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1、8L 21/31船用主机额定功率/额定转速: 1720kW/1000r/min 柴油机: 8L 21/31 用途: 主推进柴油机 起动方式: 气起动调速器: 机械液压调速器 船检: CCS检认可资料前言首先感谢贵方选用我厂的发动机,我们根据双方签订的规格书状态制作了贵方所需的认可资料,如贵方对认可资料中的状态有不同意见,请致电联系,我们将竭诚为您服务。本机型系引进德国MAN产品,缺少的技术文件将尽快后续提供。由于零部件的采购、生产具有一定周期,为了更快的组织生产,确保贵方能够按期提货,希望贵方在收到认可资料,尽快反馈认可意见。目 录1.8L21/31柴油机外形安装图(包括隔振器的机脚的详细尺寸

2、图) 5页1.1柴油机安装图2页1.2柴油机机脚布置图2页1.3柴油机机脚详细图1页2. 8L21/31柴油机系统图 6页2.1冷却系统图2页2.2润滑系统图2页2.3燃油系统图1页2.4起动系统图1页3. 柴油机飞轮图 1页4. 水预热单元图纸和电器图纸 2页5. 水质要求说明 4页6. 柴油机曲臂差值图 5页7. 调速器资料(包括说明书、接线图) 随后提供8.柴油机转动惯量参数 1页9. 电器设备及接线原理图随后提供10.散供件外形图 1页 10.1排气波纹管 1页11.备件和工具清单 3页12.主机隔振装置需要的参数 12.1主柴油机参数(见柴油机参数) 12.2柴油机重量重心位置(见柴

3、油机外形图) 12.3柴油机转动惯量(见惯量图) 12.4柴油机机脚尺寸、安装接口尺寸(见机座图) 12.5柴油机对外管路的接口法兰尺寸图(见柴油机外形图) 12.6主柴油机振动频谱随后提供 12.7主柴油机工作过程中飞轮轴向和径向位移 1页13.排气消声器设计需要的参数 1页 13.1柴油机参数(见柴油机参数) 1页 13.2排气管通径、最大阻力损失 1页 13.3排气流量、排气温度 1页 13.4消声器消声量、阻力损失、最大容许消声器尺寸(长度、直径) 1页14. 柴油机推进特性曲线 2页15. 21/31性能参数 5页MAN B&W Diesel1690729-9.2Page 1 (4)

4、Lubricating oil system1440000L21/31GeneralThe engine features an entirely closed wet sump luboil system, ensuring easy installation and no risk ofdirt entering the lub oil circuit.The helical gear type lub oil pump is installed in thefront_end box and draws the oil from the sump.Via a double check v

5、alve with connection for stand_bypump, the oil flows to the pressure regulator, throughthe built_on lub oil plate cooler and the integratedautomatic lub oil filter to the engine.The back_flush oil from the filter is drained to thesump. A purifier must be connected to maintainproper condition of the

6、lub oil.Integrated thermostatic elements ensure a constantlub oil temperature to the engine.Lub oil consumptionThe lub oil consumption is 0.5_0.8 g/kWh (alwaysreferring to MCR).It should, however, be observed that during therunning_in period the lub oil consumption may exceedthe values stated:Engine

7、 type6L21/317L21/318L21/319L21/31Lub oil consumptionlitres / hour0.7 _ 1.20.8 _ 1.31.0 _ 1.51.1 _ 1.7Lub oil requirementsOnly lub oils meeting the requirements in the “List ofLubricating Oils” may be used.Within the guarantee period, only lub oils approved byus should be used, unless a written state

8、ment hasbeen given.05.50MAN B&W Diesel1440000L21/31Lub oil systemThe lub oil system is the same for both MDO and HFOoperation.Lubricating oil system1690729-9.2Page 2 (4)05.50描述淡水系统处理504.40版本021/4冷却水系统的防腐保护柴油机的冷却水必须仔细处理、保存和监测,以避免腐蚀或形成沉淀,从而使传热效率降低。因此对冷却水进行处理是非常必要的。HND-MAN 公司建议按下列步骤进行处理:1. 清洗冷却水系统2. 注满

9、带防腐剂的无离子水或蒸馏水(例如来自淡水发生器的水)。 3. 对冷却水系统和冷却水状况进行定期检查。遵守这些预防措施和系统正确的通气,就会使由冷却水引起的故障降至最低。冷却水系统的清洗在防腐处理之前,必须除去系统中的石灰沉积层,铁锈和油泥,以改善热传导和确保防腐剂对表面进行保护的均匀性。清洗应包括除油泥,酸洗除锈和清除水垢。为了清洁冷却水系统而特制的预混合清洗剂可以从专门从事冷却水处理的制造厂购得,这些公司在所有主要港口提供帮助及操作处理,一些清洁剂厂商已列在附带的清单上。应该指出的是必须严格遵守他们给出的指导。更重要的是清洁之后对系统的彻底清洗。水乳化清洁剂和弱碱性清洁剂一样可以用于除去油污


11、无离子水或蒸馏水(如由淡水发生器生产的水)作为冷却水。由于硬度较低,这种水还具有相当的腐蚀性,因此总要加入防腐剂。如果没有无离子水或蒸馏水,特殊情况下可使用饮用水。但是水的总硬度不得超过9d H(德国硬度级)。要检查水中氯化物、氯、硫酸盐、硅酸盐的含量。它们不能超过下列值:氯化物 50ppm (50毫克/升) 氯 10ppm (10毫克/升) 硫酸盐 100ppm (100毫克/升) 硅酸盐 150ppm (150毫克/升)水中不得含有硫化物和氨。绝对不能使用雨水,因为雨水可能已被严重污染。应该注意的是,对水的软化处理不会降低硫酸盐和氯化物的含量。504.40淡水系统处理描述版本02概述防腐剂




15、系统中的冷却水如果不含防腐剂也可以使用。将水加热到60,且不断循环。 将膨胀水箱放水至最低水位。 加入按制造厂规定的除油化学剂的剂量,最好从淡水泵的吸入端加入。此后立即再将膨胀水箱放水至最低水位。按制造厂规定的周期循环清洗化学剂。 冷却水系统必须在无压力状态下 检查并排除所有泄漏。放掉系统中的水,再加满清洁的非蒸馏水,为了冲掉膨胀水箱中的油和油脂。将水循环两小时后放掉。酸洗除锈充满干净的非蒸馏水并加热至70-75。在干净的铁筒中用热水溶解一定剂量的酸性混合物。将水加至铁筒的一半后慢慢加入酸性混合物,充分搅拌,再加满热水搅拌。(例如,使用一根蒸汽管)注意使用防护眼睛和手套对于试航前已经得到处理的

16、柴油机,一般应保持制造厂规定的最低浓度。对于未处理的柴油机,取决于冷却系统的状况,一般有必要使用较高的浓度。从系统中排出一些水,通过膨胀水箱加入酸性溶液。冷却水系统必须在无压力状态下 保持水温在70-75之间不间断地循环。处理的持续时间取决于污染程度。对于试航概述前已经处理过的柴油机,通常制造厂推荐的最短时间就足够了。对未经处理的柴油机必须考虑用较长的时间。每小时检查一次,例如用PH试纸,溶液中的酸成分不能耗尽。许多除锈剂都含有色彩指示剂,它能显示出酸溶液的状态。如果酸成分已耗尽,就要加入新的酸溶液,这时应使用所推荐的最低浓度。酸在水中的溶解度往往是有一定限度的。在例外情况下,如果需要大量溶液


18、得合适的防腐剂浓度。该项检查应该每周进行一次酸洗结束之后立即检查系统中酸含量,24小时以后再进行一次。504.40版本02 淡水系统处理 描述4/4 概述用于冷却水处理的硝酸盐-硼酸盐腐蚀剂* 初次剂量可以大些此清单仅作为指导用,是不全面的。对由这些或其它水防腐蚀剂/化学试剂可能引起的问题我们不承担责任。供货商按字母顺序排列。通常这些公司也可提供相配的清洁器。序号 层次 零件号 名称 数量1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38

19、 39 40 41 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2131.018.013.6 11.02169-3542 11.01295-0277 11.01296-0060 11.01295-0278 11.02096-0049 11.01295-0276 11.01296-0071 EN1P122811.01251-0048 11.01295-0311 11.01299-0128 乐泰54511.02169-3702 11.44703-0044 11.44703-0

20、047 11.44703-0046 11.11457-0545 11.05540-0332 06.46696-4135 11.11305-0023 11.11439-0108 11.05540-0333 11.03069-3230 11.03095-0180 11.01296-0060 11.03068-0093 06.22240-0354 11.03095-0178 11.03096-0108 11.03410-0114 EN3N10011.03456-1598 11.03456-1599 11.03431-0282 11.10078-0817 11.10078-0818 11.10034-

21、0039 11.20008-0116 11.22100-1107 11.43401-1331 11.43427-0049 标准备件清单(主机一阶段) 主轴瓦(miba) 侧拉螺柱 螺母气缸盖螺柱 主轴承盖螺母 贯穿螺柱 盖螺母主轴承定位销 螺柱防护帽 主轴承盖螺柱密封环(用于气缸盖螺柱) 螺纹密封胶 止推环中间件(用于气缸盖水管) 中间件(用于气缸盖水管) 中间件(用于气缸盖水管) 进/排气门 排气门座圈 气门弹簧 气门锁夹 气门旋转机构 进气门座圈 连杆瓦(miba) 连杆螺栓 连杆螺母 活塞销衬套 圆柱销 连杆螺栓 连杆螺母 活塞销 活塞销挡圈活塞环(第一道环) 活塞环(第二道环) 刮油环

22、 齿轮 齿轮轴向止推环 喷油泵 喷油器高压油管(与喷油泵相连) 高压油管(与喷油器相连) 1船 1 2 4 2 2 2 2 1 4 2 2 1 2 2 1 1 6 4 6 6 6 2 1 2 2 1 4 4 4 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 4 11/每缸 1 142 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 1 2 3 4 5 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

23、1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 2 2 2 2 2 11.28987-0544 11.28987-0566 06.56936-2288 11.05587-0205 06.56936-0803 06.56933-4958 06.56936-3510 11.05187-0002 06.56936-0819 06.56936-1581 11.05587-0177 06.56933-4760 06.56933-5013 11.07387-0121 06.56936-1507 06.56936-2355 06.56936-4636 06.56936-2778 2507244-3 R554K10.0 R5

24、54K12.0 EN506B20.0 EN506F20.0200 EN506L24 EN506L30 EN506L36 EN506G14 2050231-4 EN506A12.5 EN549G1 R554K13.0 R554K14.0 R554K17.0 R554K19.0 R554K22.0 R554K24.0 R554K30.0 2115545-5 11.49023-0398 11.49028-0492 2001543-7 11.49022-0254 11.49021-0739 垫片(排气管之间)垫片(排气管与增压器之间)O形圈(用于喷油器护套上/下部) O形圈(用于气门导套内)O形圈(用

25、于气缸盖和水套之间) O形圈(用于气缸盖和缸套之间) O形圈(用于气缸盖和水套之间) O形圈(用于水套和机体之间) O形圈(用于水套和机体之间) O形圈(用于摇臂轴) O形圈(用于摇臂轴) O形圈(用于气缸套下部) O形圈(用于气缸套上部) O形圈(用于气缸盖罩) O形圈(用于气缸盖螺柱) O形圈(用于贯穿螺柱)O形圈(用气缸盖进气管法兰) O形圈(用气缸盖水管连接) 手动工具(主机) 两用扳手 两用扳手 双向棘轮扳手 接长杆四方传动套筒扳手 四方传动套筒扳手 四方传动套筒扳手凹头六角螺钉,四方传动 成套工具T形把手,四方传动 整套内六角扳手 两用扳手 两用扳手 两用扳手 两用扳手 两用扳手

26、两用扳手 两用扳手标准修理工具(主机)气缸单元和气缸盖吊挂装置(038) 气门弹簧压紧装置(014) 一套厚薄规(010) 气门间隙调整工具 火焰环拆卸装置(021) 1 1 3 4 2 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 4 2 2 8 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 16 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 352 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1

27、1 1 1 1 1 11.49023-0396 11.49008-0329 11.49023-0350 11.49041-0899 11.49021-0724 11.49043-1037 11.49043-1035 EN61V1025 11.49021-0715 11.49008-0333 1632397-5 1694652-8 702684-211.49000-2217 11.49058-0600 2056299-4 11.49001-0503 1694629-1 2062098-7 11.49002-0045 EN515H85 1635606-6 1635609-1 11.49023-03

28、42 EN69R16 EN69R1211.49017-0036 11.49017-0034 1651568-1 1612860-3 气缸套吊挂装置(082)气缸盖/气缸套研磨工具(087) 水套提升装置连杆曲轴定位支架(060) 连杆轴瓦拆装工具(069) 叉子活塞固定支架(212) 螺栓M1025喷油器拆卸装置(407) 喷油器座研磨装置(074) 喷油器清洗工具(013) 喷油器试验装置(050) 清洁针(025) 液压拉紧装置轴瓦推出工具(035) 爆发压力表(134) 插式扳手用于示功阀的工具(146) 活塞导向工具(045) 活塞环卡钳(190)弹性挡圈拆装卡钳(177) 内径极限量

29、规(165) 内径极限量规(153)活塞和连杆吊挂装置(104) 吊环螺钉 M16(032) 吊环螺钉 M12(036) 宽口铲(485) 宽口铲(473) 集气罐 喷枪 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1The Axial displacement And Radial displacementOf Flywheel During Main Diesel Working主柴油机工作工程中飞轮的轴向和径向位移Axial displacement mmRadial displacement mm轴向位移 mm径向

30、位移 mm0.4-0.704 0.151-0.265 0.4-0.704 0.151-0.265MAN Diesel & Turbo1699864-1.1Page 1 (2)Exhaust gas system1459000L21/31L27/38Exhaust pipeIt is important that the exhaust piping is as short and with as few sweep bends as possible.Sharp bendings and small diameter exhaust pipes produce high back pressu

31、res which will affect the engine combustion.The exhaust back pressure should not exceed 250 mm WC at MCR. An exhaust gas velocity of max 35 m/sec at MCR through the exhaust system is usually acceptable, but depends on the actual installation and ow resistance.Each engine must have its own separate e

32、xhaust system to avoid fouling of the turbocharger when an engine is not in operation.We will be pleased to assist in making a calculation of the exhaust back pressure.The gas outlet from the turbocharger, expansion bellows, connecting piece, exhaust pipes and si-lencers must be insulated with suita

33、ble material. The insulation should be protected by a thin metal plating and comply with class and national authority requirements.Care must be taken when installing silencers with spark arresters to ensure that the access doors are situated to permit ease of removal for cleaning.The minimum dimensi

34、ons of the exhaust pipes are stated in the planning data.Exhaust pipe mountingWhen the exhaust system is designed, consideration must be given to the radiation of heat and noise.Because the exhaust system is subject to consider-able thermal uctuations, it is necessary to incorpo-rate exible as well

35、as rigid suspension points.In order to compensate for thermal expansion in the longitudinal direction, expansion bellows must be inserted as shown. Depending on the actual exhaust piping system, it may be necessary to insert extra expansion bellows. The expansion bellows should preferably be placed

36、at the rigid suspension points.The exhaust piping must exert no force on the gas outlet of the turbocharger.The pipe work should be easily removable to facilitate ease of cleaning and maintenance. Each connection in the pipe line should be tted with a gasket.A pipe branch should be welded into the e

37、xhaust line to enable measurements of the exhaust back pressure to be taken.To prevent the ingress of water, the terminal outlet should be provided with a collar, as shown in g 1.The exhaust piping is to be provided with water drains, which are to be kept open constantly for draining the condensatio

38、n water or possible leak water from waste heat boilers.08.17MAN Diesel & Turbo08.17MAN Diesel1690738-3.0Page 1 (1)Exhaust gas system1459000L21/31Position of gas outlet on turbochargerThe turbocharger outlet is fitted with a round flange,adapted for direct installation of an expansion bellow.=Fig 1 s

39、hows alternative positions for the exhaust gasoutlet and if requested the outlet can be turned to adesired position prior to dispatch.=15C=15C CrankshaftL4E11-AMG28E782355Enginetype6L21/317L21/318L21/319L21/31*) Exhaust pipe dimensionA *)mm400450450500Bmm305305305305Cmm691721721808Dmm193020292029212

40、1Fig 1 Position of exhaust gas outlet03.40DB=MAN Diesel1690739-5.0Page 1 (1)Exhaust gas system1459000ADNLNExhaust pipe dimension in mmNumber of cylindersOuter flange diameterPitch circle diameterExhaust pipe dimensionFree length in mmNumber of holes6S02NxDABCDNLNNx40065404954003054507595550450305450

41、85955504503055009645600500305Fig 1 Exhaust gas compensator03.40MAN Diesel1690740-5.0Page 1 (1)Exhaust gas system1459000L21/31Exhaust gas boilerTo utilize the thermal energy from the exhaust, anexhaust gas boiler producing steam or hot water canbe installed.Each engine should have its own separate ex

42、haustgas boiler or a common boiler with individual gasducts from each engine.For exhaust gas quantities and temperatures seefig 1.Condition for the application of the graph:MDO low calorific heat value: 42700 kJ/kgISO ambient conditionsExhaust gas tolerances:QuantityTemperatureFor engines operating

43、on HFO, the exhaust gastemperature can be expected to be about 15C higher.Exhaust gas quantity will more or less remain thesame.In order to reduce the possibility of moisture formationand subsequently sulphuric acid forming in the uptakethe gas outlet temperature from the gas boilers mustbe minimum

44、180C.The exhaust gas boiler should have a gas bypass foroperating at low load conditions. The overall backpressure must be considered when designing thesystem.03.40MAN Diesel & Turbo1690741-7.0Page 1 (1)Exhaust gas system1459000L21/31L27/38Standard silencerAbsorbtive type.Noise attenuation 25 or 35

45、dB(A).DC4E06EFGBIHSilencer with spark arresterSilencertype25dB16”25dB18”25dB20”25dB22”25dB_24”35dB16”35dB18”35dB20”35dB22”35dB24”Amm3400370040004200440044004700500052005400Bmm3100340037003900410041004400470049005100Cmm150150150150150150150150150150Dmm400450500550600400450500550600Emm9501000110012001


47、50400450500Emm100095010001100Fmm104099010401140Gmm16161620Hmm595540595645Imm550495550600Weightkg7007009001100Fig 1 Standard silencer03.40排气管通径、最大阻力损失排气管通径:300mm最大阻力损失:2.5kpa排气流量、排气温度排烟流量:12500kg/h(轻油)排气温度:300350消声器消声量、阻力损失、最大容许消声器尺寸 消声器消声量: 25 or 35 dB(A)灭火星型消音器尺寸消音器类型AmmBmmCDEFmmGHI重量mmmmmmmmmmmmkg

48、59555080025dB1837003400 1504501000104016增压器上排气管的位置Enginetype8L21/31A*)mm450Bmm305Cmm721Dmm2029波纹管尺寸图ExhaustpipedimensioninmmNumberofcylindersOuterflangediameterPitchcirclediameterExhaustpipedimensionFreelengthinmmNumberofholesLNND3051622BCDN550450A8595450MAN B&W Diesel1400000L21/31Main dimensions169

49、0743-0.0Page 2 (2)Fig 3 Engine type 8L21/31Fig 4 Engine type 9L21/3103.43MAN B&W Diesel1690760-8.3Page 1 (2)Project planning data1400000L21/31Engine type L21/31 operation on HFOGeneral dataFuel system, operation on fuel oil (HFO)Builton duplex slit filter.Main particularsNumber of cylinders:Rated po

50、wer (MCR)Rated speedIdle speedBoreStrokeStroke/bore ratioCylinder distanceMean piston speed (cm)Mean eff. pressure (MEP)Compression ratioDisplacement / cylinderMax combustion pressurekW/cylrpmrpmmmmmmmm/sbarLbar6, 7, 8, 9 2151000 600 210 3101.5 355 10.3 24.115.5 10.7 200Lubricating oil systemWet sum

51、p. Builton oil pump, oil cooler and automaticlubricating oil filter.Lubricating oil maintenance with self cleaning purifier.Cooling systemBuilton LT and HT freshwater pumps. 2stage chargeair cooler.Central cooling with separated low and high tempera-ture system.Heat energy at MCR ratingkJ/ KWhFuel o

52、il acceptanceHFO up to700 Cst/50CInjection viscositycSt Max 14Spec. fuel oil consumptiong/KWh184*Lubricating oilSpec. lub oil consumptionGradeg/KWhSAE 400.5 0.8*Jacket cooling water840Lubricating oil460Charge air cooler, LT/HT630/8951)Exhaust2520Radiated1251)Max removeable for heat recovery = 50%Vel

53、ocities in piping at MCR rating m/secSea waterFresh waterLubricating oilFuel oil (MDO)Exhaust gasSuction / Pressure1.01.5 / / / / 1.52.0/ max 35*ISO ambient conditions. Tolerance 5%.Fuel oil with lower calorific value of 42700 kJ/kgWithout engine-driven pumps.A

54、ddition for engine-driven pumps:1.5% (3 g/KWh) for lubricating oil pump0.7% (1.4 g/KWh) for each water pump*For guidance onlyStarting systemAir receiversAir motor inlet (I-R)Air motor inlet (Gali)Max air pressure30 bar10 bar30 barReference conditionsBased on tropical conditions, except where other-w

55、ise stated.Ambient air temperature:Ambient air pressure:Cooling water to air cooler (LT):Sea water temperature:45C1000 mbMax 38CMax 32CGovernorElectric supplyEmergency controlMonitoringSafety systemRegulateurs Europa(Woodward)24 VDC24 VDC24 VDC05.032053532-6.2MAN B&W Diesel1400000L21/31Engine typeMC

56、R (Max continuous rating)kWHFO incl. builton pumpsBuilton primary pumpStandby pump, minI/hm3/hbarm3/hm3/hbarm3/hbarkWCCm3m3m3/hbarm3/hbarkWCm3m3m3/hbarm3/hbarkWkWCm3m3Nm3IIm3/h6L12902602.04-62.060530516585750.841.0504.5352.5225380.120.1504402.5320300800.140.11.225025015TCR16920033/419460330400 x 325

57、4516.07L15053002.04-62.060535519585750.981.2504.5352.5265380.130.1504402.5375350800.150.11.225025015TCR181070033/4111000330450 x 3255517.58L17203452.04-62.084540522085751.121.3504.0352.5300380.140.1504402.5425400800.160.11.350025022.5TCR181220033/4112545330450 x 3256019.09L19353902.04-62.08454552508

58、5751.261.5504.0352.5340380.150.1504402.5480450800.170.11.350025022.5TCR181352533/4113915330500 x 3257020.505.03Project planning data1690760-8.3Page 2 (2)Fuel oil systemFuel oil consumptionPump capacityLubricating oil systemPump capacityBuilton pumpStandby pumpHeat dissipationLub oil temperatureLub o

59、il volume in oil panLub oil cooler (builton)Cooler inletEngine inletMinMaxBuilton pumpStand-by pumpHeat dissipationWater temperature (Max)Water in engineExpansion tankCharge air cooler /LT stageCharge air cooler inletLT cooling water systemPump capacityHT cooling water systemPump capacityBuilton pumpStand-by pumpHeat dissipationWater temperatureWater in engineExpansion tankCharge air cooler /HT stageJacket waterJacket water outletStarting air systemAir consumptionStarting air receiversStarting air compressorsPer startReceiver 1Receiver 2Total capacityMAN B&WISO ambient condi

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