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1、Chinas current situation of the physician-patient relationship In recent years, the doctor-patient relationship is nervous and medical staff and patients often lack good communication. The gap between the two groups is increasing and the disharmony between them happen regularly. On the afternoon of

2、March 23, 2012, a young man with a knife broke into the doctors office of the first affiliated hospital of Harbin medical university, leading one doctor killed and three wounded. On October 25, 2013, a patient wounded the doctors at first peoples hospital in Wen ling city, leading three injured and

3、one killed. On August 20,2014, a patient who was stabbed was sent to the two peoples Hospital of Yue yang City, and after the emergency treatment he was declared dead. The patients family members found the doctor in charge of the case, pulling him to kneel to the death. On the way to the morgue(太平间

4、), hospital staff stopped them. Later, the patients family wounded the doctor and hit the office of the emergency department. On August 21, 2014, about 200 medical staff from different hospitals in Yue yang went to the municipal government to demand justice. On May 5, 2016, a dentist named Chen Zhon

5、gwei was knifed in more than thirty times at home and the murderer later jumped off the building. The murderer used to be a patient of Chen Zhongwei 25 years ago and he had said that Chen Broke his teeth and asked him for money. On May 18, 2016, a patient entered the consulting room of Peoples hospi

6、tal in Shao dong, Hunan. His family members said the doctors treatment isnt active, thus they abused and beat the doctor Wang Jun up to the ground. Later, Wang Jun died after the emergency treatment. 我 平常去厕所,喜欢多上几层楼,去老干部门诊,你懂 的,那里人少,维护好,比普通门诊干净得多。 有一天 啊,我看完了最后一个病人,又赶紧往楼上厕所 跑,蹲完后一拉门,就看到一个人站在我面前,看着眼熟,

7、 应该是我前两天看过的。我不知道你碰到这种事情是什么感 觉,顶多是意外或者纳闷吧。但我当时的第一感觉就是恐慌, 慌得不得了,不知道他会不会从口袋里掏出刀子,然后开始 想着该怎么呼救,怎么逃生。我知道这种恐慌完全是非理性 的,我自问是个很干净的医生,没拿过回扣没收过红包,跟 病人相处得也还算不错,但我在那一刻就是觉得,一定是自 己在哪个环节没留神,留下祸根了。 两 秒钟后病人才跟我解释说,他的检查结果出来了,有 一项特别不好,因为太着急了所以在诊室门口守着我,见我 一溜烟儿往楼上跑,就跟上来了。 听 完这个笑话,我当时整个人都不好了,既辛酸又难过, 既为医生,也为病人。 Misunderstan

8、ding between patients and doctors Patients think the hospital charge higher fees, poor environment ,weak technical force and poor quality of service. While medical workers point that the patient have high demand for services, high expectations for the doctor. There is lack of trust between patients

9、and doctors. How to live in harmonious ? For the Patient . Sharing Your Point of View With Your Doctor Choosing a Relationship Style Learning the Information Actively Cooperate with Your Doctor Understand and Respect Your Doctors Work For the Doctor . Supporting Your Patients Interests Being Flexibl

10、e With Your Responses Describing Both Sides of the Issues Responding Medically Not Pushing Your Patient For the government Increasing investment in public health undertakings. Having the rational allocation of health resources Increasing financial support for medical security system. Imposing rules

11、to protect the rights of medical staff. There are many unknown in medicine. No matter how medical progress developed, how hard the doctors work, there is always some regret. Both doctors and patients should follow the objective law of medical science. We should learn that medicine cannot do everythi

12、ng. The doctors and patients should trust each other. It needs a long time to build good relations between doctors and patients. As the large population in China, the improvement of doctor-patient relationship is a tough task with great challenges that we must face. Making great effort and we will have a good effect. Thank You

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