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1、住在富人区的她考研考博-英语-台州学院考研模拟卷【3套】含答案详解(图片大小可任意调节)全文为Word可编辑,若为PDF皆为盗版,请谨慎购买!第一卷一.单项选择题(共100题)1.Text 4 Will the European Union make it?The question would have sounded strange not long ago.Now even the projects greatest cheerleaders talk of a continent facing a“Bermuda triangle”of debt,population decline a

2、nd lower growth.As well as those chronic problems,the EU faces an acute crisis in its economic core,the 16 countries that use the single currency.Markets have lost faith that the euro zones economies,weaker or stronger,will one day converge thanks to the discipline of sharing a single currency,which

3、 denies uncompetitive members the quick fix of devaluation.Yet the debate about how to save Europes single currency from disintegration is stuck.It is stuck because the euro zones dominant powers,France and Germany,agree on the need for greater harmonization within the euro zone,but disagree about w

4、hat to harmonies.Germany thinks the euro must be saved by stricter rules on borrow,spending and competitiveness,backed by quasiautomatic sanctions for governments that do not obey.These might include threats to freeze EU funds for poorer regions and EU megaprojects and even the suspension of a count

5、rys voting rights in EU ministerial councils.It insists that economic coordination should involve all 27 members of the EU club,among whom there is a small majority for freemarket liberalism and economic rigour;in the inner core alone,Germany fears,a small majority favour French interference.A“south

6、ern”camp headed by French wants something different:“European economic government”within an inner core of eurozone members.Translated,that means politicians intervening in monetary policy and a system of redistribution from richer to poorer members,via cheaper borrowing for governments through commo

7、n Eurobonds or complete fiscal transfers.Finally,figures close to the France government have murmured,eurozone members should agree to some fiscal and social harmonization:e.g.,curbing competition in corporatetax rates or labour costs.It is too soon to write off the EU.It remains the worlds largest

8、trading block.At its best,the European project is remarkably liberal:built around a single market of 27 rich and poor countries,its internal borders are far more open to goods,capital and labour than any comparable trading area.It is an ambitious attempt to blunt the sharpest edges of globalization,

9、and make capitalism benign.The French proposal of handling the crisis implies that_A.poor countries are more likely to get fundsB.strict monetary policy will be applied to poor countriesC.loans will be readily available to rich countriesD.rich countries will basically control Eurobonds答案:A 本题解析:推理题【

10、命题思路】这是一道封闭式推理题,需要锁定文章倒数第二段的信息,从而推理判断得出答案。【直击答案】根据题干信息定位到文章倒数第二段首句“Asoutherncamp headed by French wants”再根据“implies that”定位到倒数第二段“Translated,poorer members”句首的“Translated”是评注性状语,相当于“in other words”。介词短语“from richer to poorer members”作后置定语修饰限定“redistribution”。由此句可知从富国到穷国再分配,即穷国更易得到资金,故A项正确。同时可以判断C项与原

11、文信息不符,故排除。【干扰排除】由原文的分析可知对货币政策进行人为干预,以及对富国到穷国的再分配体制,这些政策都是对穷国有利的,而应该对富国更加严厉,故B项与原文信息相反,不选。第五段第二句“redistributionfiscal transfers.”显然对富国不利,故D项错误。2.When Microsoft bought task management app Wunderlist and mobile calendar Sunrise in 2015, it picked up two newcomers that were attracting considerable buzz

12、in Silicon Valley. Microsofts own Office dominates the market for productivity software, but the start-ups represented a new wave of technology designed from the ground up for the smartphone world.Both apps, however, were later scrapped after Microsoft said it had used their best features in its own

13、 products. Their teams of engineers stayed on, making them two of the many acqui-hires thatthe biggest companies have used to feed their insatiable hunger for tech talent.To Microsofts critics, the fates of Wunderlist and Sunrise are examples of a remorseless drive by Big Tech to chew up any innovat

14、ive companies that lie in their path. They bought the seedlings and closed them down, complained Paul Arnold, a partner at San Francisco-based Switch Ventures, putting an end to businesses that might one day turn into competitors. Microsoft declined to comment.Like other start-up investors, Mr. Arno

15、lds own business often depends on selling start-ups to larger tech companies, though he admits to mixed feelings about the result: I think these things aregood for me, if I put my selfish hat on. But are they good for the American economy? I dont know. The US Federal Trade Commission says it wants t

16、o find the answer to that question. This week,it asked the five most valuable US tech companies for information about their many small acquisitions over the past decade. Although only a research project at this stage, the request has raised the prospect of regulators wading into early-stage tech mar

17、kets that until now have been beyond their reach.Given their combined market value of more than $ 5.5bn, tiffing through such small deals-many of them much less prominent than Wunderlist and Sunrise-might seem beside the point.Between them, the five companies ( Apple, Microsoft, Google, Amazon and F

18、acebook) have spent an average of only $ 3.4bn a year on sub- $1 bn acquisitions over the past five years-a drop in the ocean compared with their massive financial reserves, and the more than $130bn of venture capital that was invested in the US last year.However, critics say that the big companies

19、use such deals to buy their most threatening potential competitors before their businesses have a chance to gain momentum, in some cases as part of a buy and kill tactic to simply close them down. What is true about Wunderlist and Sunrise after their acquisitions? A.Their market values declinedB.The

20、ir tech features improvedC.Their engineers were retainedD.Their products were re-priced答案:C 本题解析:根据题干关键词Wuderlist and Sunrise after their acquisitions定位到原文第二段“Both apps,however,were later scrapped after Microsoft said it had used their best features in itsown productsTheir teams of engineers stayed

21、on,making them two of the many“acqui-hires”thatthe biggest companies have used to feed their insatiable hunger for tech talent”,这两款应用程序后来都被取消了,因为微软表示在自己的产品中使用了它们最好的功能。他们的工程师团队留下来,使他们成为大型公司用来满足他们对科技人才永不满足的渴望中的众多“聘用人员”中的两个。A项“市场价值下降了”、B项“技术特点改善了”、D项“产品重新定价”在原文中均未提及,故均排除。3.Amold Schwarzenegger.Dia Mirz

22、a and Adrian Grenier have a message for you.Its easy to beat plastic.Theyre part of a bunch of celebrities starring in a new video for World Environment Day-encouraging you,the consumer,to swap out your single-use plastic staples like straws and cutlery to combat the plastics crisis.The key messages

23、 that have been put together for World Environment Day do include a call for governments to enact legislation to curb single-use plastics.But the overarching message is directed at individuals.My concern with leaving it up to the individual,however,is our limited sense of what needs to be achieved.O

24、ne their own,taking our own bags to the grocery store or quitting plastic straws,for example,will accomplish little and require very little of us.They could even be detrimental,satisfying a need to have“done our bit”without ever progressing onto bigger,bolder,more effective actions-a kind of“moral l

25、icensing”that allays our concerns and stops us doing more and asking more of those in charge.While the conversation around our environment and our responsibility toward it remains centered on shopping hags and straws,were ignoring the balance of power that implies that as“consumers”we must shop sust

26、ainably,rather than as“citizens”hole our governments and industries to account to push for real systemic change.Its important to acknowledge that the environment isnt everyones priority-or even most peoples.We shouldnt expect it to be.In her latest book,Why Good People Do Bad Environmental Things.We

27、llesley College professor Elizabeth R.DeSombre argues that the best way to collectively change the behavior of large numbers of people is for the change to be structural.This might mean implementing policy such as a plastic tax that adds a cost to environmentally problematic action,or banning single

28、-use plastics altogether.India has just announced it will“eliminate all single-use plastic in the country by 2022.”There are also incentive-based ways of making better environmental choices easier,such as ensuring recycling is at least as easy as trash disposal.DeSombre isnt saying people should sto

29、p caring about the environment.Its just that individual actions are too slow,she says,for that to be the only,or even primary,approach to changing widespread behavior.None of this is about writing off the individual.Its just about putting things into perspective.We dont have time to wait.We need pro

30、gressive policies that shape collective action(and rein in polluting businesses),alongside engaged citizens pushing for change.By pointing out out identity“citizens”,the author indicates that_()A.our focus should be shifted to community welfareB.our relationship with local industries is improvingC.W

31、e have been actively exercising our civil rightsD.We should press our government to lead the combat答案:D 本题解析:根据题干中的关键词“By pointing out our identity as“citizens”,the author indicates that”,我们可以定位到原文中的第四段,因为该段只有一句话,所以根据关键信息我们只需要理解后半句“rather than as“citizens”hold our governments and industries to accou

32、nt to push for real systematic change”,意即“而不是作为“市民”,去推动我们的政府和行业去做出真正的系统性的改变”。意思就是作者希望政府自发作出改变来应对当下的情形,反观选项,只有D选项表达出这一层含义,“我们应该施压于政府使其主导这场斗争”。故而正确答案是D选项。4.Weighing ourser egulay s aoneru way 1o stay aware or any sginant wegt ncuatoros(1),when done too often,this habit can sometimes hurt more thatit(2

33、)As for me,weighing myself every day caused ma to shift my focus from being generally healthy and physicaly active to focusing(3)on the scale.That was bad to my overall fitness goals.|had gained weight in the form of muscle mass,but thinking onlyof(4)the number on the scale,|altered my training prog

34、ram.That conflicted with how|needed to trainto(5)my goals.|also found that weighing myself daily did not provide an accurate(6)of the hard work and progress|was making in the gym.It takes about three weeks to a month to notice any significant changes in your weight(7)altering your training program.T

35、he most(8)changes will be observed in skill level,strength and inches lost.For these(9)|stopped weighing myself every day and switched to a bimonthly weighing schedule(10).since weight lIoss is not my goal,it is less important for me to(11)my weight each week.Weighing every otherweek allows me to ob

36、serve and(12)any significant weight changes.That tells me whether Ineed to(13)my training program.|use my bimonthly weight-in(14)to get information about my nutrition as well.If my training intensity remains the same,but Im constantly(15)and dropping weight,thisisa(16)that|need to increase my daily

37、caloric intake.The(17)to stop weighing myself every day has done wonders for my overall health,fitness and well-being.Im experiencing increased zeal for working out since|no longer carry the burdenofa(18)morning weigh-in.Ive also experienced greater success in achieving my specific fitness goals.(19

38、)Im training according to those goals,not the numbers on a scale.Rather than(20)over the scale,turn your focus to how you kook,feel,how you clothes fit and your overall energy level.9选?A.claimsB.judgmentsC.reasonsD.methods答案:C 本题解析:暂无解析5.Wanen Buffett,who will host Berkshire Hathaways annual shareho

39、ldersmeeting on May 3rd,is an icon of American capitalism.At 83,he also epitomhes a sLriking demographic 1:for highly skilled people to go on working well int0 2 was once thought to be old age.Across the rich world,well-educated people 3 work longer than the less-skilled.Some 65%of American men aged

40、 62-74 with a professional deUee are in the 4,compared with 3290 0f men with only a high-school certificate.In the European Union Lhe pattern is similar.This 5 is part of a deepening divide between the well-educated 6 and the unskiUed poor that is slicing 7 all age groups.Rapid innovation has raised

41、 the incomes of the highly skilled while 8 those of the unskilled.Those 8t the cop are working longer hours each year than those at the bottom.9 the well-qualified are extending their working lives,compared with those ofless-educated people.The 10,for indrviduals and society,are profound.The world i

42、s on the 11 rise in the number of old people,and they will live longer than ever before.12 the next 20 years the global population of those aged 65 or more will almost double,from 600m to 1.1 billion.The 13 of the 20th century,when greater longevity translated into more years in retirement 14 more y

43、ears at work,has persuaded many observers that this shift will 15 slower economic growth andsecular stagnation,while the 16 ranks of pensioners will bust government budgets.But the notion of a sharp division between the working young and the 17 0ld misses a new trend,the 18 gap between the skilled a

44、nd the unskilled.Employment rates are falling among younger unskiUed people,19 0lder skilled folk are working longer.The divide is most extreme in America,where well-educated baby-boomers are 20 retirement while many less-skilled youn-ger people have dropped out of the workforce.15选?A.turn toB.lean

45、toC.tend toD.lead to答案:D 本题解析:词组辨析题。Aturn to转向;Blean to偏向,倾向;Ctend to倾向;Dlead to导致。首先,选项BC都有“倾向”的意思,可以共同排除。本句说:this shift will 15 slower economic growth.大意是“这种转变将_经济增长缓慢。”显然lead to符合语义,故D为正确答案。6.Text 1 A new study suggests that contrary to most surveys,people are actually more stressed at home than

46、at work.Researchers measured peoples cortisol,which is a stress marker,while they were at work and while they were at home and found it higher at what is supposed to be a place of refuge.“Further contradicting conventional wisdom,we found that women as well as men have lower levels of stress at work

47、 than at home”,writes one of the researchers,Sarah Damske.In fact women even say they feel better at work,she notes.“It is men,not women,who report being happier at home than at work.”Another surprise is that findings hold true for both those with children and without,but more so for nonparents.This

48、 is why people who work outside the home have better health.What the study doesnt measure is whether people are still doing work when theyre at home,whether it is household work or work brought home from the office.For many men,the end of the workday is a time to kick back.For women who stay home,th

49、ey never get to leave the office.And for women who work outside the home,they often are playing catch-up-with-household tasks.With the blurring of roles,and the fact that the home front lags well behind the workplace in making adjustments for working women,its not surprising that women are more stre

50、ssed at home.But its not just a gender thing.At work,people pretty much know what theyre supposed to be doing:working,making money,doing the tasks they have to do in order to draw an income.The bargain is very pure:Employee puts in hours of physical or mental labor and employee draws out life-sustai

51、ning moola.On the home front,however,people have no such clarity.Rare is the household in which the division of labor is so clinically and methodically laid out.There are a lot of tasks to be done,there are inadequate rewards for most of them.Your home colleaguesyour familyhave no clear rewards for

52、their labor;they need to be talked into it,or if theyre teenagers,threatened with complete removal of all electronic devices.Plus,theyre your family.You cannot fire your family.You never really get to go home from home.So its not surprising that people are more stressed at home.Not only are the task

53、s apparently infinite,the co-workers are much harder to motivate.According to Paragraph 1,most previous surveys found that home_A.was an unrealistic place for relaxationB.generated more stress than the workplaceC.was an ideal place for stress measurementD.offered greater relaxation than the workplac

54、e答案:D 本题解析:细节题【命题思路】这是一道细节题。主要考查考生准确理解题干,精准定位,并能正确划分和掌握定位信息的能力。【直击答案】根据题干关键词“Paragraph 1,most previous surveys”定位到首段首句。由A new study suggests that contrary to most surveys可知most previous surveys和a new study的研究结论相反,即正确答案和people are actually more stressed at home than at work表述的意思相反。对比四个选项可知D项为正确答案。【干扰

55、排除】A项属过度推理,原文虽提到在家比在工作中有更多的压力,但并不能推测出“不是休闲放松的理想场所”。B项属于偷换概念,虽首段第一句出现了“more stress”以及“the workplace”,但文章中是指“人们感到在家比在工作中压力更大”,而不是B项所指的“家能产生更多的压力”。C项指“家是测量压力的理想场所”,属于无中生有。7.When Andrew Chadwick-Jones,a management consultant with Oliver Wyman in London,went to pitch to a private-equity firm late last ye

56、ar,he l.the usual:about 20 minutes and a brisk attitude.He was surprised to find the private-equity people 2 explaining their strategy,3 introductions to senior staff and being more open and friendly.4 money and deals are scarce,theyve got to be nicer to all the people they 5 with,in case they might

57、 help bring business in future,he says.Rudeness is out,and civility is the new 6 in an uncertain world.On Wall Street,says a banker,its now all about charm and openness and taking time with people.Cocky young things StTaight 7 the best business schools have stopped skipping interview appointments,re

58、cruiters say,and there is much less 8 peoples shoulders at drinks parties,reporis one veteran.Many people,fearful for theirjobs,are trying to burnish their contacts at other firms.The change in tone also 9 an upheaval in the balance of 10 between companies.11 the crisis,says Michel Pretie,head of in

59、vestment banking at Societe Generale in Paris,he would go and see a senior chief executive with a mergers-and-acquisitions 12,get in for a short 13 and,on the way out,walk past a line of all his competitors.Now,he says,Youre ushered 14,you get an hour with the CEO and he walks you to your car.During

60、 this crisis,when there is so much uncertainty about who will end 15 having power,the best 16 is to be civil to everyone,says Adam Galinsky of the Kellogg School of Management at Northwestem University.People have more time to be衔endly when business is 17.Some 18 the new cordiality reflects a 19 tha

61、t everyone is in the same boat:when some firms have to fire good performers as well as bad,no one is safe.20 ifpeople at different firms are being nicer to each other,things may not be getting any nicer inside companies.5选?A.consultB.cooperateC.assimilateD.interact答案:D 本题解析:动词词组辨析题。考生需要判断此处应该填哪一个动词与

62、with搭配。根据上下文结构Now that money and deals are scarce,theyve got to be nicer to all the people they with,in case they might help bring business in future,he says(由于目前资金和交易量都不足,他们必须更友好地对待他们的所有人,以期将来可以照顾自己的生意,他说。)interact with sb(和有往来)为固定搭配,故D项为正确选项。【干扰排除】A项consult“查阅;商量”,consult with“与磋商”,不符合文意;B项coopera

63、te“合作”cooperate with“与合作”,这里不是表达合作的意思;C项assimilate“同化”,不能和with搭配。故均排除。8.“Universal history,the history of what man has accomplished in this world,is at bottom the History of the Great Men who have worked here,”wrote the Victorian Thomas Carlyle.Well,not any more it is not.Suddenly,Britain looks to h

64、ave fallen out with its favorite historical form.This could be no more than a passing literary craze,but it also points to a broader truth about how we now approach the past:less concerned with learning from forefathers and more interested in feeling their pain.Today,we want empathy,not inspiration.From the earliest days of the Renaissance,the writing of history meant recounting the exemplary lives of great men.In 1337,Petrarch began work on his rambling writing De Viris IllustribusOn Famous Men,highlighting the virtus(o

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