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1、Unit 1 Shyne cnayfrom feling idisomort to hihlevel of axiy (从感觉轻微的不适高度的焦急) hatmpact us in most verhing we do.2 Despite histbbness, knew i his heart tateshould avi arusin ny usiions(避免引起任何怀疑). 3It il iereted s cricism n atter wh yu sy.(成批评,无论你说什么). 4Ltsnot low oseves t be uset btrifles (让我们不要为小事情烦心)

2、(whc) w should ignore adorget. 5 Toomuch time spntdel onthe past(花太多的时间老是想着过去)ca get inte ay njoyglas it apens. 6People h eleve thy can accoplish goals n slv problems (相信自己可以完毕目的并解决问题的人) are oelike to do wll in chool. Uni21. hewore adrss with pattrn ofoss (有玫瑰图案)on i.2. Hen hadepared a onderfulea fr

3、us.(为我们准备了一顿丰盛的饭菜)3. An pomid itfl (信誓旦旦地保证)at shewoul nevetell.4. Coulyodeliv hi leter(把这封信送到)th aunts pten?5. We wel ofeda selecti of mlk andlainhocae.(精选的牛奶巧克力和纯巧克力)6. l thecldren to kep ut ofmischf themsee.(别胡闹)7. W cold heare sound o din hndr.(远处打雷的声音)8. Th proet hanowreceiearoval fom he oermen

4、 (得到政府的批准)9. Kely loved h hsband i se othe factthat he d to mh.(虽然她喝酒太多)10. prts see unable to gree wtethe rug is safe r ot (就这个药与否安全获得一致意见)nit 3 .由于紧急状况,这个医生几小时内都没有空ecausof anmrgenc, he doctowllnot b vaiabe for several our.2. 税收将会如何影响低收入的人?ow wll taxesaffectpeop with lwncomes?3.我妈妈总是告诉我,从长远来看我会不久乐我

5、没有放弃练钢琴My motr alwastol me tatin theong run Iwouldbgad Idint ive p racticng the iao.这些书的价格从10美元到2美元不等hee borang in priom$10 to 20.5. 在我看来你没有什么选择 6. tseem to e ht yu dot hve muchchice.6. 考虑到她们缺少经验,这工作她们已做的相称不错了Gi heir iexpeence, they ae dne uit od o.7 对这样一幢大房子来说这价格相称便宜,但你得考虑维修费用For such a big housthe

6、 price is fil lo/ce,bt yuve got tote intoosderatin temoneyou w spen on rpar. 8.我们能否从讨论上会议产生的问题开始? webegin wi dcussng quetions ising from h lat eting?nit4 1. I used to eno potogray,(我过去喜欢照相)ut Iw have ntie to ure anyhbbies. h is no surew to predit (没有一种可确信的方式来预测)ho will developasthm ad who wot . Tday

7、euroiolist n longer arg at wthe ornot the brain o w ls.(大脑与否能生成新细胞)4. Idotloe ating as mu asI once id(像此前那样), saidAngeiaJlie 5. y dontdefineou l ,you dot kwin whch irection you shld b heaig(你应当向哪个方向迈进).Whilyou should not dwen yo at ,sndin sm tie reviewng an thinking aout the pth you haveken(花些时间回忆和思

8、考你走过的路)7.You may lv some butnt ncssarly ave to marry hm.(不一定得和她结婚)8Theseexales eonstrae ho poory some students it eir esus(有些学生的简历写得多么差)nit51. Seeng allthe peopl walkingto d routsie th office,(看到所有的人在办公室外面走来走去)I bcae ore worried.2. n timehe wele who shtruefriendto be relie n in ificuly。(谁是她真正的朋友,在困难

9、时可依托)3. That cientts experiment gae birh to new u,(那位科学家的实验使一种新药问世)a beter cufrhigh blood prer.4. H got ue t being in i rodin hewnter, huti ythe our wlls an a slngceiin.(被四堵墙和一种倾斜的天花板困在里面)5. I ezed ud eed to covice hma theirt pportunit(我一有机会就要让她们相信)tht I wasa plicma not a plcin.6. Whenyuseep ay an o

10、ld socie,(当你清除一种旧的社会时)ou cantovrnight cnge thinstiuts ofthought tha hav beebuilt over ceuie.7. By the clseof ths nry,(在本世纪临近结束时) athe toblln peoplwil be born, the reatajrt in develng untri.8. I you log for a bete fuure for yorel ,yourmi nd your country, (如果你渴望自己,自己的家,自己的国家有更好的将来)stayand cotinu yours

11、uie here.in 61.如果要我选择一种方案的话,我将毫不踌躇地支持后者IfI ha t lectne ln, I ud nothestt o support the ltr.2她看上去似乎是无罪的,但证据表白并非如此。He emed not uity, bthe idence uggestedoherwie.我劝她别去东海岸,由于那里到处是游客.Iwarnedifgoinotheastcoastbeaeitwas flloturss.4东西便宜并不见得就是质量低劣。Thefacthtsoehigischeaposntnecesyeanisoflwuait.如果没有人可以求教,就难以作出

12、恰当的选择.Wihuannetourntoorhep,makinanapropratecicecanedifficult./t wld b fficut to make anapppiatchie.6.她用音乐体现了她失去妻子的悲哀。sadnes at he deato iswie nexsion inhismusi只有战胜了羞怯之后,人们才会更自信地生活。Onlyhen people ovecoete shynes, can tey liv mor onfiey.8.今天我不再给孩子买任何别的东西了事实上,我已经花了太多的钱了。I nt buying h chen anything els

13、tody, as it isIv pet ortoomuchmoney.Ui .我没料想到上演一种剧本需要这样多的工作。(inlve) I didnt rlizeputing on/stgga play iolvd smuch rk 2.最重要的不是你说的,而是你做的。( ot thuthat)The simanthing isnot what yo sybutwhtyu d. 在这样的状况下,这个成果是所能期待的最佳的。(nschcrumstancs) Thisis he best rsltthat cabe xpected i sch cicustanes 4你不是第一次处在这种情形。(f

14、id oneself) It isnth firstimetat youefonourslf n such asituaon. 这个困难促使我动脑筋找出答案。(calenge) Ts difficulty chlens my mind toind an answer.6.将要浮现的新的威胁是失业。(n thehorizon, employt)The e eaton the oriznis unmpoyment. 7我们有不同的措施体现同样的想法。(lternativ) W havelertivedifren ways of exprsig the samedea. 8.她喝酒的老毛病又犯了。(

15、sipint)He lipe intoth oldhabt dikin Uit . They re narly24 reprtdes of winsin the tow, of whh narly 12 aridntical twi.(其中差不多12对是同卵双胞胎)2. “We aeweawaro his dnger andwont blindly ccp whatpeolsay.”(不会盲目采纳人们说的话)tad r. Mlcom.3.I sill emember wen I irst met on te ake sid.(我初次在湖边碰见你的时候). wen she cameo riing

16、 her collgeprjct, she found other materal; his orld enable h toeno mre fulltheork.(使她更充足的享有该工作的乐趣). As soon s th 15 minutes rest isve,(一旦5分钟的休息结束)you mt sathe ne exercis tomae he exeriserogrmme oeefecve 6. out ther wokn a vluteers,(没有她们作为志愿者来工作)we ou evr be abl o vide any rviceforose whoe it. 7.Pas reteed in muc th amway as om oter kindsf fui (与其她某些和水果几乎相似的措施)bu arnever wapped. 8. A smilar meting hdatebginnng of eyear, attend by 60 eoleicluigecher、ses an dotos,(有涉及教师、护士、和医生60人参与的)was vr uccessfl cogto therpot

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