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1、Unit2 download 11Unit 2 Book 3LoveI. Difficult Sentences 1. Given the busy nature of our lives, its to be appreciated that we even findthe time to indulge in matters of the heart. (1) What does “matters of the heart” mean?(=something spiritual and emotional like love.)(2) Paraphrase this sentence.(=

2、Taking into account that we are all busy satisfying our material needs,we should feel grateful that we still have the time to enjoy the feeling ofloving and being loved.)2. Harmless puppy loves that are as brief as soap bubbles.(1) What are puppy loves? (=Puppy loves happen to people too young to un

3、derstand true love.)(2) What are the same characteristics that puppy loves and soap bubbles share according to the sentence? (=They are both short in existence and wont produce too much influence on people nor will they do harm to people.)3. nothing could be more serious an affair for me. (1) What d

4、oes this sentence imply? (= To me, a love affair was the most serious thing.)(2) Analyze this sentence grammatically.(=The structure “nothing can be more (+adj.) than sth.” means sth. is the most (=adj.). When the comparative degree is used in a negative sentence, most often it means the superlative

5、 degree.More examples: *Nobody can do the job better than he can. *It cant be worse.)4. Those three hours of unhesitant attention by a group of well-groomed younggentlemen provided with enough content to talk and feel excited aboutfor the next four weeks.(1) What usually would happen at the social?

6、(=Those neatly dressed boys would never hesitate to pay attention to thegirls or to attract the girls attention.)(2) What usually would happen to the girls after the social? (=They always felt excited and would keep on talking about thesocial experience for weeks.)5. And it has to be distinguished f

7、rom the intense but short-lived love or thepleasures of the flesh. (1) Whats the difference between true love and the intense but short-lived love or the pleasures of the flesh? (=True love develops slowly but lasts long, and it needs more sharing, caring and mutual understanding than the intense bu

8、t short-lived love or the pleasures of the flesh.) (2) Translate this sentence into Chinese. (=我们必须把爱情同强烈而短暂的激情或身体的愉悦区别开来。)6. An age when the distance between the sexes somehow managed to helppreserve the holiness of love and relationships. What can we infer from this sentence? (=Distance between se

9、xes in some way contributes to the holiness of loveand relationships between men and women.) 7. What we have been exposed to via the media have fast paced oursensibilities so much that taking things slow requires effort on ourparts.(1) What is the influence of media on us according to the author? (=

10、It makes us mentally and emotionally respond to love more quickly.) (2) Translate this sentence into Chinese. (=我们从媒体中接触到的人和事,使我们的感情历程大大加速,要想慢慢体会自己的感受,确实需要付出努力。)8. There is more of closeness and less of intimacy. (1) What is the difference between closeness and intimacy? (=Closeness is meant in a ph

11、ysical sense, while intimacy is in the spiritual sense.) (2) What does this sentence imply? (= People in love can contact each other more easily, but they arent as spiritually close to each other as before.)9. In short, there is more of ME and less of US. What does this sentence mean? (=Today young

12、people handle love in a more self-centered way, onlyconcerned with their own feelings and even interests in an affair, forgettingthat love also needs sharing and giving.)10. What about trying to be self-sufficient emotionally before letting ourselvesloose? (1) What can we infer from this sentence? (

13、=Only when we become emotionally mature can we start a relationship and indulge in love.)(2) Translate this sentence into Chinese. (=等我们在感情上成熟起来后再尽情地追求爱情,怎么样?) 11. What about channeling our energies and emotions toward building life-longbonds rather than wasting them on seasonal relationships? (1) W

14、hat do “them” refer to in this sentence? (=our energies and emotions) (2) What do “seasonal relationships” mean? (=Literally the expression means relationships that vary from season to season. Here it means short-lived relationships we are involved in with different people.) 12. And we should not ha

15、ve become so tired by our frivolous acts that when itcomes we arent able to receive it with open arms. (1) What does “it” refer to in this sentence? (=true love) (2) Translate this sentence into Chinese. (=我们本不应任由轻佻的行为令自己身心疲惫,以致当真爱到来时,却没有能力张开双臂迎接它。) II. Words and Expressions1. hold on: continue in s

16、pite of difficulties *Despite all the hardships, he held on to his pursuit of further study abroad. 在经济衰退时期我们要把业务坚持下去。 (=We should hold on to our business during the recession.)2. defy: vt. (1) to make impossible or unsuccessful *This problem defied solution. 此问题无法解决。 那个恐怖的场景难以描述。 (=That horrible sc

17、ene defied any description.) (2) to refuse to obey (=They defied their parents and got married.)这些无视法律的罪犯终于得到了惩罚。 (=These criminals who had defied the law were eventually punished.) Collocations: defy the authority反抗权威 defy the government蔑视政府 defy severe cold不畏严寒 defy enumeration不胜枚举 defy laws human

18、 and divine无法无天 CF. oppose, defy & resist 这些动词均含有“反抗”、“抵抗”之意。 oppose 普通用词,可表不同程度的抵抗。 defy 指公开地、勇敢地反对或抵抗,有时含公然挑衅之意。 resist 指积极地反抗一种攻击、暴力或诱惑。(Directions:) Fill in the blanks with the words above. Change the form wherenecessary.(1) Our troopers are _ the enemies attacks. (=resisting)(2) This new plan h

19、as been stubbornly _ since it was put forward. (=opposed)(3) The little boy couldnt _ the temptation and ate up all the cake. (=resist)(4) He _ the court order by leaving the country. (=defied) 3. overwhelming: adj. overpowering in effect or strength*The girl screamed with overwhelming joy at the si

20、ght of her birthday present, a pink dress.巨大的压力终于让他精神崩溃了。(=HHe He eventually got a nervous breakdown under the overwhelmingpressure.)4. given: prep. taking sth. into account 考虑到公司上半年业绩不佳,我们决定暂缓这次投资。 (=Given the companys poor achievement in the first half of the year, wedecided that the investment be

21、 left aside.) (=Given that she is interested in children, I am sure teaching is the rightcareer for her.)5. indulge: vi. often used with in to allow oneself to have or do sth. that one enjoys, esp. sth. that is considered rather bad or harmful *Forget about dieting today and just indulge in the food

22、.我们应该给孩子们提供更多引导,以免他们沉迷于电脑游戏。 (=We should give the children more guidance, in case they indulge in PC games.) CF. spoil & indulge 这两个动词均含“纵容”、“迁就”之意。spoil 纵容,易造成性情的扭曲。例如: *Dont spoil the child by giving him whatever he asks for. 不要对孩子有求必应, 这样会惯坏他。indulge 指迁就或放任某人应该节制的欲望要求或感情。例如: *She always indulges

23、in idle daydreams. 她总是沉溺于徒劳的白日梦中。6. interact: vi. (of people) to act together or co-operatively, esp. so as tocommunicate with each other*Parties are a chance for people to interact with each other. 好的课堂氛围应该是学生和教师能有足够的互动。 (=Teachers should interact with students frequently to ensure a good class atm

24、osphere.) 7. await: vt. to wait for 我们仍在等候指示。 (=We are still awaiting instructions.)(=A warm welcome awaits all our customers.)8. groom: vt. to take care of the appearance of (oneself) by dressing neatly,keeping the hair tidy, etc. 小女孩正在镜子前仔细地打扮自己。 (=The little girl is grooming herself carefully in

25、front of the mirror.) *A flight attendant should always be perfectly groomed. 空中服务员应该总是浑身上下干净利落. 9. build on: to base on *Our companys future development is built on recent success. 我们公司未来的发展是以近来的成功为基础的。好的婚姻应该建立在相互理解的基础上。 (= A good marriage should be built on mutual understanding.) 10. blossom: vi.

26、to produce flowers *The cherry trees blossomed early this year (=She has blossomed out into a beautiful young woman.) 11. affection: n. fondness; gentle lasting love, like that of a parent for a child *The old priest was held in great affection. (=The principal had a fatherly affection for the young

27、sters.) 老人很疼爱他的孙女。(=The old man felt great affection for his granddaughter.)CF. affection, love & attachment 这些名词均含“爱”、“热爱”之意。affection 指对人的爱慕或深厚、温柔的感情,强调感情的深沉。love比affection的语气更强。表示一种难以控制的激情。attachment 通常用于书面文字中,既可指对某人某物的喜欢,又可指出自理智对某人或某物的热爱,尤指长时间的爱。(Directions:) Fill in the blanks with the words ab

28、ove. (1) Father looked at his little daughter in the white wedding dress with great _ and a little sadness. (= affection)(2) I never realize my _ to the comforts of home until I have to leave it. (=attachment)(3) The young couple _ each other so much that they cant stand a moment apart. (=love)12. f

29、lesh: n. the body as opposed to the mind or soul *The spirit is willing but the flesh is weak. 心有余而力不足。 (= Life is not the pursuit of flesh pleasures.) Collocations: flesh-eating 食肉的 flesh and blood 血肉之躯 in the flesh 活生生的,本人 make ones flesh creep 心惊肉跳13. constraint: n. sth. that limits ones freedom

30、of action *All constraint vanished between the two girls soon, and they began to talk freely. (=We should not ignore the moral constraints in our pursuit of success.) 14. restraint: n. the act of restraining or the condition of being restrained *The police officer showed great restraint whatever the

31、 young man said to him. (=I dream of living a free life, away from the restraints of urban existence.)随着孩子们渐渐长大,他们开始反抗父母的管束。(=As they grow older, kids begin to rebel against the restraints imposed by their parents.)15. haste: n. quickness of movement, hurry *Why all the haste? 为什么这么匆忙? (=Marry in ha

32、ste, repent at leisure.) 欲速则不达。 (=More haste, less speed.)CF. haste, speed & hurry 这些名词均含“迅速”、“急速”之意。haste 中性词,用作褒义指动作迅速,事情做得又快又好;作贬义用时,指做事 急躁,行为鲁莽,得不到预期的结果。speed 多用于褒义,指行动敏捷,效果好。hurry 指急速从事某项活动或匆忙对付一件事情,含明显慌乱的意思。(Directions:) Fill in the blanks with the words above. Change the form wherenecessary.(

33、1) Dont let anyone _ you into making a decision youll regret later. (= hurry)(2) In his _ to leave, he forgot his briefcase. (=haste)(3) Postal workers labored overtime to _ delivery of the Christmas mail. (=speed)(4) If you dont _, youll miss the plane. (=hurry)16. compatible: adj. able to exist, l

34、ive, or be used together or with (anotherthing) *Compatible family relations make a child more tolerant. (=Certain kinds of drug are not compatible and should never be taken together.)这台打印机与大多数计算机兼容.(=This printer is compatible with most computers.)17. sensibility: n. (1) ability to receive and appr

35、eciate delicate impressions *This painting shows his sensibility to color. *His works show that as an architect, he is able to combine his specialties with the sensibility of an artist. (2) capacity for being easily offended or shocked *This article offended most readers sensibilities. 这篇文章挫伤了大多数读者的

36、感情。 (= She is a girl of subtle and refined sensibilities.)18. blame sth. on sth./sb.: to consider sth./sb. responsible for sth. bad *The police blamed the accident on the taxi driver. 他们把这次失败归咎于他顽固的态度。 (=They blame the failure on his stubborn attitude.)19. originate: vi. to have as an established st

37、arting point *The style of architecture originated from the ancient Greeks. 这种建筑风格起源于古希腊。 (=Most peoples psychological problems originate in their early relationship with their parents.)CF: arise, originate & result 这些动词均有“起源”、“源自”之意。arise多与from连用,强调指从无到有的产生,表一种因果关系。originate 强调产生变化的起源。result 强调变化的最

38、终结果。(Directions:) Fill in the blanks with the words above. Change the form wherenecessary.(1) Our efforts _ in success. (=resulted) (2) This is a mistake that _ from a basic misunderstanding. (= arises) (3) The concept of “zero” _ in India. (=originated) (4) There are some problems _ out of the lack

39、 of communication. (=arising)20. distort: vt. to give a false or dishonest account of *The announcement was so distorted that I couldnt understand what was said. 当他发现他的动机被歪曲时他很愤怒。 (= He felt angry when he realized that his motives had been distorted.) (=The human understanding is like a false mirror

40、, which, receiving rays irregularly, distorts and discolors the nature of things by mingling its own nature with it.) 人的理解如同一面假镜子,无规律地接收光线,将自己的本质和事物的本质混合起来,从而歪曲和玷污了事物的本质。21. (L.73) passion: n. a powerful emotion, such as love, joy, hatred, or anger *Hes been known to fly into a passion without warni

41、ng. 大家都知道他动不动就发火。 没有什么感情比嫉妒在人类心中更根深蒂固了。(=There is not a passion so strongly rooted in the human heart as envy.)CF. emotion, feeling, passion & sentiment 这些名词的共同含义是“感情”或“情感”。emotion普通用词,词义中性。泛指因外界刺激而引起思想情感从细微变化到最强烈的发作。例如: *She spoke unsteadily in a voice that betrayed her emotion. 她断断续续的讲话暴露了她的感情。 fe

42、eling普通用词,含义广。多指具体的、内心的感受,或表露出来的强烈情感。例如: *Poetry is the spontaneous overflow of powerful feelings. 诗是强烈感情的自然流露。passion指极强烈的感情,尤指愤怒、爱好等。也常指两性间的爱情。例如: *His passion for her made him blind to everything else. 他强烈地爱着她, 对其他一切都已熟视无睹。sentiment一般指由一种思想激起的感情,含较大的理智因素。例如: *He delivered a speech full of lofty s

43、entiments. 他的演讲充分表达了一种高尚的情操。 22. acquire: vt. to gain by ones own ability, efforts or behavior *After years of study in college, he acquired proficiency in math. 抽象派艺术要慢慢才会欣赏。 (= Abstract art is an acquired taste.)CF: acquire, obtain, gain & get 这些动词均含“获得”、“取得”、“得到”之意。acquire 强调通过不断的、持续的努力而获得某物,也指日积

44、月累地渐渐地获得。书面语用词。obtain 较正式用词,着重指通过付出巨大努力而得到所需或盼望已久的东西。 gain 强调指经过努力或有意识行动而取得某种成就,获得某种利益或好处。get 普通用词,使用广泛,可指以任何方式得到某物,也不一定要经过努力。(Directions:) Fill in the blanks with the words above. Change the form wherenecessary.(1) He always manages to _ what he wants. (=obtain/get)(2) Recently he _ a small fortune

45、 in real estate. (=gained)(3) It takes a long time to _ a good knowledge of English. (=acquire)(4) I _ noting but trouble for my efforts. (=got)23. harden: v. (cause sth.) to become hard, strong, unyielding, etc *The varnish takes a few minutes to harden. 清漆几分钟就能变硬。 (=Attitudes to the strike have ha

46、rdened on both sides.) 战士们顽强地面对前线的生活。 (= The soldiers were hardened to life on the frontier.) 24. (L.82) sufficient: adj. being as much as is needed *Most people have sufficient income for a comfortable retirement. 晚宴准备了足够一百号人吃的食物。 (=The party offered sufficient food for a hundred guests.)CF: adequa

47、te, enough & sufficient 这些形容词均含“足够的”、“充足的”之意。adequate 指数量上足够,质量上适当。enough 最普通用词,口语、书面语都可用,较强调分量或数量的足够,多指希望 的满足。sufficient 正式用词,强调数目、数量或程度达到某一特定要求或需要。(Directions:) Fill in the blanks with the words above. (1) Seven hours sleep is _ for an adult. (= sufficient)(2) I hope you left _ room for my luggage

48、 in the back of the car. (=enough)(3) Is 20 pounds _ for your expenses? (= sufficient) (4) The skaters technique was only _. (=adequate)25. let sb. loose (on sth.): to allow sb. to deal with sth. in their own way *Sometimes parents should let their children loose on their relationships. 父亲退休后就把家里的生意

49、放手交给了他的儿子。 (=Father let his son loose on the family business after his retirement.)26. forge: vt. to create by means of much hard work *We should forge close links with our competitors as well. 他们长期的互惠合作是双方共同促就的。 (=Their long-term reciprocal relationship is forged by the both sides.)27. bond: n. a u

50、niting force or tie, a link *The bonds of affection brought the whole family together in the misfortune. *The bond between mother and child is extremely strong. 这项贸易协定有助于加强两国之间的联系。 (=The trade agreement helped to strengthen the bonds between the two countries.) III. Useful Expressions1. 难以名状 defy de

51、finition 2. 大胆的想法 adventurous thoughts3. 异性 the opposite gender 4. 长期计划a long-term plan 5. 或多或少 more or less 6. 安定的生活a settled life7. 互相让步 give and take8. 在基础上on the foundation of 9. 意见一致 a meeting of minds 10. 传统派 the traditional school11. 培养爱情 nurture love 12. 短暂的爱 short-lived love13. 质朴的外表 the un

52、pretentious looks14. 一个久远的年代 a bygone era15. 随大流 jump on the bandwagon16. 心灵的契合 mental compatibilities17. 把归咎于 blame on 18. 弄清楚 figure out19. 扭曲的情感 distorted emotions20. 确定重点 set priorities21. 履行承诺 honor ones commitments22. 终身不渝的关系 life-long bonds IV. Proverbs and Quotations1. Beauty lies in lovers

53、eyes. 情人眼里出西施。 2. Follow love and it will flee, flee love and it will follow thee. 追求爱情,它会逃离你;逃避爱情,它会跟着你。 3. Friendship is like earthenware: once broken, it can be mended; love is like a mirror: once broken, that ends it. Josh Billings, American humorist 友谊就像陶器,破了可以修补;爱情好比镜子,一旦打破就难重圆。 美国幽默作家 乔西比林斯 4

54、. First love is only a little foolishness and a lot of curiosity. George Bernard Shaw, British dramatist初恋就是一点点笨拙外加许许多多好奇。 英国剧作家 乔治肖伯纳5. There is no paradise on earth equal to the union of love and innocence. Jean-Jacques Rousseau, French thinker 人间最大的幸福莫如既有爱情又清白无瑕。 法国思想家 让雅克卢梭 6. Gravitation is not responsible for people falling in love. Albert Einstein, American scientist 并非地球引力使人坠入爱河。 美国科学家 阿尔伯特爱因斯坦11

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