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1、书山有路勤为径,学海无涯苦作舟! 住在富人区的她 2022年四川省农村信用社考试及内容测试题(9)名师模拟卷3套含答案详解(图片大小可自由调整)全文为Word可编辑,若为PDF皆为盗版,请谨慎购买!第壹卷一.题库(共125题)1.2011年11月22日,工商银行在全国范围内正式推出“(B)”服务,成为国内首家全面整合并整体推出移动金融服务的商业银行A工银电子银行 B工银移动银行 C. 工银电子移动银行 D. 工银移动电子银行答案:B2.一1, 2, 11, 26, 47,( )。A. 39 B. 57 C. 69 D. 74答案:D解析:两两做差后得到公差为6的等差数列,故空缺项为47 + 2

2、1 + 6 = 74,正确答案为D。3.按照目前近代物理研究的最新成果,物质的最小的构成单位是( )。 A.质子B.中子C.纳米D.夸克答案:D解析:粒子物理的研究结果表明,构成物质世界的最基本的粒子有12种,包括了6种夸克(上、下、奇、粲、底、顶、每种夸克有三种色)纳米是单位,长度为一米的十亿分之一,不是物质。质子和中子都是重子,体积很大。4.资料:Poor health is not only damaging to employees, it is detrimental to businesses. Corporations pay a heavy cost for stress-re

3、lated illnesses, such as hypertension, gastrointestinal problems, and substance abuse. says Rubin.Up to 90% of all doctor visits in the United States are for stress-related illnesses, according to Dr. Mehet Oz of the Dr. Oz Show.Chronic stress has a variety of negative side effects such as weight ga

4、in, lower immune system, increased risk of disease, and fatigue. Employers should encourage employees to reduce stress levels and improve their overall health.The first step is to educate employees on health topics. Provide reading materials or offer seminars. People cant make positive changes if th

5、ey dont know what to change.Once employees know about health topics such as stress, exercising, and healthy eating. start a health related competition such as the Biggest Loser. This offers employees motivation and a support system. If the entire office is involved, employees will be more likely to

6、accomplish their goals.To help employees make positive lifestyle changes, have a kitchen equipped with a refrigerator and microwave to prepare healthy amounts of exercise throughout the day are beneficial.According to Dr. Oz, Exercise releases serotonin and dopamine. the feel-good hormones that beco

7、me blocked during stress. Walking stairs is a great workout. One study showed that walking stairs 7 minutes a day reduces the risk of heart disease by two-thirds.If possible, offer a company discount on gym memberships. This will encourage to make positive choices outside of the office and to exerci

8、se regularly.Which of the following words is not suitable to replace the underlying word above?A.Devastating.B.Deleterious.C.Harmful.D.Destructive.答案:B解析:本题考查的是细节理解及推理判断。【关键词】not suitable; replace; the underlying word above【主题句】第1自然段Poor health is not only damaging to employees, it is detrimental to

9、 businesses.健康状况不佳不仅对员工有害,而且对企业不利。【解析】本题的问题是“以下哪个词不适合替换上文中划线的词?”。根据主题句可判断,detrimental意思是有害的。A、C、D 选项均和它同义,故选B。5.资料:Special needs students can not only learn from regular education teachers, but can participate in collaborative learning with mainstream students as well. Collaborative learning allows

10、students to work together in groups to complete lessons and assignments.A number of educators with inclusion classrooms are realizing the benefits of collaborative learning and special needs students being placed in small group environments with regular education classmates. Collaborative learning a

11、llows students to converse with one another and brainstorm together in order to find solutions to problems or to complete an assignment. This type of learning allows students of varying ability levels to lend their individual strengths to the group as a whole, thereby encouraging an appreciation of

12、diverse ideas and approaches to problem solving.Teachers can choose to implement several different types of collaborative learning strategies, depending on the needs of students and the focus of specific assignments. Examples of small-group collaborative learning methods are:1) The Think-Pair-Share

13、strategy, which involves each student in the group taking one minute to formulate a response to the teachers question, then sharing individual findings with a partner. After collaborating in pairs, students can then share input with slightly larger groups or with the entire class. 2) The Simple Jigs

14、aw strategy, which involves four-person teams splitting a teacher-assigned task into equal parts. Each student in the group acts as an expert on one section of the assignment and meets with corresponding experts in other groups for discussion and task mastering. Students then return to their initial

15、 teams to share their knowledge of the task with other members. 3) The Three-Step Interview strategy, through which students initially break into pairs and take turns interviewing one another about an assignment. Each pair of students then combine with another pair in order to enhance the discussion

16、.4) The Numbered Heads Together strategy, where each team member is assigned a number, then instructed to collaborate on a question. The teacher then calls a number randomly, and the student in each group who has that number acts as spokesperson in answering the question. Each student must be prepar

17、ed for the possibility of having his or her number chosen.The benefits of collaborative learning and special needs students having the opportunity to engage in small group tasks can produce positive results in regard to classroom organization and management. Teachers who research tips on collaborati

18、ve learning and implement the practice with students are likely to have a successful inclusion classroom.What are the benefits of collarborative learning for special needs students? ( )A.It helps special needs students think creativelyB.It helps special needs students from all the attending students

19、C.It helps special needs students learn varied ability from classmatesD.It helps students work together on solving problems and assignments答案:D解析:本题考查细节理解。【关键词】benefits;collaborative learning for special needs students【主题句】第1自然段Special needs students can not only learn from regular education teacher

20、s, but can participate in collaborative learning with mainstream students as well. Collaborative learning allows students to work together in groups to complete lessons and assignments.特殊需要的学生不仅可以从普通教育老师那里学习,还可以与普通学生一起参与合作学习。合作学习可以让学生一起开展团队合作完成课程和作业。【解析】本题的问题是“对于特殊需要的学生来说,合作学习的益处是什么?”。根据主题句可知,合作学习可以

21、使特殊需要的学生与主流学生一起解决问题与作业,故选D。6.1, 3,9, 23, 53, ( )。 A. 89 B. 115 C. 143 D. 165 答案:B解析:递推公式为an+1=2an+ 2n1,所以空缺项为2X53 + 9 = 115。故本题正 确答案为B。7.2013年12月26日,中国社科院和社会科学文献出版社共同发布的社会蓝皮书显示,2012年我国城镇居民人均可支配收入达24565元是1978年的ll5倍,年均增长74,农村人均纯收入达到7917元,是1978年的ll8倍,年均增长75,二者均为剔除价格因素影响后的数据。2013年上半年,我国城镇居民人均可支配收入达到l364


23、收入与全国平均水平相差( )。A.15633元B.15623元C.15613元D.15643元答案:B解析:由第一、第二段可知,上海市城镇居民人均可支配收入为40188元,全国的平均水平为24565元则所求为(40188-24565),尾数法确定答案尾数为8865=23选B。 8.衡量计算机档次的部件是( )A.主板 B. CPU C.硬盘 D.内存答案:B解析:中央处理器即CPU决定计算机的档次。9.Secondly, we are implementing a new marketing promotion. From now on, when customers come through

24、your register lineup, you should ( )ask them if they would like to provide an e-mail address.This will register them to receive notification of upcoming specials.A. alwaysB. seldomC. neverD. rarely答案:A10.财务情况说明书的主要内容包括()。A.企业经营方针B.利润实现及分配、税金缴纳情况C.某些主要项目采用的财务会计方法及其变动情况和原因D.重大案件、重大差错、其他损失情况答案:B,C,D解析:

25、财务情况说明书的主要内容包括:资产负债情况:本会计期间资产负债总量、增(减)量、结构、质量情况、增减变化原因。财务收支情况:本会计期间各项收入、成本、费用等增减变动情况。经营效益情况:本会计期间资产收益、负债成本情况及形成原因。利润实现及分配、税金缴纳情况。某些主要项目采用的财务会计方法及其变动情况和原因;对本期或下期财务状况发生重大影响的事项;资产负债表日后至报出期内发生的对城市商业银行财务状况有重大影响的事项;为便于正确理解财务报告需要说明的其他事项。重大案件、重大差错、其他损失情况。# 11.资料:Elizabeth Blackwell was born in England in 18

26、21, and moved to New York City when she was ten years old. One day she decided that she wanted to become a doctor. That was nearly impossible for a woman in the middle of the nineteenth century.After writing many letters asking for admission (录取) to medical schools, she was finally accepted by a doc

27、tor in Philadelphia. She was so determined that she taught school and gave music lessons to get money for the cost of schooling.In 1849, after graduation from medical school, she decided to further her education in Paris. She wanted to be a surgeon (外科医生) , but a serious eye problem forced he r to g

28、ive up the idea.Upon returning to the United States, she found it difficult to start her own practice because she was a woman. By 1857 Elizabeth and her sister, also a doctor, along with another woman doctor, managed to open a new hospital, the first for women and children Besides being the first wo

29、man physician and founding her won hospital, she also set up the first medical school for women.How many years passed between her graduation from medical school and the opening of her hospital?A.Ten yearsB.Nineteen yearsC.Eight yearsD.Thirty-six years答案:C解析:本题考查的是细节理解。【关键词】How many years;graduation

30、from medical school;the opening of her hospital【主题句】第2自然段In 1849, after graduation from medical school, she decided to further her education in Paris. 1849年,从医科学校毕业后,她决定去巴黎继续深造。第3自然段By 1857 Elizabeth and her sister, also a doctor, along with another woman doctor, managed to open a new hospital, 1857

31、年,伊丽莎白和她同为医生的姐妹,以及另一位女性医生,一同开办了一所新医院。【解析】本题的问题是“自她从医科学校毕业到开办医院一共过了多少年?”根据主题句可知,1857-1849=8。12.资料:Above the line promotion uses mass media such as the press,radio,television,cinema or poster sites. This type of promotion is usually paid for. Each of the possible media methods can be used to target au

32、diences in different market segment. There are both strengths and drawbacks to these forms of media:UNISON embarked on a wave of television, internet and newspaper adverts for the million voices campaign. They wanted that the vital services provided by public sector workers could disappear if the fu

33、nding cuts sent ahead. The adverts featured a lot of vital public service jobs fading out of sight and featured the tagline. Dont wait until theyre gone to defend them. A powerfulcampaign film was also released that illustrated how local communities would be affected by cuts. A version of this film

34、aimed at recruiting members to UNISON was shown on television using DRTV. The online and newspaper adverts linked back to the campaign website where people can register their support and add a comment.Which of the following is not true about these forms of media?A.it is hard to evaluate the effectiv

35、eness of a campaign.B.the media are often expensive.C.it aims at specific audiences.D.it may have an immediate impact.答案:B解析:本题考查的是细节理解。【关键词】not true; these forms of media【主题句】第1自然段Above the line promotion uses mass media such as the press, radio, television, cinema or poster sites. This type of pro

36、motion is usually paid for. Each of the possible media methods can be used to target audiences in different market segment. There are both strengths and drawbacks to these forms of media: 上文线上推广使用大众媒体,如新闻、广播、电视、电影或海报网站。这种促销方式通常是有偿的。每一种可能的媒体方法都可以用来针对不同市场的受众。这些媒体形式既有优点也有缺点:【解析】本题的问题是“关于这些媒体形式,下列哪一项不正确

37、?”。选项A意为“很难评估一场活动的有效性”;选项B意为“媒体通常很贵”;选项C意为“针对特定的受众”;选项D意为“可能会产生直接的影响”。根据主题句可知,A、C、D选项均是正确的,故选B。13.计算机的存储单元中存储的内容( )。A.只是数据B.只能是程序C.可以是数据和指令D.只能是指令答案:C14.某密码由4位不同数字组成,已知各位密码之和为偶数,则密码有多少种?A.120B.240C.480D.2640答案:D解析:各位密码之和为偶数,则四位数字可为:四个偶数,两奇两偶,四个奇数。四个偶数可组成的密码有c54A。4=120种;两奇两偶可组成c52c52A44=2400种;四个奇数可组成

38、c54A44=120种;共计l20+2400+120=-2640种。15.中央银行增加货币供应量时,采取的下列政策中错误的有( )。A.公开市场卖出证券 B.降低法定存款准备金率C.提髙再贴现率 D.降低再贷款利率答案:A,C解析:中央银行在公开市场卖出证券,会减少商业银行的超额准备金,引起信 用规模的收缩、货币供应量减少,故A选项符合题意。中央银行降低法定存款准备金率、再贷 款利率,在其他条件不变的情况下,商业银行的投资提高,进而增加了市场的货币供应量。故 BD选项不符合题意。中央银行提高再贴现率,降低商业银行向中央银行贷款或贴现,商业银 行收缩投资规模,市场货币供应量减少,故C选项符合题意

39、。16.LANDSCAPING FIRMWe are currendy seeking an administrative assistant for landscaping companies located in pine ridge.Responsibilities include answering phones, handling correspondence, and setting up meetings.Must demonstrate excellent customer service skills and computer skills in word processin

40、g and spreadsheet software. Marketing background required. This is a permanent position paying 13/hr.Please submit resumes to ivy.hermann or call 555-0045 for furtherinformation.Throughout the year, Cartin Industries_employment preparedness sessions for young adults who will be entering the workforc

41、e.A.holdsB.waitsC.closesD.meets答案:A17.离散系数比标准差更适用于比较两组数据的离散程度,这是因为离散系数( )。A.不受极端值的影响B.不受数据差异程度的影响C.不受变量值水平或计量单位的影响D.计量更简单答案:C18. 一个热力站有5个阀门控制对外送蒸汽。使用这些阀门必须遵守以下操作规则: (1)如果开启l号阀,那么必须同时开启2号阀并且关闭5号阀;(2)如果开启2号阀或者5号阀,则要关闭4号阀;(3)不能同时关闭3号阀和4号阀。现在要打开1号阀,同时要打开的阀门是哪两个?( )A.2号阀和4号阀B.2号阀和3号阀C.3号阀和5号阀D.4号阀和5号阀答案:

42、B解析:由“打开l号阀”和(1),充分条件假言命题肯定前件就能肯定后件,可知开启2号阀和关闭5号阀;再由(2),肯定前件就能肯定后件,可知关闭4号阀;再由(3)可知开启3号阀。故正确答案是B。19.“文革”时期的“四人帮”是指()。A.江青B.姚文元C.林彪D.王洪文答案:A,B,D解析:“文革”时期的“四人帮”是指江青、张春桥、姚文元和王洪文。 20.2008年招行真题4年来银行贷款余额的平均值是多少()亿元。A.257238B.212765C.212762D.287278答案:C解析:亿元。21.国务院各部委的设立由国家主席决定。 ()答案:错解析:根据国务院组织法第8条的规定,国务院各部

43、、各委员会的设立、撤销或者合并,经总理提出,由全国人民代表大会决定;在全国人民代表大会闭会期间,由全国人民代表大会常务委员会决定。由此可知,题干所述错误。22.简述财务杠杆的作用。答案:解析: 财务杠杆的作用是指那些仅支付固定性资金成本的筹资方式(如债券、优先股、租赁等)对增加所有者(普通股持有者)收益的作用。因为在企业资金总额中有一部分仅支付固定性资金成本(如债券利息、优先股股利、租赁费等)的资金来源,当税息前利润增大时。在一般情况下,每一元利润所负担的固定性资金成本就相对减少而使每一普通股分得的利润有所增加。23.大秦帝国、汉武大帝、雍正王朝一部部歌颂盛世之治的文艺作品引来无数目光,然而,

44、那些极尽繁华的书写却难掩历史叙事的思想缺失。从政治文化视野看,“盛世情结”叙 事往往过分认同人治文化与功利立场。这段文字意在说明( )A.历史叙事作品缺乏思想 B. “盛世情结”作品的价值局限C.文艺作品应该抛开功利立场 D.歌颂盛世的作品需重新审视答案:B解析:文段由大秦帝国、汉武大帝、雍正王朝等歌颂盛世之治文艺作品的繁盛引 出此类叙事作品在思想方面存在的缺陷。由其界定的“歌颂盛世之治”的作品类型可首先排除A、 C两项;文段只提到了此类作品存在的“思想缺失”,但并未说明其需要重新审视,D项属无中生 有,排除;B项较为恰当、全面地概括了文段主旨。因此选B。24.What is NOT ment

45、ioned as an advantage of the new insulation?A.It reduces heating billsB.It functions well in humid areasC.It costs less than other insulationsD.It does not contain unsafe chemicals答案:C解析:“成本低于其他绝缘体”文中没有提到。25.B公司在2018年发生以下事项,基中影响该公司当期损益的有( )。A.其他权益工具投资公允价值的增加B.处置某固定资产获得400万元C.因产品质量保证确认的预计负债D.收到某客户的违约

46、金300万元答案:A,B26.关于保险合同中的保险人责任免除条款,以下说法中正确的是( )。A.投保人应当仔细阅读该条款,对其意义不能理解的后果自负B.无论投保人是否仔细阅读该条款,保险人都有向投保人明确说明的义务C.保险人对免责条款作出明确说明的,投保人不得于事后以不理解为由否认其效力D.保险人未对免责条款加以明确说明的,该条款不发生效力答案:B,C,D解析:保险法第17条第2款规定:“对保险合同中免除保险人责任的条款,保险人在订立合同时应当在投保单、保险单或者其他保险凭证上作出足以引起投保人注意的提示,并对该条款的内容以书面或者口头形式向投保人作出明确说明;未作提示或者明确说明的,该条款不

47、产生效力。”据此可以看出,提供格式合同的保险人依法应当就免责条款向被保险人作出明确说明。除了在保险单上提示投保人注意外,还应当对有关免责条款的概念、内容及其法律后果等以书面或者口头形式向投保人或其代理人作出解释,以使投保人明了该条款的真实含义和法律后果。未能尽到明确说明义务的,该条款应归于无效。保险人对免责条款作出明确说明的,投保人不得于事后以不理解为由否认其效力。故A项说法错误,BCD三项说法正确,本题答案为BCD。27.下列关于设定行政许可与行政处罚的说法中,正确的是( )。A.行政许可与行政处罚的设定机关均应定期对其设定的行政许可、行政处罚进行评价B.部门规章可以依法设定一定的行政许可、

48、行政处罚C.尚未制定法律的,行政法规可以依法设定一定的行政许可、行政处罚D.法律、法规、规章以外的其他规范性文件一律不得设定任何行政许可、行政处罚答案:C解析:根据行政许可法第20条规定,行政许可的设定机关应当定期对其设定的行政许可进行评价,但行政处罚法并没有相关的规定,因此A项错误。根据行政许可法第16条和 行政处罚法第12条规定,部门规章只能对已经设定的行政许可作出实施的具体规定,但可以在法律、法规没有规定的情况下设定一定的行政处罚,因此B项错误。根据行政许可法第11条规定,尚未制定法律的,行政法规可以设定行政许可;根据行政处罚法第11条规定,地方性法规可以设定除限制人身自由、吊销企业营业

49、执照以外的行政处罚。因此C项正确。根据行政许可法 第14条规定,必要时,国务院可以采用发布决定的方式设定行政许可,因此D项错误。28.货币的职能是 pz_填空 、流通手段、支付手段 pz_填空、和世界货币。答案:价值尺度, 贮藏手段,解析:价值尺度 贮藏手段29.He spent ages _ for a pay increase,only to resign from his job soon after hed received it.A.observingB.occurringC.negotiatingD.securing答案:C解析:选项A意为“观察”;选项B意为“发生”;选项C意为“

50、谈判”;选项D意为“确保”。根据题干,题目意为“他花了很长时间就加薪进行交涉,只是他得到后不久就辞职了。” negotiate for意为“就某事进行交涉,谈判”,选项C符合题意,30.科学发展观是坚持以人为本和经济社会全面协调可持续发展的发展观,也是以人为本、统 筹兼顾的发展观。坚持以人为本,是科学发展观的核心内容。以人为本作为经济社会发 展的根本出发点和落脚点,其内涵在于( )。A.满足人的全面需求和促进人的全面发展B.满足人的生存、发展和享受的需求C.为人提供充足的物质文化产品和服务D.推动经济和社会的全面发展答案:A解析:坚持以人为本的科学内涵,要求我们在谋发展的过程中始终把人的全 面

51、发展作为根本目标和价值取向,强调发展要以满足人的全面需要、提高人的综合素质、发 挥人的潜能为中心,不断提高人们的思想道德素质、科学文化素质和健康素质,促进人的全 面发展。31.布雷顿森林体系所实行的汇率制度属于( )。A.自发的可调整的固定汇率制B.人为的不可调整的固定汇率制C.自发的不可调整的固定汇率制D.认为的可调整的固定汇率制答案:D32.有面积为1平方米、4平方米、9平方米、16平方米的正方形地毯各10块现有面积为25平方米的正方形房间需用以上地毯来铺设,要求地毯互不重叠且而好铺满。问最少需几块地毯?()A.6块B.8块C.10块D.12块答案:B解析:具体是一块9平方米,三块4平方米

52、,四块1平方米。选B。33.资料:Children back at school, nights slowly starting to draw in and the weather more changeable. The seasons are turning and after an eerily calm summer for financial markets, theres a whiff of uncertainty in the air. Bond yields are up from their lows, and the relentless migration of gl

53、obal capital towards any asset, anywhere, with some yield, is slowing.The concern is the growing awareness of central banks waning ability to boost growth with ever-lower interest rates and ever-bigger purchases of assets. The debate about if, when and how slowly the US Federal Reserve will raise in

54、terest drags on, but if downward pressure on global bond yields from the European Central Bank (ECB) and the Bank of Japans (BOJ) largesse is drawing to a close, thats a bigger milestone for markets.A world of higher bond yields is one where the pressure to seek yield in exotic places is diminished.

55、 Its also a world where the capital gains that accompanied falling yields become capital losses and investors question the merit of bonds over cash (or equities).This search for yield in exotic places has, since the end of January, helped the Brazilian real gain more than 20% against the US dollar,

56、with the Russian rouble managing almost as much. The dollar, itself, has fallen back is by 7.5% fall in trade-weighted terms, unwinding nearly 40% of the gains it has seen since mind-2014.Theres no need to panic about bond yields rising, because rate rises in Japan or the Eurozone are years away and

57、 the Feds still tinkering. But 10-year yields on both German and Japanese government bond yields fell below zero for the first time in late June. They have been edging higher through the summer. Its almost as if investors really arent that keen on tying money up at negative yields for that long why

58、not stick to cash?In the US, estimates of neutral real interest rates are tumbling to around zero. Estimates of how much slack there is left in the labour market are being revised up and after five years when productivity growth has averaged a measly 0.5%, theres widespread acceptance that its unlik

59、ely to accelerate by magic.But even if we take all of this into account, markets are now pricing in an extraordinarily slow pace of rate hikes by the Fed from their current 0.25-0.5% range, to about 0.75% by the end of 2017 and to 1% by the end of 2018.GDP growth still oscillates around 2%, the Feds

60、 favoured measure of inflation is at 1.6% and the unemployment rate is trending lower. The pricing of the future path of short term rates seems too low even for the new normal economic environment.All of these currencies have gained against the pound and I cant see that changing. Too much importance

61、 should not be placed on either the collapse in confidence immediately after the vote to leave the EU or the subsequent bounce.The economic impact of leaving the EU will be felt through delayed investment decisions as a result of uncertainty about when and on what terms it happens. A debilitating ra

62、ther than a corrosive impact on the economy will be seen in slower, but positive growth. It will also be felt in further (slower) sterling weakness.The Bank of England has already cut policy rates from 0.5% to 0.25%, and theres more to come from both the Bank and the pound over the next year. A 5% fall from here would take the pound close to 1.1, and we could see it fall below $1.25 as the Federal Reserve edges rates higher.The word “tumbling” in the sixth paragraph refers to _fallingA.fallingB.pushingC.keepingD.changing答案:A解析:本题考查的是词义猜测。

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