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1、应用文类作文构造w 四级写作目前考过的应用类作文涉及:建议信、投诉信、竞选演说词、景点简介和海报,此外,回绝信、求职信、申请信、祝贺信、倡议书等校园生活中常波及的应用文体也在大纲的考察非为内。下面列举10种易考的应用类作文构造:w 1) 建议信构造公式 w 右上角:日期 w 左上角:称呼 w 正文:第一段:交代建议针对的背景时间,阐明写信的目的;针对该事件提出建议,引出对建议的具体论述。 w 第二段:具体论述自己的建议并阐明理由。 w 第三段:体现良好的祝愿和盼望。 w 右下脚:签名w 范文: Aetter to a Shotew ue 20,w D Xiao ang,w Iamvery gl

2、a larn thatou wl viit me . ee m rtigto giveyouy de abut the arranget fryucoming hliday in angzho.w In my opnion, WestLake sold cetain e our first estinaion incit is uch a famous ad beatifu plce The, sget ou go Ligyin Temple, Luh Towrand Yuwang Shrine. Bsdes, you ave ie, Qianda Lke i o god sie yu ou

3、not mss. Of coure, beses viintheteest of laes, ou shuld taste theocal flavo snakof Hngou, k smal stead bns andWe akeVingrd ish Fially, I us rend you thayo soulnoleve ur longinsuatd sicetee a man people on te train nd t te raiwy staton.w I amsue you will enoy our vsit innzou If u av any uestions o ei

4、rmen,do nt heitte totll me am lookin forwar to sen yusn.w Truly yours,w Wan Fanw 2) 投诉信构造公式 w 右上角:日期 w 左上角:称呼w 正文:第一段:表白自己的身份,写信的目的,因何事投诉何人或机构。 w 第二段:具体论述投诉的内容和投诉的理由。w 第三段:提出解决建议并盼望尽快解决,表达感谢。w 右下脚:签名 w 范文: A etter to the Univest esientbouthe CaeeSric on Campuw e.0,w De Presdent,w My nam isLi Mn I m

5、a jurfor theil nineerngSool entureo witeyou etr to makea copaiaoutth cateen erviceor your cool.w The focu of thecomplaint if the po uaity anhigh rceo thefod. On on hnd, the ricesvya, e stemra s oft cld, he vegetes arely rokd Ontoherhand, te picef te ood is so high tht manypoo studnts are budened hil

6、y. nder hese circustnes, I ind it iposibe for usstudns toully oncerte o the tudand eoy te camslfe.w I lbe e bliged ifucan nidemy cmliant eriusl, I o hope th serv of the cnteenwil bemuc iprs son as sible. hank u f or time and kind consideraton.w Sicerel ors,w iMingw 3 )回绝信构造公式w 右上角:日期 w 左上角:称呼 w 正文:第

7、一段:交代写信目的,委婉体现自己对邀请、祈求等的回绝,并向对方表达谢意。 w 第二段:具体论述回绝对方的理由。 w 第三段:但愿不会给对方带来不便,向对方表达抱歉和祝愿。w 右下脚:签名w 范文:A LetterDelini a Job Offew Jan1,w ar M.Wng,w am y srry to el yo hatIhav to decliour jo ofer. o be hone, t wouldea verygdhane fr me took in yourcomny. However, thurrent situtiondot allw etodo hsw Ths ha

8、bee a difficult decisinfor ,bt I have t ohi On one and, Ihve accptd anoer jb fer bfreyouifred me yourdecision, whc is mrein lneih skll adcareer goal. On thetr d, twhous omute toyour bulding i reall abrden n me. On accounfall these, you can unerstand why I coul no accetyor offrw I hope this oes t cas

9、 yo to c incnvenine Anyway, I dappte yor idns to scus thedeils te psiion it me nd e me tie to cnderyour offr. Meanwhile, I wish tat our ompaywold fnd a e siable alent asso aspose.w Sinceely ors,w Janew 4)求职信构造公式w 右上角:日期w 左上角:称呼w 正文:第一段:交代写信目的,申请某职位,阐明获得招聘信息的来源,体现申请职位的愿望。w 第二段:简介自己的学习经历、能力和特长,证明自己可以胜

10、任工作。w 第三段:感谢对方抽出时间和经历,随信附有自己的简历,并乐意提供进一步的信息,但愿等到面试的机会。w 右下脚:签名w 范文:A ob Aplcation etterw ne 20, w whomitmayconcrn,w Ia writgoapply for the ost f engieer dvertie h Daily, eieemyalifcations ar ideal match oyor requieets.w I ll gradue on July of thi a frmogbi UnversityMyajr n mechaical engneer ad mytai

11、ig his apect definitelymetour reuremnts In addiion oarnin he reirdous, I he aso accpted tinig Proessonl Trainng Prgram at sare me. Wasme, I have benitern tudent i severaompnis relaed tom ajr,which rovied a great el of experin in mpter liaions. believe traiing and xperee wil eal topror better thnoter

12、 cddtes wo ar lck f kig experiencew woulappecate your timein reviewin my nclosed reumad ifere isanyaddiional inorationyo requir, ps ntact . will bergraeful i you an ive me a prsal interveat your venience.w Sncel ours,w Li uaw 5)邀请信构造公式w 右上角:日期w 左上角:称呼w 正文:第一段:交代写信目的,邀请某人参与某项活动,阐明活动的时间和地点,正式向对方那个发出邀请

13、。w 第二段:简介事件的具体安排和对方接受邀请的必要性。w 第三段:但愿对方可以接受邀请,盼望对方的尽快答复。w 右下脚:签名w 范文:An nvitti Letterw Jne15, w Dear Li iang,w Thi June 30h m ging t gaduate, a gingto hlapry oSauraevening nmyhoue Itwuld bepeasant to hvouhrew So ineresting wl th part b thatyo ant aordo miss i.Frone ing,we nha abig meal, in hopularogs

14、and playaes. anothe, t asoprovie agod pnityfor you to et ma fends that youhavet en for ang ime.w What an mpota thg t sto et our paticpation! First, you my bestriend nd bing ometome mny tngs Seod, e ant see eah ohe forqta ong timead Iam eag to seyou. The party woul not becompltewitout you!w T partywi

15、ll begin at :3pm s itpossibl fo us t seeyou at 7:00 n Satury eeningin m hse I d o you cn come.w Sinerely yo,w Su iw 6) 道歉信构造公式 w 右上角:日期 w 左上角:称呼 w 正文:第一段:交代写信目的,因某事想某人道歉,恳请对方接受自己的歉意。 w 第二段:向对方解释导致自己所犯过错或错误的因素。 w 第三段:但愿可以得到对方的理解和原谅,但愿有机会不久,并提出不久措施。w 右下脚:签名 w 范文: A apology Letterw Ja.24, w Dar Mar,w a

16、m excessivey sory for my abseceyeerdawe you cme to se me durng our ip. Now,I mwitin you tis leter f apogy to show my dee ret. Pleaeaceptmy sincere apolgy th ratiude.w I hpeilludetandm ad excuse m for my absnce The reason for my absn as thtIhad anengent with e fiends nd, ignoanof our si, accompanied

17、hemt the cinema. Beds, not ntil 9 oclck inhe evening did I come back. Threfore,itis not m power arrage time to met ouw Nturaly, Ihoeyu won evetheciy hi ek soth Ica clon yo. shalbe obiged if ouill kinly tell me n nd heeyouarat convenet. I ta ase I can take youo o plces that mayinteetyou. I hpe o se y

18、ousoon.w incerelyu,w i gw 7)倡议书构造公式 w 右上角:日期 w 左上角:称呼w 正文:第一段:交代写信目的,倡议的人群和倡议的主题。 w 第二段:简介倡议针对对象的具体状况和倡议的具体内容(如捐钱、捐物)。 w 第三段:提供联系方式,再次发出倡议,呼吁人们参与,并表达感谢。w 右下脚:签名 w 范文: Yo Hlp eededw Nov.15,w Dearfelowsudets,w Iam wrtnthis etter calon all the sudents n ou univeriyo doomething fo L Pg, oe ofo omaes, wh

19、o issuffrn fom the sridiae.w As somof you may knw, iPigis o of the frehment Enlsh Departmt.Se ilonging frth bright futur like youad e . Unfotunately, lash,se as srckby Leukema. ow shes ospiaized and inasrious condition. Watisorse, L ingce frm a orlefailya it is imposibl frhe famil toraie sc larum f

20、money i such prsi im.w As yo see, nw i Pin is in gratneedo financilad ad dily carig So iis ig timforyo t exendour elpig hns t her. f ou oul likeoprvide or love an cre toL Ping,espciall inthe fomf donation,pleae al a 123458 or 2345789at any tim.w Thank ou!w Scere yors,w The udn Uionw ) 海报构造公式 w 标题:活动

21、主题或直接用poserw 正文:第一段:概括引出活动,交代活动主办单位、活动的时间和地点。w 第二段:论述活动的重要目的和具体安排。 w 第三段:阐明参与活动的条件和方式,交代联系或征询方式,呼吁人们踊跃参与。w 右下角:落款写主办单位名称。 w 范文:Vlunter Nededw Th tudnt ion f or unversity will organzeavlunteeractivity e ruralre uingthe sume holidays. N we re reruiing thevolunteers.w Tis actiityisto helth childe in rr

22、al as mprove their mputerd Englishevel,and meanhile prvide a plafm for our colestdets toshowan pove biies. I isplaned bgnn July 5h and last1 days The unteer will be asind t different ountry priar shols t tec hldren howto use the ompuer and how o lear Enli wll.w nystentwh is good at Englis ad cmpter

23、is arml welcomed. Tose inrste ae epect tocme o theofice of hStudent nion o il i an pplicato ombee July st.Peeall651113or furtherinormaion. We ae kn forwardto ourativeparticipaion.w ThedenUnionw )竞选演说词构造公式 w 左上角:称呼 w 正文:第一段:体现自己的喜悦和荣幸之情,简要简介自己,表白自己要竞选职位。w 第二段:阐明自己具有的条件和优势,证明自己可以胜任。 w 第三段:承诺当选后会采用哪些措施

24、,表白自己的决心,左后想听众体现祝愿和感谢。 w 范文: Aampign Speehw Ladi and gentlemen,w Iam angLin fromthe CopuerSne epartmn, a I am honoed t tand here to ivemyseechI wil show youtht I am the best anddtet the post f Chaiman of heStudesunin.w I he gained lot experience and reived ideraie frm ycassmates or my ob as he mnit

25、Moreov, I a wam-arted ndalwasradyto help oths.Besdes,I am gooatorgani ctiities and hae erince in holdin conet a sports meetings.w Loking nto the futu, I wil try my bes t serv my felow stuents i I am lucy oug o beth pesidentof th StudentsUnio.On one hd,I wil organiz moe aciie tolr our camplife. On th

26、oherhand, Illfor the Student Union,cangig rm a poblemlvngonena sercepoviding oe n mre chanels ill be d for ou udtso icopinionsan ned.w I, ngLin,amwrth yor trus. ont heateovot fo me. Takyou!w 10 )景点简介机构公式 w 左上角: 称呼w 正文:第一段:向人们表达欢迎,简要简介自己的身份和任务,并体现自己的喜悦和荣幸之情。w 第二段:具体简介景点的内容和特点以及具体的行程安排。 w 第三段:提示有关注意事项

27、,并表达如有疑问欢迎征询。祝愿人们玩得快乐,感谢人们的倾听。w 范文: Aref ntrduction a Tuist trcionw aes and entleme,w Welce toCina and thankyouor our trsting our taelenc. Iam Lis.Its y pleasue toe yor gid.w Te folwing is te scduleofthed n the rnn, th fist spot weare gong to visit s the Gret Wall, the granestfotiicaton n aenChina.

28、Then wiltakyou o te Ming Tombs, whc is o f the best-prserve tmbsin China nd he lasme fo13 empos i Ming Dynsty In te aftnoo, will go toth Sumer Plae,he ryl park or acent Chinese perors. Thtste ed of ur visitingof tyw By theway, plese bring plastc b ith yo to holdhe ubbs yo ake so as toprotct our virnment. If any you have ueon, pleasee freetoask met n im. I hoe hat yo will enoy yor ay. Tha youvr mu for your attentin.

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