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1、welcome to our classKwan-yin of 1,000 HandsTai Lihuadancerdeaf&muteThe dancing is performed by 20 deaf girls at the Spring Festival Evening Party.It is shocking China and the world.Kwan-yin of 1,000 HandsDisabled?Not me!Unit 17 DisabilitiesHistoryisfullofsuccessfulpeoplewithdisabilities.Can you give

2、 some examples?Lead-inZhengZhihuaSingerlameSangLangymnast/athleteparalyzedZhangHaidiwriterparalyzeddeaf when composing 9thSymphonyBeethovencomposerLight in My DarknessHelen Kellerdeaf and blindeducator/writerZhouzhouconductormentally disabledQuestion:What do they have in common(famous,successful,dis

3、abled)Look at the whole text quickly and try to find the topic sentence of each paragraph.skimmingSkimming:_ The special education college set up for the disabled.a _ Xiaowens advice to those who are living with the disabled.b _ The importance of giving the disabled a chance to receive education.c _

4、 The difficulties Xiaowen has as well as her success.d _ The good effect that the magazine has on the disabled.e _ General introduction to the magazine for the disabled.f123456Scanning Read the whole text and try to find the sentence true or false.1.Zhong Xiaowen looks just like all her classmates.(

5、)2.It is important for the disabled to receive education.()OR3.Students in Beijing Union University are all disabled.()4.Literature of Chinese Blind Children is a great help in encouraging blind children to overcome difficulties and challenges.()5.Ye Zijies story is mentioned to show how disabled pe

6、ople write articles for newspapers and magazines.()6.In 2000 Ye Zijie was invited to London and became the first Chinese to study abroad.()7.The magazine is about normal people who have overcome difficulties and learnt to live a meaningful and productive life.()ORRead the whole text carefully and tr

7、y to answer some questions.carefulreadingAgeIdentity(身份)身份)Disability Achie-vements(成就)(成就)Zhong Xiaowen16Ye Zijie/studentteacherparalysed(瘫痪瘫痪)visually impaired weak-sightedcreated many prog-rams;received an award at her provi-nces science fairthe first visually impaired Chinese to study abroadRead

8、 Para.1,2 and 5 and finish off the following form.2.What does the example of Xiaowen teach us?The importance of giving everybody a chance to receive education.3.With more opportunities,what can disabled people do?Develop their potentiallive a rich lifemake a contribution to society1.Whats the troubl

9、e of Zhongxiaowen?Para.1,2receive educationXiaowen was born without the ability to use her legs and she has no feeling below the waist.learn how to assist disabled people&the importance of cooperating to reach their goals in life.Whatistheauthorsattitudetowarddisabledstudentsstudyingwithnormalones?c

10、hallenging&rewarding Whataretheadvantages?Para.3Special educationthe students without disabilities study together with disabled studentsWhats the teachers aim in the special college?Para.3Their aim is to help disabled students understand that they can play a valuable role within society.Read Para.2-

11、4 carefully and correct them.4.The articles in“Literature of Chinese Blind Children”are only about blind people.5.Although disabled in physics,the disabled cant also enjoy their lives and be successful.3.The disabled need help and sympathy,more than recognition.1.Physical disabilities can limit a pe

12、rsons life,so 2.therere few opportunities for the disabled to 3.make achievements2.All the disabled students can receive education in the Beijing Union University.cantmoreGiftedrecognitionsympathyandhelp.oftendisabledpeoplecanWhat situation are the disabled people around you in?Living with disabilit

13、ies is_ and _.frustratingchallengingHow should they treat their way of life?I have learnt to _ body _and _ my way of life.Maybe its time for_ of society to _ me as I am and get used to the fact that while I may not _ walk,there are many _ I can do.live withas it isadjustedthe restPara.6acceptbe able

14、 toother great things2.In Para 3,The Beijing Union University has launched a special education college,here the word“launch means _.A.A.发射发射.下水创立颁布下水创立颁布1.What can be learned from Xiaowens success from Paragraph 2?A.Most of the disabled are gifted.B.The disabled need proper opportunities and support

15、.C.Physical disabilities have no effect on peoples life.D.People should change their attitudes towards the disabled.Multiple choice3.With more opportunities,what can disabled people do?A.Develop their potential,B.Live a rich life C.Make a contribution to society.D.All the above.4.The disabled in the

16、 authors opinion need all except _.A.recognition B.sympathy and help C.discrimination D.inspiration and encouragement5.Which is true about the special education college in the Beijing Union University?A.Only disabled students can study in the college.B.Students can learn to take care of the disabled

17、 and will work as nurses after graduation.C.Its main aim is to help people understand what difficulties the disabled may have in their life.D.It teaches people with and without disabilities to live together and learn from each other.6.The magazine Literature of Chinese Blind Children helps disbled p

18、eople by_.A.providing inspiration and encouragementB.offering free books and magazines C.teaching them to read and write D.sending gifted disabled students to study abroad7.What can be inferred from the title Disabled,not me”?A.The disabled are not satisfied with their condition.B.The disabled alway

19、s dream of becoming normal ones.C.They are sure they can play a valuable role and make contributions to society as normal people.D.They want to escape from the reality of being disabled.Language Points:get aroundmake a contribution toadjust toplay a role(part)inparticipate in1.1.四处走动四处走动2.2.对对 做贡献做贡

20、献3.3.适应适应4.4.扮演角色;扮演角色;在中起作用在中起作用5.5.参与参与6.6.过着多彩的生活过着多彩的生活7.7.发展某人的潜能发展某人的潜能develop ones potentiallive a rich life8.8.实现梦想实现梦想realize ones dreamsMake up the sentences.3.He likes to _ although he sits _.虽然他坐在轮椅上,但是他喜欢到处旅行虽然他坐在轮椅上,但是他喜欢到处旅行1.Chaplin _ outstanding _ the _.卓别林对电影事业做出了杰出的贡献卓别林对电影事业做出了杰出

21、的贡献我的眼睛还没有适应黑暗我的眼睛还没有适应黑暗 2.My eyes havent _ the dark yet.4._ he _ is very great.他在战争中所起的作用非常大他在战争中所起的作用非常大madecontributions tofilm industryadjusted toget aroundin a wheelchairThe partplayed in the war Zhong Xiaowen is a middle school student of _.She was born _,unable to use her legs.However,she en

22、joys _ _and has won an _ for the programs she has created.Like Xiaowen,it is important for disabled people to receive _,develop their _ and make _ to society.sixteendisabledcomputer scienceawardeducationpotentialcontributions The disabled people need _,more than _ and help.They should realize they c

23、an play a _role in society.Besides,they also need _ and _.The magazine Literature of Chinese Blind Children has inspired disabled people to overcome challenges and difficulties and live a _ and _ life.To be honest,living with disability is _ and _.recognitionsympathyvaluableinspirationencouragementm

24、eaningfulproductivefrustratingchallenging Zhong Xiaowen is a middle school student of _.She was born _,unable to use her legs.However,she enjoys _ _and has won an _ for the programs she has created.Like Xiaowen,it is important for disabled people to receive _,develop their _ and make _ to society.si

25、xteendisabledcomputer scienceawardeducationpotentialcontributionsReaditloudlyforfurtherUnderstanding:The disabled people need _,more than _ and help.They should realize they can play a _role in society.Besides,they also need _ and _.The magazine Literature of Chinese Blind Children has inspired disa

26、bled people to overcome challenges and difficulties and live a _ and _ life.To be honest,living with disability is _ and _.recognitionsympathyvaluableinspirationmeaningfulproductivefrustratingchallengingencouragementDISCUSSIONHow can we treat and help the disabled?equally friendly warm-hearted DISCU

27、SSION What spirits and characteristics make the disabled successful?blinddumbdeafcrippled lameWhat is wrong with them?People do not lack strength,they lack will.-Hugo人缺少的不是力量人缺少的不是力量,而是意志而是意志.雨果雨果Chances favor the minds that are prepared.-Pasteur机遇总是垂青于有准备的人巴斯德机遇总是垂青于有准备的人巴斯德Every man is the master

28、of his own fortune.-R.Steels每个人都是自己命运的主宰者斯蒂尔斯每个人都是自己命运的主宰者斯蒂尔斯Great works are performed not by strength,but by perseverance.-Samuel Johnson成就的取得不光靠力量,而且靠毅力塞缪尔约翰逊成就的取得不光靠力量,而且靠毅力塞缪尔约翰逊Bye-bye!9、静夜四无邻,荒居旧业贫。2023/4/202023/4/20Thursday,April 20,202310、雨中黄叶树,灯下白头人。2023/4/202023/4/202023/4/204/20/2023 3:1

29、3:17 PM11、以我独沈久,愧君相见频。2023/4/202023/4/202023/4/20Apr-2320-Apr-2312、故人江海别,几度隔山川。2023/4/202023/4/202023/4/20Thursday,April 20,202313、乍见翻疑梦,相悲各问年。2023/4/202023/4/202023/4/202023/4/204/20/202314、他乡生白发,旧国见青山。20 四月 20232023/4/202023/4/202023/4/2015、比不了得就不比,得不到的就不要。四月 232023/4/202023/4/202023/4/204/20/2023

30、16、行动出成果,工作出财富。2023/4/202023/4/2020 April 202317、做前,能够环视四周;做时,你只能或者最好沿着以脚为起点的射线向前。2023/4/202023/4/202023/4/202023/4/209、没有失败,只有暂时停止成功!。2023/4/202023/4/20Thursday,April 20,202310、很多事情努力了未必有结果,但是不努力却什么改变也没有。2023/4/202023/4/202023/4/204/20/2023 3:13:17 PM11、成功就是日复一日那一点点小小努力的积累。2023/4/202023/4/202023/4/

31、20Apr-2320-Apr-2312、世间成事,不求其绝对圆满,留一份不足,可得无限完美。2023/4/202023/4/202023/4/20Thursday,April 20,202313、不知香积寺,数里入云峰。2023/4/202023/4/202023/4/202023/4/204/20/202314、意志坚强的人能把世界放在手中像泥块一样任意揉捏。20 四月 20232023/4/202023/4/202023/4/2015、楚塞三湘接,荆门九派通。四月 232023/4/202023/4/202023/4/204/20/202316、少年十五二十时,步行夺得胡马骑。2023/4

32、/202023/4/2020 April 202317、空山新雨后,天气晚来秋。2023/4/202023/4/202023/4/202023/4/209、杨柳散和风,青山澹吾虑。2023/4/202023/4/20Thursday,April 20,202310、阅读一切好书如同和过去最杰出的人谈话。2023/4/202023/4/202023/4/204/20/2023 3:13:17 PM11、越是没有本领的就越加自命不凡。2023/4/202023/4/202023/4/20Apr-2320-Apr-2312、越是无能的人,越喜欢挑剔别人的错儿。2023/4/202023/4/2020

33、23/4/20Thursday,April 20,202313、知人者智,自知者明。胜人者有力,自胜者强。2023/4/202023/4/202023/4/202023/4/204/20/202314、意志坚强的人能把世界放在手中像泥块一样任意揉捏。20 四月 20232023/4/202023/4/202023/4/2015、最具挑战性的挑战莫过于提升自我。四月 232023/4/202023/4/202023/4/204/20/202316、业余生活要有意义,不要越轨。2023/4/202023/4/2020 April 202317、一个人即使已登上顶峰,也仍要自强不息。2023/4/202023/4/202023/4/202023/4/20MOMODA POWERPOINTLorem ipsum dolor sit amet,consectetur adipiscing elit.Fusce id urna blandit,eleifend nulla ac,fringilla purus.Nulla iaculis tempor felis ut cursus.感感 谢谢 您您 的的 下下 载载 观观 看看专家告诉

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