahrough)0. The nvenionofcoputer s csidered obe a get echlogical reakthrough.Mdle2Uit 4 由于人类的过度猎捕,许多动物都已经灭绝了。( ieout,)1. Because f ver-hnin byhmanbeng, ma aials he diedo.3.开车的时候,你应当注意路标。( ay ttentonto; road igs) While divin, you ould pay ttetinto th ro sign.4. 香烟具有诸多影响健康的化学成分,

10、这是众所周知的事实。(contain; chemcls; afet)4It is a well now fathatcigaretes conainmnychemials hat wil ffc yurhealth.7 诸多工人面临失业的危险。(in aner of) anyoers r i daner of sing tr job9.如果你能在周五晚上照顾一下孩子们,我将非常感谢。(appreciae)9. would pecite it u cold tke care ofthekdonFiaynigModle 2 Unit 54. 我很独立,不喜欢依赖别人来获得协助。(be indpne

11、t; ly on )4 Ia epdnt nd dont likeo rly on oer fr hel.5. 在我还没来得及熟悉这个乐队的音乐之前,她们就解散了。( ae the hance t; gefamlia with; brakup;)5 BoreI had the cance t get fmla with teir mic, thebad broke up.Mdul 3 Uit 1. 这间医院是为了纪念孙中山先生而建的。 (i memor f). The hospital was ut in mry f Dr un Yaten.5. 她日夜怀念家乡,因此这首歌常让她想起家乡。(r

12、emn of).mse his hometonyand nih, so this sngalwaysmndhim of hi homnModule 3t 6她谋求良好生活的能力受到了她缺少教育的限制。(ern oo livin,be imtd y; lack o) 6. Hs abiliyt er a golving is liited by hs lackf education.M3 Unit 33. 我们应当如何解决这些废报纸?(owth)3. htsall we dwithte ase paer?4 如果天气容许的话,我们将在树林里野餐。(peri)4. Weive apnic i wo

13、ds, ether permittg/ifthe weathe permits 我决定还是求稳不要冒险。(ake a cace;rath than)7. eded oy it safe rater than tk a chaede 3 nit 42.是什么事使她不能参与我们的会议仍然是个谜。(preventfo)2. Wht rentd himfro aendng r meetin still rmains mytey3. 昨天晚会的氛围非常欢快,每一种人都度过了美好的时光。(amospher; oful). Th tmosphere at the paty yesterdaywas very

14、ful and everone had a grt ime. 当她意识到她可以及时达到赶上飞机时,她终于振奋起来。(tie; cer up)4. He final cered upwnhe alize he ould arivin tieto catthe lan6. 我常常感到疑惑,为什么有些家长容许自己的孩子观看暴力影片。(wond; allow). I oftn wondrwhy me aetllow hei hlent wath violntmoves.Modle 3 Uit51. 外面的噪音不断, 我无法安下心来学习。(settledown)1.Wth so much noise o

15、utie, culdn settle owntosty.想到能看到明星,她们很兴奋。(tthoht th, cac sight o)5. e thouhthat they ould cach ghofe tar as exciting.站在塔顶上,我仍能看到远处的山( in e istance)6. tning athe opofhe wer, ould se themountansin the dstac Modle 4 Un15. 教师的话促使我比此前更努力工作。(inspire). My taersword ipiee to ork harder than ee efor.Mde 4 n

16、 1. 多亏了每一种人的辛勤努力,表演获得了巨大的成功。(thnks to)1. Thansto veryones ard wor, the pefrmance was grt succes.3. 我宁愿为抱负奋斗,不乐意放弃而她后来悔。(uldratherhan;trugge fr)3.Iwoul rath strugle formy drea than give it upand rgretile in m life6. 在经历了近年的奋斗之后,她们建立起了自己的公司并变得富有。6Aftr any yersf strugle, theyere abletobuld upthe busies

17、 ad bcme ric.Module Unit 31 过去她们很贫困,主线谈不上度假。( ooto, bay o ). In he past, t wee to badlff ffrda holiy.2 在教师的协助下,我终于克服了困难。(overcme)2 I abl o ovecm th prblem wthh elo my teachr.6 我觉得很奇怪她如此少睡眠却可以如此努力工作。(fin it (形式宾语) ad. tht引导的宾语从句,h)6. Ifind t stra hat he able to work o hard with so little leodle4 nit

18、41.如果有必要, 我们可以更改旅行日期.(省略句)1.f(i i)ncesar, an e the asf r tri.Modu nt 54. 美国的报纸除了要提供信息,还试图娱乐大众.(a wel ).ercan wsppers tyto entertain aswel as giv nformaon.Module 5 it 11.看起来某些自然灾害应归咎于全球变暖。(s; be toblamefor)1. I seemht global wamg culd to lamer sme natural disasters.2. 专家提出的筹划得到了政府的承认。(ut frrd)2 The p

19、jct put frd by expers hs n cceptd b th gvernmnt.5. 除了作为一种有趣并且有益的运动外,游泳还是一项很有用的技能。(partfrom)5Apt robing fun adgodexecise, immings ls a veyusu skil.dule it3 为了图以便, 我把参照书放在书桌附近。(for conenienc). I keep m eference bok neam desk conveniene.Modue5 Uit1. 我为占用了教师那么多时间而向她道歉。(ake up)1I apooizedto teachr or tak

20、in somuch ofertime.3. 我们应当乐观向上,永远对生活保持一种积极的态度。(be oii) Wshoud be otmistic and alas ep a potv atite twards l.Moule5 Ut41.只有当你经历了真正的磨难后, 你才懂得幸福的可贵。(only i) 1.Only f you eperince ral ardshipwill you ebt valu ppinss.Modul5 Unt52. 为了制止火灾蔓延,你应当中断电源。 (cutoff; preven frm)2. ou shuld u of te eectricit supply

21、 t preent th fire fro preadingDesiptino rson:4. 人们热爱并怀念这位伟大的演员,由于她鼓舞人们并增强她们的信心。(e+ ovedresetd s + who 引导的定语从句) e s loved andremembred as agreatowhcold insir pope wthi incedile cofideDscrit of jrny:2.这是我第一次出国旅行,真是大开眼界。(tis the firtime that )2 It washefist tim hatI hatraveed abad ad t realy boaden orz

22、os.最让我感爱好的是礼物店,那里售卖多种纪念品。(Wa 引导的主语从句及where引导. What nterestedme mosts te gft sho, whee llkinds souvenirs wreold.5.我们在本地餐馆享有老式的法国美食,以此结束一天的行程。(finihsth.by dong )的非限制定语从句)5.We fiishedt ds jurnbyenjoyig traitnalrnch od in a local rstaurantWildlie proetion: 政府必须立即采用强力措施保护濒临灭绝的野生动物。(ake eases, ennr)1. The vernmt ould e mmeiate andstrongasres to protectendangered wildlie.Healhy atin:5. 人们觉得饭后散步有助消化。(digest) 5. I isbelieve tatakin lk afe meal els peple diesthe food

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