英语口语文档 (2)

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《英语口语文档 (2)》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《英语口语文档 (2)(11页珍藏版)》请在装配图网上搜索。

1、圣诞节前的道别A:Im really glad I got a chance to talk to you before you left, Mary. Have a safe trip! 真高兴在你走前能有机会和你谈谈,玛丽。祝你一路平安。录音中B:Thanks. Try not to work too hard while Im away! 谢谢。我不在时,你工作可不要太玩命。 录音中A:Yeah, Ill try not to! See you after Christmas. 好,我试试吧!圣诞节后见。 录音中B:Okay-bye! Have a nice Christmas. 好啊,

2、再见!圣诞快乐。 你需要我送你吗?A:Im afraid I have to run along. 恐怕我得走了。 录音中B:Do you need a ride? 你需要我送你吗? 录音中A:Well, if thats not much trouble. 嗯,如果不是很麻烦的话。 录音中B:Not at all. Come on. 完全不麻烦,来吧 道谢并告别A:Hello. May I speak to Mr. Green? 你好。请找格林先生接电话,好吗? 录音中B:Yes, speaking. 我就是,请讲。 录音中A:How do you do, Mr. Geen? This is

3、 Kathy. lm calling to thank you for the wonderful dinner we had yesterday. I enjoyed it very much. 格林先生,你好。我是凯茜。我打电话向你致谢,谢谢昨天晚上你为我提供的丰盛的晚餐。我非常喜欢。 录音中B:Youre welcome. Id like you to join us for dinner again sometime. 不用客气。我希望有时间你能再同我们共进晚餐。 录音中A:Thank you, Mr. Green. lm returning to China today. 谢谢你,格

4、林先生。今天我要返回中国了。 录音中B:Today? 今天? 录音中A:Yes. I appreciate all help and in particular, all the time that youve spent on my account during my stay here. 对。我感谢你给我提供的所有的帮助,特别是在我留在这儿期间你为我所花费的一切。录音中B:Dont mention it. I was very pleased to help you, 不用客气。我很高兴能对你有所帮助。 录音中A:If theres anything that I can help you

5、 with in the future, please let me know, 如果将来有什么能帮得上忙的,请告诉 我一声。 录音中B:Ill do that. Thank you. Have a safe trip home. 我会的。谢谢你。祝你一路平安。 告别A:Thanks for the advice, Mr. Macmillan. Ill keep it in mind. I had better head off though. Im meeting my husband for dinner. 谢谢你的建议,麦克米伦先生。我会记住的。不过我得赶紧走了。我约了我先生吃晚饭。 录

6、音中B:Sure, Im heading out myself. Enjoy your evening. 好,我也得走了。祝你们晚上过得愉快。 录音中A:Thanks, sir. You too. Drive safely, I hear theres a lot ice on the roads. 谢谢。希望您也愉快。开车小心点儿,听说路上结了很多冰。 录音中B:Thanks for the warning! See you tomorrow! 谢谢你的提醒!明天见! 只是去过个夜罢了A:Mom, bye! 妈妈,再见! 录音中B:Wait a second. Where exactly a

7、re you going? 等一下。你到底要去哪儿? 录音中A:Tims home. 提姆家。 录音中B:Are his parents at home? 他父母在家吗? 录音中A:Yes, they are. 是的,在。 录音中B:Okay, do you know their home phone number? 好的,你知道他们家的电话号码吗? 录音中A:Yes, its 298438. Mom, relax. It is just a sleepover. 知道,是298438。妈妈,放松点,只是去过个夜罢了。录音中B:Alright. When you need me, call h

8、ome. 好吧,需要我的时候,打电话回家。 录音中A:Okay, see you tomorrow. 好的,明天见。 录音中B:Take care, you hear! 小心点,听见吗。 我会想你的A:Are you leaving tomorrow night? 你明晚离开? 录音中B:Yeah, Im gonna miss you. 是的,我会想你的。 录音中A:Me too. Take good care of yourself. 我也是,好好照顾你自己。 录音中B:You too. 你也是。 谢谢你陪着我A:Thank you so much for accompanying me h

9、ere these days. 谢谢你这些天在这儿陪着我。 录音中B:My pleasure. 不用客气。 录音中A:Good-bye and be sure to drop me a line if ever youre in London. 再见了,如果你来伦敦千万给我写封短信。 录音中B:Alright. 好的。 为什么不让我送你一程呢?A:Professor, I have one more question. 教授,我还有一个问题。 录音中B:Well, sorry. Im afraid that we shall have to leave it at that. 嗯,抱歉,我恐怕

10、我们只能谈到此为止了。 录音中A:Oh, my bad. Thank you for your time. 哦,我的错。谢谢你的时间。 录音中B:Yeah, someone is waiting for me. And its raining outside. Im already late. 是啊,有人在等我。而且现在外面在下雨,我已经迟到了。 录音中A:Well, if you want, why not let me give you a ride? Its gonna take a long time on foot. 嗯,如果你要的话,为什么不让我送你一程呢?走路会花很长时间的。 录

11、音中B:Thats very nice of you. Thank you. 你真好,谢谢。 录音中A:While we are on the way, can I ask you that one more question? 我们在路上的时候,我能够问你那个问题吗? 录音中B:Sure! 当然可以! 保持联系A:Bye, Mila. Its nice to have a friend like you in this company. 再见了,米拉,在这家公司能够有你这样的朋友我很高兴。 录音中B:Dont say that. We will stay in touch. 别这么说,我们会

12、保持联系的。 录音中A:Yes, we will. 是的,我们会的。 录音中B:Have you started looking for a new job? 你开始找新工作了吗? 录音中A:No. 没有。 录音中B:Have you got any plans? 你有什么打算吗? 录音中A:Not really. 并没有。 录音中B:Well, I will look for job vacancies for you if you want. 嗯,如果你要的话,我会帮你看看有没有空缺职位的。 录音中A:Thank you so much. 太感谢你了。 录音中B:Its the best

13、I can do. 这实在微不足道,不过尽力而已。 电话道别A:Mr. White. lm calling to say goodbye. III be leaving tomorrow. But before I leave, I want to thank you for what youve done for me during my visit here. 怀特先生,我打电话是向你告别的。明天我就要走了。但在我离开之前,我想向你道谢,谢谢你在我参观期间为我所做的一切。 录音中B:lts very kind of you to say that, Tom. We are glad to

14、have you. Now lm sure youre excited to be back home soon. 汤姆,你这么说真是太客气了。我们非常高兴能和你在一起。但你现在一定在非常兴奋地想不久后将回到家中。 录音中A:Oh, yes. 对,是那样。录音中B:When will you leave? 你什么时间离开? 录音中A:The plane will leave at 10:00. 飞机将在10: 00起飞。 录音中B:lII come to see you off at the airport, wont l? 我去机场为你送行。行吗? 录音中A:No, sir, thank y

15、ou. 不用了,先生,谢谢你。 录音中B:OK. Please give our best regards to your wife and children. 好。请代我们向你的太太和孩子致以最亲切的问候。 录音中A:Thanks a lot. And if you ever visit my country, be sure to come and stay with us a few days. 太感谢了。如果你去我们国家观光旅游的话,请一定要到我家,并在我家住上几天。 录音中B:lII do that. Pleasant journey! 我会的。祝你旅途愉快。 录音中A:Thank

16、you. Goodbye. 谢谢你,再见。 录音中B:Goodbye. 再见。 我得到你推荐的职位了A:l got the job you recommended me for last week. 你上周推荐我去应聘的工作,我得到了。 录音中B:Thats great! Congratulations. 太棒了!恭喜你。 录音中A:l really dont know how I can thank you enough. 我真不知道该如何感谢你。 录音中B:Oh, its my pleasure. After all you are very qualified for the posit

17、ion. 噢,没关系。毕竟你十分有资格做这份工作。 录音中A:Thank you very much indeed. You helped me rebuild my self-confidence. 真的十分感谢。你帮我重新建立了自信。 录音中B:Dont mention it. Youve always been good. What do you say we go out to celebrate? 别客气,你一直都很出色。我们出去庆祝一下怎么样? 录音中A:That would be great. 那太好了。 申请兼职工作A:Hello, lm John. l read in the

18、 poster that youre looking for a student to work as a language assistant. 嗨,你好,我叫约翰。我看了你们要找学生作语言助手的海报。 录音中B:Yes, we are. Are you interested in the job? 是的,是我们的。你对这个工作感兴趣吗? 录音中A:l think so. But before I apply, could you tell me more about the work? 是的,我很感兴趣。但在我申请之前,你能否让我了解更多的情况? 录音中B:Have you ever wo

19、rked with tape recorders before? 你以前曾做过磁带录音工作吗? 录音中A:l used cassette recorders a lot when I studied English in junior middle school. 在初中我学习英语时,我用过很多盒式磁带。 录音中B:Good. If you decide to take the job, lII explain how to operate the system. Are you sure? 好。假如你决定干这份工作,我将给你解说怎样操作系统,怎么样? 、 录音中A:How many hour

20、s would I work? 要工作多少小时? 录音中B:Ten hours a week. Monday through Friday from 4 to 6 p.m. And 150 yuan a week. 每周10个小时。星期一至星期五的下午4点到6点。每周150元。 录音中A:OK, III take the job. 好吧,我做这份工作。 录音中B:Fine. Please fill out this application form. 行。请填一下这张申请表。 面试兼职工作A:Sit down, please. Welcome to our hotel. 请坐。欢迎你的到来。

21、录音中B:Thank you very much. 多谢了。 录音中A:First of all, tell me a little bit about yourself. 首先,请介绍一下你自己。 录音中B:My name is Li Qinglei. lm a sophomore. 我的名字叫李庆雷。大学二年级的学生。 录音中A:Why do you want to work here as a part-time? 为何你想在这儿打工? 录音中B:First, l want to get some money to support my study. Second, l can also

22、 practice my spoken English with the foreign tourists. 首先,我想挣点钱来支助我的学习。第二,我也想同外国游客练习一下我的英语口语。 录音中A:Are you sure you can do the job well? 你坚信你能做好这份工作吗? 录音中B:Yes, lm sure I can be a good waiter and offer my best service to people, 是的,我相信我肯定是个好服务员,并且我要提供最优质的服务给顾客。 录音中A:Good, lm impressed. 好,我很感动。 录音中B:

23、Thank you very much for giving me such a chance. 非常感谢你能给我这个机会。 面试-申请大学课程A:Jack Smith, you can come in now. Sorry to keep you waiting. Take a seat. 杰克史密斯,现在你可以进来了。对不起,让你久等了,请坐。 录音中B:Thank you. 谢谢。 录音中A:Tell me something about yourself. 告诉我一些有关你自己的事情吧。 录音中B:lm in my last year of high school, taking th

24、e college prepare. 我在念中学最后的一年,选读大学预修课程。 录音中A:Which is your favorite subject? 你最喜欢哪一科? 录音中B:Economics particularly group discussions and the differences between economic systems. 经济学尤其是小组讨论和不同的经济体制的差别。 录音中A:What would you like to do once youve graduated from college? 大学毕业后,你打算做什么? 录音中B:l think ld lik

25、e to go into management. But lm not sure in what area yet. 我想我会喜欢从事管理工作,但目前还没决定哪一个范围。 录音中A:Okay. We will take a look at your application and let you know by mail if you have been accepted. 好吧,我们会看看你的申请,如果你被录取,就会寄信通知你。 录音中B:Oh, thats great. Thank you. 喔,那好极了。谢谢。 录音中A:Now, if youd like to go outside.

26、I have a student lined up whoII show you around the campus. 现在,如果你想出去看看,我已安排学生带你参观校园。 在麦当劳买快餐A:Welcome to McDonalds. May I take your order? 欢迎来电麦当劳。你想要买什么呢? 录音中B:Ill take the number one. 我要1号套餐。 录音中A:What size would you like? 什么份量的? 录音中B:Medium please. 中份的。 录音中A:Will that be for here or to go? 在这吃还是带走? 录音中B:Here please. 在这吃。 录音中A:The total comes to $4.89. Well have that right out for you. 总共4.89美元,我们马上就会给你。 录音中录音中录音中录音中录音中录音中录音中录音中录音中

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