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1、书山有路勤为径,学海无涯苦作舟! 住在富人区的她 2022年中国银行国际金融研修院招聘名师模拟卷3套含答案详解(图片大小可自由调整)全文为Word可编辑,若为PDF皆为盗版,请谨慎购买!第壹卷一.题库(共125题)1.经济周期的四个阶段依次是( )A.繁荣、萧条、衰退、复苏B.繁荣、衰退、萧条、复苏C.繁荣、复苏、衰退、萧条D.衰退、萧条、复苏、繁荣答案:B解析:经济周期是指经济活动沿着经济发展的总体趋势所经历的有规律的扩张和收缩.繁荣和萧条是经济周期中的两个主要阶段。衰退是由繁荣到萧条的过渡阶段,复苏是由萧条到下一次繁荣的过渡阶段,因此经济周期四个阶段的次序是繁荣、衰退、簫条、复苏。2.在表

2、示存储器的容量时,1MB的准确含义是()。A.1024GB.1024KC.1024字节D.1024答案:B解析:1GB等1 024MB,1MB等于1024KB,1KB等于1024字节。3.世界建筑文化源远流长。自古以来,人们在建筑房屋的过程中,创造着自己的建筑文化。因此,建筑汇聚了文化的精华,也体现了建筑师的人文修养。纵观历史上优秀的建筑师,除了学识渊博外,大多有着丰富的阅历,而不是_的理论家,正因此,他们才能_,迁想妙得,将自己意匠独造的想象力渗人建筑之中,丰富人类的建筑文化。依次填入横线部分最恰当的一项是()A.循规蹈矩 融会贯通B.纸上谈兵 博采众长C.闭门造车 才华横溢D.墨守陈规 推

3、陈出新答案:B解析:纸上谈兵比喻空谈理论,不能解决实际问题。文中指出的“丰富的阅历”意为不是空谈,不是纸上谈兵。同时,在众多的见解认识中博采众长,推动事物发展。4.从所给的四个选项中,选择最合适的一个填入问号处,使之呈现一定的规律性:答案:A解析:由第1行和第2行的图形可以看出,每1行的规律是第1个图形的阴影 部分与第3个图形的阴影部分的面积之和等于中间图形的阴影面积。故正确答案为A。5.资料:What if you were told there was a way you may strengthen your cognitive skills and heighten your inte

4、lligence, and all you had to do was was learn to strike up basic conversations in another language?It probably sounds great, because if youre like most you would love to be able to speak a second language. But then, you recall your experience in high school foreign language-boring tote memorization

5、and long hours with little progress-and perhaps it doesnt sound so good any more.But, what if you were told it would take only 10 days to be on your way to becoming bilingual? Most people recognize the many benefits of learning a foreign language: You can travel to foreign countries and fell comfort

6、able, be a more productive and enticing employee in todays competitive job market, and immerse yourself in the vast cultures that surround you.But now, the collective evidence from a number of recent studies suggests that the bilingual experience improves the brains so-called executive function-a co

7、mmand system that directs the attention processes that we use for planning, solving problems, and performing various other mentally demanding tasks.These processes include the ability to ignore distractions to stay focused, switching attention willfully from one thing to another, and holding informa

8、tion in the mind-like remembering a sequence of directions while driving.Even better, new approaches to learning mean you can learn a new language without the endless repetition, homework, and memorization. One of the most powerful actually trains people to start speaking a new language in as little

9、 as 10 days! In fact, its so powerful, even the FBI has purchased it!Want to know more about this amazing approach? Click here!The passage is most likely _.A.attracting readers to a new approach that will help them become bilingual in 10 daysB.introducing various ways of learning a foreign languageC

10、.explaining the benefits of learning a foreign languageD.making readers pay attention to the importance of learning foreign languages答案:A解析:本题考查的是主旨大意。【关键词】passage;most likely【主题句】第7自然段 Want to know more about this amazing approach? Click here! 想知道更多关于这个惊人的方法吗?点击这里!【解析】本题的问题是“这篇文章最有可能_”。 选项A意为“吸引读者采

11、用新方法,帮助他们在10天内成为双语人员”,选项B意为“ 介绍学习外语的各种方法”,选项C意为“解释学习外语的好处”,选项D意为“使读者注意学习外语的重要性”。根据主题句可知,本文主要是想用一种新的方法来吸引读者,帮助他们在10天内学会双语,故选A。6._。历史证明,哪怕是最有效率的万能政府,实际上也不可能全面介入管理每一个家庭或者宗族的具体生活,正如大脑不能指挥身上的每一个细胞的具体活动一样。填入上面横线的句子,与上下文衔接最恰当的一向是( )。A.家庭是国家和社会的细胞B.人类历史的发展和家庭是分不开的C.家和万事兴D.正是一个个不起眼的家庭组成了大社会答案:A解析:此类题型的正确选项要保

12、证文段话题的统一性。从后文语境可知,文段主要是描述了家庭与政府的关系,与此相关的为A、D 项。再由A 项的“细胞”与后文的对应关系可知本题正确答案为A。7. 在我国,证券业和银行业、信托业、保险业实行()。 A.分业经营、分业管理B.集中经营、统一管理C.分业经营、统一管理D.集中经营、分业管理答案:A解析:分业经营、分业管理原则是我国金融业普遍遵循的基本原则。我国现行证券法第6条规定:“证券业和银行业、信托业、保险业实行分业经营、分业管理,证券公司与银行、信托、保险业务机构分别设立。国家另有规定的除外。”8.中国六十年的经济发展历程,是一个在以发达国家为主导的全球资本主义体系当中,如何 在农

13、业人口大国的基础上,艰苦地完成工业化原始积累,进人产业资本扩张阶段,并开始向金融资本阶段_的过程。填入横线部分最恰当的一项是( )。A.上升 B.跨越 C.跃进 D.跃升答案:D解析:这段话是在讲中国经济的快速发展,“跨越”有越过之意,显然不合文义。 “上升”指由低到高的动作或状态。“跃进”表达的是进入的一种状态,比喻极快地前进。“跃 升”是跳跃式的上升,形象地说明了快速地从低到高的一种状态。D项最为贴切。9.国际信用的主要形式有()。A.专项债券B.卖方信贷?C.政府信贷D.买方信贷答案:B,C,D解析:专项债券一般为国内的国家信用。10. GDP、GNP、CPl、PPl分别是指( ) A.

14、国内生产总值、国民生产总值、生产者物价指数、消费物价指数B.国民生产总值、国内生产总值、生产者物价指数、消费物价指数C.国内生产总值、国民生产总值、消费物价指数、生产者物价指数D.国民生产总值、国内生产总值、消费物价指数、生产者物价指数答案:C解析:国内生产总值(Gross Domestic Product,简称GDP);国民生产总值(Gross National Product,简称GNP);消费价格指数(Consumer PriceIndex,简称CPI);生产者物价指数(Producer Price Index简称PPI)。11.小陈骑车自A地往B地,先上坡后下坡,到达B地后立即返回A地

15、,共用19分钟。已知小陈的上坡速度为350米分钟,下坡速度为600米分钟,则A地距离B地()米。A.3600B.4200C.4600D.5400答案:B解析: 骑车从A地到B地是先上坡后下坡,返回来则是从B地到A地先上坡后下坡,相当于小陈是以350米分钟的上坡速度走完全程后,再以600米分钟的下坡速度返回。路程相同,时间比为600:350=12:7,因为共用19分钟,所以上坡时间为12分钟,故A地到B地的距离为35012=4200米。12.有一个数值31 1 与十六进制数C9 相等,则该数值是( )数。A.二进制B.八进制C.五进制D.十六进制答案:B解析:先把C9 写成二进制形式是11001

16、001,在首位补个0 正好是八进制的311,故本题正确答案是B。13. 犯罪人所触犯罪名的法定最高刑罚为无期徒刑、死刑的,经过20年没有追诉的,一律不能再追诉。() 答案:错解析:犯罪人所触犯罪名的法定最高刑罚为无期徒刑、死刑的,追溯期限为20年。如果20年以后认为必须追诉的,须报请最高人民检察院核准。14. 所有者权益类账户的期末余额根据()计算。 A.借方期末余额=借方期初余额+借方本期发生额一贷方本期发生额B.借方期末余额=借方期初余额+贷方本期发生额一借方本期发生额C.贷方期末余额=贷方期初余额+贷方本期发生额一借方本期发生额D.贷方期末余额=贷方期初余额+借方本期发生额一贷方本期发生

17、额答案:C解析: 所有者权益类账户贷加、借减,余额在贷方。 15.下列资产中,属于企业流动资产的是()。A.专利权B.厂房C.机器设备D.存货答案:D16.实验室有粉末状实验材料三份,一份是25克,一份是10克,一份是700克。除了一架没有砝码的天平外,没有任何其他工具。这时,要将700克天平材料分成300克和400克两份,至少需要几步? (成)A.5B.7C.9D.11答案:A解析:第一步,用25克的称出来一个25克的,第二步,两个25克合起来称出来一个50克的,第三步,两个25克,和一个五十克合起来,称出来一个100克的,第四步,用前面的方法,在称出来一个25克,然后这些除过本来就有的那个

18、25之外的所有的加起来是200克,第五步再称出来一个200克,故本题正确答案选择A项。17.第59题答案是_A.performingB.judgingC.acceptingD.helping答案:A解析:perform“展示”,我没有让羞怯阻止我展示自己随意的善举。18. 下列对追索权行使的说法,正确的有()。 A.持票人应当在被拒绝付款后一个月内行使追索权B.持票人可以向任何一个未作禁转背书的前手追索C.行使追索权必须出示汇票和拒绝证明D.行使追索权前必须通知被追索人答案:B,C,D解析:依据我国票据法规定,持票人可以向任何一个未作禁转背书的前手追索。另据我国票据法第65条的规定,持票人行使

19、追索权时,应依法提供、出示拒绝承兑或拒绝付款等有关证明,并应将拒绝事由通知前手。19.According to this passage, which of the following is TRUE?_A.Company workers started to dress down about twenty years agoB.Dress-down has become an everyday phenomenon since the early 1990sC.Dress-down Friday was first given as a favor from employersD.Many

20、workers want to wear casual clothes to impress people答案:C解析:由文章第二段第三句话可知,周五穿便装是作为一群员工的喜爱而首次出现的。故选C。20.公文的作者是指签发人。()答案:错解析:公文是由法定作者制成和发布的。所谓法定的作者,是指依法成立并能以自己的名义行使权力和承担义务的组织和机构,这些组织和机构在法定的职权和业务范围内发布和使用公文,其在发布和使用公文时必须签署机构和组织的名称或法定代理人的名称。21.有A、B两种商品,如果A的利润增长20%,8的利润减少10%,那么,A、B两种商品的利润就相同了。问原来A商品的利润是B商品利

21、润的百分之几?()A.80%B.70%C.85%D.75%答案:D解析:22.简述影响国际储备需求量大小的因素。答案:解析:影响国际储备需求量大小的因素主要有:(1)进口规模。国际储备最基本的作用是弥补国际收支逆差,进口规模越大,发生逆差的 可能性及数额也往往越大,因而需要有较多的外汇储备作为后盾。(2)贸易差额的波动幅度。波动幅度越大,储备需求就越大。(3)外债规模与期限结构。一国外债规模越大、短期外债越多,还本付息的压力就越大,为 维持清偿力,需要的国际储备就越多。(4 )汇率制度与外汇管制程度。若一国实行固定汇率制或进行严格的外汇管制,汇率波动 的可能性和幅度就小,用于干预的储备货币就可

22、以少一些。(5)进入国际金融市场筹借应急资金的能力与成本。如果一国与国际金融市场有密切的 联系,能迅速以相对较低的成本借到应急资金,它所需要持有的国际储备就可以少一些。(6)国货币地位,即一国货币是否属于储备货币。如果是储备货币,它就可以通过增加 本国货币的对外负债来弥补储备货币的不足,而不需持有较多的国际储备。(7)持有国际储备的机会成本。持有国际储备意味着放弃利用实际资源的权利。在这些因素中,前4个因素是直接决定储备需求量大小的客观因素;第5、6个因素是衡量一国弥补国际储备量的能力的因素,从而构成间接影响储备需求量的因素;最后一个因素是对 储备进行成本一收益分析,是影响储备需求量的一个重要

23、的参考因素。23.某市出租汽车的车费计算方式如下:路程在3公里以内(含3公里)为8.00元;达到3公里后,每增加1公里收1.40元;达到8公里以后,每增加1公里收2.10元,增加不足1公里按四舍五入计算。某乘客乘坐该种出租车交了44.4元车费,则此乘客乘该出租车行驶的路程为( )。A22公里B24公里C26公里D29公里答案:A解析:出租车开到8公里时,需支付8(83)1.415元,剩余路程要支付44.41529.4元,而四个选项分别还剩余14,16,18和21公里,只有A项乘以2.10元的尾数是0.4。24.填入括号处最恰当的词语是( ) 。(1)网络也是一种媒体,它的行文有着独特的要求,不

24、完全( )于报(2)作为一名新时代的青年,应该着眼于长远,而不应计较眼的的( )得失。A.类同 利害B.雷同 利害C.类同 厉害D.雷同 厉害答案:A解析:本题考查语素差异。从第一空可知,应选“类同”,排除BD项。雷同:指的是惊人的相同,类同:指的是一般的类似。从第二空可知,应选“利害”,排除C项。害是形容词,很强大。利害是名词,利与害,即益处和坏处。因此,本题应选A项。25.请求批准函的结尾可用()。A.请批准B.请予批准C.请予指示D.请批复答案:A,B,D26.从所给的四个选项中,选择最合适的一个填人问号处,使之呈现一定的规律性:答案:A解析:前一组图形中,第一个图形去掉中间黑色部分,上

25、下部分相接得到第二个 图形;在第二个图形基础上去掉上半部分,可得到第三个图形。后一组图形依此规律,最后得 到的应是一个倒着的白色三角形。故本题答案为A。27.资料:The data a bank has stored on its servers is more valuable than the gold in its vaults. Banks enjoy a monopoly over data that has helped them get away with poor services and fend off competitors. In Europe, at least, t

26、hat is all about to change with a new set of regulations, named PSD2.The rules will compel banks to share data easily with licensed third parties. Bankers in Europe complain that their profits and customer relationships are under threat. However, opening up banks, and the data they store, is good fo

27、r consumers and competition, New providers will be better placed to offer all sorts of innovative services, such as a one-click option to put unspent monthly income into a pension plan.Nevertheless, some concerns about PSD2 are legitimate. In particular, it is reasonable to wonder about the privacy

28、and security implications of sensitive financial date being shared with third parties. But banks themselves are hardly invulnerable to cyber attacks (网络攻击).And the solutions that the European regulators propose to deal with these worries look promising. Third parties that want to use bank data will

29、need to convince national regulators that their data defenses are solid and are subject to annual regulatory inspections.The gap between writing rules and implementing them is always large. First, consent from customers to provide access to their bank data must be gained explicitly, and the purposes

30、 of the data use should be clearly explained. Second, regulators must be very tough both in ensuring that banks open up their infrastructure and in withdrawing the licenses of third parties that break the rules. Third, regulators must also be flexible enough to allow for changes as the market evolve

31、s. Since the new entrants will not be licensed to engage in riskier financial activitiessuch as lending moneyit makes sense to regulate them with a lighter touch. But if some Fintech providers do end up becoming systemically important, higher standards of oversight might be necessary.Which of the fo

32、llowing is true in order to successfully implement PSD2?A.Customers are forced to share their bank data.B.Banks are required to open up their entire operational system.C.Regulators should be both tough and flexible.D.Banks and third parties should be regulated with a light touch.答案:C解析:本题考查的是细节理解及同义

33、转换。【关键词】true;implement;PSD2【主题句】第4自然段Second, regulators must be very tough both in ensuring that banks open up their infrastructure and in withdrawing the licenses of third parties that break the rules.Third, regulators must also be flexible enough to allow for changes as the market evolves.其次,监管机构必

34、须非常强硬,一方面要确保银行开放基础设施,另一方面要收回违规第三方的执照。第三,监管机构还必须足够灵活,以适应市场的发展变化。【解析】本题的问题是“为了成功实施PSD2,以下哪一项是正确的?”。A选项“客户被迫分享他们的银行数据。”;B选项“银行被要求开放整个操作系统。”;C选项“监管机构应该既强硬又灵活。”;D选项“银行和第三方应该受到轻微管制。”根据主题句可知,监管机构需要既强硬又灵活,故选C。28.4,6,10,14,22,( )A30;B28;C26;D24;答案:C解析:选C,22=4;23=6;25=10;27=14;211=22;213=26其中2,3,5,7,11,13连续质数

35、列29.资料:Bank CD is the instrument uniformly figuring in the investment options of most investors. Bank of India CDs are safe, FDIC insured & offer decent returns. There is no brokerage, no fees or hidden costs. However, the Bank may impose a fee for administrative expenses involved in any legal actio

36、n in connection with the CD. Look at our Star CD plan below.High Interest: Higher on Large amountOur rates on certificate of deposits are among the best in the industry. The rate may vary on day-to day basis. For CDs of above $250,000.00, the interest is simple i.e not compounded; therefore, annual

37、percentage yield is same as annual interest rate. The interest is payable on the day of maturity of deposit. Interest paid during the year is reported to Internal Revenue Services. For todays rates please refer to Current Rates of Interest on STAR CDs.Maturity Period: Flexible to your needsYou may c

38、hoose any maturity date with a minimum period of 7 days to a maximum period of 1 year to suit your needs. Your CD is automatically renewed for the same period in absence of any other instruction, at the ruling rate of interest on the date of renewal. There is no grace period for automatic renewal of

39、 deposits on maturity. For deposits issued for 1 year or more, we send maturity notices to the depositors 2 to 4 weeks before the due date.Minimum Amount: Easy to StartThe minimum amount accepted is USD 2000Other Features:1.FDIC Insurance Up to $100,0002.Facility to Open Joint & Corporate AccountsAd

40、ditional Deposits:Additional amounts deposited into an account will be treated as fresh deposits & separate certificates of deposits will be issued for such deposits.Early Withdrawal:Withdrawal of deposit before its date of maturity may be allowed at banks discretion. In that event, interest will be

41、 paid at the rate applicable for the period for which the deposit remained with the bank or the contracted rate, whichever is lower, as prevailing on the date of deposit, less one percent. However, no interest shall be paid on the deposit which runs for less than 30 days. There is no other penalty o

42、r charge on early withdrawal.Bank of India CDs are safe because ( )A.CD is a safe instrument.B.Bank of India is safe.C.CD is insuredD.All of the above答案:D解析:本题考查细节理解。【关键词】Bank of India CDs; safe; because【主题句】第一段Bank CD is the instrument uniformly figuring in the investment options of most investors.

43、 Bank of India CDs are safe, FDIC insured & offer decent returns. There is no brokerage, no fees or hidden costs. 银行大额存单(CD)是大多数投资者普遍选择投资的工具。印度银行的大额存单是安全的,联邦存款保险公司(FDIC)投保,并提供体面的回报。没有经纪人,没有收费或隐藏费用。【解析】题目意为“印度银行大额存单是安全的,因为_。” 选项A意为“大额存单是一个安全的工具”;选项B意为“印度银行是安全的”;选项C意为“大额存单被投保”;选项D意为“以上皆是”。根据主题句,选项A、B、

44、C均提到,因此选项D正确。 30.手脚容易冰冷,脸也容易冰冷。这绝不仅仅因为手脚和脸露在外面,更是由于人体拥有这样一种机制热:面对寒冷,热量不断从身体向环境中散发时,人体会优先满足体内脏器的血液供应,而牺牲手脚脸的利益。这样的机制在在女人身上表现得更加激烈。研究发现:虽然女性平均体温较男性要高出0.4华氏度,但她们的手温却要低整整28华氏度,(1)五年来,互联网犹如柴米油盐,( ) 进嘉兴人的生活。(2)熄灯一小时,减少的能源消耗或许只是( ), 但由此却唤醒了全球许许多多人心中的环保意识。A.渗透 扬汤止沸B.涉入 杯水车薪C.渗入 扬汤止沸D.渗透 杯水车薪答案:D解析:第一空,“渗入”有

45、渗入进里层的意思,“渗入进”搭配不当,排除B、C两项。第二空,文段在说熄灯一小时时间太少,无法解决问题,D项“杯水车薪”比喻力量太小,解决不了问题。符合语境,答案为D。A项“扬汤止沸”比喻办法不对头,不能从根本上解决问题。文段并未说熄灯一小时是因为方法错误,排除A项。故本题应选D.31.自然失业率( )。A.恒为零 B.是历史上最低限度水平的失业率C.恒定不变 D.是经济处于潜在产出水平时的失业率答案:D解析:根据定义,自然失业率是经济中的产出就是充分就业的产出,也是潜在产出水平。32.答案:C解析:图一中图形共有8条线段,图二、图三、图四和正确选项分别去掉其中的 两条,并且不重复,故选c。3


47、词“他们”指代的是句的“都市白领”,故句应紧接句之后。故正确的排序应为 。34.Rising wages - together with currency fluctuations and high fuel costs - are eating away the once-formidableChina price advantage, prompting thousands of factory owners to flee the Pearl River Delta. Much has been written about the more than doubling of wages

48、at the Shenzhen factory of Foxconn, the worlds largest electronics contract manufacturer, which produces Apple iPhones and iPads and employs 920,000 people in China alone.One can talk about a world pre- and post- Foxconn, says Victor Fung, chairman of Li & Fung, the worlds biggest sourcing company a

49、nd a supplier of Wal-Mart. Foxconn is as important as that.Foxconns wage increases are only the most dramatic. Our analysis suggests that, since February, minimum wages have climbed more than 20 percent in 20 Chinese regions and up to 30 percent in some, including Sichuan. At a Guangdong Province fa

50、ctory supplying Honda, wages have risen an astonishing 47 percent. All this is bad news for companies operating in the worlds manufacturing hub, and chief executives should assume that double-digit annual rises - if not on the scale witnessed this year - are here to stay.Looked at another way, howev

51、er, wage inflation provides companies with a once-in-a-generation opportunity to rethink radically the way they approach global production - and they should do so sooner rather than later.Why the urgency? After all, wage hikes in China are nothing new. Since 1990, they have risen by an average of 13

52、 percent a year in U.S. dollar terms and 19 percent annually in the past five years.There are two big reasons the situation is different now. The first has to do with productivity.Over the past 20 years, productivity increases have broadly matched wage increase, negating their impact. The pay rises

53、came from a very low base, so while average wages grew 19 percent a year from 2005 to 2010, this amounted to only ¥260 a month per employee, a sum that could be offset by more efficient production or switching to cheaper sources of parts and materials.If labor costs continue, however, to increase at

54、 19 percent a year for another five years,monthly wages would grew ¥623 per month, according to BCG estimates. Such an increase would ripple through the economy in the form of higher prices for components, business services, cargo-handling and office staff.The second reason relates to societal chang

55、e. Until now, if has been easy to lure a seemingly unlimited number of young, low-wage workers to the richer coastal regions and house them cheaply in dormitories until they saved enough to return home to their families in the interior provinces. In the future, though, young workers will be harder t

56、o recruit. This is partly because there will be fewer of them: Largely because of the countrys one-child policy, the number of Chinese aged 15 to 29 will start declining in 2011. Moreover, with living standards rising across China, fewer of todays rural youth will want to go to coastal regions to to

57、il for 60 hours a week on an assembly line and live in a cramped dormitory.So what can CEOs do in this fast-changing environment? An instinctive reaction is to search for cheaper labor elsewhere. But this is short-sighted and would provide - at best - a short-term fix. Another option is to stay in C

58、hina and try to squeeze out greater productivity gains. In Paragraph 5, the author discusses that (). A.if labor costs continue to grow, it would ripple through the economyB.average wages grow 19 percent from 2005 to 2010C.foreign enterprises should switch their manufacturing to cheaper sourcesD.the

59、 wage rises over the past 2 decades could be offset by rising production答案:D解析:答案A根据文章大意可排除,B应该是过去的五年时间,C文章中没有提到。 35.自动消毒剂有红、黄、白三根管子,红色管子以每秒5克的流量流出浓度为20%的酒精溶液,黄色管子以每秒4克的流量流出浓度为25%的酒精溶液,白色管子以每秒6克的流量流出水。白管打开后开始8秒不流,接着流4秒;然后又停8秒,再流4秒若将三管同时打开,1分钟后都关上,这时混合液中酒精浓度约为()。A.15% B.18% C.21% D.24%答案:B解析:红色管子每分钟流

60、出溶液5X60=300(克);黄色管子每分钟流出溶液4X60=240(克);白色管子每分钟流水60(4+8)=5(次),每次持续4秒,共流出5X4X6=120(克)。由此可知,最后得到的混合溶液的浓度为(300X20%+240X25%)(300+240+120)X100%18.18%。B项最接近。36.Though they are not possess the best technology, never underestimate the _ of adetermined manager working with motivated staff members.A. priceB. gr

61、adeC. valueD. cost答案:C解析:句子表示“经营者的价值”,故选c。 37.67,54,46,35,29,( )A13 B15 C18 D20答案:D解析:两两之和得到121、100、81、64、49。分别是11,10,9,8,7的平方。38.Brands are strategic_that provide an organization with a mainly competitive advantage.A.belongingsB.propertyC.assetsD.assessment答案:C解析:本题考查近义词辨析。题目意为“品牌是战略资产,它为组织提供了主要竞争优

62、势。”空格前面是brands are,所以空格应为可数名词。A选项“财产,所有物”,B选项“财产,所有权”,C选项“资产”,可数名词, D选项“评定,估价”。固定搭配strategic assets 战略资产。39.资料: The following passage is the introduction about one of the Monsell international financial products.According to the passage,there will be 5 questions.You should read carefully,then select the right answer.Passage: As a teenager between the age of 13 and 18,maybe you woul

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