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1、英语优秀自我介绍 来到一个生疏的地方时,经常要进行自我介绍,自我介绍可以给生疏人留下一个好的印象。那么你真的会写自我介绍吗?下面是我收集整理的英语优秀自我介绍,欢迎大家借鉴与参考,希望对大家有所帮助。英语优秀自我介绍 Helo,everone!(大家好!)Myame Deng hengje.(我的名字是杜圣洁。)I am2.(我12岁)I am imistc gl.(我是一个开朗的女孩)My sudy s od(我成果优秀),nd am gealon ver wll with myclsmate.(并且我同我的同学们相处得很好)I hae mnyhoie (我有很多爱好) like lteni

2、g to musc d readinbks,(我喜爱听音乐和看书)bt I lkeEngish best.(但是我最喜爱英语)I hpe everybody tolke m.(我希望大家能喜爱我) Thank u!(感谢!)英语优秀自我介绍2各位考官好,今日能够站在这里参与面试,有机会向各位考官请教和学习,我感到特别的兴奋。希望通过这次面试能够把自己展示给大家。今年岁。汉族,幼儿专业毕业。我平常喜爱看书和上网阅读信息。我的性格比较开朗,随和。能关系四周的任何事,和亲人挚友能够和谐相处,并且对生活充溢了信念。我以前在*幼儿园实习过,所以有肯定的实践阅历。假如我有机会被录用的话,我想,我肯定能够在

3、工作中得到熬炼并实现自身的价值。的确,老师是一个神圣的职业,肩负着为祖国培育下一代的历史重任。当一名老师简单,但是要当好一名幼儿老师却是不易的,我认为我有实力也有信念做好这份工作,因为,这份工作能够实现我的社会志向和人生价值,希望大家能够认可我,给我这个机会!英语优秀自我介绍3 我叫吕东梅,女,1年月诞生,19年毕业于平顶山师范学校普师专业。 中学一级老师,本科文凭。 从教17年来,我始终站在教化工作的最前沿,从事英语教学工作。 我对英语情有独钟,我爱说爱用英语。 生动活波的英语课堂是呈现我人生风采的阵地。 我在19942xx年在夏李乡第一初级中学教初中毕业班英语12年,年年成果都很拔尖。 2

4、0xx年至今在夏李乡试验学校教小学五六级的英语。去年我在“国培安排中西部农村骨干老师培训项目”这项活动中取得了优异成果,获得了“北京高校优秀毕业生”的光荣称号。 我仔细贯彻党的教化方针,忠于职守,兢兢业业,勤学上进。基础教化改革实施以来,我主动投入到新课程改革的工作之中,在课改方面进行探究,反思,并取得了可喜的成效,积累了一些阅历。 我制作的课件被评为市级优秀课件。 我多次获得县级优秀老师,县骨干老师的称号,我担当着我校英语组组长,是我校的英语学科带头人。 “把书较薄,把学生教活”是我的座右铭。 我认为,当今社会的老师应当是学习型,探讨型的老师。 要擅长接受新事物,合理利用新科技,才能培育出符

5、合社会需求的新型人才。 新课改进行以来,为了提高自己的业务素养,我常常参与市,县的.各级课改培训。 利用课余时间学习新课程标准等与课改相关的书,并将所学习的培训内容很好的应用到了自己的课堂上。 在参与课改期间,我以新的课程观,新的教学观,新的学生观,新的发展观来看待学生,细致备课,备教材,备学情。在教学中不断探究新的授课形式,采纳探究式教学法,让学生自己去探究,发觉,总结,力求每节课都能在教学新理念,教学环节,教学手段上有新突破。 使教与学成为一种新型的互动关系,老师和学生是合作伙伴,在同等,开心,和谐的气氛中提高学生的学习爱好和效率。英语优秀自我介绍4Go morning,eyne.nk y

6、ou or tking our time. Its reallymy oor to haveti opportnit t take part i tsintrew. Now, I woldlik t ntodcemyselfbriefl. My name is Dor. m 23yeasold and boi ingdao.gradud fro Hbei Unversityo Since and Tcnolo M majo is English. And I o my baheo dgreeafer ygrduation. also tdi it in Hebi ormalnierity of

7、 Science ndechnoog. I a vry intereted in nglsh and sdy ver ha on his sujec. I hdpassd TE- nd Vatage. I wked inmerican comny at he begnning o tis year. M pok Engsh ws mprovd a lo b ocmmunicating witAericas freunty dung tat period. I am er opimist and asy to get alog ith I hvemn fiend. emrkspiitis ver

8、y impon itis geIthink if we wnttoaebig achieemet, is ve important o ler howt coperae wihother peop.My motto shaacters dtemne destit, s alwrysremid yefto e onest an oesttoveron . As motto goe attiud is veryhng. I Ige his job, I wil put l m hert ini an try y et tooi well.英语优秀自我介绍5 Good mring,m nameisJ

9、ak. I m ve glad t be h f ourinerve. y me is sogynghao; I a 22 years old.I omes from Loyag, a vry beautifulanicet iy.my dergraduate period willbe accolshd n hangan unversit i uy ,20xx;ad o,I m tying mybs for tanig akey tongj unvriy. Gerlly spkn, I a ahadorking stuentespeciallydo hethng Ia interested

10、n I wl t my bet t finis it n attr odifclt t is.When was ohoore, fou web desgn vrinteestin, Ilarned t er hardTwearhepag fr myslf,I stayed withmypersnel computer for half a mot. an am h firs one iny cls ho own ihomepae. Futrmre is a peon wi geat pereernce. Dungte dys prparn for th firstexini, nsistnru

11、nning very day, o mater hate wathws like. And just ownng to this, Icoul concentrate o y stud a suceeed n the end.Well, in y spare tie, Ilik asktbll, tenni nd Chine chess lso Englih y frate. Ioftengo to English cn t prctice m oral English evey hursday, a ritecositins t imprve mwtten ability.ut I noy

12、glishis o ood enoh, I wil coine studying.英语优秀自我介绍6ood morning , adend getleme Itis great nr tohave tis oportuni tointode mysefan Ihop I coud ma a godpefrance tday, evetuallybecome a mberf yr chool. Now lt me troduce mslf leas.Im a gradate student fom xxxx UNIVERSITY .nam i xx,xyer ld. , on in xx. Gu

13、angDoprvinc . My major isnglsh, an I illgrduae ths June. n the pst 3ye,I spent mostof my im onEnglisstuyngnd practise. I have a goo and fbth spoke and ritten Englih ad pa CET-4 wiha ese.Silled in use Office 2xx, excel. My raduate shootningcmbin ih my cadetteaher sold qualf me frsariular jo Altough p

14、erps Inot the t mog canddats,bu ith y strog knowledge backgroud and full enhsiasm o edcatin,Imsue wll sisfy ou well acollege stdent,I concenaed on studyn modern tacig tecology. Ihavacurd enough essenialan fundamentaknwldgof Eliseachingi th pst hryer SnceSeptembr 20x, wit geat rst, Ihv eendoing stude

15、nt dre frlmost ea sester and formed gootam-work siri. It also kindl provided mecruial gudance to anlye interersonal relatnshi.Mytaher ad clasmatsdescrbe me areliable andconiderte prsOtr tany major std, I have mastr a reat sls in oputer operion.One monh as cdetteacher inth rcho20xx, notony idiobtan u

16、hfist hand exeriecein my feld butaso rauallyrealizeda te aeer I hve hosen is aredan sinifcant. Threfore, a dterminedto bcome a dilgnt,hrdwoig, and rspsble eductor. ast utno east,I wl be ullcmitted and am ofdento workeciently ad metiuolnder pressureasa cmpeent t membr. I welcome theoportunity to spak

17、wisor management rterregadin y quaficatis or thepositon. Thkyuforyour attenion!英语优秀自我介绍7i m ahrd yea sterajor nautomaton tshanai jao tng versiy, p. ch.wih tremenou interstin idustralnginering, i am wrin toappy or ceptace into your .graat program.英语优秀自我介绍8 I aman ccuntin marrsh grdae, four yrs of pof

18、essoal s etme slgrp pressial knowlegeProficient in ord,xe,8 inilsotare andRP maagemen syse. I ma stable nd patent prsn, wth steadfst diigence, ard work andpositivattu. Acntin proessionl leanin hacultiaedmyareful an igorous atitue towar study and le. Good relationi wit teche ndstdnts, od teaprt, stn

19、lgica tinking aility and trong senseof respnsibilit, n il contiue to wrk in the future.Bcau ofth persoalityfatr, I lik accountig wr eryuch. In practic,in ecors of fnancial oftare pracic, v dne ltf pratceon the nput nd odificatono custm ata, usess pocessn, illing o voucher, nd the output of threpo. T

20、hrh he practice ofccounting proce smultio,Ilrnd te whole roesso ollenoria vuches,fllingn anting vuchrs, registerig boks, chkngacounts,an mkireorts. Toughy proessionl sudy, Iave ben or eterned tochosthe accntingpoesson thn t i suitablefor ths jo,nd I hoe tachievesomethin nmyaccontin aree!I a rretly a

21、kin he eamnatoo junoracountant and ceriied blicaccontat. I hpe thatth acoutingprofessinal noledge wil b eriched, and Iwil strivt beomeaquliicuntatI hpe to fd a financial ob tht wil nab m o makefl us of myknowledg, impre m acountn biesbilitynd conibute to te cpan.y assion or finacil or ad perssnt pri

22、t i the bgest faco in y confidei acountg wok.英语优秀自我介绍9 oodonig, myn is ak, it is ealy aret honor to ave thi oppnity for an irview, I wodli ans whever u may rise, and I hpe I n mak a ood efomae tody, evntualenoll in tis prestigs company iber. Now will ntroduc myeliefly,I am 21year old,born hilongiang

23、 povine ,rheastof chi,and a curuenly seno stdet Bejin xUnversty.My ajoris packaging engineering.and I wllreceive bachr deree after my rauationin unIn the pat4year,Ipe m of y time onstudy, have pssed CE/6 withn eas d I hav quiredi oledge acagi anpishig boh in heory adinrctice.Beide, have atend severl

24、pacagingexhibitionhld in Beijng, which sradatage stdying here, I aetna tour some big factres adcmpanies. Though theseI have a depl nderstanig of omsic pakangindustry. Comparedt deelope cuntes, nortune, athoug we ave made etrordnr progess sinc1978,our pacainginuy are til underdevle, ess, nstae, the i

25、tuatin f mployees in ts el s awkwad. ButI ave fulnfidnc in abigh futur if only ou conomy canke he growt ae still. I wuldlike to tll you ha rsuing theajos oneof m lifelong goal, lik akagin an wnt give up. If I an pursu my dream ere, Iwilombine practice with m forer educaton. I il work hard in hes fie

26、ldIcannt descrb mcharct well,b I kow I am optimstic andconfident someimesIpefe to stay alo, readig, ienig o msic, t iamnot onl, ilike t chat ith ylassmats, almost talk eveythng ,myfavrit pastims alball,plying ads r urfn on. Thoug cllege li,Iearnho to balanc btwtdy and entetainnt. Byteway,iwaa cto of or mazndramalu. Ihaa feloriou meoris n sage .Theyae mype.本文来源:网络收集与整理,如有侵权,请联系作者删除,谢谢!第14页 共14页第 14 页 共 14 页第 14 页 共 14 页第 14 页 共 14 页第 14 页 共 14 页第 14 页 共 14 页第 14 页 共 14 页第 14 页 共 14 页第 14 页 共 14 页第 14 页 共 14 页第 14 页 共 14 页

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