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1、环球时代英语专业考研翻译题(一)1. Tnslat the passag inines (5 onts)In the cour of a Decembetourinorkshire, I odefor along stan oe of th blic coace on the day eedin histms. The cohacrowded, boh inside andout,wth pasngr who, y teir talk, semed priial ond t the manions o reli o friendo ea teChrtmas diner. It was oed

2、lso wih hmers of ame,and basetsan boe odeicacies, n aes hng dangling teir long ers abt the coachmans bx, presntsfrom ditan riend fr th mpendin fast.I hadthree ie osy-cheked scoboys o my fellpasengers inide, ful othe buxm halh anmanlspi whh I hvobsevd in the cildrn of this out They er rturnghme te ho

3、lidasn hgh gee, d romisig temselves world enjoyet.It was deligtflto hear thegganticplasof teittlergue, nd th mpractial feats thy er o peforing their six weekemanciatin frm heaborrdthradm of boo, birc,and pedgogue. They wereull o anticipatonof the meeing with the miy and househo,down to t very catand

4、 do, d of te oy hy were to gv heir little ists b he prestswithich heir otserecrammed;but th eig owich the seemed t ok forwar with hegretes paiene s th Bntam, whic funo be pony, nd, aco thei tak, psseseof moe virtues th ny eed ince ea of Bucephaus.w he col tro!owhe coud run! n thnsch eap as he wol ta

5、e!hre was not edge n th wole coythat e cold nt clear. Teywere under he paticular uardiasipo hecoachan,t who, henever a ptunity prne, he adressed a htof uetios, nd prononcd hm oof th bes felos in e wrlndeed, I ouldnot but otce the mre tan ordinary aro buslaniportanc of the coacn, ho wre hi hat a litl

6、o nesidanad lrge buh f Chritgrens stuckinth btohoeofhis cat. He is alwaysa ersonge ul of igtyare andbusness, u he is partuly so ur his eason, havigomanyommisions to eecut in cosequenef th great incag of prsetsPhasit miht be owng o the pleaigserenitytat reied in m own mindtht I fnied swcheeflne in ev

7、erycoutenace trhou tejourny. A stage-coach, hevr, cars anmtonalwysith t,an puts t ordinmoton as it hirls aln Th horn, oundd at th entancof te vilae, prodes ageral ustle Some hastenfhto meet fieds; some wit bunlendbdboxto ece plas ad i he hrryf the mment anhrytakeleae hgropthat acomanies them n the m

8、etm the coahmn has a world ofmall commssions o excuSoetmes elive a hareor pheasan;smetimerks small parcel ornewpaperto te o of publchose; nsomees, nowingeeran wors of slympt, nd to soehlf-shi, half-lughing housemaid an od-shaped bill-duxfrom somerustic admirer.Asthe coach rttstougte villge, everone

9、rn tthewido, and yo have glnces on evey sid of fesh couy facesandblooing giglng grls At th crners are ssemble juntos of villa ilers andwise en,who ake teir ations theor the imrtan purpse of seing company pa; the sagest knot isgeerallya the blasmiths, o whomthpaingoftheois an ventfriful o uchpeculatn

10、.2. Tnslt hepssage it nlish (50 poits)红海上的一幕 太阳做完了竟日普照的事业,在万物送别她的时候,她还显出十分的壮丽。她披上红袍,光耀万丈,云霞布阵,换起与主将一色的制服,听候号令。尽天所覆的大圆镜上,鼓起微波,远近同一节奏的轻舞,以歌颂她的功德,以惋惜她的拜别。景物忽然变动了,云霞移转,歌舞紧急,我战战兢兢的凝视,看宇宙间将有何种变化;太阳骤然躲入一块紫云背面了。海面失色,立即转为幽暗,彩云惊惧,屏足不敢喘息。金线万条,透射云际,使人领受最后的恩惠,然而她又出来了。她之藏匿是欲缓和人们在她去后的相思的。 我俯首看自己,见是照得浑身光彩。正在欣幸而羞愧,回

11、头看见我的背影。从船上投射海中,眼光跟了她过去,在无尽远处,窥见紫帏后的圆月,岂敢信她是我的影迎来的! 天生丽质,羞见人世,她启幕轻步而上;四顾静寂,不禁迟回。海如青绒的地毯,依微风的韵调而抑扬吟咏。薄霭是紫绢的背景,烘托皎月,愈显丰姿。青云侍侧,桃花覆顶,在这时候,她预备她灵感一切的事业了。我徐徐的仰头上去,看红云渐淡而渐青,通过天中,沿弧线而下,青天渐淡而渐红,太阳就在这红云的中间。月与日正在船的左右,而我们是向正南进行一海行九天以来,至目前始辨方向。 我很勇壮,由于我饱餐一切色彩;我很苏醒,由于我畅饮一切光辉。我为我的朋友们喜悦:她们所属望的我在这富有壮丽与优秀的大宇宙中了!水面上的一点

12、日影渐与太阳的圆球相接而相合,迎之而去了,太阳不想留恋,谁也不能挽留;空虚的舞台上惟留光明的小云,在可羡的布景前闪烁,听满场的鼓掌。 月亮是何等的圆润啊,远胜珠玉,她已高升,并且已远比初出时明亮了。她照临我,投射我的影子到无尽远处,追上太阳。月光是太阳的返照,然而她自有风格,绝不与太阳同德性。凉风通过她的旁边,裙钗摇曳,而她的目光愈是清澈了。她柔抚万物,以灵魂分给她们,使各各自然的懂得填入诗句,合奏她新成的曲调。此时惟有皎洁,惟有凉爽,从气中,从水上,缥缈宇内。这是安慰,这是休息。这样的直到太阳再来时,再开始人们的工作。答案解析1 .Translte thepsage nto hinese (




16、面容红润的女孩子们咯咯笑着从车窗往里看。街外汇集着一群闲来无事和消息灵通的村民,她们到那里的重要目的,就是看马车拉着人们通过;但是最有经验的一群人则汇集在铁匠铺,马车的路过是她们仔细推测过的事情。【要点指津】1.It wasloaded asowih hamers of am, and baks and oxes ofdeliaies, nd hares hug dngling ei long er about te coahmsbx, prsent om distan friends o the iending feast. “马车上尚有装着野味的大篮子;盛着佳肴的筐子和盒子;马车夫的驾驶座

17、旁边挂着的野兔耷拉着长长的耳朵;都是远方朋友为即将来临的盛宴送的礼物。” 由于英汉两种语言之间的差别,翻译很难做到也不应当追求字、词、句的相应。因此,翻译过程中,常有变通和必要的转换。此句原文中s oadewith背面是三个名词短语 mpers ge,basts and boeof eliacs和hares hungdnglingteir ear。译文在语态上做了变通,并将分词构造aes ung ngingher lon as abot the acans bo单独译成一种小句,在同位语presen前加上“都是”二字,使译文语义更加明确,符合汉语的体现习惯。2.Tey were eturng

18、me for thholiday in hih gl, and promisingthemsels a wrd f njoyme “她们正高快乐兴地回家度假,期待着无尽的欢乐。” 这里,原文中的介词短语o t holiay和n high glee转换成汉语的“度假”和“高快乐兴地”。promsngthmselesworld o enjmen译为“期待着无限的欢乐”。It as delighful t ar th igaiplansof the littegues, and h impratbefeats tey ere to perfm durng eir s weeks emncipio f

19、romth horred thrald f bk, rch,d peagogu. “这些小家伙们谈论着在六周的假期里,从讨厌的课本、桦鞭和教师的束缚下解放出来,要实行宏大的筹划并完毕不切实际的业绩。听到这些,真是让人心情快乐。” 英语一般是先概括后分解、先统论后论述,而汉语往往相反。这里,将做实际主语的不定式构造提前,单独译成主谓构造的句子,将定语six ees译成状语“在六周的假期里”,emancipation转换成动词“解放出来”,并将I ws ightfl t hear放在句末,翻译成“听到这些,真是让人心情快乐。”使语义重心落在句子后半部,符合汉语的行文习惯。4.They were u

20、llfantipaiosothemeeng wih thfail ad oushold, wtohe very ctad dog, o th joy the wr t give theirlttl ter y the prens i wichtheir pcets wee crame; bu th meetn t w tysee to lok frwrih the atesiptinceas with antam, which I foud to bapny, ad, acoding ttei tak,posesd f morevrtes thanany see since the das o

21、fBucephls.“她们期待与父母、家人,乃至小猫小狗会面;期待看见自己塞满口袋的礼物给小妹妹们带来的喜悦;但是,她们最迫不及待要见的是班塔姆,我发现本来是一匹矮脚马,据她们说,这匹小马比亚历山大大帝的战马布塞弗勒斯以来的任何骏马长处都多。” 这里将er fu of antcipatosof 译为“期待”,将定语从句wtwhichtherkets wer crmmd译成“塞满口袋的”,将名词meet转换为动词“见”,将o hch引导的定语从句译为“她们似乎最迫不及待要”,将hih引导的非限制性定语从句译成一种独立的主谓宾句,并采用了音译、注释、增补传译Bupaus这一专有名词,使译文上下连贯

22、、衔接自然、层次清晰。5h horn, sounde at th entrace o the vilage, proucesa geneal sle. “马车到了村口,喇叭一响,全村就热闹了。” 这句译文用通俗的汉语体现方式,融会了原文的意思和语调,表层形式虽有变化,所体现内容与原文类似。.Sometims heelivers a hare or heaan; sometimesers asmalcel orewspaper to th dooro public hose; doeims,ihknowig leer an rds of sly import, hnds tosomhal-blu

23、ing, half-aughnusemaid n od-saed blet-d fro me rstc admire “有时她去送一只兔子或野鸡;有时往酒馆门口扔去一种小包或一卷报纸;有时会意地斜睨着半羞半笑的女仆,故作诡秘,说事情重要,然后递给她一封某村的崇拜者写来的样子奇怪的情书。” 按照原文的时间和逻辑顺序,将介词短语充当的随着状况状语wih knon ler adwrds of sl imor分开译为“会意地斜睨着”和“故作诡秘,说事情重要”,将soe half-blushin, half-lugh housemaid译为“半羞半笑的女仆”,插入其中,并增补了“然后”一词,使句子逻辑清

24、晰,行文自然。7As th coachrtls through thevillage, eve o run to the windo, andyo have glances on evryide f feh contry ces nd blominggiggligrs. “马车咕隆咕隆穿过村子时,人们就都跑上来,你会发现布满活力的乡下人和面容红润的女孩子们咯咯笑着从车窗往里看。” 原文中的u hav lances o evr ide指的是马车上的乘客透过车窗看到马车两侧的人们。这里将theindws和you h gans on ery side合译为“你会发现从车窗往里看”,将rsctry f

25、csand blooming gggggirls传译为“布满活力的乡下人和面容红润的女孩子们咯咯笑着”,较为形象。2 Taate hepssage into nglis (0 oint)【参照译文】 Specacle ovethe ReSea ingompsd t of a as sineupon thnire, the u stil lok vry pndid hen all th visible fond lving cetue uponthel re seig him off. The su, essdn thd obe, emittddin n alldireins, and rosy

26、 cluds, fatingna in ara, cnged o e aefor wih the comndig generl, redy fr an oder Overthe mrr o heven dn fom the erge of th horion t te enithheght, a v tretco rilesweredncing racely t thsaerhthincetng hisbeecenc oteuniverse damentin his dparure. f a sudden, teheavnly cene wr ang on a dfferen look, fr

27、the coud moe tr placesnd th tmpoofth songandneuckene I wondered wtfiedees and aesoe feligs hat haneshocur in te univere The su dartd itel behindaprle loud, ad the sae he seapaled oceto gray,and th rosclouds, uch erified, aled andheldthir beath.Mridf brllilih ilerd hrouh the couan ledhe humn wrld wit

28、h he lst flavorfor tht day. The sn eppered ro beindtheclud. He hadhiden himsef fora while inder o prpret umn worldforhis ultmate partureand eas the ntesiy ofissinghm wn ew toaly ot f sight Lwerng y head, I ound myself lothedwih ster.reoiced uspndorabou e a fel asmedof my othewi gloomy e, nd whI tned

29、 roun, I cauht a gims of blue refletns upon the waters Isttioned myself i th i, bt meyes followedth oag refleion untl Ieheld temoonhalf hidden behind the puplertai. fun twondrousati wa my efecton ta usere meto the half-iddn moo. Aborn baut, the moonwas too syto revel herslf t the hunwrld Now she dre

30、w ai hertan nd maeerapperce wit grace gait ane became sitanti itseps o inding eerything aroun s stil and quet. A vastblu flt carpet-like sea, wi th ba of thbreze, rose and fel. Againt thbackroundf the thin purle clous, t moon loked a t oreriht ad gacefl. it te bue loust sides and the peach ouds over

31、head, e moon repreherself o perfor nspirin mirales. I loked ar upwads int te sky edgree d ehelte rd cluds aduall pae hmsels ad chageino te lghtblueoor. Theypassed ges poinin te skand began its decent longth urve. Jstat th moment, he blu sky bece e blue and mrrene, ante sun was fod amidstt redcloud.

32、So te sun nd te oon postioned themeves rspctively o either side o the hip, whic was heading n he staiht herdectio-weremaned dsrinted duing our nine ays voyage util nw. becae filld wih eroic feigs as I fsedmy eesponthewholesectum f colos. I bcme ober a dra to he full the whol range of plo. I flthay f

33、r y riens,r I, or wh thy harbored hig xpctins, foud myselfin h magnificence and the xcelle ofthe unver T emining refecins ofthe sun uponthe waters merd with h bll o the snanddsppeared.Thesun lerrelct t dpt withusan obo could posibl hol h sun bak. The platform was ef ept exep f the rihtlosglmering ag

34、ainst he beatiful bknan epecig te ppaseromth adience. How mellow ad ful the mon wa, fruerir to hsmootear. She rs uch higerand looedbihtr tan whn she firs apeared She sd rlighupo me adcat my shaow int eesrmotnessto pursue the sn. ough he refcted lght of te u, themoohda style o her o. Wih tereezes pas

35、sing he mon, th clufloted, but the oonli ecame all themoreclar.She caressedal he pantsath liing creaturs wih tenderes n illed te wit inpiring sos,s tha h of thm ew ho to come his own natrasong andmade espectiveotibutinso thene harmony.A he mome, therewas nothing bubrihtness ad cofortale oolness, wic

36、h mitted from te air and the water nd eree theuivese his ateremaned nchaneduntil the un oin the stn everyboy wuld sett ork father a.【要点指津】1红海上的一幕 “ Spetacleove the Red Sea”。 “一幕”即一幕景象,一景,可以译为sight,但在文章中读到“披上红袍,光耀万丈”的太阳,“青云侍侧,桃花覆顶”的姣月,这是一幅“富有壮丽与优秀的大宇宙”美景时,我们感到选用specal一词应当比sigt更切合伙者的意思。2.太阳做完了竟日普照的事业,

37、在万物送别她的时候,她还显出十分的壮丽。 “Haing accomplishe tas of a dayshie unthe uivers, the n tillloked vypedid when a te viblfor nd lvngcees upon the gbe were seeing himo.” 第一,“事业”不适宜译在成areer,由于care是毕生所从事的工作,而非一天的工作;“万物”,宇宙间的一切事物,可以泛泛地译成ll thigsinnirse,但也许不如llthe visiblfmsnd livingcreature uonthe glb来得具体、形象,给人以美感。第

38、二,“太阳”和“月亮”在这里都被拟人化了,太阳为“阳”,月亮为“阴”,只是当时的白话文“她”、“她”不分,译文按目前的习惯分别译为he与se。. 她披上红袍,光耀万丈,云霞布阵,换起与主将一色的制服,听候号令。“he, dressd in terd obe, emtted diance in ll directins, and rsyclouds,floating near in arra, caneinto the saeunifor with ecommandin enal, afor a orde.” 第一, 原文作者把“云霞”比作士兵,把“太阳”比作主将,“云霞布阵”,全是由于太阳的缘

39、故。译文flotg near i ray保存了这一比方;第二,译文句子中涉及了两个完整句子,若作比较,这两个句子之间的基本构造是“平行构造”(parallel scture):主语(te sun和ros clouds)加上分词短语(过去分词短语dresed n thered uds和目前分词短语loatig ear in array)再加上动词及其她成分(eitted radinc n all drctions和changed ito te sae nifrm ith thecommaning gneral)。最后,第二句末尚有一种形容词短语reay or a rder。这种运用英语中的修辞手

40、段来解决文章布局、句子的构造以及词语的选择,对于翻译优美的散文大有益处。4 尽天所覆的大圆镜上“Oert mirrr of heaven owfrm te ver oft hriz t tenithhigt”。 本句的译文是受了雪莱西风颂的启发。西风颂中曾说 “Of some ierce aenad,venfrom thei vrge of th horizont the zeiths ight, Th osof the aproahing m.”这里,horizn(地平线)是天空的最低点,zenit(天顶)是天空的最高点。因此,from th verge of thhoio o he zen

41、itheigt就是整个天空,原文中的“尽天”一词的含义碰巧与这个意思完全吻合。5.景物忽然变动了,云霞移转,歌舞紧急,我战战兢兢的凝视,看宇宙间将有何种变化; “f a dn, h heavensneswee takngna iferen lok, fote cloudmvedteir plces nthe epo ofthe oand daceuiceed I wonderedwh fixeeyes ad awesome eeings wat change mig occu in t nivers.” 第一,emo 一词是根据上下文增添的;第二,译文与原文有些差别,但意思未失,也许比直译要凝

42、练些。原文有“凝视”和“看”两个谓语动词,译文予以分别解决,“凝视”译成介词短语wih fxd eye,“看”则保存为谓语动词,只是稍作变通,译为wonded;第三, “战战兢兢的”仍解决成状语wth asoe feens6.太阳骤然躲入一块紫云背面了。海面失色,立即转为幽暗,彩云惊惧,屏足不敢喘息。“The sun dartd itlfhind a pure oud, and the surace of the seaaled t oncetoa gray,and te rosy lou, mch terriied, haled ad eldhir brea.” 第一,“骤然躲入”译为rt比

43、直译hidesudnly精练;第二,“失色”和“惊惧”都是拟人手法,“海面失色,立即转为幽暗”译为the urface of th saaled a once toaga,而“屏足不敢喘息”译为htedandheld heir breath,运用了修辞头韵。.金线万条,透射云际,使人领受最后的恩惠,然而她又出来了。她之藏匿是欲缓和人们在她去后的相思的。“Mrds of billia lihts ilteredog te coudand blessd the huma rl ith the lastflvor f tat d. T su appard om bein h cloud. He ha

44、hiddenhimsef f a wie i dertopreparthe human orld fr his timae eparue nd ease the intsityof issing him henh wastot ut ofight.” 第一,原文是两个句子,译文是三个句子,长短句的交错使用,给读者一种节奏感,避免了单调的感觉;第二,这里译者根据上下文在“藏匿”前加了“半晌的”( a hile);第三,prpaeth huma orl orhs utia datre是添加的,为了使译文意思更加明了,衔接得更好。.我俯首看自己,见是照得浑身光彩。正在欣幸而羞愧,回头看见我的背影。“

45、Lowring y ead, I ondmyself clthd with lutr. rjicd atuch spledor abo an felt aa of mherwis gomy isef, and he I redrund, Icugt a mse o m blu relections upo the atrs” 第一,“照得浑身光彩”:沐浴在阳光中,一般译为bathed in te godn ys,但这里译作cltd th lur,更富有诗意;第二,“欣幸而羞愧”,在翻译时补充了原文潜在的意思,即欣幸为什么,羞愧又为哪般。第三,“背影”在这里是我在水中的倒影,故译作bue ref

46、cios。9海如青绒的地毯,依微风的韵调而抑扬吟咏。薄霭是紫绢的背景,烘托皎月,愈显丰姿。青云侍侧,桃花覆顶,在这时候,她预备她灵感一切的事业了。 “A vst blufelt caret-ike sea, with te be of the breezes, read fe. Aginstthe bcrndof hethin uplecouds,h on looedall thmre bight d grefulWithhe be clds atsies and the pchclds overad, the moonpreprdhesf to rformipiringmiacles” 第一

47、,“依微风的韵调而抑扬吟咏”意为按照微风的节奏上下起伏,译成 rie ad alwit thebeatofte rez;第二,“薄霭是紫绢的背景”意思是稀薄的云彩像是紫绢做成的背景,译成gains the bckound ofthe thin prple oud;第三,“桃花覆顶”意为桃花色的云儿在月亮的头上,可以译成thepach clouds oeea。这里细腻的光与影的变化只有画家的慧眼才干看出。第四,“灵感一切的事业了”这里指启迪万物的奇迹,译为inspirin mracles。10.海行九天以来,至目前始辨方向。“we raineddisorentedduring our ni dy

48、voyag unt now” “至目前始辨方向”,这里采用反译法,要比直译更紧凑。11.我很勇壮,由于我饱餐一切色彩;我很苏醒,由于我畅饮一切光辉。“Ibcame filled with hric feins sdmy ees uon te le sectrum o olors. I beame sbe as I dank to e full he hoerage pledr” 第一,原文构造是“我很,由于;我很,由于”,非常对称,译文也采用对称的构造“Iama I ; becam as I”,并且,将“一切色彩”和“一切光辉”,分别译成 th hoe spectrum fclors和th w

49、holerang f slndor,显得非常工整;第二,“饱餐”即饱览,但“餐”这个字让人联想到吃,用east是再合适但是了,由于feastones ees o soething就是饱眼福的意思;“一切色彩”译作the wholespetum o cos也很新颖,妙就妙在pcrum这个词有“光谱”和“范畴”两层意思,译文都顾及了;第三,“畅饮一切光辉”译作“drank ote full he holrag ofspldo”和上文形成对称。3.她照临我,投射我的影子到无尽远处,追上太阳。“Se shed he ight un ad t y shdw intendls remotess o purue tsn.” “无尽远处”译为endss rotess,比te arhes ed更凝练,更有余味。

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