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1、专辑英文名: Chopin : Ballade No.4 / Polonaise-Fantaisie / Barcarolle / Berceuse专辑中文名: 萧邦:第4号叙事曲、波兰幻想曲、船歌、摇篮曲艺术家: Vladimir Ashkenazy古典类型: 全集作品资源格式: FLAC版本: 24bits 96KHz发行时间: 2001年11月13日地区: 美国语言: 英语简介: 专辑说明:萧邦作品一直是大师阿胥肯纳吉演奏的重心自1955年参加萧邦钢琴大赛,以十八岁之龄获得二等奖以来,萧邦作品一直是大师阿胥肯纳吉演奏的重心。而在1974-84年间他更完成了萧邦独奏钢琴作品全集的录音,自此

2、树立了他在萧邦作品罕有人能及的权威地位。在这张录音新作中选录了数首萧邦晚期的作品,包括大师最钟爱的小品夜曲,作品62-1,便经常出现在大师个人的演奏会上当作安可曲演出。萧邦:第4号叙事曲、波兰幻想曲、船歌、摇篮曲 / 阿胥肯纳吉 (钢琴)Chopin: Ballade No. 4, Polonaise-fantaisie, Barcarolle, Berceuse / Vladimir Ashkenazy, piano唱片公司:Linfair Records Limited/DECCA音乐类型:古典音乐唱片编号:4667082高价版 / CD / 1 片装Performer: Fryderyk

3、 Chopin, Vladimir AshkenazyComposer: Frederic ChopinAudio CD (November 13, 2001)SPARS Code: DDDNumber of Discs: 1Format: ImportLabel: Decca ImportASIN: B00005OC0913 of 14 people found the following review helpfulAshkenazys revision of his own ChopinBy Alex Serrano on November 15, 2001Format: Audio C

4、DNearly 3 months ago i wrote a review of Daniel Barenboims recording of Albeniz piano music - a great recital indeed, and now reviewing this new Chopin cd as played by Vladimir Ashkenazy brings me equal pleasure but a paralel must be drawn between both musicians. Both started their careers as piano

5、virtuosos - Barenboim concentrating on the German repertoire and Ashkenazy virtually on everything he could get his hands on. Apparently at some time both these pianists musthave gotten bored with a soloist career and got into conducting with quite favorable results. Barenboims tenure in Chicago has

6、 brought great innovation to the city, and Ashkenazys involvement with the Cleveland, Philharmonia, Concertegebouw, and German Orchestras has always brough refined craftmanship and musical understanding. Barenboim went back to the studio with piano music of Albeniz - new to his repertoire, Ashkenazy

7、 has chosen to revisit some of his Chopin recordings - the result is breathtaking.Unlike his previous Chopin recordings, Ashkenazy takes his time and his new rendition of the Ballade No.4 unfolds in a long line of nuances which are yet logical and never overdetailed. He sets ups to tell a story and

8、does so brilliantly.The Berceuse here is another treasure - played as if every note had its significance and not merely as ornaments. With an ending fading away as the true bed-song it portrays. Without a doubt, it is the best rendition i have ever heard of this work.The polonaise-fantasie is an odd

9、 approach - almost played as another ballade he holds the piece together bringing new voices and recalling themes all about - extremely detailed. The final chordal and octave explosions and polonaise rhythms are barely recognizable as part of the story told before. It is a very personal statement -

10、and coming from a talent such as his it is worth hearing.A selection of nocturnes, waltzes, and mazurkas follows. Here we get vintage Ashkenazy - clarity, articulation, and some coldness. His final nocturnes simply do not fly as a Horowitz or a Lhevinne. Still, this is great playing.A passionate Bar

11、carolle closes the program. Ashkenazy pulls the work toward the final chords and the conclusion for once seems integrated into the preceeding framework. Another example of a great pianist in total control of his art.Ashkenazy must have thought very thoroughly before recording these works again - he

12、must have known that comparisons with his earlier renditions would be made. I am sure he must have felt that he had something new to say about these works before settling into the studio.And how right he has been in doing so. Regardless of his previous recordings, i can not imagine a better Chopin r

13、ecital from any pianist today. It is obvious he had something to say about these overly played works - his message to this reviewer has come clear and welcome. Bravo!阿胥肯纳吉与 DECCA 唱片公司自 1963 年合作至今,多方面的艺术才华以及眾多的录音作品成就了阿胥肯纳吉今日的大师地位。他不但是笛卡唱片公司的重要瑰宝,更是全球乐迷最钟爱的音乐宝库。1937 年 7 月 6 日,阿胥肯纳吉出生於俄国高尔基,父亲是位杂耍钢琴师,具

14、有极优秀的即兴演奏能力。母亲则对他宠爱有加,觉得他颇具音乐天赋,在他四岁时便延请老师为其啟蒙。 7 岁时他已经可以上台演奏海顿的钢琴协奏曲。二次大战爆发时,他们被迫过著颠沛流离的生活,虽然受限於整个大环境的不利因素,但母亲总是设法维持他的音乐学习。儿时受到父母无限的关爱与自己的苦学,奠定了他日后发展的雄厚根基。他曾获 1955 年的第五届萧邦钢琴大赛第 2 名、 1956 年的伊莉莎白皇后大赛首奖及 1962 年的柴可夫斯基大赛冠军。目前他则身兼柏林电台交响乐团首席指挥,伦敦皇家管弦乐团音乐总监与克利夫兰主要客席指挥。身为一位杰出的钢琴家与世界知名乐团的指挥,阿胥肯纳吉的音乐总是能迅速掳获人心

15、,带给聆赏者极大的震撼。他所灌录的的曲目极多,在钢琴作品方面他已完成了巴托克、贝多芬、莫札特、普罗可菲夫及拉赫曼尼诺夫的钢琴协奏曲全集、全套的萧邦钢琴独奏作品及舒曼的大部份作品。指挥的作品更是广泛,从贝多芬到二十世纪的作品均有涉猎。他与 DECCA 唱片公司自 1963 年合作至今,多方面的艺术才华以及眾多的录音作品成就了阿胥肯纳吉今日的大师地位。他不但是笛卡唱片公司的重要瑰宝,更是全球乐迷最钟爱的音乐宝库。rtist: Wilhelm KempffTitle Of Album: Chopin: Ballade No. 4, Polonaise-fantaisie, Barcarolle, B

16、erceuseYear Of Release: 2003Label: DeccaGenre: ClassicalFormat: Super Audio CDVladimir Ashkenazy, 阿胥肯纳吉1937年出生於俄罗斯高尔基,开始国际演奏生涯后移民芬兰,目前身兼钢琴家兼指挥家。1955年华沙国际萧邦钢琴大赛第二名。1956年比利时伊丽莎白皇后大赛钢琴组首奖。1962年柴可夫斯基国际大赛钢琴组首奖。曾任英国皇家爱乐、捷克爱乐首席指挥、日本NHK交响、雪梨交响音乐总监。录音至少曾获美国葛莱美奖六次萧邦,在哪里?你听见的是萧邦的思考?或者是演奏家想像的萧邦?又或者是被当作唯美浪漫配乐的萧邦


18、饰,有谁敢说,我说了算!即使,比赛排出了名次,也只是当下,而不是绝对。所以我们建议,与其透过任何一位单一演奏家,或是任何单一学术研究角度认识萧邦,不如把想像和詮释的权力,留给欣赏者您自己。因为,音乐是为自己听的!专辑曲目: 01. Ballade No.4 In F Minor Op.5202. Berceuse In D Flat Op.5703. Polonaise No.7 In A Flat Op.61 Polonaise-fantaisie04. Nocturne No.17 In B Op.62-105. Nocturne No.18 In E Op.62-206. Waltz No.6 In D Flat Op.64-1 Minute07. Waltz No.7 In C Sharp Minor Op.64-208. Waltz No.8 In A Flat Op.64-309. Mazurka No.36 In A Minor Op.59-110. Mazurka No.37 In A Flat Op.59-211. Mazurka No.38 In F Sharp Minor Op.59-312. Barcarolle In F Sharp Op.60

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