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1、学员研修学习案例(要素) 河南 省济源市太行路学校 姓名:李备战填表日期: 4月23日1.案例题目:What can you do? 研讨2.主题背景(情境描述、人物、问题发生的原因等)语篇教学如何教现在是研究的热点问题,如何整体呈现语篇,如何进行练习,机械操练与意义操练如何设计与把握,拓展活动如何设计,通过这一节课我们将主要探讨这一问题。3、教学过程Step 1:Warming-up1.说歌谣Teacher and the students chant and do Im helpfulSweep, sweep, sweep the floor.Cook, cook, cook the me

2、alsClean, clean, clean the bedroomWater, water, water the flowersEmpty ,empty, empty the trash Do and say, do and say, I can do and sayHelpful, helpful, Im helpful!Yeah!在学生吟诵歌谣的过程中,教师引导学生替换其中的动词词组。设计意图通过说唱歌谣舒缓上课伊始的紧张情绪,调动学生的积极性,使其进入学习状态,同时巩固复习本课需要用到的动词词组。T: OK, Youre helpful. So I think youre good b

3、oys and good girls.2.自由交谈T says: Im helpful! I can.Students say, then Teacher : Great! Youre helpful.教师说自己会干什么,给学生示范,再让学生仿照说自己会干什么,然后老师评价学生是有用的人。3.听录音做题T: Look, this is Mike, what can he do? Listen, and tick or cross.让学生听录音做题,核对答案后,请学生回答问题。T: what can Mike do?S; He can.T: Is Mike helpful?S: .T: Mike

4、 is a good boy, yes?设计意图听后进行谈论,打破“听题做题对答案”就完事的听力练习三部曲,通过质疑核实学生是否真正理解。T: Are you helpful at home? What can you do ? Is he helpful at home? What can he do? Are the teachers helpful? What can they do? Am I helpful? What can I do? Do you want to know? OK, today Lets talk: What can you do ?设计意图通过使用新句子连续追

5、问,一是让学生感受本课要学习的新语言,二是恰当引入本课要谈论的话题。教师板书课题:What can you do? 然后读一遍。Step2:Presentation 呈现对话内容T:Look, Teacher and Chen Jie come here .They are walking and saying something. What are they talking about? Look,listen and answer the following questions:Is Chen Jie helpful?Yes, No.What can she do?She can.设计意图

6、这个对话文本相对简单,对学生进行在课需要用到的词组进行简单的练习之后,运用CAI整体呈现对话文本,通过听录音、看动画回答问题让学生整体理解对话。Step3: practice1.listen to the tape and repeat.让学生听录音跟读,准确模仿录音的语音、语调和语气。2.chantWhat can you do?Are you helpful at home? Are you helpful at home?Yes, yes,yes. Sure, sure,sure.What can you do? What can you do?I can sweep the floor

7、. I can cook the meals.Great. Great.Great. Youre helpful!T: OK. A good job ! youre helpful and youre good children.设计意图把对话编成歌谣,巩固所学语言,让机械操练变得不再机械和枯燥。3分组练习学生四人一组练习,将卡片放在中间,一生任意抽一张,其余学生问:What can you do? 抽中的学生看卡片回答。4.Role play:分成男、女生两个组,分别扮演Teacher和Chen Jie 两个角色 进行对话让同桌两个分别扮演角色进行对话挑几组进行展示。5.创编对话 给学生提供

8、语言如下语言支架,根据自己的实际情况编对话,编完后,请几组同学进行展示。A: Are you helpful at home?B: sure.A: What can you do?B: I canA: Great! Youre helpful!设计意图1和2两个活动是机械操练,学生熟练后,马上转入3、4和5三个活动进行意义操练,这样的练习设计由易到难,符合学生的认知规律。让学生进行角色扮演和创编对话进行有意义的操练可以提高操练的难度和实效,把句型放在对话中,放在情景中进行进行操练,符合“词不离句,句不离篇”的英语教学理念。Step4: Extension1.Do a surveyT: Boys

9、 and girls ,Can you help your mother and father on weekends? I hope you can be a helpful boy or girl. Now lets make a survey. Ask your friends: what can you do? 老师先给出示范,然后让学生照着做。A: What can you do at home?B: I can HouseworkNameSweep the floorCook the mealsClean the bedroomEmpty the trashWash the win

10、dowsMake some groups give a report.Were helpful at home. Can , can .T: Great! Youre helpful! Youre really good children!设计意图让学生分小组利用所学句型调查在家会做什么事情,然后再变换人称把它转述出来,使学生在运用中巩固所学语言。2. Write and sayT: Boys and girls, next Sunday well have a party. Are you helpful ? What can you do for the party? Would you

11、like to perform at the party? Please complete the following passage.(clean the blackboard , sweep the floor, empty the trash , wash the window , clean the desks and chairs .sing English songs, play the violin, do Chinese Kung fu, sing and dance, chant in English.)让学生完成下边的短文,可选用括号中提供的短语,也可以选用其它学过的短语。

12、完成后挑一些学生进行汇报。Next Sunday well have a party. We are so happy.I will do something for the party, I can , , .I will also perform at the party, I can , , .Im helpful!设计意图这是一个相对开放性的活动,学生除了可以选用所给词汇外,也可选用其它词汇,不仅让学生用到会为聚会做什么事情,也让学生说明自己会什么才艺,能给同学带来什么样的快乐。Step5:Emotional Theme(情感升华)呈现A Little PoemT: Try to be

13、 helpful at home/at school. Here is a little poem , lets share it together.We are good boys and girlsI am a good boy.Im helpful at home. I can sweep the floor. I can water the flowers.I am a good girl.Im helpful too.I can cook the meals. I can clean the bedroom. We are good boys and girls. We are al

14、l helpful at home.T: Everyone of a family should do some housework. Children. Help your parents do housework and try to be good boys and good girls. Come on!设计意图通过用所学新语言编写的小诗,让学生进一步感受英语的语言美,对他们进行热爱劳动的教育,让他们懂得帮助别人不仅能让别人感受到温暖,也能让自己感受到帮助别人的快乐。4问题探究及收获整体呈现语篇可以通过多种手段,用课件,图片,情景描述,听录音等,意义操练必须有信息差存在,拓展运用必须基于文本但得高于文本,要有新的东西在里边。5评析与反思(如有需要注明参考文献、网络资源)。通过具体课例使我们对语篇教学有了进一步的认识,以后我们还会开展类似的活动,使我们能熟练地驾驭语篇教学。6. 其它附件

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