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1、英语励志演讲稿7篇 演讲稿要求内容充溢,条理清晰,重点突出。在社会发展不断提速的今日,演讲稿在演讲中起到的作用越来越大,写起演讲稿来就毫无头绪?以下是我为大家整理的英语励志演讲稿,欢迎大家借鉴与参考,希望对大家有所帮助。英语励志演讲稿1 ood ftrno,mydear tcersand frens, Suppe oure n a arkcvealonno. Maybe you ca notfnd anhoe, ou ae tembngand frightned. hat ill you o? Whtwil o say? il u iv u? () No w shuld nt gie up.

2、e shul t ur et to ind ope. So tday, I am honrd tostn ere sa mopnio wth ou- Ltsy NOto GieUP.英语励志演讲稿各位老师、领导们: 大家好!两年前,我从x英语教化院校毕业,踌躇满志地从高校校门里走出来,满怀信念地踏进了这满是孩子们的天堂。在我起先接任四年级二班的英语教程那一刻,我的心情忐忑担心,不知能否把课上好,当我真正走上工作岗位,走上四二班教室的讲台时,面对一个个鲜活可爱的面孔,面对一双双求知的眼睛,我总是一次次静默的告知自己,要努力,要加油,要成为深受学生欢迎的好老师。 有人说儿童是一本书虽然要读懂这本书

3、并非易事,但要成为一位精彩的老师就必需去读它,有人说,儿童是花木,老师是园丁,园丁悉心照料着花木,但须要敬重它们自然地成长。事实上,儿童比花木要困难的多,老师的工作比园丁的工作也困难的多,尽管他们拥有着共同或共通的规律。法国文学家雨果在他的诗里曾经写到:“花是尊贵的,果实是甜蜜的,让我们都来做叶吧,因为叶,是平凡而谦逊的。”我觉得这首诗就是为老师写的,因为老师就像那静默奉献的绿叶,时时刻刻衬托着鲜花的娇艳。今日,在庆祝老师节的日子里,我荣幸地站上这方讲台,诵读这样意味深长的诗句,即将起先我至真至诚的讲解并描述,我心中无比激烈,也感到万分的傲慢骄傲。 时间匆忙,转瞬间我已走过了四年的从教生涯。虽

4、然在大家看来这段时间有些短暂。但细数往昔岁月的点点滴滴,我还是要长叹:生活原来给了我们那么多感动。为了这真情付出后得到的感动,我始终在追求着。刚刚参与工作时,信念百倍。记得第一次以老师的身份走进课堂,感觉一切都是那样美妙。然而,醉酒方知酒味浓,为师才知为师难。一段时间之后,我从前良好的自我感觉早就一扫而空,面对一群求知欲渴的孩子们,我才真正意识到老师职业是何等的艰辛和琐碎,三尺讲台站上去简单,要站好可真难啊! 每个人都希望自己的人生风和日丽,莺歌燕舞。但月有阴晴圆缺,人有旦夕祸福,挫折和失败总是不断地踩痛我们的心。我们是把失意的怨气撒在孩子身上,还是收起此时内心的苦楚用微笑面对纯真可爱的孩子?

5、我想没有人情愿选择前者,因为你的心中有爱!鲁迅先生有句话“教化是植根与爱的”。是的,爱是教化的源泉,老师有了爱,才会用伯乐的眼光去发觉孩子们的闪光点,才会对自己的教化对象充溢了信念和爱心,才会有追求卓越的精神和创新的精神。 今日,我是一名小学英语老师,爱我的学生,我会像母亲一样无私和不求索取;爱我的学生,我会像手足一样把心和他们贴得更近;爱我的学生,我会像挚友一样与他们同舟共济;爱我的学生,我会不溺爱不袒护,在他们跌倒时,激励他们英勇的站起来!我信任“人民老师”这光荣而神圣的称谓,它总能让我拥有无穷的力气。感谢大家!英语励志演讲稿3 veryn hashis owundestaing o on

6、g,it is a perio of timf beuty and onrs,oyfteo hae perncedhe sour,eet ,biter andsty can y rallyem eson f sgnficance.thre timof youg is limtted,i aypaywthout ouatention,and whn yoiovr ht has happened ,it is always too lategrapig the young ll ean a bette tim is wii fo you n th nar futre,r he stutionmay

7、 beoposite havin a iew on hese greameni th histryof hunanbig,the all mde ull us of er yo tim ,todo thigs thatare use to soiety,toth whoemnkin,an s csqencyajanggo/e ,they rereemred b ltrgnetins,admred byveyn.s o omthig inthe time ofyung,altogh yuaynotg achievement asthe remn did ,thug ot f thewole wo

8、rd,jus oroues,fo hosearound! thegis jstike loomngfowers,teyae so bautiful whn bmin,hemk pople feappy,but wth timepassnby,aerthey whrs ,oetpe hink they re uglyan so itis the eith youg,we a enthusiatic hen e ae youn,thn we ma lose urpassion when ging olde ad oder.so e ust treasure it ,dnt let thelimit

9、te ma ,leainnothi ofsgnifiac.英语励志演讲稿4 oda I am vrygld to behre o hre wth y y deas of succs. hat is success? I i whvryone is lnging for.Sometmesuces wudbeathe simple. Winin a ame is scess; tting a high grae in te xam issccs; makin new frenissuces; even now I anding hre giving y se is somhow lso ucces

10、. oweer, as a ersons wollfe is cnned,ucsecmes vry compliced. s frte succss?s fam ucce? I hgh scal status ucess? o, I dontthin s. Ileveuces is te reiato o peoles hopeand ias.Noways, in the dern society therare my eple who arregaed as te sucesl.And the ostobvious charcteis he re mon, ighpoiion andxuio

11、us ife. So os peope leve hat s success allha tdoi fohis pus. ut h ole is wter iti reaccess. e alkno hrearelwys more oney, higher position n better conditon nro ofus I w kechasig t, wee s te end? hawill stsfy uat lst? refoe, wecan se, t get th relScess w st need smthig isid, wich i hereaztion f peopl

12、e hoes and des. Dfferent peo hv dierentdeas bout sucess; cause peoes oes nd das vry from oeaotherBtIaur everysuces idea vrybod, ceit int esy o coe by,cus itheroces ofu rivin for suces,wegottour od nsul tempte, eawhil ware enghtend by he mos auable qualties of human begs: ove, pti, couraedense f rspn

13、sb.hse arte bsttreasues. So ow I amveryrothat hv this pportuty tostand erespeakg to all o you.t ismy sucess,cause I rase up tochalengemy hoe Whati ces?Everyonhs hi ownneeao as I d Bt I am sure eeysues leds to an eve-britr future. So laies and getlemn,believ iour hopes,beleve in ouselv,we,evey oe f u

14、s,can mak asucessul ife! Wisyou all ood scces!英语励志演讲稿5oodaftenon,adies andgetee! m ry ooedtosnd hereandgve oa shrtspeeh! to eg wih,iwant to aka ueston .does eveybody dream agoo dram last ight?actualy ,toda an o talk boutdrea wit. f oure, ati wntttkis not adeam you hvelas ngt,utaream about lif. every

15、one ha rams aout ife, frentdams tdifeet lif stge,and wneed reamsto uppo us drms ae lkethe stars we never rea in t sk,ut like most marers(水手),w cnchart our cour b thm. wt thdam,we havea diretion,with adiecin,we eeolnger conusedith the drea, there is hope,wit op, we hav the regth to ht. b nw,if i toug

16、h,and there alwaysupsand downs, maybwe fai in the ay r am,and eay feeldepress ,wheee at this tim,the dream ourertcan lays comfrt us, ncourage u,and uport st move ed ug!ftntly,i am young w. jst duet it, i knw tanohn is osible.i rmly believeta nthg ca tnd n a.ifi c realize my dem,t reult fo tha ihaven

17、torkharde ou andi w fin oter ecuses.if nopople liv you,youc ake ittopove your ight. if youtnthe g haent bssed ou ther is n tuhhere, you canbem theod an ceate the truth.mreath walows thesky n ke yellow rive oeflow, my word is famus in kyushu and ican collase the fiveacred motains. t soeti in thepasti

18、 lso ha amitius wrds and i hadsoe achievements.ech achveentresltfromy ardork i always beieve tht if ou an toave more ahieenstan other,yu msork arder. in somextent, dream s thehope if yo n isist on doing soehi, he vcto ill cme. hd fat o deams, fo if reams die, li is abroken-nged brtha anot fly. ol st

19、 tdras, for whe reas o, lifei a barren fed fozen wit nw so ydeariends,thinkofyouroldd aybedad deams. hater its, pikt up and ake it alve fo tod. lets-moe-out!nky fr your litening!英语励志演讲稿6good eeing , adies angntlmen. i am joy adglad to give youseech abou stres , ye , jut he tpc you son he sreen psych

20、oogist tel usat stress s stat f orycaused y the roblm oliving ,sc a o mchwor or stdy ,heavyresponibiiie ,and qickened pa of lf saitcs showthats ces romery dal inou life inancial prblems , pohelth , eing aid fmaybe the strs tatmost adulsow uffei. s tuets itheunivrsity ,we are s nderor speiastrss . wh

21、ie tudy,haing take varius tets andubmita projecgaist a dalne mayput gre presure n us . andtthis ake ufel sresed mab ou prens grterexpectation on uhanwecoudrac . later , whew arlikely to gruae , ome or prolems will lsanny us.i tin e illoryalot abotbility t comete inthejob mrketndhw we ca stuswhat wev

22、eearnd collegein ur utureb .英语励志演讲稿7 aesn genlemen , ood feroon! im vey gdto stand her and ve y a shteech.tday y opc is “yuh” i hope youwill like t , and found heimprtance in you youth so that more cersh t. fiti nt toask you e quests:1、o you know hat s youth? 2、hodoyster your out? yth uth no a timeo

23、f i, it i astte of mind ; it is not sy cheek , re lips an supple knees, i i at o he emotins : it is e freness ; itithe feshness ofthe deep ringsof lie . yhmes a temprl pdominace f curg overimidity of the appete , fo adeue oer th loe of eae.ths ofn essin a manof 0 more n a boy of 0 nooy ol merelyya n

24、uber yea we grow old bydesrting o ideas.years winkle th sn ,bu o i uenthsas wrnles te soul . orry, fear , slf isrubos e haradtns he sirit bako dt . hethe 60 o6 , the sinery hmanbein er he lurefwond,theuiling hidli apeie of whts next adt jo f the game flving . in he cter o your ert and my hat thrs we

25、ss sttion : s longas tecemessagsfeat ,hoe ,cheer, ourage andowr rom mn and fro te inite, soln as ou ae u .when the arials are dow , ad yo spirit iscverewi snow ofcnc and th ice osmm,thn you arerwn ld ,ev a20,butas ong as your aerils aep ,tocatchwaves of optimim , theei hope yo may die youn a80 tank yu!本文来源:网络收集与整理,如有侵权,请联系作者删除,谢谢!第14页 共14页第 14 页 共 14 页第 14 页 共 14 页第 14 页 共 14 页第 14 页 共 14 页第 14 页 共 14 页第 14 页 共 14 页第 14 页 共 14 页第 14 页 共 14 页第 14 页 共 14 页第 14 页 共 14 页

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