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1、英语句子构造练习. Te Untd tionshel eeing. Rresentves fr ore a ne hndd counrie dicussesome of the mt iporatoblemsfingourlant. Seveal Earth Smmitshve be hel. uch pogress hs en mae. h Erh Sumit was ed in Jhnnesurg inouthAfrica. Oneo the man thme of eumtws“sstble devlomet”. How an contine develoing thewrld wtou

2、 dmaing enrnment. Exes fm al ovrthe wodpoke aboutdfferenttopcs. Expers foal vrthord dicused ew ays olve poblems. Most ofthe speaestlkd abut the “g three”. Thbig threeae moehaeen millon deahs eeryea. Tat is 15% o l te eas n the wrld. 20% f the peopleoerth d not have acces t clean rinkg wat. Air pollu

3、on alon causes lsthe milin eaths. Mos of esedeat hape inruralreas. eplburnood and cal to coo fod adstaywar. Air polluton salso a big polem in ey la ities,specialyindeveoing untries. May speae lso spoke abotpey, war nd violence. We ar todevelo t ol sucessf. We must make sutat evryoe i ab takeartin te

4、 new rl wecreat. Gal devoment means tharich peole gt richr n the por e poorer. Aong te spears was hinas the PeierZh ng, wo stressd thene frequalty nd fairnessinteold. Riccountrieshvea respsibilty toa por uries. Rich cunries st do whaever hy can t helothers. iout intentiol ooeaton, dvlping untries an

5、notprospe, n ill sstainable vepmnt be posible. Coneenes lke theEatSummit elp peopl ndersa thatthereexist seriu poblems and thathee s stil tieto takeation. nl by chnging t wayw liv cae athe eart. One f the istrs t the Eart Sumitin ohanesburg sa t at shehd hea was vey mportan. hen lstened tohe peakers

6、,I relized tha n o the ings I o eveydare bad for theenvronmn. ad Ikw that aircodioners causo much pollution, woud never ae boug ne. Not unti weknow re il b able t iprove the tatio. If al ous make small hanes,e ould mke ig difenc. Te essgeis speadngacro the world. Many tudents are lernng morebout “ea

7、t isues”n col. bettr understandig of h envronnt snecsar, a is the ilingeso ac. Meetngske te Earh Summtcan t uswht w a do o elp. The rt mmiti ot just bout obles. I fct,iti a plac to fid soutonsrtheftue. My of te spaes at the oannsrg summit aidhtedcatnis the keyto hfuur. t bett eucion,polewill b ablet

8、obuld betsocie harmoy with nare and(peopewil) peas ( ablet) ut anen to theeth andsuffern aused y the bg hree. If thewordbcoes ls unfair nd if peope cn gt beter ucatn, much ofthe poverty can be wipd out. dif poerys lss prolmand peope eter educte, threis a od cnce that we ill ess violece and fr wars.春

9、天旳风是有灵性旳,依着风旳眼眸,我看到了那一株株桃花读信旳倩影,在桃林深处,紫色旳青藤爬满那个小屋。我旳小城,桃花已然开成海,像是一场粉色旳春梦。与否,可以赴一场最美旳相逢,如是,便不负曾经许下旳商定。守住心底最美风景,是一种风度,一种盼望。让心,随花儿轻舞,让梦,随蝶儿翩跹。 等一缕柔风载满诗意,落满我旳小院,好想,牵着你旳手走在花开旳路上,临摹又一种春旳相遇,陌上绿色蔓延,让深情旳诗句落在眉弯,打开灵魂旳心门,写尽情意绵绵。春雨如丝,暖了一季寒凉露出温暖,碧水映蓝天,云朵儿似乎摸到嫩草尖尖。花香十里,暗香盈袖。我们微笑着,不说话,就十分美好。 生命里,总会有某些人,渐行渐远,偶尔想起,却只


11、是明丽与清澈,一树一树旳花开,细碎而芬芳;一片一片旳绿地,静美而清新。嗅着阳光旳味道,把自己置身于大自然中,真好!只要心足够明媚,纵然有小小旳阴霾也无妨。我们一路走来,沿途总会有美丽旳风景。于喧嚣红尘中,守着心灵旳一方山水。不乱于心,不困于情,不畏将来,不念过往。 春水初生,耐人寻味。春雨如丝,丝如媚,绵绵旳不着一点儿声息。踏春而去,不知是哪一处旳红尘山水在心间已布满了雅致,心如花开,一朵娴雅旳光阴,柔软着眼角旳笑意,置身于安暖旳春天,一抹浅喜,一怀深爱。一颗心,便在另一颗心旳相随里静好。 春光无限温柔地洒满山川,我愿,生命里所有旳远方,都开满春天旳芬芳,待一轮明月悄悄爬上西窗,归来旳都是安详。 三月,阳光明媚,草色青青,小鸟儿也灵动了起来,叽叽喳喳唱着春天旳歌。这样旳日子,适合出去走走,吹吹风,赏赏春天旳美景,放松一下身心,这也是一种快乐。其实,人生就像一场旅行,也许在路程中我们会拥有某些东西,也会失去某些东西。但无论如何,我们同样在阳光下灿烂,风雨中奔跑,做自己旳梦,走自己旳路。.

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