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1、Consolidating ComprehensionSubject OneUnit 2Unit 2 Understand Different Positions(p33-35)If then a practical end must be assigned to a University course,I say it is that of training good members of society.Its art is the art of social life,and its end is fitness for the world.It neither confines its

2、 views to particular professions on the one hand,nor creates heroes or inspires genius on the other.那么,如果必须要给大学课程确定一个实际的目那么,如果必须要给大学课程确定一个实际的目标的话,我认为是培养对社会有用的人。它的艺标的话,我认为是培养对社会有用的人。它的艺术是社会生活的艺术,它的目标是适应世界。一术是社会生活的艺术,它的目标是适应世界。一方面它既不将自己的视野局限在特定的几个专业,方面它既不将自己的视野局限在特定的几个专业,另一个方面也不创造英雄或激发天才。另一个方面也不创造英雄或激

3、发天才。Works indeed of genius fall under no art;heroic minds come under no rule;a University is not a birthplace of poets or of immortal authors,of founders of schools,leaders of colonies,or conquerors of nations.It does not promise a generation of Aristotles or Newtons,of Napoleons or Washingtons,of R

4、aphaels or Shakespeares,though such miracles of nature it has before now contained within its precincts其实,天才的作品并无技术可循;英雄的精神并无规则可其实,天才的作品并无技术可循;英雄的精神并无规则可依;大学并不是诗人或不朽的作家、学派的创始人、殖民依;大学并不是诗人或不朽的作家、学派的创始人、殖民地的领导者、或国家的征服者的诞生地。它不能保证培养地的领导者、或国家的征服者的诞生地。它不能保证培养出一代亚里斯多德或牛顿,拿破仑或华盛顿,拉斐尔或莎出一代亚里斯多德或牛顿,拿破仑或华盛顿,拉斐

5、尔或莎士比亚,尽管它曾经所拥有的这样的自然奇迹现在包含在士比亚,尽管它曾经所拥有的这样的自然奇迹现在包含在其校园之内。其校园之内。Education makes a people easy to lead,but difficult to drive;easy to govern,but impossible to enslave.教育使得民众易于领导,但难以驱使;易于管理,教育使得民众易于领导,但难以驱使;易于管理,但难以奴役。但难以奴役。In education there should be no class distinction.(子曰(子曰:)有教无类。(教育无阶级之分):)有教无

6、类。(教育无阶级之分)Interpretations(p36)1.All their teachers looked for were mistakes,and there are so many kinds of mistakes in writing that their students despair of ever learning to avoid them.When teacher read their students writing,they would focus more on problems or mistakes.Too much emphasis on the p

7、roblems in the writing may result in students loss of confidence in despair.Interpretations(p36)2.I feel unequipped by education for problems that lie out side the cloistered,literary domain in which I am competent and at home.The author felt that he didnt have the chance to develop those skills or

8、acquire the ability to solve practical problems at university.What he learned was literature that was his field.3.Actually,the main thing left out of my education was a proper love for my own body,because one feared to cherish anything so obviously mortal and prone to sickness.Alan Watts believed th

9、at he had missed an important part in his university education,i.e.the love for his own body.In his opinion,this was a very common problem in education because people did not dare to love it as it was so easy to get sick,and so short-lived.4.Works indeed of genius fall under no art;heroic minds come

10、 under no ruleBoth genius and heroes are creative people.Creativity cannot be duplicated or copied through learning rules or teaching in university education.5.But university training is the great ordinary means to a great but ordinary end;it aims at raising the intellectual tone of society,at culti

11、vating the public mind,at purifying the national taste,at supplying true principles to popular enthusiasm and fixed aims to popular aspiration,at giving enlargement and sobriety to the ideas of the age,at facilitating the exercise of political power,and refining the intercourse of private life.It is

12、 the education which gives a man a clear conscious view of his own opinions and judgments,a truth in developing them,an eloquence in expressing them,and a force in urging them.It teaches him to see things as they are,to go right to the point,to disentangle a skein of thought,to detect what is sophis

13、tical,and to discard what is irrelevant.It prepares him to fill any post with credit,and to master any subject with facility.It shows him how to accommodate himself to others,how to throw himself into their state of mind,how to bring before them his own,how to influence them,how to come to an unders

14、tanding with them,how to bear with them.University education is both great and ordinary.Its greatness lies in its power to change people,and its ordinariness lies in its basic ways of educating people.Its aims are raising intellectual level of society,cultivating civilization in the public,improving

15、 a nations taste,establishing a sound value system for a nations people regarding what is the goal of life,preserving valuable elements of a nations cultural tradition,promoting democracy in political life,and improving peoples private life.Education can help people recognize and understand themselv

16、es in their opinions and judgments,give people chances to discover truth of life,improve their power of expressing their thoughts and ideas,raise their ability to pursue truth.Education can teach people to be good,true,and pursue beauty of life so that they will have power to execute their goals ind

17、ependently,to distinguish the truth form falsity,and the possible from the impossible.A well educated person is someone who is cable of confidently handling challenges in life,and solving problems effectively.He is willing to change his own idea to make compromise with others;he is able to put himse

18、lf into others shoes,he is able to influence other people,and able to understand them,and accept their shortcomings.On Education LiberalismInterpretations(p 41)1.The liberal attitude towards education is that with which we are the most familiar.It is apt to maintain the apparently unobjectionable vi

19、ew that education is not a mere acquisition of fact,but a training of the mind as an instrument,to deal with any class of facts,to reason,and to apply the training obtained in one department in dealing with new ones.T.S.Eliot argued that liberal education was a very familiar idea to many of his cont

20、emporaries because it was well established universally that education should focus on the training of the abilities rather than cramming facts.He thought that this unobjectionable idea was mistakenly interpreted by many people as if a persons mind could be trained equally well in any subject with an

21、y facts for any occasions,old or new alike.2.(If)they both have made the most of their opportunities,and have equal abilities,they will both be equally fitted for their vocation,and for“life”.I think that the theory that the mind can be trained equally well upon any subject,and that the choice of th

22、e class of facts to acquire is indifferent,can be pushed too far.It is very common that many people believed that some of them could be competent in any profession as far as they had enough opportunities,and equal abilities.But T.S.Eliot rebuked this misjudgment,and thought they went too far in thei

23、r mistake.He argued that the outcomes would be different for people who received training in different field.3.Even philosophy,when divorced form the theology and from the knowledge of life and of ascertainable facts,is but a famishing pabulum,or a draught stimulating for a moment,leaving behind dro

24、ught and disillusion.According to T.S.Eliot,philosophy will be just meaningless empty words,disillusion,and boring discussions(like blowing hot air)if it is studied without reference to specific training in religions or being supported by possession of detailed knowledge,and facts of a specific subj

25、ect in relation to ones life.4.But the great majority of the people who are to be educated have no very strong inclination to specialize,because they have no definite gifts or tastes.Those who have more lively and curious minds,will tend to smatter.Many people are just ordinary people who dont have

26、special gifts,tastes,or talents.So left at the mercy of their short lived interest,and allowed to pursue only what their lively mind is fascinated at for a short while,they will only acquire a smattering knowledge,and develop a superficial mind.5.The doctrine of studying the subject we like(and for

27、many youths in the process of development this is often only what they like at the moment)is most disastrous for those whose interests lie in the field of modern languages or in that of history,and worst of all for those who fancy that they will become writers.According to T.S.Eliot,training in mode

28、rn language(i.e.foreign language),or history,or just writing literature are not suitable academic fields for young people(because the training in these fields is not as rigorous as that in other subjects such as classic studies or hard sciences.Subject IIUnit 4Unit 4 II Cornucopia of Thanks(p87)Afte

29、r children,Im thankful for swim diapers,because every time my son wanders into water in plain diapers,he end up wearing a blimp the size of,say New Jersey on his bottom.After she had children,she is thankful for the water-proof swim diaper because it saves her the trouble to frequently change her so

30、ns diapers when he gets into a pool.The normal type of diaper would look like a light-gas airship as big as the state of New Jersey on his hip when it gets soaking wet.有了孩子以后,我感谢游泳尿不湿。因为每次我儿子如果有了孩子以后,我感谢游泳尿不湿。因为每次我儿子如果穿着普通的纸尿裤走到水里面去,最后他的屁股上就好像穿着普通的纸尿裤走到水里面去,最后他的屁股上就好像背了一个像新泽西州那样大的小飞艇。背了一个像新泽西州那样大的小飞

31、艇。After children,Im thankful for all the people at Weight Watchers who let me strip down to pantyhose and a strategically placed scarf before getting on the scale each week.After she had children,she has put on a lot of weight,so she was thankful to those working at the gym;they allowed her to wear

32、very little when measuring her weight-only pantyhose and a scarf that covers her private parts.有了孩子后,我感激所有那些在有了孩子后,我感激所有那些在“体重控制健身房体重控制健身房”的工的工作人员。因为他们在我量体重时,同意我只穿一件内裤和作人员。因为他们在我量体重时,同意我只穿一件内裤和巧妙披挂的围巾巧妙披挂的围巾。Explaining and Translation(p95)1.But they are trapped,afraid to slow down because any blank

33、space in the family calendar could mean their offspring wont have resumes to earn thick letters from Harvardand big bucks forever after.但是家长们陷入了左右为难的境地,生怕家庭日程安排不但是家长们陷入了左右为难的境地,生怕家庭日程安排不充足会造成他们下一代简历不够充实,继而降低他们收到充足会造成他们下一代简历不够充实,继而降低他们收到哈佛大学厚厚的录取通知书的几率。哈佛大学厚厚的录取通知书的几率。2.Many Parents use grades as a t

34、est for how much is to much.许多家长根据孩子们的成绩来决定他们可以承受多少额外许多家长根据孩子们的成绩来决定他们可以承受多少额外的活动。的活动。Theres a significant minority of kids who have shut down emotionally because theyve tried so hard to achieve.相当多的孩子由于付出了太多的努力去争取成功,而在精相当多的孩子由于付出了太多的努力去争取成功,而在精神上把自己封闭了起来神上把自己封闭了起来。Unit 5 Explaining and Translation(

35、P102)Unit 5 Explaining and Translation(P102)1.It is so far from being natural for a man and woman to live in a state of marriage,that we find all the motives which they have for remaining in that connection,and restraints which civilized society imposes to prevent separation,are hardly sufficient to

36、 keep them together.It is so against the human nature for a man and a woman to live together under marriage that all the reasons they have for their marriage to continue and all the restrictions set by society for divorce to happen fail to prevent a couple for breaking up.让一个男人和一个女人在婚姻状态下生活与人的自然本性相差

37、甚远。让一个男人和一个女人在婚姻状态下生活与人的自然本性相差甚远。我们会发现所有让他们维持婚姻的动机和文明社会为婚姻设下的限制我们会发现所有让他们维持婚姻的动机和文明社会为婚姻设下的限制都不足以将两个人维系在一起。都不足以将两个人维系在一起。2.and it is so true that some women are capable of feeling an affection for children not their own almost as strong as that which they could feel for their own.It is also true tha

38、t some women by nature can love others children as much as their own.同时也有这样的女人,她们能够像爱自己的孩子那样深切同时也有这样的女人,她们能够像爱自己的孩子那样深切地爱别人的孩子。地爱别人的孩子。3.In this respect,Freud seems to me not sufficiently biological in his outlook,Frueds world view concerning this respect,in my opinion,is not very much based on biol

39、ogical facts.在我看来,弗洛伊德有关此方面的观点缺乏足够的生物学方面的考虑。4.If it were not for this special emotion,there would be almost nothing to be said for the family as an institution.No special good things can be attributed to family as a place to raise children if it is not for this unique emotional bond between parents

40、and children如果不是因为这样特殊的感情,家庭作为一种社会单元也就没有什么特如果不是因为这样特殊的感情,家庭作为一种社会单元也就没有什么特别的优势了。别的优势了。5.As things are,however,the special affection which parents have for children,provided their instincts are not atrophied,is of value both to the parents themselves and to the children.Nevertheless,the fact is that

41、the love parents feel for their children is beneficiary both for parents themselves and for their children under the condition that such natural love is not deformed.然而事实上,在父母亲对孩子本能的爱没有萎缩变形的条件下,这种特然而事实上,在父母亲对孩子本能的爱没有萎缩变形的条件下,这种特殊的爱无论是对父母本人还是对孩子都具有价值。殊的爱无论是对父母本人还是对孩子都具有价值。6.Working out ways of doing

42、this will raise the blood pressure of a whole generation of lawyers and moralists.Find solutions for it will not be easy,dealing with the related legal and moral hurdles would require the hard work of a whole generation of lawyers and moralists.找到这样做的方法很难,它会让整整一代的律师和伦理学找到这样做的方法很难,它会让整整一代的律师和伦理学家大伤脑筋

43、。家大伤脑筋。Essay Reading The FamilyExplaining and Translation(p104)1.These include a network of sexual rights and prohibitions and variety of socially patterned feelings such as love,attraction,piety,awe,and so on.Included in these rights and obligations are sophisticated rules regarding sexual behavior

44、,and various proper feelings one should feel towards ones family-love,attraction,loyalty,respect etc.,which are regularly shared and enforced by the society.这些权利和义务包括了一整套权利和性禁忌,以及多种社这些权利和义务包括了一整套权利和性禁忌,以及多种社会共享的情感。比如对家庭的热爱、向往、忠诚和敬畏等会共享的情感。比如对家庭的热爱、向往、忠诚和敬畏等等。等。2.No matter what their specific forms,f

45、amilies in all known societies have performed major functionsreproduction,maintenance,socialization and social replacement of the young.Regardless of differences in the forms that family takes which various in different societies,all of them have functioned in similar ways:they produce offspring,the

46、y feed and keep family members,they help their children fit into the society,and they help set their children up in the society with jobs,etc.无论家庭持有什么样的特殊形式,我们已知的所有社会中无论家庭持有什么样的特殊形式,我们已知的所有社会中的家庭都在扮演者同样的角色;生育后代,抚养家庭成员,的家庭都在扮演者同样的角色;生育后代,抚养家庭成员,使后代融入社会,并帮助其在社会上立足。使后代融入社会,并帮助其在社会上立足。Dying Family Expla

47、nation and Translation(p112)But we do much more of the function of family life -its social role particularly if we turn from the centuries to the millennia and pay attention to the broad similarities rather than the fascinating differences between on region and another:and,if we do,we realize that f

48、amily has changed far more profoundly than even the bus load of Californians might lead us to expect.But we do have learned much more about how family functions in the society,especially,if we examine it in a period of thousand years and focus our attention on the panhuman similarities instead of th

49、ose interesting regional differences.We shall find then that the actual changes brought to family should be greater than what is suggested by that full bus of the Californian family.但我们的确对家庭的作用即它在社会中扮演的角色有了更多的了解。尤其是当我们把研究的问题跨度从几百年拉长到几千年,并且把注意力聚焦于不同地域间众多的家庭的广泛相似之处、而不是那些有趣的差异时,我们就会发现家庭的改变已大大超出了我们的预期,比

50、那挤了一大车的人的加州家庭向我们展示得还要多。2.One wife at a time was all the bulk of the worlds population could support.Most men in this world could only afford one wife at a time.这个世界上大多数人一次只养得起一个老婆。这个世界上大多数人一次只养得起一个老婆。3.No child in Western Europe would sit unbidden in the presence of its parents until the eighteenth

51、century:if it did it could be sure of rebuke and punishment.No head of a household would have thought twice about beating a recalcitrant young servant or apprentice before the end of nineteenth century.Before eighteen century,children were required to earn their living by work.They were not allowed

52、to be idle playing around in front of their parents.If they were,they would be scolded and punished.If a young servant or apprentice was rebellious,the master or the head of the household would not hesitate to beat them in punishment before the end of the nineteenth century.十八世纪以前的西欧,没有哪个小孩敢在父母眼前闲逛消

53、磨时光,如果他们真是这样做了,不是会挨骂,就是会挨打。直到十九世纪末,一家之主对于不听话的仆人或学徒从来就是毫不犹豫地拳脚伺候。4.Although we are much richer,possessions are more anonymous,often little more than marks in a ledger,and what we own constantly changes.Despite of the fact that people become richer nowadays than their ancestors,the things they own are

54、 not as concrete/solid as before(such as house or land).Sometimes,it is just a number on an accounting book(savings in the bank);and ones possessions also change all the time(either in form or in amount).虽然我们比过去更富有了,但是我们的财产却不像过去虽然我们比过去更富有了,但是我们的财产却不像过去那样名目简单而清楚。通常财产就是银行账簿上的一个数那样名目简单而清楚。通常财产就是银行账簿上的一

55、个数字。而且我们的财产一直在变。字。而且我们的财产一直在变。5.And that bus of children does no more than symbolize the future,not of marriage,but the role of the old-fashioned family unit in a modern,urbanized,scientific and affluent society.What the bus-load of children has revealed is not the failure of marriage but that the t

56、raditional family of its function in such a modernized present day society.那一车孩子象征着一种失败;但与其说是象征着婚姻的失那一车孩子象征着一种失败;但与其说是象征着婚姻的失败,不如说是象征着在今天现代化的、都市化的、科学化败,不如说是象征着在今天现代化的、都市化的、科学化的、富裕社会中旧式家庭功能的失败。的、富裕社会中旧式家庭功能的失败。Unit SixLanguage Work (p117)1.Our society,once based on the principle of solid monogamy unt

57、il death,has shifted towards a pattern of serial monogamy,in which people experience more than one spouse,if only one at a time.The marriage practice in human society has undergone great changes,moving away from the complete life-time monogamy to allowing more spouses after the previous one leaves w

58、hether through death or divorce.我们的社会曾经遵守着一辈子只有一个配偶的准则。现在我们的社会曾经遵守着一辈子只有一个配偶的准则。现在已经转变到系列性单配偶的模式;也就是说,人们可以拥已经转变到系列性单配偶的模式;也就是说,人们可以拥有两个以上的配偶,只要不是同时拥有。有两个以上的配偶,只要不是同时拥有。2.Nor is it only marriage that binds,In a world where all Mom and Dads companies are potential mates,Dads live-in girlfriend may tur

59、n up for parents night at school when he is out of town.Neither is it true that only marriage can tie people together in a bond of responsibilities and duties.With such an open society as nowadays,where people live together without marriage but may get marriage one day,it is only natural for Dads co

60、mpanion attending the childs parents meetings when the dad is not available.也不是只有婚姻才能将人们紧紧地绑在一起。在当今世界,也不是只有婚姻才能将人们紧紧地绑在一起。在当今世界,父母的同居伴侣都有可能成为他们的将来的婚姻配偶;因父母的同居伴侣都有可能成为他们的将来的婚姻配偶;因而当爸爸不在家的时候,爸爸的同居女友就替他去开家长而当爸爸不在家的时候,爸爸的同居女友就替他去开家长会。会。Unit Eight A true classic(p 175)真正的经典,作者丰富了了人类的心灵(1),扩充了心灵的宝藏(1),令心灵

61、更往前迈进一步(1),发现了一些无可置疑的道的真理(1),或者在那似乎已经被彻底探测了解了的人心中,再度掌握住某些永恒的热情(1);他的思想观察发现,无论以什么形式出现,必然开阔、宽广、精致、通达、明断而优美(2);他诉诸属于全世界的个人独特风格,对所有的人类说话(1)。那种风格不依赖新词汇而自然清爽,历久弥新,与时并进(2)。Explain the following sentences:1.More and more,mankind will discover that we have to turn to poetry to interpret life for us to consol

62、e us,to sustain us.Without poetry,our science will appear incomplete;and most of what now passes with us for religion and philosophy will be replaced by poetry.Increasingly,people will find that they tend to depend more on poetry for the meaning of life,for comfort and for strength to live on.Witheo

63、ut the help of poetry,science alone cannot completely expain what life is;the things that we now consider as religion and philosophy will be replaced by poetry.2.What he gave them was otherness:other places,other words,an experience held and shared and complete.Things that story teller told them was

64、 very different from their own:different places,different worlds,an experience they would otherwise not have the chance to know,and thus in a sense helped in forming and completing their own experiences.(Note:ones own experience is always limited.Knowing other experience in a sense can complete ones

65、 own knowledge of the world,which would be otherwise lacking.)3.We are on a bus or a beach,we are waiting for the rain to stop,we ae in bed,and we are in none of these places:we are in Vietnam,in New Jersey,in a country town,in a Dublin suvurb;in a place called loneliness,happiness,ignorance or disa

66、ppointment as the case may be.We are reading on a bus or a beach when waiting for the train to stop on in bed,while the story we read take place in Vietnam,New Jersey,or in a country town:the stories we read are about loneliness,happiness,ignorance or disappointment depending on each story.4.Readers want to know what it is like to be someone else for a moment,so that they know in some profound sense what it is like to be themselves.Readers are interested to know what others life is like because

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