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1、住在富人区的她考研考博-英语-四川护理职业学院考研模拟卷【3套】含答案详解(图片大小可任意调节)全文为Word可编辑,若为PDF皆为盗版,请谨慎购买!第一卷一.单项选择题(共100题)1.Text 1 When I started my careef I was astonished by how superhuman some Fortune 500 executives were.It seemed they were magicians.Every decision they made based on deep market knowledge and up-to-date infor

2、mation.How did they do it?Thcy have marketing teams that can pull research together in hours.They have chiefs of staff who give them carefully crafied agendas for every day.These teams give Fortune 500 executives what appears to bc super-human knowledge.Foriunately for those of us who dont have Fort

3、une 500 budgets at our disposal,its getting easier and casier to build your own secret support staff.Within five years,most executives at any size company-and,indeed,most knowledge workers-will have tools that do much of the work of a CEOs private group.That is,Cyborg systems,or what I calledagents.

4、It will make this possible,using a blend of learning algorithms and distributed labor to perform an ever-widening range of tasks at low cost.With help from these agents,weII be able to look as smari as those CEOs do today.I got one taste of this when I started using Wonder.Wonder is like having a pe

5、rsonal researcher,deploying a small army of experts,including trained librarians,to do small,defined research projects for me.I ask Wonder for help.For$30 to$60,Wonder saves me hours every week.More and more products and services will fuse machine intelligence with crowd work to help users get thing

6、s done.To be clear,CEO support teams arent going away.Top executives will continue to see benefits from dedicated,trusted support staff who can handle difficult,urgent,delicate work.But machine intelligence systems can take on elements of what these people do at a much lower cost,democratizing many

7、of these capabilities.Granted,there is going to be a lot of garbage before we realize the full promise of these virtual support armies.Many ofthem fail to live up to even basic promises,like this weather bot that has trouble telling you about the weather.But if you can filter through the many new of

8、ferings to fmd valuable tools,your work will improve and you may even start to look like those CEOs with the seemingly.Top executives will continue to benefit from support teams because_.A.they work at a much lower costB.they can fulfill their promiseC.they are more intelligentD.they can deal with e

9、mergency situation答案:D 本题解析:事实细节题。根据定位词定位到第六段第一、二句。这两句讲的是CEO的支持团队并不会消失。那些顶尖的高管会继续从忠诚可信且能够处理困难、紧急、复杂工作的支持团队那里获益。故D项为正确选项。【干扰排除】A项lower cost,第三段中提到大多数人没有足够的budget来雇佣support teams可见他们的成本并不低,A项可排除;B项“他们能兑现诺言”,文章第七段第二句话提到许多虚拟支持团队甚至不能完成最基础的承诺,并不是指支持团队兑现诺言,可排除;C项“他们更智能”,文章中提到machine intelligence可以部分取代suppo

10、Il teams,而且成本更低,但没有比较两者谁更智能,所以C项排除。2.Text 3 It is a good time to be a fisherman.The global fish-price index of the UNs Food and Agricultural Organization(FAO)hit a record high in May.Changing consumer diets,particularly in China,explain much of the sustained upward movement.High oil prices,which inc

11、rease the cost of fishing and transportation,also add to the price of putting fish on Lhe table.Not all fish are creaLed equal,however.There are two types of fish production:capture(or wild)andaquaculture(or farmed).And they seem to be on different tracks.Fish such as tuna,the majority of which is c

12、au;ht wild,saw much bigger price increases than salmon,which is easier to farm.Overall,the FAOs price index for wild fish nearly doubled between 1990 and 2012,whereas the one for farmed fish rose by only a fifth.What explains this big difference?The amount of wild fish captured globally has barely c

13、hanged in the past two decades.The ceiling,of about 90m tonnes a year,seems to have been reached at the end of the 1980s.Overfishing is one reason,as is the limited room for produclivity growth,particularly if consumers want high quality.Patrice Guillotreau of the University of Nantes tells the stor

14、y of a fleet in France that decided to trawl,rather than line-catch,its tuna.It braughi more back to shore,but the fish were damaged.It could not be sold as high-value fillets and was only good for canning.The old ways of catching fish are still best if you want the highest profits,says Mr CuiUotrea

15、u.In contrast,the farmed-fish industry continues to make productivity improvements.Fish farms have found crafty ways to use lower quantities of fish meal as feed.In the early days of aquaculture,it could take up to ten pounds of wild fish to produce one pound of salmon.Now the number is down to five

16、.That may still be an inefficient use of protein,but the ratio is set to improve further.Fish farms have also become more energy-efficient,meaning that they are less affected by higher energy pnces.And they have learned how to handle diseases beUer,reducing the quanlity of fish that ends up being un

17、sellable.As a resuli of all these improvements,the global production of farmed fish,measured in tonnes,now exceeds the producUon of beef.Output is likely to continue growing:the FAO estimates thal by 2020 it will reach six times its I990 level.The most suitable title for the text is_A.Wild Fish:Dema

18、nd Decides PriceB.The Rising Price of Rare Wild FishC.Ffumed Fish:Making ImprovementsD.The Prices of Fishes:Rising Differently答案:D 本题解析:主旨题。文章首段引出话题:全球鱼类价格上涨。第二段指出:并非所有鱼类都涨幅相同,并引出野生鱼和养殖鱼这两个种类接下来几段分别讨论野生鱼和养殖鱼上涨幅度不同的原因。选项AWild Fish:Demand Decides Price“野生鱼:需求决定价格”;该项突出讨论野生鱼全文只有第三、四两段突出讨论野生鱼,该项属于片面选项,故

19、排除。BThe Rising Pnce of Rare Wild Fish“稀有野生鱼价格上涨”;该项同样突出野生鱼,与A-样为片面选项。CFarmed Fish:Making Improvements“养殖鱼:不断进步”;该项突出养殖鱼,而文章只有第五、六段重点讨论养殖鱼,该项同属于片面选项,故排除。DThe Price of Fishes:Rising Differently“鱼类价格:上涨幅度不同”;该项符合文章主旨,尤其risinS differently强调了不同鱼类涨幅不同,故该项为答案。3.Today,some 30%of small business owners dont h

20、ave a Web presence at all,while the vast majority who do are watching their sites sit stale,waiting and wanting for business.Where did things go wrong?There are common principles followed by those whose dreams of online success have become reality.41.Thinking of your site as your online storefront,b

21、uilt around delivering the highest-quality customer experience from the moment your customer steps through thedoor.Years ago,I worked with a woman who sold purses online through a home-built site that lacked criticale-commerce components.After a simple redesign including product descriptions,compreh

22、ensive navigation,and a secure,user-friendly ordering system,her revenue increased fivefold.And she began receiving rave reviews from customers impressed with the ease and convenience ofthe online shopping experience.42.If you arent seeing a large volume of targeted traffic to your site,its time to

23、up the ante.One of my past clients had a well-designed physical storefront,solid prices,and quality offerings.However,he wasnt able to drive enough store traffic despite targeted advertising efforts in print publications and other offline venues.We decided to shift those ad dollars to an online pay-

24、per-click campaign-in which the advertiser pays whenever someone clicks on its entry posted during the course of a site search based on keywords relevant to his business.The immediate impact was staggering Online revenue soared tenfold to Sl million from Sl00,000 within only a few months.43.Containi

25、ng discounts,news,or friendly service reminders.Use discount promotional offers to stay in touch with past visitors to your site.One villa rental company had a Web site that generated very few calls and online bookings.I helped the company set up alast minute dealsdistribution list.By subscribing,si

26、te visitors would receive weekly e-mails offering llth-hour discounts on villa rentals.As a result,the company captured contact information for thousands of possible customers,reduced its unused inventory to almost zero,and increased revenue significantly.44.While pay-per-click Internet advertising

27、is much more cost-effective than traditional media channels,bundling products together will not only increase your sales revenue,but also enable you to get more out of your per-click ad rates.A manufacturing company selling$50 items was having trouble justifying the cost of online keyword ads.By bun

28、dling products to create packages of$100 0r more and advertising to wholesale customers looking to buy in bulk,the manufacturer dropped its sales representative agencies and focused on large-volume buyers,such as Wal-Mart and Target.Needless to say,the company had no trouble exceeding its yearly sal

29、es quota.45.Your site may be live,but how is it performing?Armed with these simple lessons,vow to make your business realize the true promise ofthe Internet.41选?A.Measure your progressB.Integrate customer loyalty programs and promotionsC.Just because you built it doesnt mean theyII comeD.Justify you

30、r monthly spending through product bundlingE.Build your site around your customerF.Improve the quality ofyour productsG.Make a selling plan答案:E 本题解析:该段落讲到,应该把网站看作是在线的店面,从顾客踏人店门的那一刻起就传递给他们一种最优质的顾客体验。文章明确指出,该女士的在线销售因给顾客带来舒适便捷的购物体验而受到好评,E项与该段内容照应。所以该题的小标题是“以客户为中心建立网站”。故E项为正确选项。4.Text3 Mention price car

31、tels and many people will think of big,overt ones like the one OPEC runs for oil and the now-extinct one for diamonds.But at least as damaging are the many secret cartels in sucb unglamorous areas as ball-bearings and cargo rates,which go on unnoticed for years,quietly bumping up the end cost to con

32、sumers of all manner of goods and services.Collusion among producers to rig prices and carve up markets is thriving,with the cartels growing ever more intricate and global in scope.Competition authorities have uncovered several whopping conspiracies in recent years,including one in which more than 2

33、0 airlines worldwide had fixed prices on perhaps 20 billion of freight shipments.They were fined a total of 3 billion;and so far the compensation claims from ripped-off customers comfortably exceed l billion.One academic study found that the typical cartel raised the price of the goods or services i

34、n question by 20%.Another suggested that cartels were robbing poor countriesconsumers of tens of billions ofdollars a year:if so,negating all the aid that rich countriesgovernments send them.Investigators are still unravelling a huge global network of cartels among suppliers of a wide range of car p

35、arts.Makers of seat belts,radiators and foam seat-stuffing have had hefiy fines slapped on them.Earlier this month the European Commission fined five makers of automotive bearings a total of 953m(1.32 billion).This week its investigators raided a bunch of makers of car exhausts.Also in recent days,B

36、razilian prosecutors have charged executives from a dozen foreign train-makers accused ofrigging bids for rail and subway contracts in the countrys main cities.Price-fixing has infected high finance,too.Some of bankings biggest names stand accused offiddling interest-rate and foreign-exchange benchm

37、arks.The good news is that enforcement has got tougher,smarter and more coordinated.Gone are the days when price-fixers got a slap on the wrist.Firms can expect swingeing fines,and bosses can go to jail.Since many cartels now operate across borders,so do investigators:American and Japanese trustbust

38、ers joined forces to flush out the car-parts cartels.And incentives for whistleblowers have also increased:around 50 countries now offer immunity or reduced penalties for snitches.That is all for the better,but the penalties for price-fixing remain too mild.The best study of the issue so far conclud

39、ed that,given the still-low risk of detection,collusion pays.Yet beyond a certain point-which the fines now imposed by American and European regulators have probably reached-fines inflict so much damage on guilty companies that they undermine competition instead of enhancing it.The answer is stiffer

40、 prison sentences,particularly for senior executives.American courts,only too ready to lock up other types of miscreants for a long time,have rarely jailed egregious price-fixers for anything like the maximum of ten years that the law allows.Other countries have even more scope to increase sentences

41、.According to Paragraph 2,with the thriving of the cartels_A.the compensation claims fTom inferior articles for customers have decreased by nowB.markets segment from producers is more prosperous than beforeC.the fund to poor countries from rich economies would finally slow downD.the competition amon

42、g airlines have become intense答案:B 本题解析:事实细节题。根据定位词定位在文章的第二段,其中第一句话便体现了题目的内容,即Collusion among producers to rig prices and carve up markets is thriving,with the cartels growlng ever more intricate and global in scope(随着卡特尔垄断联盟变得越来越复杂且在全球范围内越来越广,制造商们相互勾结,操纵价格,割据市场。)而与这个信息相匹配的选项刚好是B项markets segment fro

43、m producers is more prosperous than before“生产商割据市场的现象比之前更多”,故B项为正确选项。【干扰排除】A项在段落中有体现,但是文章中是说and so far the compensation claims from ripped-off customers comfortably exceed l billion(到目前为止,被敲竹杠的消费者提起了超过10亿英镑的赔偿。)由此可知赔偿没有减少。C项虽然在段落中有体现,但是文章中是说另一个研究表明垄断联盟正从贫困国家的消费者身上剥夺上百亿美元的钱财,与选项的表达不一致,是概念上的偷换。文中虽然提到了

44、国际航线的信息,但是没有提到竞争,而是说超过二十多航空公司私定200亿起货物装运的价格,D项是概念上的偷换。故均排除。5.Text 2 Internet service providers have realized that they are sitting on a treasure chest of data about your online activities that they could be selling to advertisers.Recognizing the privacy threat,the Federal Communications Commission a

45、dopted rules that would have stopped them from doing so without your consent,but Congress recently shot down the regulation.This is a big deal.Privacy doesnt merely benefit individuals;it fundamentally shapes how society functions.It is crucial for marginalized communities and for social movements.P

46、rivacy enables these groups to network,organize,and develop their ideas before challenging the status quo.But when people know theyre being tracked and monitored,they change their behavior.This chilling effect hurts our intellectual freedoms and our capacity for social progress.The data that tracks

47、our behavior feeds into machine-learning algorithms that make judgments about us.When used for advertising,they can reproduce our own prejudiced behavior.Marketers can use machine learning to figure out your unique features-do you resDond better to words or to pictures?Do you make impulsive shopping

48、 decisions?-to target you with exactly the advertisement that will best persuade you.When consequential decisions about employment or loans are made using this kind of data,the result can feel absurd and incomprehensible,because these systems arent programmed to explain their decisions.There arent y

49、et effective ways for humans to hold algorithms accountable for how they categorize us.The good news is how effective technology can be in preventing tracking.We found that ad blockers and other browser-privacy tools can decrease tracking by 80 percent or more.More complex tools can be even more eff

50、ective.In other worcls,the more technically savvy among us can enjoy dramatically better privacy and digital freedoms.But this has resulted in a technologicalarms race,which is worrying by itself,but also because such technical skill correlates with historically advantaged groups.Meanwhile,publisher

51、s are caught in the ad-blocking crossfire,endangering the free press.One bright spot is that online privacy research has had a tremendous effect.It has helped regulators curb the worst of the offenses,forced companies to roll back invasions because of public-relations pressure,spurred the developmen

52、t of privacy tools,and developed a healthy public debate about online tracking.The fight for privacy is now closely linked to the fight for digital civil liberties and democratic values,and it is a movement that includes activists,artists,journalists,researchers,and everyday users of technology.Ther

53、es tremendous power in your hands to take charge of your own privacy as well as foster these societal values.The author views preventing Web tracking with technology as_.A.radical and dangerousB.complex and impracticalC.simple but effectiveD.helpful but risky答案:D 本题解析:信息锁定第四段先肯定(The good news is)技术可

54、高效阻止网络追踪,随后转折指出(But)以技术手段制止网络追踪会引发军备竞赛、有利于强势群体、甚至会危及出版自由。可见D.是对作者观点的正确概括。解题技巧A.忽视第四段前四句对先进技术效用的认可,且“激进的(radical)”无信息支撑。B.impractical(不切实际的)与第四段句“技术工具已实现有效制止网络追踪”相悖且complex并非文中所指:文中指“更复杂的技术可能更有效”而非“反追踪技术总体复杂”。C.忽视段落转折后内容,且simple-词无信息支撑。6.Higher cognitive abilities may come with a pitfall-a susceptibi

55、lity to judging people based on stereotypes.A new study from New York University l that highly intelligent people are quicker to learn stereotypes and base decisions off them.It may come down 2 someones ability to detect and encode patterns.Its not all bad news 3,as these high-intelligence people ar

56、e likely to quickly update and 4 their ideas on stereotypes when introduced to new information.For the study,1,257 individuals were shown a(n)5 0f computerized male faces that were paired with a description of past behavior,either positive or negative However,the researchers manipulated avatar faces

57、 6 people with noses that were purposely wider were associated with negative traits,7.those with more narrow noses were associated with positive traits.8this,individuals were asked to complete a task in 9 they had to trust an individual online who was represented by an avatar face 10 those the volun

58、teers were shown in the trait association task.Individuals who 11 higher on pattern detection,12 0f higher intelligence,were also more likely to associate wider noses with negative traits,and were 13 likely to trust wide-nosed avatars in the final task.Pattern detection is an essential part of human

59、 intelligence,and is one of the main features that helped our brains evolve 14 what they are today,but the skill has its limits.Finding that higher pattern detection ability 15 people at greater risk to detect and apply stereotypes,but also to reverse them,implicates this ability as a cognitive mech

60、anism 16 stereotyping,added co-author Jonathan Freeman in a statement.While stereotypes can be useful and a way to avoid danger,17 associating police officers with safety or gunmen with danger,there are pitfalls t0 18 people based on a generally held idea.Stereotypes cause you to judge people 19.kno

61、wing anything about them-we wouldnt want others to do that to us,20 why not afford them the same Courtesy 1选?A.foundB.predictedC.estimatedD.imagined答案:A 本题解析:本题考查上下文语义十动词辨析。由第二段首两句For the study.the researchers.一等信息可推知下文主要是在介绍这项新研究的研究过程和研究发现,因此空格句应该是以新研究发现佐证首句观点,故空格处应表示“(新研究)发现、表明”的含义,A.found正确。7.Tex

62、t 4 Britains private schools are one of its most successful exports.The children of the well-heeled flock to them,whetherrom China,Nigeria or Russia:the number of foreign pupils rose by l.4%in the last year alone.One headmaster recendy asked a room full of pupils whether they flew business class to

63、Britain.Only a few hands went up,sugSesting they were not quite as spoiled as he had thought.Then a boy explained:many of the pupils fly first class instead.Yet foreign studenLs,whether educated in British pnvate schools or elsewhere,are decreasingly likely to go to English universities.According Lo

64、 the Higher Education Funding Council for England,307,200 0verseas students began their studies in the country in 2012-2013,down from 312,000 two years earlier and the first drop in 29 years.Student numbers from the rest of the EU fell-probably a result of the increase in annual tuition fees in Engl

65、and from 6,000 a year 10 9,000.But arrivals from India and Pakistan declined mosL sharply.In conLrast to the visa regime for private schools,which is extremely lax(the Home Office counts private schools as favoured sponsors),student visas have been tightened.Foreign students used to be allowed to work for up to tw

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