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1、英语中学作文七篇 无论在学习、工作或是生活中,大家总免不了要接触或运用作文吧,作文是由文字组成,经过人的思想考虑,通过语言组织来表达一个主题意义的文体。为了让您在写作文时更加简洁便利,以下是我收集整理的英语中学作文7篇,欢迎阅读与保藏。英语中学作文 篇1.bythis me 此时 . the same ti 同时 3. atr awhi 过了一会儿4.atera ew ays 几天以后5. seon/end其次; 其次点 . n addition 另外 7. beides/ ws more 另外 . by teay 顺便提一句 9. in the wods 换句话说 10. n partulr

2、/ paticuarly 特殊地 11 wore stl更糟的是12.obviousl 明显地 13.no dout 无疑地14. forexample/orianc例如 15.threfoe 因此1. ideed 的确 7. unlke 不象 18. certanl 当然9. for ather 其次 20. sll仍旧21.simila 同样地 有关 “起” 的词语,用语开篇或引出扩展句 1. atfist/in the beginning 起初 2 at rsen 现在;当今 3. recenty/ laely 最近 4. ft/ firstly/irs of all 第一 5. gen

3、rall pakig 一般地说 6. ohe hoe 总的说来7 Iisellunesood ta .Thereoes asin that . 9foon thgfoanothr/ also首先其次 0.preenly 此刻; 现在 11 tobg with/ o sarwith 首先; 第一2. i eneal 一般来说 13. on th e handn th othr ad一方面另一方面英语中学作文篇2 When you comeinoour living room you will seea soe shlf. Thre is soaosi it Besie te sofa tere

4、sa a e.Teearsomeupa teapot andaasewith lt f beutifulflower on e tle. On te rih cer theeis a reen pat Ther i a tale bside the t tal n the lnt. f curse ere is T on tble Our lving roms alwas can an tidy o Iike i vymuh. 当你走进我们的客厅,你会看到一个鞋架。有一个沙发它。沙发旁边有一张茶几,桌上有一些杯子、一个茶叶罐和一个花瓶,上面有很多美丽的花。在右拐角处,有一个绿色的植物。那儿有张

5、桌子旁边的茶几和植物。桌子上当然有电视。我们的起居室总是干净整齐,所以我特别喜爱它.。英语中学作文 篇o you wh my mines ar ter in year? Haey vr wondernhow many miutesin a ea?Thaswr is five udedtweny five thouand sx hundred minutes, thn howdoyumeure a yer in th life? ndalghts? In sunets?In mdnights? np f cofee? us no most peopl measure lifeiinshing w

6、ors o stuies, wich idr an boring. Howabutwe ue t measur a lfe. 你知道一年里有几分钟吗?你有没有想过一年里有几分钟呢?答案是26分钟,那么,你又是怎么衡量你是人生的呢?用有多少个白天?有多少个黑夜?有多少个午夜?有多少杯咖啡?我猜现在许多人都是用完成了多少工作量和学业来衡量他们的人生的,这实在是味同嚼蜡。那么,我们用爱去衡量生命会如何呢? A yer, whch mean ouhave five hunddtty fivthousa journeys topln,your lif onyu hnd. uare scriptwritr

7、of r ie; yuoud oot lie a omed or a ragedy.I you measure your l n love, then vey mine you ot dre to wse. u won enjoy a li- inth mornng; you ill pay me attnion o improe th rltionsip with your parent and fieds, beae yo understand that oneminute h psd youreyes, you arealedy loea nute o spend wihthmin yo

8、urlif. You hardly wil notwtian minutson meaninles hingsandfocus lnningo make tebest jouny fyor life一年,意味着你有52500个旅程要安排,你的人生驾驭在你的手中。你是你人生的编辑,你可以选择活在喜剧里或者悲剧里。假如你用爱去衡量你的人生,那么你不会敢奢侈人生里的每一分钟。你不会赖床;你会更加留意去改善和父母挚友的关系,因为你明白在你眼前消逝一分钟,你就失去了和他们相聚的一分钟。你几乎不会奢侈一分钟去做一些无意义的事情,而是专注策划给你的人生来个精彩的旅程。 Thereor,treasure ee

9、ry miute in ou life, eause lie is a one-wa ourey, nceu lo i, i lost forever. And hers n rert edial o tak From o on, tasureever inue in your life andeasure you lifen love. 因此,珍惜你人生中的每一分钟,因为人生是个单程旅行,一旦失去了,就恒久地失去了。没有懊悔药可吃。从现在起先,珍惜每一分钟,用爱去衡量你的人生。英语中学作文 篇4Bingpoiv 主动向上 Whateverwehae undrgonein orife, w s

10、houldt ompli but it. e ma get a lotor se s muchi our ife jouny,but keeping a pstive attitude shoulways together with us.Noting ca efet usif weare cnfient dliget.Juss sayig s, God eqa o eyoe. As he loss th dor,e will alspena windw fo s. 无论我们在生活中经验过什么,我们都不应当埋怨。在人生旅途中我们可以得到许多也可以失去许多,但我们应当恒久保持主动的看法。假如我们

11、有信念和勤奋,没什么能战胜我们。正如俗话所说的,上帝对每个人都是同等的。他关上一道门,就会为我们开启另一扇窗。 eingenthuiasti保持热忱Eetoghere o nowledge, our thinkin sinfniteMybewe ill makeom gretacievetscaus furenhia Whherwee pinced orot, it sntatter Enthusiam iltake uuer an eeper. 尽管我们学问匮乏,但我们的思维是无限的。因为我们的热忱或许我们会有很好的成就。不管我们是否经验过,都没有关系。热忱会带我们走得更远更深化。 ease

12、emmber, vrne is so tleted, nd o is bor st. Snce treanoldying, “Thruh a sd,e ca see a wold.In a flwe,wecan fnd aheavn 请记住,每个人都是很有才华的,没有人是天生愚蠢的。因为有句老话,“通过一粒砂,我们可以看到一个世界。通过一朵花,我们可以找到一个天堂。”英语中学作文 篇5 Iraq a prt o t Midle astx tran& Kuat. I is very iornt o the est of th world beau fit udergn ptrleum field

13、s.tis sdtht oil is iustia bood and fo ti as perhps thwar statd. nSeptemer1,20xx,teTwin Towrsi Nw Yok wellas pats f Pentagon ere destoyed by anailane planndy terrorst,wich madGeorge ush ecard to figt th countrys enme.Itwa said tat Iraq still posses mny wapons o mas euctinandweapon inspcts er snt to t

14、hecountry by t N ofindthecs.Thouh no idece asfound,Americasillwted t go t warwith Ir nd thman taget s Sdam Hsei. he ar was juslike thequit battleteenFraneaChina in 100.It as sa hat a reton f Sadam betrayhim.I h war s not just a mtter f ersons or woamiy fight. ts relaed to smanyvctims inersts . As ae

15、ade, one must alwysthink r al l he people, o will s contry rsperous foralay. 相关阅读: Ohe Oigin o he Worl Wht s heorginof teworld?Onetery istha heeis rgn tall and he wordas beenhere alwys. However,this leds t paadox nce if thre as infiniel lngtimeo tn w oul no have emerged a al. But iwe nevrrg i ths rd

16、 tnhowcould we be skng th questonhe? S s logialy moepluible thtthe wolha a rin.vinaddon the foutionof our discussion, wc rocee to considr h theriesabout th orinof th world. A personelevingn Goill say an mnipentdving eig createdthe worl and rviddal th hysical princiles goerning it A athe, on the conr

17、ary, l cotnd t therei no God antheworld evlved t itsfrm tday telf.Bot theris are plausible and we cnopove or diprove, ith reasabl cndece, eite e fthem. Howev,it i argualy favorablefora prso tbeliv in on o hetheries, os to have abaic cpehsion of h wodwe are lingn. These uestios ayseem tval o norl pel

18、 bu coul b intiging to pisohers, mthmtiins, d heortians. Ihpe n becme oe of hose eope.英语中学作文篇 ealnow hat it is ot easy fi ible wokin the present sociey. Bt the sme tme, mor andmre cons sy the penononofe braidran is vry erus. I think both t eployee nd emplyesuldtkeheesponiblity. employer shuld tk th

19、mo tfthe ompan an fe aconsidebl welfae, ter ill be l staffeave thr sition. In genel, mosemployes chgetheir obs u because they think thepaymen oesn qul to heir beefit f th emploercanmeet the neeo the tafs, he brain drin wll ntbe uestion. By thwa,he empoe alo hould tink again ain when htigjobsto sue f

20、inding is drem jo. hn he woldnoreeter a fe days.If emloye andemplyer do theibest, hereillels ness ran dain.我们都知道在当今这个社会的要找到一份合适的工作并不简单。但是,与此同时,越来越多的公司指出人才流失这个现象的严峻性。我认为这应当是雇员和雇主都该担当的责任。不过雇主应担当大部分责任。假如公司可以供应相当可观的福利,很少会有员工要离开的。 一般来说,大多数员工换工作都是因为他们认为他们的付出与收获不成正比。假如雇主能够满意员工的须要,人才流失将不会是一个问题。顺便说一下,在找工作的时候

21、员工也应当三思而后行,确保可以找到自己想要的工作。这样就不会一段时间后就懊悔了。假如雇主和雇员都做到最好,人才流失会越来越少。英语中学作文 篇7 本文是由编辑为您打算的中学英语作文大全:如何爱护视力请大家参考! n orpaets gneraion, ere are less peoleave h eyei prble, because the dgitl prductsent s delop at hat time, tnowdays, with he devlomt of theprodct, mre an morepeop hav e proble of shortesght When

22、I ok around y clamates,Ifin onlyhae fewstent dnwear lasseople ad reaig ehavor makes r eyeight eer, the can d th gh tings tocorrt i.irst, we should notad the dariati. Many stut lie to d inte darbfore heyg ed, i hurs te ys much. Scd,esholot stre atte boko th TVnd computer in a lnge, w nedto akea retev

23、er 40inte, loin at te distanc o th gree colr wl esor eys. Eye are wido o o, we need toprotec thm. 在我们父母那一代,很少有人有视力问题,因为当时电子产品还没有那么发达,但是如今,随着电子产品的发展,越来越多的人有近视问题。当我看看四周同学的时候,我发觉只有少数同学没有戴眼镜。人们阅读的坏习惯让他们的视力变弱,他们可以做一些正确的事情来矫正。第一,我们不应当在光线不足的情形下看书。许多学生喜爱睡觉前在黑暗的环境下看书,这特别损害他们的眼睛。其次,我们不应当长时间盯着书本或者电视和电脑看,我们须要每隔40分钟就休息下,看看远方或者绿色,能缓解我们的眼睛。眼睛是我们的心灵之窗,我们要爱护好它们。本文来源:网络收集与整理,如有侵权,请联系作者删除,谢谢!第14页 共14页第 14 页 共 14 页第 14 页 共 14 页第 14 页 共 14 页第 14 页 共 14 页第 14 页 共 14 页第 14 页 共 14 页第 14 页 共 14 页第 14 页 共 14 页第 14 页 共 14 页第 14 页 共 14 页

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