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1、高考英语词汇过关1 / 145Group Onen. 活动 activity vt. 影响 affectvt. 暗示 imply n. 广告 advertisementadj. 心不在焉的 absent-mindedadj西方的 westernn 天气预报员 weathermanadj有名的; well-knownn. 装置,设备devicen. 定义definitionn. 笑(声)laughtern. 层layer adj. 入迷的;敏锐的keen n. 巨人;伟人giantvi 指导;引导guideGroup Twovi./n. 闲谈;说长道短gossipn. 感激gratitudead

2、v. 温和地 gentlyn. 毕业生 graduate adj. 不断增长的 growingadv. 在中途 halfway n. 天才 geniusn. 结婚;婚姻marriagen. 方式;礼貌(用S)manner n. 商人merchantn. 媒介物;medium 新闻媒体,传媒 (常pl. media)n奇迹miracle n. 悲伤griefadj. 不规则的irregular Group Threevt. 发射;开始实施launch adj. 致命的deadlyvt. 使沮丧 depressadj. 成功的 successfulvt解决,解答 solven雕像,塑像 statu

3、en露天体育场 stadiumadj严格的 strictn土兵,军人soldiern运动员 sportsmanv偷窃 stealv辞职 resignadj可靠的,可信赖的 reliableGroup One环境保护environmental protection环境污染environmental pollution几乎从不hardly ever使收支相抵 make (both) ends meet强调lay/place/put emphasis on英语口语/书面英语 spoken/written English期中/期末考试 the mid-term/final examination吃药

4、take medicine采取措施/行动 take measures/actions给某人留个条 leave a massage for sb.主修 major in无论如何 by all means在午夜 at midnight打算做 mean to do弄错 by mistakeGroup Two下定决心做make up ones mind to do犹豫做 hesitate to do依本人之拙见 in my humble opinion收到某人的来信hear from sb.= receive a letter from sb.处理,对待 deal with(在方面)与不同differ

5、 from. ( in)=be different from. (in.)对感到好奇 be curious about (主要)取决于depend (mainly) on日以继夜day and night在日常生活中in ones daily life要求做 demand to do决定(不)做decide (not) to do准许进入 admitto/into Group Three随着的(快速)发展with the (fast/rapid) development of反对;违背;违反be against担任,充当actas 听从某人的建议take/follow ones advice把

6、考虑在内 take. into account 预先,事先 in advance在机场at the airport 全神贯注于be absorbed in害怕be afraid of 除之外(还)in addition to一条建议 a piece of advice 偶然地,意外地by accident/chance Group Fouradj新近的,近来的 recentadv. 事实上 actuallyv. 认(使)适应;改编adapt n. 叙述,报导 accountadj.中年的 middle-aged vt. 修理 repairn 餐馆,饭店 restaurantadj. 文明的;开

7、化的civilizedn. 慈善;救济物品charity慈善组织常用charitiesvt. 揭露disclosen. 夹克衫 jacketn. 懒惰;懒散laziness n. 律师 lawyern. 劳动;劳动力 labo(u)r Group Fiven. 住宿;设施 accommodationadj. 神圣的;虔诚的 holyw. 艰难闲苦hardshipvt. 获得 obtainvt. 班长;监视器 monitorn. 犹豫hesitationvt. 吸收;理解absorbvt. 耕作,培植;培养,陶冶cultivateprep.尽管despiten. 方言dialectvt. 暗示i

8、mplyadj极好的; 壮丽的superbn寺庙templen推销员;售货员 salesmanvt重写;改写 rewriteGroup Sixadj省力的 laborsavingn统治者,管理者 rulern沙拉 saladn.独立;自主 independenceadj.狭窄的;狭隘的 narrown.反对objectionv. 检查;视察;检阅inspectsadj.无法想象的 unimaginablen.整,调节adjustmentn理论 theoryn手提箱 suitcasen症状 symptomadj难以置信的unbelievableadj极重要的;充满生机的vitalGroup Fo

9、ur不在;缺席 be absent from允许某人做allow sb. to do 合计达 add up to瞄准;目标在于aim at 习惯于 be/get accustomed to (doing) sth.(充分)利用 take (full) advantage of再三地,反复地again and again = time and (time) again = over and over (again)说服某人做 persuade sb. to do长处弱点 strong/weak point与讲和 make peace with在你的许可下 with your permission

10、手机 mobile/cell phone代表 stand forGroup Five对感到满意 be pleased with预付 pay in advance把某物邮寄给某人 send/post sth. to sb.比起来更喜欢 prefer doing sth. to doing sth.天气/时间允许的话 weather/time permitting零用钱 pocket money去野餐 go for a picnic有能力做某事 have the/an ability to do sth.买得起;承担得起afford sth./to do旅行社/新闻社 travel/news ag

11、ency 酸雨acid rain(充分)利用 take (full) advantage of悲欢,甘苦 joys and sorrows happiness and sadnessGroup Six再三地,反复地again and again = time and (time) again = over and over (again)不在;自缺席 be absent from吸的注意力 draw/attract/ catch ones attention 尽可能地. as. as possible= as. as one can 为.向某人道歉 apologize to sb. for=m

12、ake an apology to sb. for通知、告知某人inform sb. of/that(大致)了解 have/get a (general) idea of生活水平 the living standard花费做spend(in) doing花费在某物上spend on sth.Group Sevenadj紧急的urgentadj可见的visiblen胜利 victoryadj未知的 unknownn职业 vocation n福利welfaren编织;织布weaveadv. 即,也就是namelyadj.令人钦佩的;值得赞美的admirablev目击;作证,证明witnessadj

13、.不太可能的unlikely n. 奢侈,豪华;奢侈品luxuryn. 解放liberationadj可耻的 shamefuladj捷径 shortcutadj真诚的 sincereGroup Eightn惩罚 punishmentn国籍nationalityv发音 pronouncen自尊 pridevt收回;提取(存款等);撤退withdrawadj穿旧的;用旧的wornvt预言;预报predictadv.而且,此外moreovervt预习 previewadj.n紫色(的) purplev./n低语,窃窃私语whisperadj.整洁的neatadj有毒的poisonousadj.谦虚的

14、modestn皱纹wrinkle Group Ninen武器weapon vt.n.疏忽忽视 neglectadj可笑的,荒谬的ridiculousadj王(室)的royal n. 皮革leathern./vt代表representn橡胶;橡皮擦 rubbern秘书 secretaryn起提醒作用的事物reminderadj.有营养的nutritiousn.心情,情绪moodn.海军navyvt.n谋杀murder Group Seven节食on a diet做某事有困难 have difficulty/trouble (in) doing记日记 keep a diary削减 cut down

15、 详细地in detail一整天 all day (long)献身于,致力于devote oneself to = be devoted to推选某人为 elect sb.(as).与订婚 be engaged to眼保健操/早操 eye/morning exercises鼓励某人做某事 encourage sb. to do令某人激动、兴奋的是 to ones excitement上台,掌权come to/into power在前面;胜过aheadof 根据 according toGroup Eight付款 pay for警察局 police station吃维生素片 take vitam

16、in pills将付诸实施 put . into practice请求许可 ask for permission流行歌曲音乐 pop song/music接某人,给某人搭便车pick up指出 point out众口难调 it is hard to please all交通事故/车祸 traffic/car accident代替 take the place of熟能生巧 Practice makes perfect.接电话 answer the phone适应 adapt (oneself) to doing受欢迎 be popular with/amongGroup Nine举为例 tak

17、e. as an example = take. for example 坚持 persist in, persevere in在操场上 on the playground真遗憾,可惜 It is a pity that平静,安宁 in peace人口多少 a large/small population为做(充分)准备 make( full) preparations for允许某人做 permit sb. to do亲自;本人 in person实施制定计划 carry out/make a plan为纪念;向表示敬意 in honor of惊骇地in horrorGroup Tenn.目

18、的,目标objectiven. 肝脏 liver vt修订,校订;复习revisen样品;标本;实例sample adj简易的;普通的plain adj安全的secure adj.腐烂的;腐朽的rotten n学者scholar v./n.复习;审核;reviewadj爱国的patriotic n才智;机智witn政策;方针policy adj.道德上的;有道德的moral adv. 然而nevertheless n障碍物obstaclen运动;活动movement Group Elevenn. 喜爱.慈爱 affection n.食堂;小卖部canteenvt.指责;控告accusen. 战

19、役;运动;竞选campaignvt.掩埋 bury n,爆发outbreakvt./n. 捕获,占领capture vt. 打扰;使烦恼 botheradj.出众的,杰出的outstandingn.过路人 passer-byadj. /adv在海外(的) overseasvt.包装 packagev租借;出租 rentn亲属,亲戚 relative vt(使)回忆起 recallGroup Twelven居民 residentv监督;管理;指导superviseadj临时的temporary adv几乎不;勉强scarcely adj农村的;乡村的rural n.需要,必要性;必需品neces

20、sityn.神秘;神秘的事物,谜mystery n.胡说,废话nonsense vi.持续 lastn.火焰 flame n.慢跑 joggingn.自由freedomn.燃料fuelGroup Ten餐桌礼仪 table manners在菜单上 on the menu开会 hold/have a meeting做笔记 take/make notes或多或少 more or less显而易见 It is obvious that.,核武器 nuclear weapon本质上in nature 随时 at any moment从今往后 from now on如有必要 if (it is) nec

21、essary学到知识 obtain/get knowledge阻止做 keep. . from doing兼职/专职 part-time/full-time job毫不犹豫 without hesitation由陆路 by landGroup Eleven交通阻塞 traffic jam喜欢,爱好 be fond of 天气预报 weather forecast/report充满 be filled with/be full of对挑剔 be particular about整理 put. in order偶尔 once in a while对某人有耐心 be patient with sb.

22、欢送会 farewell party去郊游 go for an outing心脏病heart disease/trouble住院 in hospital身体健康/不健康 be in good/poor health没有事先通知,擅自 without notice筹款 raise moneyGroup Twelve在中午 at noon没必要做There is no need (for sb.) to do未经许可 without permission为表扬某人 praise sb. for笔友笔名 pen friend/name挑出;分辨出 pick out热衷于be keen on了解 kn

23、ow about/learn about忍受 put up with进行中 in progress故意地 on purpose对.感到羞愧be ashamed of/to do/thatGroup Thirteenadj.后来的;随后的;subsequent n. 简单;朴素simplicityvt. 简化simplifyn. 悲哀,悲痛sorrown. 材料 vt. 填,塞满stuffa. 暂时的,临时的temporaryn. 诱惑,引诱temptationn. 恐怖terroradj. 不同的,多种多样的diversevt. 给.权利,给.资格entitlevt. 管理,调节regulat

24、evt./n. 释放;解脱releasev. 夸大,夸张exaggeratea. 邪恶的,坏的evilvi. 起皱,收缩;退缩shrinkGroup Fourteenn. 利润;v. 有益于profita. 有利可图的profitablen. 斜坡,斜面slopevt. 增强,加强reinforcevt. 拒绝rejecta. 致命的;重大的fataln. 命运fatea. 谦逊的;谦虚的humblea. 不合法的,非法的illegalvt. 授予,判给 n. 奖奖金awarda. 意识到awaren. 柱,圆柱;专栏columnn. 喜剧comedya. 哑的;沉默的dumb a. 聋的;不

25、愿听的deafGroup Fifteenvt. 装饰,装璜decoratea. 最重要的 n. 校长principal n. 原则,原理principlen. 优先,重点priorityvt. 禁止,不准prohibita. 值得注意的,非凡的remarkablen. 重复,反复repetitiona. 徒劳的,无效的vainvt. 承担,着手做;答应undertakea. 唯一的,独特的uniquen. 障碍(物),妨碍obstaclea. 奇特的,古怪的;奇数的oddvt. 省略omitn. 敌手,对手opponentGroup Thirteen发(高)烧 have a (high) fe

26、ver唯恐,以免for fear of/that某人熟悉某物 sb. be familiar with sth.= sth. be familiar to sb.对有帮助 be helpful to朝行进head for在历史上in history丧失信心lose heart某事发生在某人身上 sth. happen to sb.向某人隐瞒某事 hide sth. from sb.暑假 the summer holiday(s)寒假 the winter vacation以的形式 in the form of适合某事物 be fit for sth. 升/降旗 raise/lower the

27、national flagGroup Fourteen空军 the air force 缩小差距 narrow the gap取笑 make fun of. make a fool of泄气的轮胎flat tyre坦白地说frankly speaking严格地说strictly speaking恰当地说 properly speaking在上成功 succeed inbe successful in某事物的解决方法 the solution to sth.用A代替B substitute A for B坚持 stick to到目前为止so far/up to now在某种程度上 to a ce

28、rtain extentGroup Fifteen与作斗争 struggle against/with (动物)以为食feed on不再流行,过时out of fashion为纪念 in memory of意味着做 mean doing如上所述 as (is) mentioned above总经理销售经理 general/sales manager介意(某人)做 mind (ones) doing最好 may/might as well混乱 (be) in a mess绝不 by no means用(航空)邮递 by (air) mail/post医疗 medical care脑力工作 men

29、tal workGroup Sixteenn. 机会,时机opportunityn. 学期;半年semestera. 大概的,大约 v. 近似approximaten. 热情,热心enthusiasmn. 研讨会seminara. 末端的,极限的 n. 终点terminaladj长久的;永久的permanent adj.优雅的;典雅的elegantn. 管弦乐队orchestran. 领土territoryn. 建筑师architectn. 建筑学architecturevt. 引起,激起;唤醒arousen. 重担,负荷burdenadj.尴尬的,为难的embarrassedGroup Se

30、venteena. 奇迹般的,惊人的marvelousn发票,收据 receiptn宗教;信仰 religionv康复 recovern受欢迎;流行popularity vt推迟postpone adj.永久的;持久的everlastingn偏爱preference adj.精力充沛的energeticadj.相反的;对面的opposite adj.整个的,完全的entireadj充足的,很多的plentiful adj.官方的;正式的officialn.氧;氧气oxygen n.热情,激情;酷爱passionGroup Eighteenadj.总的overall vt.强调,着重emphas

31、izevt.占据;占有occupy vt. 增加,提高enhancen. 装备,设条equipmentvi.n暂停,停顿pause n贫穷poverty vt./n改革reform vt保留;预定reserve n消遣,娱乐recreation n. 图书馆管理员 librarianv. 乱扔垃圾litteradj. 人造的;人为的man-made vt.维持:维修,维护maintainGroup Sixteen与结婚(可延续) be married to sb.金牌银牌 gold/silver medal(工作等)表现得好 do a good job跟上keep up with赚钱 make

32、/earn money讲笑话tell a joke继续做 keep on doing使与隔离/孤立 isohue. from经久耐用 last well等一下just a minute/moment精通 have a good knowledge of使某人高兴的是 to ones great joy敲门 knock at/on the door不让知道keep sth. from sb.注视 gaze atGroup Seventeen帮助某人 give/lend sb. a hand志同道合 have a common goal去做礼拜 go to church以支票付款pay by ch

33、eck/ cheque恢复知觉,苏醒come to (oneself)绝不under/in no circumstances迎接挑战meet the challenge从中挑选 choose from在远处 in the distance吸毒take drugs究竟,到底on earth名声好/坏have good/ill fame想要做某事feel like doing sth.擅长be expert at抚养家庭 support/ keep/raise a familyGroup Eighteen产生;成立 come into existence远非 far from某人的脸部細 ones

34、 facial expression(s)未必 not necessarily的数目 the number of在月光下 in the moon/moonlight到处都找不到 be nowhere to be found大量地 in large numbers满足某人对某物的需要 meet/fill/answer/satisfy/fulfill the needs of sb. for sth赚钱 make earn money不时地 (every) now and then = (every) now and again就达成共识 agree onGroup Nineteenadj.充足的

35、;适当的adequaten.车费fareadj.灭绝的extinctadj.致命的fataladj.筋疲力尽的exhaustedn.博物馆museumadj.否定的;消极的 negativeadv.明显地,显然地 obviouslyn.反馈feedbackn.汽车旅馆moteladj.嘈杂的;吵闹的 noisyadj.幻想的;奇异的 fantasticadj.自然的;天然的naturalvt.观察;注意到;遵守;庆祝 observevt. 以为特色 featureGroup Twentyn.扩大;膨胀expansionn贫穷poverty adj.温和的mildn.信任;信心;信念faitha

36、dj.肥沃的;丰富的fertileprep加上plus n./v.害怕,恐惧;担心fear出口;(常s)出口品export(s)vi. /n.昏厥faintv.装饰,装潢 decoraten. /adj.侦探(的)detectiven.骑自行车的人cyclistn.对手opponentadj.混乱的messyn.起源,出处;出身origin Group Twenty-onen.身高 heightv.(使)成熟maturev.冒犯,得罪offend n.延伸,延长 extensionn./ adj.最小值(的) minimum adj.历史的 historicalvi坚持persevere ad

37、j.想家的;思乡的 homesickn.主人;东道主;主持人 hostn数量 quantityadj. 准备充分的 well-preparedn小学生 pupiladj便携的portable adj.残忍的, 残酷的cruelGroup Nineteen身心健康 physical and mental health因受到表彰 be honored for挂断电话hang up贴心地.诚恳地 heart to heart在国内外at home and abroad令某人失望的是 to ones disappointment卷入;参与be/get involved in积极参加 take an a

38、ctive part in从事,专心于,忙于 be occupied with sth. = occupy oneself with sth. 脸色发白,面如土色 turn pale自学 learn. by oneself = teach oneself. 最新消息the latest news散步 take/have a walk Group Twenty各种各样的 a (wide/large) variety of提高嗓门 lift/raise ones voice候诊室;候车室 waiting room用完,耗尽 use up醒来;唤醒 wake up大声低声说in a loud/low

39、 voice柔声细语 in a gentle voice一看见 at the sight of建筑工地 construction site与某人分享 share sth. with sb.报名参加 sign up for淋浴 have/take a shower文化冲击 culture shock去溜冰 go skating支持某人 on ones sideGroup Twenty-one着手做 set about doingset out to do对微笑 smile at对感到震惊 be shocked at减轻痛苦压力 relieve pain/pressure打破保持纪录 break/

40、hold the record成绩单 school report休息一下 have/take a rest去来营救某人 go/come to ones rescue从恢复 recover from集中注意力于focus on在一楼 on the ground/first floor 在上做得好/不好do well/badly in对置若罔闻 turn a deaf ear toGroup Twenty-twoadj.给人深刻印象的impressivev背诵 reciteadj.油腻的oily vt.确认;鉴定identifyvt拒绝;摒弃reject vt.概述,概括outline adj.健

41、忘的 forgetfuladj.被动的;消极的passivev操作;经营;动手术operate vi.移民immigraten.孤儿orphan n.合伙关系partnership . n.资金 fundvt保护;保存preserve v抵抗resist Group Twenty-threen允许permission n范围;射程range n.意图,目的intentionvt使清新;使振作refresh n资格(证明)qualification vt禁止prohibit adj.聪颖的;有才智的intelligentn财产;特性property v反射;反映;反思reflect adj多产的

42、;富有成效的productive n回答;回复;回应response prep关于regarding 表明;显示;象征indicatesadj有关的;切题的relevant adj潜在的;有潜力的potential Group Twenty-fourn./v. 登记,注册;挂号register n车间,工场workshop adj乐意地,欣然readily vt.实现;完成;达到 accomplishvi哭泣,流泪weep v./n回收利用recycle adj无线的wireless adj.柔韧的;灵活的flexibleadj.反常的,异常的abnormalvi.相互作用interactad

43、j显著的;非凡的remarkable n.准确性accuracyn.救护车 ambulancen. 争论;论据 argument Group Twenty-two 呼吁;上诉;吸引appeal to 向要某物ask (sb.) for sth.与.一起together with 怀里抱着;拥抱hold. in ones arms 把.应用于. apply.to .向某人保证.assure sb. that/of sth. 渴望. be anxious for/to do 除.之外apart from对有害 do harm to = be harmful to自行取用(食物等)help ones

44、elf (to.) 持有观点 hold (the view) that. 历史小说 historical novel住旅馆stay in/at a hotel听说hear about/of热烈的讨论heated discussion Group Twenty-three激烈的辩论 heated argument从独立出来 be independent of鼓舞某人做某事inspire sb. to do sth.把引进 introduce. into/to.被传染;感染 be infected with/by求职面试 job interview找工作job hunting对失去兴趣 lose

45、interest in给留下印象 make aimpression onleave aimpression on使某人能够做某事enable sb. to do sth.参与,从事 be engaged in每天一次 once a day酷爱 have a passion for煞费苦心做某事 take great pains to do Group Twenty-four自言自语 say to oneself为送行 seeoff书评 book review日程排满了 have a full schedule不亚于任何人或物 be second to none违反规则 break the rules因应受责备 be to blame for对感到厌烦 be bored with私事/家事事务 private/family affairs外交事务 foreign affairs在/不到岁 at/ under the age of取得巨大成就 make great achievements in偶然遇到 come across评论comment on高考英语单词测验1(P1-P12)1. n.活动 activity 2. vt.影响 affect3. adj. 一样的;相似的alike 4. n.广告 advertisement/ad5. adj

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