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1、广东省惠州市惠阳区2020-2022年中考英语一模试题分类汇编完形填空2022年广东省惠州市惠阳区中考一模英语试题七、完形填空Do you know iced tea? Here is a story of it. In 1904, the Worlds Fair (展销会) was held in St, Louis, USA, from April 30th to December 1st. Traders from around the world brought their _41_ to the fair. Richard was a tea farm owner. He came

2、to the fair to sell his tea. Unluckily, St. Louis was too hot that summer, and nobody _42_ his idea. Although Richard tried hard to tell the _43_ of tea, no one asked for even a cup of hot tea. _44_ this problem, he was nearly crazy. One day an _45_ came to his mind. Why not make his tea into an ice

3、d drink? Then he put lots of ice into the tea and mixed them with sugar. He was _46_ to find that the tea had a special flavor (风味). It _47_ sweet and cool. People all came and asked to buy his drinks. Richard was so happy and _48_ all his iced tea at a low price. From then on, Richards business bec

4、ame better and better, and iced tea became more and more _49_ in America. Richards success shows us a great truth. Whenever you meet some difficulties, dont give up. Try to deal with it _50_. Maybe you will see a totally different result.41AclothesBproductsCbooksDgifts42Awas angry withBwas ready for

5、Cwas afraid ofDwas interested in43AadvantagesBpricesCcoloursDresults44AAsking forBLooking forCHearing aboutDWorrying about45AinterviewBillnessCideaDinstruction46AsurprisedBmovedCboredDrelaxed47AkeptBsoundedClookedDtasted48AchangedBsoldCrefusedDtold49AexpensiveBdangerousCpopularDcareful50AwiselyBlazi

6、lyCsafelyDclearly2021年广东省惠州市惠阳区中考一模英语试题七、完形填空One afternoon last year, I walked with one of my friends along the road in my hometown. He was not a clever student but worked harder than any other student when we studied at school. And now, he is an _41_ worker in his company. I wanted to ask him for h

7、elp because I had some _42_ with my work.When we came to a wide bridge, we met a blind man who went to the _43_ direction as ours. He walked very _44_, finding the way with the stick in his hand.I chatted with my _45_ as we were walking. I _46_ my five job-hopping (跳槽) experiences within two years a

8、nd complained about the trouble I was still going through. My friend _47_ nodded and smiled, but he kept silent all along.After a while, I looked forward and found that the blind man walked farther than we did. I couldnt _48_ it. I asked, “How did the blind man walk _49_ than we did?” My friend said

9、, “Because he put his whole _50_ into walking. He was trying his best to walk while we were walking.”That was for sure. He was just absorbed (专注的) in walking, but I was always talking and complaining while walking. When we do something, we must do it with all our heart.41AexcellentBawfulCshyDclever4

10、2AinformationBtroubleCadviceDmoney43AwrongBrightCsameDdifferent44AquicklyBslowlyCquietlyDpatiently45AfatherBstrangerCteacherDfriend46Aworried aboutBtalked aboutCturned outDcheeked out47AjustBveryCstillDeven48AachieveBguessCmentionDbelieve49AbetterBfasterCworseDearlier50AbodyBenergyCheartDspace2020年广

11、东省惠州市惠阳区中考一模英语试题四、完形填空通读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后在各小题所给的四个选项中,选出一个最佳答案,并将答题卡上对应题目所选的选项涂黑。Long long ago, there was a man and his wife who worked for an old man. One day, the old man pointed to a big box in his living room and said, “Theres only one thing you mustnt do: Dont open this _41_.” After saying this, he

12、 _42_ home. The woman said to her husband, “There must be _43_ expensive in the box. Lets open it, shall we?” Her husband didnt want to do that, _44_ the woman didnt give up. A few days later, the woman made a _45_ to find out what was in the box. Before her husband could stop her, she opened the bo

13、x and looked into it. To her _46_, there was nothing in it. She tried hard to _47_ the box, but she failed. That evening the old man came home and found that the box was open. He was very _48_and he asked the woman and her husband to leave his home at once. “But there was nothing in the box,” the wo

14、man said, “We havent _49_ anything at all.”The old man shouted, “The box is not important, but now I know that I cant trust(信任)you. Thats whats _50_!”41. A. bagB. caseC. boxD. backpack42. A. leftB. wentC. cameD. arrived43. A. everythingB. nothingC. somethingD. anything44. A. soB. andC. orD. but45. A

15、. suggestionB. decisionC. mistakeD. living46. A. joyB. funC. surpriseD. pleasure47. A. closeB. openC. throwD. carry48. A. afraidB. angryC. excitedD. tired49. A. brokenB. borrowedC. soldD. taken50. A. importantB. expensiveC. usefulD. lucky答案:2022年广东省惠州市惠阳区中考一模英语试题41B42D43A44D45C46A47D48B49C50A【导语】本文主

16、要讲述了冰茶的由来,通过Richard创造冰茶的故事告诉我们:遇到困难别放弃,要用明智的办法解决它。41句意:来自世界各地的贸易商把他们的产品带到了展销会上。clothes衣服;products产品;books书;gifts礼物。根据“the Worlds Fair (展销会) was held in St, Louis”可知,世界展销会上有各种产品。故选B。42句意:不幸的是,那年夏天圣路易斯太热了,没有人对他的想法感兴趣。was angry with生的气;was ready for为做好准备;was afraid of害怕;was interested in对感兴趣。根据“Unlucki

17、ly, St. Louis was too hot that summer”可知,天气太热,没人对茶感兴趣。故选D。43句意:虽然Richard努力说茶的好处,但没有人要一杯热茶。advantages好处,优势;prices价格;colours颜色;results结果。根据“Although Richard tried hard to tell the.of tea, no one asked for even a cup of hot tea.”可知,Richard推销自己的茶,说茶的好处。故选A。44句意:担心这个问题,他几乎发疯。Asking for要求;Looking for寻找;He

18、aring about听说;Worrying about担心。根据“.he was nearly crazy.”可知,担心茶卖不出去,快疯了。故选D。45句意:一天,他想到了一个主意。interview面试,采访;illness病;idea主意;instruction说明。根据“.came to his mind. Why not make his tea into an iced drink?”可知,他想出了一个主意把茶做成加冰的饮品。故选C。46句意:他惊讶地发现这种茶有一种特殊的味道。surprised惊讶的,惊喜的;moved感动的;bored无聊的;relaxed放松的。根据“.to

19、 find that the tea had a special flavor (风味).”可知,发现冰茶风味独特,他很惊喜。故选A。47句意:它尝起来又甜又凉爽。kept保持;sounded听起来;looked看起来;tasted尝起来。根据“.sweet and cool.”可知,描述冰茶的味道,用“尝起来”。故选D。48句意:Richard非常高兴,他把所有的冰茶都低价卖了。changed改变;sold卖;refused拒绝;told告诉。根据“at a low price”可知,是以低价把冰茶卖了。故选B。49句意:从此,Richard的生意越来越好,冰茶在美国也越来越受欢迎。expe

20、nsive昂贵的;dangerous危险的;popular流行的,受欢迎的;careful仔细的,认真的。根据“Richards business became better and better”可知,冰茶生意越来越好,冰茶越来越受欢迎。故选C。50句意:试着明智地解决它。wisely明智地;lazily懒惰地;safely安全地;clearly清楚地。根据“Whenever you meet some difficulties, dont give up. Try to deal with it.”可知,遇到困难别放弃,要用明智地解决它。故选A。2021年广东省惠州市惠阳区中考一模英语试题

21、41A42B43C44B45D46B47A48D49B50C【分析】本文是一篇记叙文。主要讲述了作者和一位朋友边走边聊天,而一位盲人拄着拐棍却超过了他们。作者从中明白了要想做好一件事,就必须一心一意去做。41句意:现在,他是公司里的一名优秀员工。excellent优秀的;awful可怕的;shy害羞的;clever聪明的;根据句中的不定冠词“an”可知,此处所填单词是以元音音素开头的,因此排除选项C和D;根据上文“He was not a clever student but worked harder than any other student when we studied at sch

22、ool.”可知,他不是一个聪明的学生,但当我们在学校学习时,他比任何其他学生都努力。由此可推断,现在,他是一名优秀员工。此处使用excellent,表示“优秀的”符合语境。故选A。42句意:我想请他帮忙,因为我工作上有些麻烦。information信息;trouble麻烦;advice建议;money钱;根据“I wanted to ask him for help because I had somewith my work.”及结合选项可知,我想请他帮忙,因为我工作上有些麻烦。此处使用 trouble,表示“麻烦”符合语境;have some trouble with sth.在某事上遇到

23、麻烦。故选B。43句意:当我们来到一座很宽的桥时,我们遇到一个盲人,他和我们同路。wrong错误的;right正确的;same同样的;different不同的;the same as与一样,固定短语。以及下文“I looked forward and found that the blind man walked farther than we did.”,发现盲人走在我们前面了,可知是同路。故选C。44句意:他走得很慢,手里拿着拐杖,找着路。quickly迅速地;slowly慢慢地;quietly安静地;patiently耐心地;根据句中的“finding the way with the

24、stick in his hand.”可知,他手里拿着拐杖,找着路。由此可推断,他走得很慢,此处使用slowly,表示“慢慢地”符合语境。故选B。45句意:我边走边和朋友聊天。father父亲;stranger陌生人;teacher老师;friend朋友;根据第一段第一句“I walked with one of my friends along the road in my hometown.”可知,我和我的一个朋友沿着家乡的路走。由此可推断,此处是我边走边和朋友聊天。此处使用friend,表示“朋友”符合语境。故选D。46句意:我谈到了我两年内的五次跳槽经历,抱怨我还在经历的麻烦。worr

25、ied about担心;talked about谈论;turned out结果是;cheeked out检验;根据上文“我边走边和朋友聊天。”可推断聊天的内容是谈论我两年内的五次跳槽经历,此处使用talked about,表示“谈论”符合语境。故选B。47句意:我的朋友只是点头微笑,但他一直保持沉默。just只是;very非常;still仍然;even甚至;根据“My friendnodded and smiled, but he kept silent all along.”及结合选项可知,我的朋友只是点头微笑,但他一直保持沉默。此处使用just,表示“只是”符合语境。故选A。48句意:我无

26、法相信它。achieve实现;guess猜测;mention提到;believe相信;根据上句 “After a while, I looked forward and found that the blind man walked farther than we did.”可知,过了一会儿,我向前看了看,发现那个盲人比我们走得更远。此处指作者无法相信盲人走得比他们更远。故选D。49句意:我问:“那个盲人怎么走得比我们快?”better更好的;faster更快地;worse更糟地;earlier更早地;根据“I asked, How did the blind man walkthan we

27、did?”及结合选项可知,那个盲人怎么走得比我们快?此处使用faster,表示“更快地”符合语境。故选B。50句意:我的朋友说“因为他全心投入到走路上。”body身体;energy精力;heart心;space空间。根据下文“He was just absorbed (专注的) in walking.”可知,此处指全心投入到走路上。put ones heart into全心全意投入,固定短语。故选C。2020年广东省惠州市惠阳区中考一模英语试题【答案】41. C42. A43. C44. D45. B46. C47. A48. B49. D50. A【解析】【分析】本文主要讲述了一个为老人工作

28、的女子,在老人再三声明不能打开他的盒子时,女人因为好奇心还是打开了盒子,被老人知道后,辞退了该女子,因为该女子失去了老人的信任。【41题详解】句意:只有一件你禁止做的事:不能打开这个盒子。bag包;case情况;box盒子;backpack背包。联系上文“the old man pointed to a big box in his living room and said”老人指着他卧室的盒子说,可知,是盒子。故选C。【42题详解】句意:说完这个后,他离开家了。left离开;went走;came来;arrived到达。联系下文“That evening, the old man came h


30、据句意表示下定决定,固定搭配make a decision。故选B。【46题详解】句意:让她大吃一惊的是,盒子里什么也没有。joy开心;fun快乐;surprise吃惊;pleasure快乐。联系上文“There must be _3_ expensive in the box.”女人一直以为盒子里有贵重的东西。可是,打开盒子后里面什么也没有,所以是吃惊的意思。故选C。【47题详解】句意:她非常努力地关上盒子,但是她失败了。close关上;open打开;throw扔;carry拿,扛。联系下文“That evening, the old man came home and found that

31、 the box was open.”老人发现盒子是打开的。可知,是努力关上盒子。故选A。【48题详解】句意:他非常生气,让女人和她的丈夫立刻离开他家。afraid害怕的;angry生气的;excited兴奋的;tired疲惫的。根据句意可知,女人没有遵守约定,打开了盒子,老人很生气。故选B。【49题详解】句意:我们什么也没有拿。broken弄坏;borrowed借进;sold出售;taken拿。联系上文“But there was nothing in the box,”盒子什么也没有,可知,我们什么也没有拿。故选D。【50题详解】句意:那就是重要的!important重要的;expensive昂贵的;useful有用的;lucky幸运的。联系上文“The box is not important,”盒子不重要,信任才是重要的。可知,是重要的意思。故选A。【点睛】完型填空的做题方法是:第一,通读全文,掌握大概意思;第二,联系上下文,理解空格单词的意思和词性;第三,选项之间比较,选择最佳选项。如第1题,要联系上文才知道是盒子。如第7题,联系下文老人回来后发现盒子是打开的,可知,女人试图把盒子关上,是关上的意思。所以,联系上文在完型填空中很重要。

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