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1、小学生英文演讲稿:考试诚信小学生英文演讲稿:考试诚信(中英文对照)Rachel:老师们,同学们,大家好Wendy: Hello, teachers and students.Rachel:我们演讲的主题是:考试诚信。Wendy:our topic is: Exam Integrity.Rachel:期末考试即将到来,许多同学已经严阵以待,但也有人被这严峻的考试整的措手不及,就会使用一些不正当的行为来获取与自身实力不相等的成绩。Wendy:The final exam is coming, many students are prepared, but some students are unp

2、repared for the important exam. Some maybe will use some improper behaviors to obtain the results that are not equal to their own strength.Rachel:孔子说:“人而无信,不知其可也”。意思是一个人如果不讲信用,就不知道他是否可以做成事了,可见“有信”是做人的根本。诚信,体现在我们生活的点点滴滴。例如,借了别人的东西,照承诺按时归还;不是自己的东西不乱拿等等。Wendy:Confucius said: people without honor, I do

3、not know what they can do. It can be seen that honor is fundamental in life. Honesty is reflected in every bit of our life. For example, after you borrow something from others, you keep your promise and give it back; dont take something that doesnt belong to you.Rachel:我们应该以一种积极的态度面对考试,考试只能代表一段时间的学习

4、效果,带来的可能是喜悦,但也有可能是失望。然而我们要记住“精诚所至,金石为开。”只要我们诚心去做,就可以解决任何难题。Wendy:We should take part in our examinations with a positive mental outlook. Exams can only show your learning outcomes in a time period, but remember sincerity is the key to success”. If we concentrate and put in effort, everything can hav

5、e a solution.Rachel:我个人坚决反对考试作弊。首先,考试作弊的行为违反了考试的公平性,用不正当手段取得分数的人让那些诚实守信的同学的成绩远远无法赶超,这也影响了所有学生的排名。Wendy: I strongly opposed cheating on exams. First of all, you violate the fairness of the exam. The students whose scores are obtained by improper behaviors make the scores of those self-disciplined stu

6、dents unable to catch up, which affects the ranking of all students.Rachel:其次,考试是学校提供了一个让学生检验自己在这段时间收获多少的机会。我们要用自己真正的能力去考试,才能知道自己的真实水平;但通过各种手段在考试中作弊,就算成绩喜人也不应感到坦然。Wendy:Secondly, the examination is actually an opportunity for students to test how much knowledge they have gained in this period of tim

7、e. We should use our real ability to take the exam; but if we cheat on the exam, we shouldnt feel proud even if we get good results.Rachel:最后,孟德斯鸠曾说过:“衡量人的真正品德,是看他在知道没有人会发现的时候做些什么。”所以,考试并不仅仅在考验我们的知识水平,也在考验我们的道德水平。Wendy:Last, Montesquieu once said: the measure of a persons true character is what he d

8、oes when he knows no one will find out. Therefore, the examination is not only about testing our knowledge level, but also testing our moral level.Rachel:那么哪些行为是违反考试诚信的行为呢?Wendy:So what kind of behavior is a violation of exam integrity?Rachel:一、携带规定以外的物品进入考场或者未放在指定位置二、在考试过程中旁窥、交头接耳、互打暗号或者手势三、抄袭或者协助他

9、人抄袭试题答案或者与考试内容相关的资料等。Wendy:First, bring items beyond the regulations into the examination room or not put in the designated position.Second, peeping, whispering, or making hand gesture during the exam.Third, copy or assist others to copy the answers of the test questions or the materials related to

10、the test contents.Rachel:我们提倡诚信考试。因为考试是检测你真实水平的过程。借考试的机会,并及时纠错,才能把知识掌握好并运用作弊只能暂时提高分数,而知识并未掌握。Wendy:We advocate integrity. Because exams can test our true level, and what we need to improve, in order to obtain the knowledge that should be mastered. Cheating can only improve the score temporarily, but

11、 the knowledge is not mastered.Rachel:面对考试,我们都应该自觉地维护考风考纪,诚信考试,做文明学生。最后,祝愿大家在期末考试获得令自己满意的成绩。Wendy:In the face of examination, we should consciously maintain the examination style and discipline, be honest on the examination, and be students that follow the rules. Finally, I wish you a satisfactory result on the final exam.Rachel:我们的演讲到此结束,谢谢大家!Wendy:Our speech is over, thank you!

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