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1、细心整理第三局部:中译英1. 中国的丝绸产品比世界上任何其他国家都要多。China produces more silk products than any other countries in the world.2. 不管她如何说,我也不坚信这个消息。 Whatever she said, I wont believe this piece of news.3. 不管发生什么,他们都将完成这个试验。 No matter what happens, they will complete this experiment.4. 大多数人坚信因特网的好处多于问题。 Most people beli

2、eve that the advantages of the Internet outweigh its disadvantages.5. 很难记住你不感爱好的信息。 It is very difficult to memorize the information that you are not interested in.6. 他们受到的教化越多,就越能更好地工作。 The more education they receive, the better they can work.7. 作为志愿者,她利用业余时间在社区教英语。 As a volunteer, she teaches Eng

3、lish in the community in her spare time.8. 探究说明,成功的语言学习者在许多方面都有共同之处。 Research indicates that successful language learners have a lot in common.9. 我们还没有找到一个代替他的人。 We still havent found a substitute for him. We still havent found anyone to take his place.10. 他建议她工作时间不要太长。 He advised her not to work lo

4、ng hours.11. 因为他没有遵守平安规那么,出了事故。 Accidents happened because he didnt obey the safety/security rules.12. 为提高生活水平,他不得不找一份兼职工作。 In order to improve his standard of living, he had to look for a part-time job.13. 由于本钱问题,它的实际应用受到了限制。 Due to cost problems, its actual/practical application has been limited.

5、14. 你不得不成认他的表现接近完备。 You have to admit that his performance is nearly perfect.15. 在英语学习中,我们最重要的就是练习。 In English studies, the most important thing for us is practice.16.市场经济在中国开展中发挥着重要的作用.Market economy has played a significant part/role in Chinas development. 17. 因为海伦拒绝了他吃饭的邀请,约翰很悲观.John was very dis

6、appointed because Helen declined his invitation to dinner.18. 因为他的帮助,我英语期末考试最终通过了.Thanks to his help, I finally passed the end-of-term English exam.19. 学生们都盼着假期去旅游.The students are looking forward to traveling during the vacation.20.不接受新技术,就不能大幅度增加产量.Without adopting new technology there will be no

7、great increase in production.21. 我们感到我们的做事方式是唯一正确的.We feel that the way we deal with/ do things is the only right/correct one.21. 遵照他的建议,申请过程已大大简化.According to his suggestion, the application process has been greatly simplified.22. 天气预报说后每天气会变得更冷.According to the weather forecast, it will get colder

8、 the day after tomorrow.23. 污染的水是村民们得病的缘由.The polluted water is the cause of the villagers disease /illness. 24. 英语是运用最广泛的语言之一。English is one of the most widely used languages.25. 那是我去过的最好的音乐会之一。Thats one of the best concerts I have ever been to.26. 他必需去过欧洲,因为他对欧洲这么了解。He must have been to Europe, si

9、nce he knows so much about the continent.27. 由于受过特地训练,她打字又快又准。She types fast and accurately due to the special training she has received.28. 科学家指出,野生动物应得到合理爱惜。Scientists point out that wild animals deserve rational protection.29. 他是唯一有资格担当这一职务的人。He is the only one qualified for this post / position.

10、30. 他考试作弊导致他没有取得学位。He cheated in the exam, which resulted in his failure to get the degree.31. 我们总是情愿帮助处在逆境中的挚友。We are always willing to help friends in difficulties.32. 我们不应当讪笑犯错误的人。We should not laugh at those who made mistakes.33. 他们听到这个消息,立即就赶去火车站。They hurried to the railway station as soon as t

11、hey heard the news.34. 那个英语网站很受欢送,平均每天有10000个访问者。That English website is so popular that it has an average of 10,000 visitors every day.35. 尽管我学习英语已多年,我还是不能与外国人沟通。Although I have been learning English for many years, I still cant communicate with foreigners.36. 假如图书馆的书放错了位置,读者不行能找到他们所要的书。It will be

12、impossible for the readers to find the books they need if the books are put at the wrong place on the shelves in the library.37. 这所小学平均每班有45人。On average there are 45 students in each class in this primary school.38. 探究小组由来自医学、物理、化学领域的教授组成。The research team is made up of professors from the fields of

13、 medicine, physics and chemistry.39. 由于2008年的奥运会,北京发生了重大变更。Great changes have taken place in Beijing due to the 2008 Olympic Games.40. 在竞争的社会中,挤时间放松一下有利安康。It is beneficial to our health if we can squeeze out some time for relaxation in this competitive society.41. 我们会尽最大努力来帮她做这个工作。We will try our be

14、st to help her do this job.42. 探究说明,人们越来越关怀生活的质量。Research indicates that people are getting more and more concerned about the quality of life.43. 他在订正学生错误时总接受踊跃看法。He always holds a positive attitude when correcting students mistakes.44. 你能看出这幅画与那幅画的不同吗?Can you tell the difference between this painti

15、ng and that one?45. 这首歌总让我想起在农村度过的学校生活。This song always reminds me of the school days I spent in the country.46. 与同事们和谐相处对我来说很重要。It is very important for me to get along well with colleagues.47. 他到达山顶时,他感到又累又饿。He felt tired and hungry when he reached the top of the hill/mountain.48. 我姐姐告知我,昨晚的节目一点也没

16、意思。My elder sister told me that the programs last night were not interesting at all.49. 他昨晚太兴奋了,以致睡不着。He was too excited to fall asleep last night.50. 水手们担忧航行中可能会遇到坏天气。The sailors were worried that they might encounter bad weather during the voyage.51. 从那次事故以后,他感到很难面对自己的同事和挚友。He found it hard to fac

17、e his colleagues and friends after that accident.52. 我和她都不知道为什么经理昨天没来上班。Neither I nor she knew why the manager didnt come to work yesterday.53. 只要尽我们所能,我们就必需能实现目标。We can certainly achieve/attain our goal as long as we try our best.54. 学生们都渴望着假期去旅行。The students are looking forward to the trips during

18、 the vacation.55. 你知道联合国是哪一年成立的吗?Do you know in which year the UN was founded?56. 一些人比拟关注工资,而另一些更关注事业的开展。Some people are concerned about their salary while others are more concerned about the development of their career.57. 你知道上一届奥运会是在哪里举办的吗?Do you know where the last Olympic Games were held?58. 由于天

19、气不好,飞机不能按时起飞。The airplane can not take off on schedule due to the bad weather.59. 在许多国家,英语是医疗卫生、电子和空间技术领域的工作语言。In many countries, English is the working language in the field of medical care, electronics and space technology.60. 我全神贯注在看书,没听见你敲门。I was too absorbed in the book to hear you knock at the

20、 door.I was so concentrated on reading that I didnt hear you knock at the door.61. 女性职员占这个公司的三分之一。Female workers account for one third of the employees in this company.62. 他们的收入比上一年增长了百分之二十一。increase byTheir income increased by 21 percent over that of the previous year.63. 只要我们双方了解对方的要求,我坚信会谈会按准备进展下

21、去的。(as long as)As long as we know each others requirements, Im sure that the talks will proceed as planned.64. 自从出院以来她长胖了许多。since She has put on a lot of weight since she got out of the hospital.65. 面试的主要目的是让雇主了解应聘者表达实力如何。 The major purpose of an interview is for the boss to find out how well the ap

22、plicants present himself.66. 此时此刻的年轻人使我无法理解。beyond The young people of the present day are beyond my comprehension.67. 尽管中国在过去的十几年中取得了宏大的成就,有许多问题照旧亟待解决。(Despite, although) Despite the great achievements made by China over the past decade or so, many problems remain to be solved.68. 他能否通过这次考试,这已没有什么不

23、同。 It doesnt make much difference whether he can pass the exam or not.69. 众所周知,肺癌至少局部地是由于吸烟过多而引起的。(at least)It is well-known (to all) that lung cancer is caused at least partly by smoking too much.70. 经理在电话里说,他不能亲自参加会议了,但他的秘书来代他参加。(in person) The manager said in the phone that he would not attend th

24、e meeting in person, but his secretary would come instead.72. 人们对癌症的病因提出了不少理论。put forward A number of theories have been put forward about the causes of cancer.73. 讲座本该在八点钟起先,但耽搁了一个多小时。 The lecture was supposed to start at 8, but it was delayed an hour.74. 公共汽车的司机对乘客的平安负有责任。 The driver of the bus is

25、 responsible for the safety of the passengers.75. 宗教会对一个国家的历史和将来产生很大的影响。(have influence on) Religion will have great influence on the history and future of a nation.76. 马虎大意是他们这次试验失败的缘由。(account for) Carelessness accounts for their failure in this experiment.77. 我们必需充分利用能源。(make the most of) We must

26、 / have to make the most of energy resources.78. 无论有什么困难,我们都决心按时完成布置给我们的任务。(regardless of)We are determined to finish the task assigned to us regardless of the difficulties.79. 我确保同样的错误今后不在发生。(see to it that) I will see to it that the same mistakes will not happen again in the future.80. 她似乎很满足恒久与母亲

27、生活在一起。(be content to do)She seems to content to live with her mother forever. She seems to be satisfied with living with her mother forever.81. 与运动相比,看电视是一种被动的消遣。(passive)Compared with sports, watching TV is a passive pastime. 82. 太阳能主要以光和热的形式传到地球。The energy of the sun comes to the earth mainly in t

28、he form of light and heat . 83. 她要等你容许帮助以后才肯走。 She wont go away until you promise to help her.84. 虽然许多自然规律还没被发觉,但是它们的确存在。 Many laws of nature actually exist although they have not yet been discovered.85. 我从来没有读过这样好玩的书。 Never before have I read such an interesting book.86. 这些资料对于我们的探究工作很有价值。 These data will be of great value in our research work.

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